1.延安大学化学与化工学院,延安市分析技术与检测重点实验室,延安 716000
2.北京工商大学计算机与信息工程学院, 北京 100048
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(21377107)
Central composite design for preparation of Al-based, high specific surface area porous carbon materials derived from walnut green peel
LIU Xiaohong1,LI Tiantian1,
SUN Yuechen2,
1.Yan’an Key Laboratory of Analytical Technology and Detection, School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Yan′an University, Yan’an 716000, China
2.School of Computer and Information Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China
摘要:以农业废弃物核桃青果皮为原料、F127为微结构调控剂、硝酸铝为中心配位离子,通过中心组合设计,螯合辅助共组装策略制备了系列铝基多孔碳材料并对制备参数进行优化分析。选择硝酸铝浓度、铝基复合材料与F127的质量比和碳化温度作为优化因素,研究各因素的不同水平对系列碳材料比表面积的影响。得到制备的最优条件为硝酸铝浓度1 mol·L-1,铝基复合材料与F127质量比为2.5及碳化温度850 °C。在此条件下,制备得到的碳样品的比表面积为1 505.86 m2·g-1,与预测值1 503.77 m2·g-1接近,说明与响应方程模型高度拟合。
关键词: 中心组合设计/
Abstract:In a chelate assisted, co-assembled strategy, Al-based composites were fabricated by using walnut green peel as precursor, which was deemed to be an agricultural waste. Al3+ as the center ion, pluronic F127 as a pore regulator, then a series of porous carbon materials were prepared according to central composite design. Response surface method (RSM) was used to optimize the preparation parameters. In RSM analysis, the interactive effects of aluminum nitrate concentration, the mass ratio of Al-based composites to F127 and carbonated temperature on the specific surface area of porous carbon samples were investigated. The results showed that the optimal values of above parameters were determined as follows: aluminum nitrate concentration (1 mol·L-1), the mass ratio value of Al-based composites to F127 (2.5), and carbonated temperature (850 °C). Under the optimized conditions, the experimental value of specific surface area of porous carbon sample was 1 505.86 m2·g-1 and was in good agreement with the predicted value 1 503.77 m2·g-1, which demonstrated that this method is feasible.
Key words:central composite design/
high specific surface area/
porous carbon.

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1.延安大学化学与化工学院,延安市分析技术与检测重点实验室,延安 716000
2.北京工商大学计算机与信息工程学院, 北京 100048
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(21377107) 2016年陕西省大学生创新创业训练计划项目(1540)
关键词: 中心组合设计/
摘要:以农业废弃物核桃青果皮为原料、F127为微结构调控剂、硝酸铝为中心配位离子,通过中心组合设计,螯合辅助共组装策略制备了系列铝基多孔碳材料并对制备参数进行优化分析。选择硝酸铝浓度、铝基复合材料与F127的质量比和碳化温度作为优化因素,研究各因素的不同水平对系列碳材料比表面积的影响。得到制备的最优条件为硝酸铝浓度1 mol·L-1,铝基复合材料与F127质量比为2.5及碳化温度850 °C。在此条件下,制备得到的碳样品的比表面积为1 505.86 m2·g-1,与预测值1 503.77 m2·g-1接近,说明与响应方程模型高度拟合。
English Abstract
Central composite design for preparation of Al-based, high specific surface area porous carbon materials derived from walnut green peel
LIU Xiaohong1,LI Tiantian1,
SUN Yuechen2,
1.Yan’an Key Laboratory of Analytical Technology and Detection, School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Yan′an University, Yan’an 716000, China
2.School of Computer and Information Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China
Keywords: central composite design/
high specific surface area/
porous carbon
Abstract:In a chelate assisted, co-assembled strategy, Al-based composites were fabricated by using walnut green peel as precursor, which was deemed to be an agricultural waste. Al3+ as the center ion, pluronic F127 as a pore regulator, then a series of porous carbon materials were prepared according to central composite design. Response surface method (RSM) was used to optimize the preparation parameters. In RSM analysis, the interactive effects of aluminum nitrate concentration, the mass ratio of Al-based composites to F127 and carbonated temperature on the specific surface area of porous carbon samples were investigated. The results showed that the optimal values of above parameters were determined as follows: aluminum nitrate concentration (1 mol·L-1), the mass ratio value of Al-based composites to F127 (2.5), and carbonated temperature (850 °C). Under the optimized conditions, the experimental value of specific surface area of porous carbon sample was 1 505.86 m2·g-1 and was in good agreement with the predicted value 1 503.77 m2·g-1, which demonstrated that this method is feasible.