基金项目: 云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目(2017ZZX137)
Effect of alkali metal nitrates promoted LDH-based material for CO2 sorption performance
WANG Junya1,,YANG Ying1,
NING Ping1
1.Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
摘要:为进一步提高LDH基材料的CO2吸附性能以及吸-脱循环稳定性能,采用浸渍法将碱金属硝酸盐负载在LDH基材料上,分别探究了Mg/Al比、合成pH、碱金属硝酸盐种类和负载量等对其CO2吸附性能的影响。结果表明,当LDH中Mg/Al比例为20,合成pH为10,负载30% Li0.3Na0.18K0.52NO3后,在最佳煅烧温度500 ℃,最佳吸附温度260 ℃的条件下,其 CO2吸附量最大可达到4.64 mmol·g?1。另外,该材料在经历了10个吸-脱附循环过程后,表现出较好的循环稳定性能。通过分析可知,碱金属硝酸盐没有参与CO2吸附反应,碱金属硝酸盐的负载对LDH的CO2吸附性能有极大地促进作用。
关键词: 类水滑石/
Abstract:In order to further improve the CO2 sorption performance and enhance the repeatable sorption-desorption cycling stability of LDH-based materials, alkali metal nitrate was loaded onto LDH-based material by immersion method. The effect of Mg/Al ratio, synthesis of pH, types of alkali metal nitrates and their loading amount on CO2 sorption capacity were investigated. The results showed that the optimal conditions to achieve he maximum sorption performance were indentified, including Mg/Al ratio of LDH is 30, synthetic pH is 10, Li0.3Na0.18K0.52NO3 oading is 30%, calcination temperature is 500 ℃ and sorption temperature is 260 ℃. The maximum CO2 sorption capacity can reach as high as 4.64 mmol·g?1. In addition, the material exhibited good cycling stability during 10 sorption-desorption cycles. According to the analysis, alkali metal nitrates were not participated in the CO2 sorption reaction. Therefore, based on the above-mentioned results, loading with alkali metal nitrates on the LDH greatly promoted the CO2 sorption performance.
Key words:layered double hydroxide/
CO2 sorption/
alkali metal nitrate/
sorption-desorption cycling stability.

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基金项目: 云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目(2017ZZX137) 昆工理工大学高层次人才平台建设项目(201722017) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51802135)
关键词: 类水滑石/
摘要:为进一步提高LDH基材料的CO2吸附性能以及吸-脱循环稳定性能,采用浸渍法将碱金属硝酸盐负载在LDH基材料上,分别探究了Mg/Al比、合成pH、碱金属硝酸盐种类和负载量等对其CO2吸附性能的影响。结果表明,当LDH中Mg/Al比例为20,合成pH为10,负载30% Li0.3Na0.18K0.52NO3后,在最佳煅烧温度500 ℃,最佳吸附温度260 ℃的条件下,其 CO2吸附量最大可达到4.64 mmol·g?1。另外,该材料在经历了10个吸-脱附循环过程后,表现出较好的循环稳定性能。通过分析可知,碱金属硝酸盐没有参与CO2吸附反应,碱金属硝酸盐的负载对LDH的CO2吸附性能有极大地促进作用。
English Abstract
Effect of alkali metal nitrates promoted LDH-based material for CO2 sorption performance
WANG Junya1,,YANG Ying1,
NING Ping1
1.Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
Keywords: layered double hydroxide/
CO2 sorption/
alkali metal nitrate/
sorption-desorption cycling stability
Abstract:In order to further improve the CO2 sorption performance and enhance the repeatable sorption-desorption cycling stability of LDH-based materials, alkali metal nitrate was loaded onto LDH-based material by immersion method. The effect of Mg/Al ratio, synthesis of pH, types of alkali metal nitrates and their loading amount on CO2 sorption capacity were investigated. The results showed that the optimal conditions to achieve he maximum sorption performance were indentified, including Mg/Al ratio of LDH is 30, synthetic pH is 10, Li0.3Na0.18K0.52NO3 oading is 30%, calcination temperature is 500 ℃ and sorption temperature is 260 ℃. The maximum CO2 sorption capacity can reach as high as 4.64 mmol·g?1. In addition, the material exhibited good cycling stability during 10 sorption-desorption cycles. According to the analysis, alkali metal nitrates were not participated in the CO2 sorption reaction. Therefore, based on the above-mentioned results, loading with alkali metal nitrates on the LDH greatly promoted the CO2 sorption performance.