2000- 至今 生物芯片北京国家工程研究中心 主任
2000- 至今 博奥生物集团有限公司 总裁
1999-2000 清华大学生物科学与技术系 教授、博士生导师
1996-2000 Pennsylvania 大学医学院 研究助理教授
美国 Nanogen 公司 资深科学家暨工程师
美国 AVIVA 公司 技术总监
1994-1996 美国 Pennsylvania 大学 博士后
1993-1994 美国 Aberdeen 大学 博士后
1992-1993 英国 Strathclyde 大学 博士后
1989-1992 英国 Strathclyde 大学司法生物学博士
1986-1999 西南政法大学法鉴定中心助理工程师、研究员
1983-1986 铁道部资阳内燃机车厂柴油机分厂助理工程师
1979-1983 上海铁道大学(现同济大学)电气工程系 , 工学士
主要从事 DNA 芯片、蛋白芯片、细胞芯片和芯片缩微实验室的研究开发和在健康管理、疾病诊断、 食品安全检测、药物开发中的应用研究,以及依托互联网大数据和人工智能的大健康管理相关研究。
1.The design and development of biochips: Develop novel biochips including microarrays, microfluidics chips and lab-on-a-chip devices for mutation detection, gene expression, protein analysis, cell assay, etc.
2.Translational study in using chips for personalized medicine: Emphasize application of biochips for personalized medical applications in oncology, inherited diseases, infectious diseases, reproductive medicine etc.
3.The study of new detection methods: Interested in developing new labeling and labelless detection technologies.
关键词Medical Biophysics
代表性论文1. Meng, X., Zhu, Y., Chen, Y., Lu, Y., Xu, Y. and Cheng, J. "Conditional siphon priming for multi-step assays on centrifugalmicrofluidic platforms"
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 242: 710-717
2. Xu, Y.,Xie, X.,Duan, Y.,Wang, L.,Cheng, Z. and Cheng, J. (2016)“A reviewofimpedancemeasurementsofwholecells”
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 77: 824-836
3. Xie, X., Liu, R., X,u Y., Wang, L., Lan, Z., Chen, W., Liu, H., Lu, Y., Cheng, J. "In vitro hyperthermia studied in a continuous manner using electric impedance sensing"
RSC Advances, 2015, 5(76):62007-62016
4. Liu,W., Chen,W., Liu, ., Ou,Y., Liu, H., Xie,L., Lu,Y., Li,C., Li,B., Cheng,J."Separation of sperm and epithelial cells based on the hydrodynamic effect for forensic analysis"
Biofluidics, 2015, 9(4):044127
5. Li, Z., Liu, W., Qiu, T., Xie, L., Chen, W., Liu, R., Lu, Y., Mitchelson, K., Wang, J., Qiao, J. Cheng, J."The construction of an interfacial valve-based microfluidic chip for thermotaxis evaluation of human sperm"
Biomicrofluidics, 2014, 8:024102
6. Qin, W., Dong, P., Ma, C., Mitchelson, K., Deng, T., Zhang, L., Sun, Y., Feng, X., Ding, Y., Lu, X., He, J., Wen, H. and Cheng, J. MicroRNA-133b is a key promoter of cervical carcinoma development through the activation of the ERK and AKT1 pathways. Onc ogene, 2012, 31: 4067–4075.
7. Cheng, J.Biochips for translational medicine. Science, Selected Presentations from the 2011 Sino-American Symposium on Clinical and Translational Medicine, S. Sanders Ed. (Science/AAAS, Washington, DC, 2011): 68.
8. Guo, H., Liu, H., Mitchelson, K., Rao, H., Luo, M., Xie, L., Sun, Y., Zhang, L., Lu, Ying., Liu, R., Ren, A., Liu, S., Zhou, S., Zhu, J., Zhou, Y., Huang, A., Wei, L., Guo, Y. and Cheng, J. MicroRNAs-372/373 promote the expression of hepatitis B virus through the targeting of nuclear factor I/B. Hepetology, 2011, 54 (3): 808–819.
9. Xie, L., Ma, R., Han, C., Su, K., Zhang, Q., Qiu, T., Wang, L., Huang, G., Qiao, J., Wang, J. and Cheng, J. Integration of sperm motility and chemotaxis screening with a microchannel-based device. Clinical Chemistry, 2010, 56(8): 1270-1278.
10. Wang, L., Zhu, J., Deng C., Xing W. and Cheng, J. An automatic and quantitative on-chip cell migration assay using self-assembled monolayers combined with real-time cellular impedance sensing. Lab on a Chip, 2008, 8(6): 872-878. (Cover)
11. Li, C., Pan, Q., Guo, Y., Li, Y., Gao, H., Zhang, D., Hu, H., Xing, W., Mitchelson, K., Xia, K., Dai, P. and Cheng, J. Construction of a multiplex all ele-specific PCR-based universal array (ASPUA) and its application to hearing loss screening. Human Mutation, 2008, 29(2): 306-314.
12. Qiao, J., Shao, W., Wei, H., Sun, Y., Zhao, Y., Xing, W., Zhang, L., Mitchelson, K. and Cheng, J. Novel high-throughput profiling of human transcription factors and its use for systematic pathway mapping. Journal of Proteome Research, 2008, 7(7): 2769-2779.
13. Shi, L., Reid, L.H., Jones, W.D., Shippy, R., Warrington, J.A., Baker, S.C., Collins, P.J., de Longueville, F., Kawasaki, E.S., Lee, K.Y., Luo, Y., Sun, Y.A., Willey, J.C., Setterquist, R.A., Fischer, G.M., Tong, W., Dragan, Y.P., Dix, D.J., Frueh, F.W., Goodsaid, F.M., Herman, D., Jensen, R.V., Johnson, C.D., Lobenhofer, E.K., Puri, R.K., Scherf, U., Thierry-M ieg, J., Wang, C., Wilson, M., Wolber, P.K., Zhang, L., Amur, S., Bao, W., Barbacioru, C.C., Lucas, A.B., Bertholet, V., Boysen, C., Bromley, B., Brown, D., Brunner, A., Canales, R., Cao, X.M., Cebula, T.A., Chen, J.J., Cheng, J., et al. The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) project shows inter- and intraplatform reproducibility of gene expression me asurements. Nature Biotechnology, 2006, 24(9): 1151-1161.
14. Cheng, J., Sheldon, E.L., Wu, L., Uribe, A., Gerrue, L.O., Carrino J., Heller, M.J., Carrino, J. and O¢Connell, J.P. Preparation and hybridization analysis of DNA/RNA from E. coli on microfabricated bioelectronic chips. Nature Biotechnology, 1998, 16(6): 541-546. (Cover)
15. Cheng,J. and Kricka, L.J. (eds.) Biochip Technology. Harwood Academic Publishers, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.,2001.
联系方式Email: jcheng at tsinghua.edu.cn
Phone: +86-