1.上海市机电设计研究院有限公司,上海 200040
基金项目: 上海市环境保护科学技术发展基金资助项目沪环科05-22上海市环境保护科学技术发展基金资助项目(沪环科05-22)
High pressure compression technology development and engineering for fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration
GU Zhiqiang1,,YANG Yueqing1
1.Shanghai Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Co. Ltd., Shanghai 200040, China
关键词: 生活垃圾焚烧飞灰/
Abstract:In the volume reduction project of fly ash from a municipal solid waste incineration power plant, the high pressure technology for fly ash disposal was studied, and the relationships between chelating ash density, unconfined compressive strength of the block and action pressure were analyzed. The main process parameters were optimized by adjusting the moisture content and temperature of raw material, forming size and pressing pressure. Proven by engineering applications, this technology could elevate fly ash density with over 50% volume reduction and over 90% molding rate. The finished product from compressed fly ash could meet the leaching toxicity standard of domestic solid waste landfill. The fly ash compression technology can effectively improve the storage efficiency of fly ash landfill and greatly extend the operation life of the existing landfill sites.
Key words:fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration/
high pressure compression technology/
unconfined compressive strength/
leaching toxicity of landfill.
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1.上海市机电设计研究院有限公司,上海 200040
基金项目: 上海市环境保护科学技术发展基金资助项目沪环科05-22上海市环境保护科学技术发展基金资助项目(沪环科05-22)
关键词: 生活垃圾焚烧飞灰/
English Abstract
High pressure compression technology development and engineering for fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration
GU Zhiqiang1,,YANG Yueqing1
1.Shanghai Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Co. Ltd., Shanghai 200040, China
Keywords: fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration/
high pressure compression technology/
unconfined compressive strength/
leaching toxicity of landfill
Abstract:In the volume reduction project of fly ash from a municipal solid waste incineration power plant, the high pressure technology for fly ash disposal was studied, and the relationships between chelating ash density, unconfined compressive strength of the block and action pressure were analyzed. The main process parameters were optimized by adjusting the moisture content and temperature of raw material, forming size and pressing pressure. Proven by engineering applications, this technology could elevate fly ash density with over 50% volume reduction and over 90% molding rate. The finished product from compressed fly ash could meet the leaching toxicity standard of domestic solid waste landfill. The fly ash compression technology can effectively improve the storage efficiency of fly ash landfill and greatly extend the operation life of the existing landfill sites.