1.成都理工大学地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室,成都 610059
2.成都理工大学国家环境保护水土污染协同控制与联合修复重点实验室,成都 610059
基金项目: 四川省重点研发项目2018SZ0321
Controlling cadmium pollution with fly ash-bentonite cut-off wall
HUANG Qinqin1,2,,LIU Guo1,2,,
WEN Meiyan1,2,
YE Changwen1,2,
LIU Yanhui1,2,
ZENG Yi1,2
1.State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China
2.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Synergetic Control and Joint Remediation for Soil & Water Pollution, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China
摘要:为了探究以固体废弃物粉煤灰和吸附性强的膨润土为材料制备的阻隔墙对镉污染的控制效果,采用微观表征、渗透实验、吸附实验、穿透实验、单轴抗压实验和侵蚀实验研究阻隔墙的性能。结果表明:阻隔墙材料的最佳质量配比为粉煤灰∶膨润土=5∶1,水泥质量占整个体系的5%;所得阻隔墙的渗透系数为1.11×10-8 m·s-1;最大抗压强度291.97 kPa;复合材料最大吸附率为98.38%。同时发现,固化体系中膨润土填充在粉煤灰球体的空隙处和表面,粉煤灰和膨润土都与水泥产生了水化产物和胶结物,Cd2+附着在阻隔材料表面;阻隔墙吸附的系统符合准一级动力学模型和Freundlich方程;系统的总吸附速率受液膜扩散与颗粒扩散同时影响;阻隔墙对Cd2+作用以物理吸附为主;墙体的抗碱腐蚀性比抗酸腐蚀性、耐有机污染物腐蚀性强。该研究可为将阻隔墙技术应用于地下水污染场地提供理论依据。
关键词: 镉污染防治/
Abstract:In this study, microscopic characterization, permeation and adsorption experiments, as well as penetration, uniaxial compressive and erosion experiments were conducted to investigate the performance of a cut-off wall on cadmium pollution control, which was made of a kind of solid waste-fly ash and bentonite with high absorbing capacity. The results showed that the optimum mass ratio of fly ash to bentonite in a cut-off wall is 5 to 1, and the cement accounts for 5% of the cut-off wall mass. Its permeability and the maximum compression strength are 1.11×10-8m·s-1 and 291.97 kPa, respectively. The maximum Cd adsorption efficiency of the composite material is 98.38%. The microscopic observation indicated that the interstices and surface of the fly ash spheres were filled by bentonite in the curing system. Both fly ash and bentonite reacted with cement, and hydration products and agglutinates formed, then Cd2+ adhered to the surface of barrier material. The Cd adsorption process on the cut-off wall fitted the quasi-first-order dynamic model and Freundlich equation, which indicated that the total adsorption rate was controlled by both liquid film and intra-particle diffusions. The Cd2+ adsorption on the cut-off wall is mainly considered as a physical process. The alkali corrosion resistance of the cut-off wall is stronger than its acid corrosion resistance and organic pollutant corrosion resistance. The results implied that the cut-off wall could be used to reclaim the groundwater contaminated sites.
Key words:cadmium pollution prevention/
cut-off wall/
fly ash recycling/
modified and enhanced bentonite/
physical adsorption of heavy metals.

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1.成都理工大学地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室,成都 610059
2.成都理工大学国家环境保护水土污染协同控制与联合修复重点实验室,成都 610059
基金项目: 四川省重点研发项目2018SZ0321 成都理工大学地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室自主研究课题SKLGP2016Z008四川省重点研发项目(2018SZ0321) 成都理工大学地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室自主研究课题(SKLGP2016Z008)
关键词: 镉污染防治/
摘要:为了探究以固体废弃物粉煤灰和吸附性强的膨润土为材料制备的阻隔墙对镉污染的控制效果,采用微观表征、渗透实验、吸附实验、穿透实验、单轴抗压实验和侵蚀实验研究阻隔墙的性能。结果表明:阻隔墙材料的最佳质量配比为粉煤灰∶膨润土=5∶1,水泥质量占整个体系的5%;所得阻隔墙的渗透系数为1.11×10-8 m·s-1;最大抗压强度291.97 kPa;复合材料最大吸附率为98.38%。同时发现,固化体系中膨润土填充在粉煤灰球体的空隙处和表面,粉煤灰和膨润土都与水泥产生了水化产物和胶结物,Cd2+附着在阻隔材料表面;阻隔墙吸附的系统符合准一级动力学模型和Freundlich方程;系统的总吸附速率受液膜扩散与颗粒扩散同时影响;阻隔墙对Cd2+作用以物理吸附为主;墙体的抗碱腐蚀性比抗酸腐蚀性、耐有机污染物腐蚀性强。该研究可为将阻隔墙技术应用于地下水污染场地提供理论依据。
English Abstract
Controlling cadmium pollution with fly ash-bentonite cut-off wall
HUANG Qinqin1,2,,LIU Guo1,2,,
WEN Meiyan1,2,
YE Changwen1,2,
LIU Yanhui1,2,
ZENG Yi1,2
1.State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China
2.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Synergetic Control and Joint Remediation for Soil & Water Pollution, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China
Keywords: cadmium pollution prevention/
cut-off wall/
fly ash recycling/
modified and enhanced bentonite/
physical adsorption of heavy metals
Abstract:In this study, microscopic characterization, permeation and adsorption experiments, as well as penetration, uniaxial compressive and erosion experiments were conducted to investigate the performance of a cut-off wall on cadmium pollution control, which was made of a kind of solid waste-fly ash and bentonite with high absorbing capacity. The results showed that the optimum mass ratio of fly ash to bentonite in a cut-off wall is 5 to 1, and the cement accounts for 5% of the cut-off wall mass. Its permeability and the maximum compression strength are 1.11×10-8m·s-1 and 291.97 kPa, respectively. The maximum Cd adsorption efficiency of the composite material is 98.38%. The microscopic observation indicated that the interstices and surface of the fly ash spheres were filled by bentonite in the curing system. Both fly ash and bentonite reacted with cement, and hydration products and agglutinates formed, then Cd2+ adhered to the surface of barrier material. The Cd adsorption process on the cut-off wall fitted the quasi-first-order dynamic model and Freundlich equation, which indicated that the total adsorption rate was controlled by both liquid film and intra-particle diffusions. The Cd2+ adsorption on the cut-off wall is mainly considered as a physical process. The alkali corrosion resistance of the cut-off wall is stronger than its acid corrosion resistance and organic pollutant corrosion resistance. The results implied that the cut-off wall could be used to reclaim the groundwater contaminated sites.