2010.9-2011.9 美国斯坦福大学机械系微流体实验室 访问
2005.7-2016.7 清华大学医学院生物医学工程系 助理研究员
2000.9-2005.7 清华大学 精仪系仪器科学与技术 硕士、博士
1996.9-2000.7 天津大学 精仪系测控技术与仪器 学士
研究领域与方向 本人研究方向是生物医学微系统技术,致力于寻求MEMS技术与生物医学应用之间的桥梁和接口,通过生物材料与微纳米结构和材料的结合,发展具有更好生物特性的医学微系统,并由此延伸出独特的微加工方法及接口技术,用于生物医学检测、药物递送、高通量药物筛选及辅助生殖领域。
1. Microsystem for drug delivery
2. Microfluidic chip technology for medical application
3. In vitro fertilization technology on a chip
关键词assisted reproductive technology, drug delivery systems, microfluidic chip
代表性论文1. Shinying Lau, Jie Fei, Haoran Liua, Weixing Chen, Ran Liu*, Multilayered pyramidal dissolving microneedle patches with flexible pedestals for improving effective drug delivery, Journal of Controlled Release, 2016
2. Ran Liu*, Xueyao Yang, Jincui Yun, Jingjing Fu, Weixing Chen, Jing Liu. Development of three-dimension microelectrode array for bioelectric measurement using the liquidmetal-micromolding technique, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 193701, 2013
3. Ran Liu*, Fengjuan Song, Cuiyun Jin, Jing Liu. Nanoparticle enhanced electrical impedance detection and its potential significance in image tomography, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 8:33-38, 2013
4. Ran Liu*, Mingtian Zhang, Cuiyun Jin. In vivo and in situ imaging of controlled-release dissolving silk microneedles into the skin by optical coherence, Journal of Biophotonics, 1:1-8, 2016
5. Jie Fei, Ran Liu*, Drug-laden 3D biodegradable label using QR code for anti-counterfeiting of drugs, Materials Science and Engineering C, 63: 657-662, 2016
联系方式Email: liuran at tsinghua.edu.cn
Phone: liuran at tsinghua.edu.cn