Abstract:During treating oil-based cuttings produced in the process of shale gas exploitation, two key problems, such as resource utilization and harmless treatment, need to be solved. A combined method of refluence extracting + ozone oxidation was used to study its treating effect for this oil-based cuttings, and the process parameters of refluence extracting and ozone oxidation were optimized respectively. Under the optimal conditions, the oil content of the treated oil-based cuttings could be reduced from the 39.42% to 0.18%, which met the disposal requirements stipulated in GB 4284-2018, while the oil recovered in the process could be reused to prepare fresh drilling fluid. Through the characterization of solid phase of oil-based cuttings, it was found that it was a natural ozone-catalyzed oxidation catalyst, which had the obvious characteristics of ozone-catalyzed oxidation catalyst. The reaction kinetics of ozone oxidation were analyzed quantitatively, and the result showed that it satisfied the kinetic characteristics of the first order reaction, and the reaction activation energy was 6.194 kJ·mol?1. The combined method of refluence extracting + ozone oxidation provides a reference for the resourceful and harmless treatment of oil-based cuttings. Key words:refluence extracting/ ozone oxidation/ oil-based cuttings/ reaction kinetics/ activation energy.
图1油基岩屑处理总体工艺流程 Figure1.Overall process of oil-based cuttings treatment
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Effect of countercurrent extracting+ozone oxidation combined process treating oil-based cuttings
CHEN Hongshuo, LIU Yangsheng College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China Received Date: 2019-03-09 Accepted Date: 2019-05-17 Available Online: 2020-01-20 Keywords:refluence extracting/ ozone oxidation/ oil-based cuttings/ reaction kinetics/ activation energy Abstract:During treating oil-based cuttings produced in the process of shale gas exploitation, two key problems, such as resource utilization and harmless treatment, need to be solved. A combined method of refluence extracting + ozone oxidation was used to study its treating effect for this oil-based cuttings, and the process parameters of refluence extracting and ozone oxidation were optimized respectively. Under the optimal conditions, the oil content of the treated oil-based cuttings could be reduced from the 39.42% to 0.18%, which met the disposal requirements stipulated in GB 4284-2018, while the oil recovered in the process could be reused to prepare fresh drilling fluid. Through the characterization of solid phase of oil-based cuttings, it was found that it was a natural ozone-catalyzed oxidation catalyst, which had the obvious characteristics of ozone-catalyzed oxidation catalyst. The reaction kinetics of ozone oxidation were analyzed quantitatively, and the result showed that it satisfied the kinetic characteristics of the first order reaction, and the reaction activation energy was 6.194 kJ·mol?1. The combined method of refluence extracting + ozone oxidation provides a reference for the resourceful and harmless treatment of oil-based cuttings.
油基岩屑的含水率采用烘干法[14]进行测试,含油率采用索氏抽提-分光光度法[13]进行测试,含固率采用差量法[15]进行测试,油分中的元素组成采用元素分析仪来进行测定,其中C、H、N、S等4种元素的含量通过燃烧色谱法[15]来定量分析,O含量通过差量法[16]来测定。 油基岩屑固相的表面形态由扫描电子显微镜(SEM)法[17]进行分析;催化剂的组分与比例情况由X-ray fluorescence(XRF)法[18]进行分析;催化剂的零电荷点pH(pH of zero point charge,pHpzc)根据文献中提到的方法[17]进行测定,比表面积、孔径和孔体积等参数采用氮气吸附/解吸的方法[19]进行研究。