研究领域与方向 Computer aided interventions, Image Processing, Surgery Navi主要研究领域为基于医学影像的计算机辅助诊断与治疗计划模拟,通过医学影像计算,重构人体组织器官的结构与功能信息,在此基础上辅助临床诊断,并通过从多维度上分析和呈现组织器官的结构或功能变化,形成融合多种信息的治疗(手术)计划方案,为微创、精准的治疗提供依据;实验室发展光电、超声、磁场等多种技术手段,跟踪与重构人体与治疗器械(设备)的时-空关系,为精准的治疗提供手术导航,并通过研究发展手术机器人的运动规划、非结构空间定位和操作,研发结合影像规划和多模式图像引导的机器人微创治疗系统。实验室其他研究包括运动神经肌肉康复评测、近红外组织氧无损检测与临床应用等。
关键词medical imaging, surgery navigation
代表性论文1.Pu Zhang, Guoqing Wan, Fei Li, Xingdong Li, Wenli Liu, and Guangzhi Wang, A novel objective method for assessing high contrast spatial resolution in CT based on the Rayleigh criterion, Medical Physics, 2017, 44 (2), 460-469.
2.Minglei Yang, Hui Ding, Jingang Kang, Longfei Cong, Lei Zhu, Guangzhi Wang, Local Structure Orientation Descriptor Based on Intra-Image Similarity for Multimodal Registration of Liver Ultrasound and MR Images. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2016, 76(9): 69–79.
3.Minglei Yang, Hui Ding, Jingang Kang, Lei Zhu, Guangzhi Wang, Subject-specific real-time respiratory liver motion compensation method for ultrasound-MRI/CT fusion imaging, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2015, 10(4): 517–529
4.Mengjiao Wang, Gregory C. Sharp, Simon Rit, Vivien Delmon, Guangzhi Wang, 2D/4D marker-free tumor tracking using 4D CBCT as the reference image, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2014, 59: 2219–2233
5.Wenbo Liu, Hua Guo, Xiaofei Du, Wenjing Zhou, Guangming Zhang, Hui Ding, Guangzhi Wang, Cortical vessel imaging and visualization for image guided depth electrode insertion, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2013, 37(2):123–130
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