Application of LP-DOAS principle-based air pollutants monitoring system in a chemical industry park
WANG Danna1,, LI Liting2, CHEN Jun1,,, TAO Shikang3, LOU Shengrong1,3 1.Shanghai Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer in Power Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China 2.Public Affairs Center of Shanghai Chemical Industry Park, Shanghai 200003, China 3.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of the Cause and Prevention of Urban Air Pollution Complex, Shanghai Academy of Environmental Science, Shanghai 200233, China
Abstract:In this study, an instrument based on the principle of long-path differential optical absorption spectroscopy (LP-DOAS) was used for long-term automatic monitoring of typical chemical industry park in Shanghai. The measurement system was built on the northwest boundary of the chemical industry park, and played the role of a border fence by alarming once the pollutant concentration exceeds the limit. A comparison was conducted between the toluene data measured by GC-FID system at the same site and the data measured by UV-DOAS system. The daily mean correlation coefficient R2 of the two instruments was 0.87, which proved the data validity measured by UV-DOAS system in this study. Combined with the meteorological data from the Northwest Boundary Monitoring Station, the analysis of the daily and monthly average value of HCl data indicated that the changes in HCl concentration were mainly related to the emissions from the chemical industry park by analyzing. Combined with HYSPLIT_4 transmission and diffusion mode, the pollutant tracking analysis was performed in each June of 2017 to 2019 and the four seasons of 2017, respectively. It was found that about 95% of the diffused pollutants in June passed through the urban area of Shanghai, causing pollution in Shanghai. Further analysis showed, during 2017, the pollutants discharged from the chemical industry park in summer had the maximum impact on the pollution of Shanghai urban area. In comparison, the pollutants had the minimum impact in autumn. The above results can provide a reference for the monitoring and governance of atmospheric environment in Shanghai. Key words:long-path differential optical absorption spectroscopy(LP-DOAS)/ chemical industry park/ pollutant/ automatic monitoring/ regional air pollution/ forward tracking.
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1.Shanghai Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer in Power Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China 2.Public Affairs Center of Shanghai Chemical Industry Park, Shanghai 200003, China 3.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of the Cause and Prevention of Urban Air Pollution Complex, Shanghai Academy of Environmental Science, Shanghai 200233, China Received Date: 2019-12-23 Accepted Date: 2020-05-02 Available Online: 2020-11-11 Keywords:long-path differential optical absorption spectroscopy(LP-DOAS)/ chemical industry park/ pollutant/ automatic monitoring/ regional air pollution/ forward tracking Abstract:In this study, an instrument based on the principle of long-path differential optical absorption spectroscopy (LP-DOAS) was used for long-term automatic monitoring of typical chemical industry park in Shanghai. The measurement system was built on the northwest boundary of the chemical industry park, and played the role of a border fence by alarming once the pollutant concentration exceeds the limit. A comparison was conducted between the toluene data measured by GC-FID system at the same site and the data measured by UV-DOAS system. The daily mean correlation coefficient R2 of the two instruments was 0.87, which proved the data validity measured by UV-DOAS system in this study. Combined with the meteorological data from the Northwest Boundary Monitoring Station, the analysis of the daily and monthly average value of HCl data indicated that the changes in HCl concentration were mainly related to the emissions from the chemical industry park by analyzing. Combined with HYSPLIT_4 transmission and diffusion mode, the pollutant tracking analysis was performed in each June of 2017 to 2019 and the four seasons of 2017, respectively. It was found that about 95% of the diffused pollutants in June passed through the urban area of Shanghai, causing pollution in Shanghai. Further analysis showed, during 2017, the pollutants discharged from the chemical industry park in summer had the maximum impact on the pollution of Shanghai urban area. In comparison, the pollutants had the minimum impact in autumn. The above results can provide a reference for the monitoring and governance of atmospheric environment in Shanghai.
选择2017年6月西北边界站UV-DOAS测量的HCl浓度数据和上海市环境科学研究院气体与气溶胶分析仪(Monitoring Instrument for Aerosols and Gases,Marga)测量的HCl浓度数据进行对比分析,结果如图8所示。上海市环境科学研究院在西北边界站的正北方向,结合2017年6月的前向轨迹聚类分析结果(图7(a)),可以看出,约7%的污染物在扩散时会经过上海市环境科学研究院。将2个站点的浓度数据做平均日变化分析,并对平均日变化浓度值进行线性拟合,得到拟合系数R2为0.46,证明2个站点测量的HCl浓度数据具有一定的相关性。夏季时,化学工业区排放的污染物会向上海城区方向扩散并对上海城区造成污染影响。