Bisphenol A removal by Fenton-like oxidation with copper sulfate as catalyst
JIAO Zhaojie1,, CHEN Ligong1, LIU Yunqi2, GONG Haifeng1, ZHANG Xianming1, GAO Xu3,, 1.Engineering Research Center for Waste Oil Recovery Technology and Equipment, Ministry of Education, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China 2.State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266580, China 3.National Base of International Science and Technology Cooperation for Intelligent Manufacturing Service, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China
Abstract:In order to solve the limitations of low pH needed by the Fenton oxidation in water treatment, a Fenton-like reaction system with copper sulfate as catalyst was developed. In this study, bisphenol A (BPA) was taken as the target pollutant, the effects of catalyst dosage, hydrogen peroxide dosage, reaction temperature, BPA initial concentration and pH on BPA removal were investigated, respectively. And the variations of pH and hydroxyl radical concentration were analyzed during the oxidation reaction. The results showed that the removal efficiencies of BPA and TOC were 95.4% and 85.9%, respectively, at the catalyst dosage of 0.8 g·L?1, hydrogen peroxide content of 78 mmol·L?1, BPA content of 152 mg·L?1, 75 ℃ and reaction time of 65 min. The copper sulfate based Fenton-like system had a wider pH adaptability than Fenton one, which was pH 3.0~10.1. Thus there was no need to adjust the pH of raw water in the Fenton-like system, and the treated water showed less color and the treatment cost was low. This study can provide theoretical and technical support for the efficient treatment of organic wastewater, and has broad application prospects. Key words:copper sulphate/ Fenton-like/ removing bisphenol A/ organic wastewater.
图1双酚A的分子结构 Figure1.Molecular structure of bisphenol A
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1.Engineering Research Center for Waste Oil Recovery Technology and Equipment, Ministry of Education, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China 2.State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266580, China 3.National Base of International Science and Technology Cooperation for Intelligent Manufacturing Service, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China Received Date: 2019-08-09 Accepted Date: 2019-11-25 Available Online: 2020-06-10 Keywords:copper sulphate/ Fenton-like/ removing bisphenol A/ organic wastewater Abstract:In order to solve the limitations of low pH needed by the Fenton oxidation in water treatment, a Fenton-like reaction system with copper sulfate as catalyst was developed. In this study, bisphenol A (BPA) was taken as the target pollutant, the effects of catalyst dosage, hydrogen peroxide dosage, reaction temperature, BPA initial concentration and pH on BPA removal were investigated, respectively. And the variations of pH and hydroxyl radical concentration were analyzed during the oxidation reaction. The results showed that the removal efficiencies of BPA and TOC were 95.4% and 85.9%, respectively, at the catalyst dosage of 0.8 g·L?1, hydrogen peroxide content of 78 mmol·L?1, BPA content of 152 mg·L?1, 75 ℃ and reaction time of 65 min. The copper sulfate based Fenton-like system had a wider pH adaptability than Fenton one, which was pH 3.0~10.1. Thus there was no need to adjust the pH of raw water in the Fenton-like system, and the treated water showed less color and the treatment cost was low. This study can provide theoretical and technical support for the efficient treatment of organic wastewater, and has broad application prospects.
--> --> --> 化工、制药及个人护肤品等行业产生的一些新兴有机污染物如内分泌干扰物、药物、杀虫剂等通过各种途径进入到了天然水体当中,这些被污染的水体普遍具有毒性大、新型污染物众多和难生物降解等特点[1-2]。双酚A(bisphenol A, BPA)是内分泌干扰物中的一种,分子结构如图1所示。其被广泛用于聚碳酸酯、环氧树脂、抗氧剂、增塑剂、油漆、农药等方面[3]。有研究[4-5]表明,BPA具有雌激素作用,摄取低浓度就能破坏人体的内分泌系统,造成不育、畸胎等,对人体的危害是持续性、累积和不可逆的,对家畜和野生动物的健康也会产生极大的影响。因此,寻求一种经济高效的解决BPA污染的方法具有重大的现实意义。