

清华大学 辅仁网/2017-07-07

2. 清华大学 信息化技术中心,北京 100084
Internet path performance measurements using web servers
Kun YU1,Congxiao BAO2,Xing LI1()
1. Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
2. Information Technology Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

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摘要为了大规模测量互联网链路性能,该文利用广泛部署的网站服务器提出一种测量方法Pathperf。Pathperf工作在待测链路的一端,在链路另一端查找网站服务器,通过从网站上下载页面来测量链路性能。该方法可分为两部分: 1) 采集互联网上已有的网站服务器信息,并通过边界网关协议(boarder gateway protocol, BGP)路由表和IP地址位置信息将任意单播IP地址和它附近的网站服务器配对; 2) 利用域名服务(domain name service, DNS)来传送网站服务器信息。在中国教育网部署后, Pathperf采集了3 536 912个不同的网站服务器,分布在22 656个自制域内,保证了本方法的高可用性。该文通过Planetlab平台测试了Pathperf映射算法的准确度,在92.5%的情况下Planetlab节点与映射到的网站服务器之间的延时小于16 ms。通过与带宽测量工具Iperf和延时测量工具King方法的比较,证明了Pathperf可以准确预测链路的延时、带宽等性能指标。

关键词 网络测量,链路性能,网站服务器,单向测量
Abstract:This paper presents a method, Pathperf, for Internet wide path performance measurements, using widely deployed web servers as vantage servers. The method works on one end of the path, locates a web server at the other end, and then downloads files from this web server to estimate the path. Module 1 collects web server information on the Internet and uses the BGP routing table along with IP geolocation information to map a unicast IP address to a nearby web server. Module 2 leverages the DNS to deliver web server information to the Pathperf clients. The method was implemented in CERNET with three months of data collection locating 3.5 million web servers in 22 656 different autonomous systems (ASes). Planetlab was used to evaluate the proximity between the end hosts and the mapped web servers in terms of latency. Tests show that in 92.5% of the cases, the latency between a host and a mapped web server was less than 16 ms. Then Pathperf was used to estimate the path bandwidth and latency, with the results compared with the Iperf and King methods. The results show that Pathperf has better availability and comparable accuracy.

Key wordsnetwork measurementslink performanceweb serverunidirectional measurements
收稿日期: 2013-11-06 出版日期: 2015-04-17
余坤,包丛笑,李星. 利用网站服务器测量链路性能[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 54(4): 474-479.
Kun YU,Congxiao BAO,Xing LI. Internet path performance measurements using web servers. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2014, 54(4): 474-479.
http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/ http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/Y2014/V54/I4/474

域名 功能
ip2asn.sasm4.net 查询IPv4地址所属AS号
ip2server.sasm4.net 将IPv4地址映射为网站服务器
Ip6asn.sasm4.net 查询IPv6地址所属AS号
ip6server.sasm4.net 将IPv6地址映射为网站服务器

方法 最小值 最大值 均值 标准差
kB·s-1 kB·s-1 kB·s-1
Pathperf 58 519 246 40
Iperf 170 532 260 26


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