在中科院微电子所期间曾从事Si CMOS工艺技术、Si CMOS/SOI抗辐射电路和GaN微波功率器件等方面的研发工作,获得国家技术发明二等奖、政府特殊津贴等奖励。在三星工作期间曾负责多项智能手机中的芯片应用解决方案开发。加入清华大学后讲授“微电子制造工艺技术”和“现代半导体器件导论”课程。
联系方式: qianh@tsinghua.edu.cn **
[1] Chunyuan Zhou, Lei Zhang, Hongrui Wang, Li Zhang, Yan Wang, Zhiping Yu and He Qian, A 1mW power-efficient high frequency CML 2:1 divider. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2011
[2] Chunyuan Zhou, Lei Zhang, Li Zhang, Yan Wang, Zhiping Yu and He Qian, Injection-Locking-Based Power and Speed Optimization of CML Dividers, IEEE Tran. Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs. 2011
[3] Yue Bai, Huaqiang Wu, Ye Zhang, Jinyu Zhang, He Qian and Zhiping Yu, “Low power W:AlOx/WOx bilayer resistive switching structure based on conductive filament formation and rupture mechanism,” Applied Physics Letters, 102,173503 (2013)
[4] Ye Zhang, Huaqiang Wu, Yue Bai, Jinyu Zhang, Zhiping Yu and He Qian, “Study of conduction and switching mechanisms in Al/AlOx/WOx/W resistive switching memory for multilevel applications,” Applied Physics Letters, 102, 233502 (2013)
[5] Hongming Lv, Huaqiang Wu, Jinbiao Liu, Jiahan Yu, Jiebin Niu, Junfeng Li, Qiuxia Xu, Xiaoming Wu and He Qian, “High Carrier Mobility in Suspended-Channel Graphene Field Effect Transistors”, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 2013
[6] Huaqiang Wu, Changyang Linghu, Hongming Lv and He Qian, “Graphene Applications in electronic and optoelectronic devices and circuits”, Chinese Physics B, 22, 2013
[7] Ke Xiao, Huaqiang Wu, Hongming Lv, Xiaoming Wu and He Qian, “The study of the effects of cooling conditions on high quality graphene growth by the APCVD method,” Nanoscale, 5, 5524 (2013)
[8] Hongming Lv, Huaqiang Wu, Ke Xiao and He Qian, “Graphene mobility enhancement by organosilane interface engineering,” Applied Physics Letters, 102, 183107 (2013)
[9] Huaqiang Wu, Xinyi Li, Minghao Wu, Feiyang Huang, Zhiping Yu, He Qian, “Resistive Switching Performance Improvement of Ta2O5-x/TaOy Bilayer ReRAM Devices by Inserting AlOδ Barrier Layer”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 35, 2014,
[10] Ye Zhang, Ning Deng, Huaqiang Wu, Zhiping Yu, Jinyu Zhang, He Qian, “Metallic to hopping conduction transition in Ta2O5-x/TaOy resistive switching device,” Applied Physics Letters, 105, 063508, (2014)
[11] Yue Bai, Huaqiang Wu, Riga Wu, Ye Zhang, Ning Deng, Zhiping Yu, He Qian, “Study of Multi-level Characteristics for 3D Vertical Resistive Switching Memory,” Scientific Reports, 4, 5780, (2014)
[12] Ye Zhang, Huaqiang Wu, Minghao Wu, Ning Deng, Zhiping Yu, Jinyu Zhang,and He Qian, “Random telegraph noise analysis in AlOx/WOy resistive switching memories,” Applied Physics Letters 104, 103507, (2014)
[13] Huaqiang Wu, Xinyi Li, Minghao Wu, Feiyang Huang, Zhiping Yu, He Qian, “Resistive Switching Performance Improvement of Ta2O5-x/TaOy Bilayer ReRAM Devices by Inserting AlOδ Barrier Layer”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 35, 39, (2014)
[14] Hongming Lv, Huaqiang Wu, Jinbiao Liu, Jiahan Yu, Can Huang, Junfeng Li, Jiahan Yu, Jiebin Niu, Qiuxia Xu, Zhiping Yu and He Qian, “Inverted Process for Graphene Integrated Circuits Fabrication,” Nanoscale, 6, 5826, (2014)
[15] Hongming Lv, Huaqiang Wu, Can Huang, Yuda Wang and He Qian, “Graphene Nonvolatile Memory (GNVM) Prototype Based on Charge-Transfer Mechanism,” Applied Physics Express 7, 045101, (2014)