1.重庆大学,三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室,重庆 400045
2.中国市政工程西南设计研究总院有限公司,成都 610081
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目51478062, 51878093国家自然科学基金资助项目(51478062, 51878093)
Review on the research progress of archaeal anaerobic methanotrophs in freshwater system
ZHAI Jun1,,LI Yuanyuan1,
HE Mengdi2,
MA Hongpu1,
DAI Yuangui1
1.Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region s Eco-Environment, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China
2.Southwest Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute of China, Chengdu 610081, China
关键词: 淡水系统/
Abstract:Archaeal anaerobic methanotrophs (ANMEs) are key microorganisms in the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM), which is of great significance in methane reduction of natural environment. The current researches mainly focused on the ocean systems, while there is little known on the ANMEs are in the freshwater systems. The studies on mechanisms and applications of AOM in the freshwater systems are also rare. On the basis of previous literatures and studies review, the mechanisms of ANME-mediated AOM in the freshwater systems were introduced, the microbial characteristics and geographic distribution were analyzed, and the progress of studies on electron transfer when ANME-2d using different electron acceptors (NO3-, Fe3+, Cr6+, etc.) was systematically reviewed. The ANME-2d, as well as other ANMEs, could select different electron acceptors depending on environment variations which were assigned to different electron-transferring mechanisms. The discussion on the mechanisms of ANME-2d and other ANMEs with different electron acceptors in the freshwater systems could provide the theorical fundament about AOM and carbon cycle in the freshwater, as well as the new insight on using ANMEs to simultaneously reduce CH4 and pollutants in the engineering application.
Key words:freshwater system/
ANMEs archaea/
anaerobic oxidation of methane.

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1.重庆大学,三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室,重庆 400045
2.中国市政工程西南设计研究总院有限公司,成都 610081
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目51478062, 51878093国家自然科学基金资助项目(51478062, 51878093)
关键词: 淡水系统/
English Abstract
Review on the research progress of archaeal anaerobic methanotrophs in freshwater system
ZHAI Jun1,,LI Yuanyuan1,
HE Mengdi2,
MA Hongpu1,
DAI Yuangui1
1.Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region s Eco-Environment, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China
2.Southwest Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute of China, Chengdu 610081, China
Keywords: freshwater system/
ANMEs archaea/
anaerobic oxidation of methane
Abstract:Archaeal anaerobic methanotrophs (ANMEs) are key microorganisms in the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM), which is of great significance in methane reduction of natural environment. The current researches mainly focused on the ocean systems, while there is little known on the ANMEs are in the freshwater systems. The studies on mechanisms and applications of AOM in the freshwater systems are also rare. On the basis of previous literatures and studies review, the mechanisms of ANME-mediated AOM in the freshwater systems were introduced, the microbial characteristics and geographic distribution were analyzed, and the progress of studies on electron transfer when ANME-2d using different electron acceptors (NO3-, Fe3+, Cr6+, etc.) was systematically reviewed. The ANME-2d, as well as other ANMEs, could select different electron acceptors depending on environment variations which were assigned to different electron-transferring mechanisms. The discussion on the mechanisms of ANME-2d and other ANMEs with different electron acceptors in the freshwater systems could provide the theorical fundament about AOM and carbon cycle in the freshwater, as well as the new insight on using ANMEs to simultaneously reduce CH4 and pollutants in the engineering application.