

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-15



1998-2004 中国科学技术大学力学和机械工程系, 固体力学, 博士
1994-1998 中国科学技术大学高分子科学与工程系, 高分子物理, 学士



美国汽车工程师学会(SAE International)会员
Pan Zhexin, Xia Yong*, Li Wei. Experiments and 3D detailed modeling for a pouch battery cell under impact loading. Journal of Energy Storage 27 (2019), 101016.
Li Wei, Zhu Juner*, Xia Yong*, Gorji MB, Wierzbicki T. Data-driven safety envelope of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. Joule 3 (2019) 2703-2715.
Zhu Juner*, Luo Hailing, Li Wei, Gao Tao, Xia Yong*, Wierzbicki T. Mechanism of strengthening of battery resistance under dynamic loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering 131 (2019) 78–84.
Liu Zeng, Xia Yong*. Development of a numerical material model for axial crushing mechanical characterization of woven CFRP composites. Composite Structures 230 (2019), 111531.
Liu Zeng, Xia Yong*, Guo Sai. Characterization methods of delamination in a plain woven CFRP composite. Journal of Materials Science 54 (2019) 13157-13174.
Liu Zeng, Xia Yong*. Numerical and experimental investigation on mechanical responses of plain woven CFRP composite under various loading cases. International Journal of Crashworthiness (2019), DOI: 10.1080/**.2019.**.
Liu Yuanjie, Zhou Qing, Wei Xinqi, Xia Yong*. Testing and modeling tearing and air effect of aluminum honeycomb under out-of-plane impact loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering 135 (2019), 103402.
Zhu Juner*, Li Wei, Wierzbicki Tomasz, Xia Yong*, Harding Jonathon. Deformation and failure of lithium-ion batteries treated as a discrete layered structure. International Journal of Plasticity 121 (2019) 293-311.
Guo Sai, Xia Yong*, Wei Xinqi, Zhou Qing. Investigation on the stable and stick-slip crack propagation behaviors in double cantilever beam test. The Journal of Adhesion (2019), DOI: 10.1080/**.2019.**.
Li Wei, Xia Yong*, Chen Guanhua, Sahraei Elham. Comparative study of mechanical-electrical-thermal responses of pouch, cylindrical, and prismatic lithium-ion cells under mechanical abuse. Science China Technological Sciences 61 (2018) 1472-1482.
Li Wei, Xia Yong*, Zhu Juner, Luo Hailing. State-of-charge dependence of mechanical response of lithium-ion batteries: a result of internal stress. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (7) (2018) A1537-A1546.
Zhu Juner, Li Wei, Xia Yong, Sahraei Elham. Testing and modeling the mechanical properties of the granular materials of graphite anode. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (5) (2018) A1160-A1168.
Luo Hailing, Zhu Juner, Sahraei Elham, Xia Yong*. Adhesion strength of the cathode in lithium-ion batteries under combined tension/shear loadings. RSC Advances 8 (2018) 3996-4005.
Guo Sai, Carlson Blair E, Hector Louis G, Xia Yong*, Zhou Qing. Increasing strength and fracture toughness of AA7075-T6 adhesively-bonded joints with laser ablation. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 259 (2018) 368–379.
Li Victor, Ge Yulong, Guo Sai, Su Zhengliang, Xia Yong*. Experimental investigation of the mechanical behavior of aluminum adhesive joints under mixed mode loading conditions. SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing 11 (2018) 349-359.
Pan Zhexin, Zhao Puying, Wei Xinqi, Yu Huili, Xia Yong*. Characterization of the metal foils in anisotropy fracture behavior with dynamic tests. SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing 11 (2018).
Qin Zihao, Zhu Juner, Li Wei, Xia Yong*, Zhou Qing. System ringing in impact test triggered by upper-and-lower yield points of materials. International Journal of Impact Engineering 108 (2017) 295-302.
Luo Hailing, Xia Yong*, Zhou Qing. Mechanical damage in a lithium-ion pouch cell under indentation loads. Journal of Power Sources 357 (2017) 61-70.
Xia Yong, Chen Guanhua, Zhou Qing, Shi Xiangnan, Shi Fangyuan. Failure behaviours of 100% SOC lithium-ion battery modules under different impact loading conditions. Engineering Failure Analysis 82 (2017) 149-160.
Zhu Juner, Xia Yong*, Zhou Qing, Wierzbicki Tomasz. A rate-dependent model for metals based on a master curve of normalized hardening behavior of DP steels. Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials 2 (2016) 1-11.
Xia Yong, Zhu Juner, Wang Kai, Zhou Qing. Design and verification of a strain gauge based load sensor for medium-speed dynamic tests with a hydraulic test machine. International Journal of Impact Engineering 88 (2016) 139-152.
Jiang Xuqian, Luo Hailing, Xia Yong*, Zhou Qing. Mechanical behavior of lithium-ion battery component materials and error sources analysis for test results. SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing 9 (2016) 614-621.
Meng Yan, Xia Yong*, Zhou Qing, Lin Shaoting. Identification of true stress-strain curve of thermoplastic polymers under biaxial tension. SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing 9 (2016) 768-775.
Xia Yong, Zhu Juner, Zhou Qing. Verification of a multiple-machine program for material testing from quasi-static to high strain-rate. International Journal of Impact Engineering 86 (2015) 284-294.
Yao Li, Xia Yong*, Zhou Qing. A Study on hygrothermal degradation and recovery of an epoxy adhesive using molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 29 (2015) 753-766.
Zhang Fan, Yang Xin, Xia Yong, Zhou Qing, Wang Hui-Ping, Yu Tong-Xi. Experimental study of strain rate effects on the strength of adhesively bonded joints after hygrothermal exposure. International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 56 (2015) 3–12.
Zhu Juner, Xia Yong*, Luo Hailing, Gu Gongyao, Zhou Qing. Influence of flow rule and calibration approach on plasticity characterization of DP780 steel sheets using Hill48 model. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 89 (2014) 148–157.
Xia Yong, Wierzbicki Tomasz, Sahraei Elham, Zhang Xiaowei. Damage of cells and battery packs due to ground impact. Journal of Power Sources 267 (2014) 78-97.
Yang Xin, Yao Li, Xia Yong, Zhou Qing. Effect of base steels on mechanical behavior of adhesive joints with dissimilar steel substrates. International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 51 (2014) 42-53.
Zhou Qing, Wu Xueyuan, Xia Yong, Cai Wayne. Spot weld layout optimization of tube crash performance with manufacturing constraints. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 136 (2014) MANU-12-1343.
Nie Bingbing, Xia Yong, Zhou Qing, Huang Jun, Deng Bing, Neal Mark. A response-surface-based tool for vehicle front-end design for pedestrian impact protection using human body model. International Journal of Vehicle Design 66 (2014) 347-362.
Nie Bingbing, Zhou Qing, Xia Yong, Tang Jisi. Influence of feature lines of vehicle hood styling on headform kinematics and injury evaluation in car-to-pedestrian impact simulations. SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety 2 (2014) 182-189.
Gu Gongyao, Xia Yong, Lin Chin-hsu, Lin Shaoting, Meng Yan, Zhou Qing. Experimental study on characterizing damage behavior of thermoplastics. Materials and Design 44 (2013) 199-207.
Zhang Fan, Yang Xin, Wang HP, Zhang Xiaowei, Xia Yong, Zhou Qing. Durability of adhesively-bonded single lap-shear joints in accelerated hygrothermal exposure for automotive applications. International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 44 (2013) 130-137.
Nie Bingbing, Xia Yong, Zhou Qing, Huang Jun, Deng Bing, Neal Mark.Response surface generation for kinematics and injury prediction in pedestrian impact simulations. SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety 1 (2013) 286-296.
Huang Jun, Xia Yong, Nie Bingbing, Zhou Qing. A bumper model with dynamic contact stiffness for pedestrian legform impact simulation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering 227 (2013) 905-913.
Yang Xin, Xia Yong, Zhou Qing, Wang Pei-Chung, Wang Kathy. Modeling of high strength steel joints bonded with toughened adhesive for vehicle crash simulations. International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 39 (2012) 21-32.
Li Xu, Xia Yong, Li Ziran, Xia Yuanming. Three-dimensional numerical simulations on the hyperelastic behavior of carbon-black particle filled rubbers under moderate finite deformation. Computational Materials Science 55 (2012) 157–165.
Lai Xinghua, Xia Yong, Wu Xueyuan, Zhou Qing. An experimental method for characterizing friction properties of sheet metal under high contact pressure. Wear 289 (2012) 82–94.
Gu Gongyao, Xia Yong, Zhou Qing. On the fracture possibility of thin-walled tubes under axial crushing. Thin-Walled Structures 55 (2012) 85-95.
Gu Gongyao, Lin Shaoting, Xia Yong, Zhou Qing. Experimental study on influence of section thickness on mechanical behavior of die-cast AM60 magnesium alloy. Materials & Design 38 (2012) 124–132.
Huang Jun, Xia Yong, Nie Bingbing, Zhou Qing. Estimation of energy-absorption space for pedestrian leg protection of car front-end structures. International Journal of Vehicle Design 60 (2012) 20-38.
Nie Bingbing, Huang Jun, Xia Yong, Zhou Qing. Influencing factors of contact force distribution in pedestrian upper legform impact with vehicle front-end. SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars – Mechanical Systems 5 (2012) 231-241.
Yang Xin, Xia Yong, Zhou Qing. Influence of stress softening on energy-absorption capability of polymeric foams. Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1167-1176.
Yang Xin, Xia Yong, Zhou Qing. A simplified FE model for pull-out failure of spot welds. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 77 (2010) 1224-1239.
Xia Yong, Zhou Qing, Wang PC, Johnson NL, Gayden XQ, Fickes JD.Development of high efficiency modeling technique for weld-bonded steel joints in vehicle structures, Part I: static experiments and simulations. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 29 (2009) 414-426.
Xia Yong, Zhou Qing, Wang PC, Johnson NL, Gayden XQ, Fickes JD. Development of high efficiency modeling technique for weld-bonded steel joints in vehicle structures, Part II: Dynamic experiments and simulations. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 29 (2009) 427-433.
Xia Yong, Yang Xin, Zhou Qing. Effect of stress softening in bumper foams on the low speed impact performance of vehicles. SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing 1 (2009) 548-553.
Xia Yong, Dong Yi, Xia Yuanming, Li Wei. A novel planar tension test of rubber for evaluating the prediction ability of the modified eight-chain model under moderate finite deformation. Rubber Chemistry and Technology 78 (2005) 879-892.
Xia Yong, Li Wei, Xia Yuanming. Test and characterization for the incompressible hyperelastic properties of conditioned rubbers under moderate finite deformation. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 17 (2004) 307-314.
Xia Yong, Li Wei, Xia Yuanming. Study on the compressible hyperelastic constitutive model of tire rubber compounds under moderate finite deformation. Rubber Chemistry and Technology 77 (2004) 230-241.

一种薄膜材料的拉伸试验装置. 中国发明专利 ZL 2016 1 **.X, 授权公告日 2019.03.01.
动态穿孔试验装置的试件安装机构及试验装置. 中国发明专利 ZL 2016 1 **.5, 授权公告日 2019.01.08.
新型防下潜安全舒适汽车座椅. 中国发明专利 ZL 2015 1 **.0, 授权公告日 2017.07.07.
多级控制的防下潜汽车座椅, 中国发明专利 ZL 2015 1 **.0, 授权公告日 2017.02.22.
一种压缩松弛试验装置, 中国发明专利 ZL 2014 1 **.1, 授权公告日 2017.07.07.
一种高速动态压缩试验装置, 中国发明专利 ZL 2014 1 **.3, 授权公告日 2017.02.15.
一种弹性材料等轴拉伸试验装置, 中国发明专利ZL 2013 1 **.X, 授权公告日 2017.01.04.
一种用于高速拉伸试验机的三点弯曲试验装置及试验方法, 中国发明专利 ZL 2014 1 **.9, 授权公告日 2017.06.06.
一种高速动态试验力测量环节的设计方法. 中国发明专利 ZL 2013 1 **.X, 授权公告日 2015.04.15.
一种拉伸卸载试验装置. 中国发明专利 ZL 2013 1 **.5, 授权公告日 2015.10.21.
具有可逆预警功能的汽车座椅安全带系统. 中国发明专利 ZL 2011 1 **.8, 授权公告日 2012.12.19.
具有两种吸能模式的汽车保险杠. 中国发明专利 ZL 2010 1 **.7, 授权公告日 2012.02.08.
Vehicle hood with sandwich inner structure. US Patent No. 7,735,908 B2, Awarded June 15, 2010.
Energy absorbing vehicle hood assembly with asymmetric sandwich inner structure. US Patent No. 7,690,720 B2, Awarded April 6, 2010.
Vehicle hood assembly with rippled cushion support. US Patent No. 7,635,157 B2, Awarded December 22, 2009.

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