1.大连理工大学环境学院,大连 116024
Efficient heterogeneous electro-Fenton cathode based on the porous FeC material derived from a MIL-101 precursor
WANG Tingting1,,ZHANG Guoquan1,,
ZHOU Yufei1,
LING Wei1,
YANG Fenglin1
1.School of Environmental Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
摘要:通过水热法合成MIL-101(Fe)材料,并在N2氛围中进行高温碳化制备多孔铁碳(N-MIL-FeC)电极材料,探究其电催化氧还原性能及阴极电芬顿降解模拟染料废水性能。将制备的N-MIL-FeC材料进行电催化氧还原反应(ORR)性能测试,结果表明,Fe/H2BDC摩尔比为2∶1,碳化温度为900 ℃,N-MIL-FeC材料CV扫描所得图形峰电位最小且峰电流最高,具有最优的ORR催化活性。在此基础上,将最佳条件下制得的N-MIL-FeC负载在碳纸上制成催化阴极应用于电芬顿反应催化降解模拟染料废水RhB。在催化剂负载量为1.5 mg·cm-2,pH为7条件下,浓度10 mg·L-1的RhB溶液经过70 min降解率达到99%以上。通过淬灭实验和电子顺磁共振(EPR)测试证明羟基自由基(·OH)是参与催化降解反应的主要活性中间体。以MIL-101(Fe)为前驱体制备的多孔铁碳材料性能较好,有一定的应用前景。
关键词: 印染废水/
Abstract:In this study, a type of porous FeC material (N-MIL-FeC) was prepared by a carbonation method under N2 atmosphere when the hydrothermal synthesized MIL-101(Fe) was taken as a precursor. The performances of its electrocatalytic oxygen reduction and the simulated dye wastewater degradation with cathodic electro-Fenton were evaluated. The electrocatalytic oxygen reduction (ORR) tests for this N-MIL-FeC showed that the optimized ORR catalytic activity was obtained at the Fe/H2BDC molar ratio of 2∶1 and the calcination temperature of 900 ℃, and its CV scanning diagram had the lowest peak potential and highest peak current. Based on the above results, a catalytic cathode in the electro-Fenton system was prepared through loading the optimum N-MIL-FeC onto the carbon paper to degrade the simulated dye wastewater of RhB. Then over 99% RhB degradation for the dyeing wastewater with the initial content of 10 mg·L-1 could be obtained after 70 min catalytic reduction in the electro-Fenton system at catalyst loading of 1.5 mg·cm-2 and pH = 7. Additionally, both the quenching experiments and the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) test proved that ·OH radicals were the main active intermediates during the catalytic degradation reaction. The porous FeC material prepared by using MIL-101(Fe) as a precursor has a good performance and certain application prospects.
Key words:printing and dyeing wastewater/
metal-organic framework/
oxygen reduction reaction/

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1.大连理工大学环境学院,大连 116024
关键词: 印染废水/
摘要:通过水热法合成MIL-101(Fe)材料,并在N2氛围中进行高温碳化制备多孔铁碳(N-MIL-FeC)电极材料,探究其电催化氧还原性能及阴极电芬顿降解模拟染料废水性能。将制备的N-MIL-FeC材料进行电催化氧还原反应(ORR)性能测试,结果表明,Fe/H2BDC摩尔比为2∶1,碳化温度为900 ℃,N-MIL-FeC材料CV扫描所得图形峰电位最小且峰电流最高,具有最优的ORR催化活性。在此基础上,将最佳条件下制得的N-MIL-FeC负载在碳纸上制成催化阴极应用于电芬顿反应催化降解模拟染料废水RhB。在催化剂负载量为1.5 mg·cm-2,pH为7条件下,浓度10 mg·L-1的RhB溶液经过70 min降解率达到99%以上。通过淬灭实验和电子顺磁共振(EPR)测试证明羟基自由基(·OH)是参与催化降解反应的主要活性中间体。以MIL-101(Fe)为前驱体制备的多孔铁碳材料性能较好,有一定的应用前景。
English Abstract
Efficient heterogeneous electro-Fenton cathode based on the porous FeC material derived from a MIL-101 precursor
WANG Tingting1,,ZHANG Guoquan1,,
ZHOU Yufei1,
LING Wei1,
YANG Fenglin1
1.School of Environmental Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Keywords: printing and dyeing wastewater/
metal-organic framework/
oxygen reduction reaction/
Abstract:In this study, a type of porous FeC material (N-MIL-FeC) was prepared by a carbonation method under N2 atmosphere when the hydrothermal synthesized MIL-101(Fe) was taken as a precursor. The performances of its electrocatalytic oxygen reduction and the simulated dye wastewater degradation with cathodic electro-Fenton were evaluated. The electrocatalytic oxygen reduction (ORR) tests for this N-MIL-FeC showed that the optimized ORR catalytic activity was obtained at the Fe/H2BDC molar ratio of 2∶1 and the calcination temperature of 900 ℃, and its CV scanning diagram had the lowest peak potential and highest peak current. Based on the above results, a catalytic cathode in the electro-Fenton system was prepared through loading the optimum N-MIL-FeC onto the carbon paper to degrade the simulated dye wastewater of RhB. Then over 99% RhB degradation for the dyeing wastewater with the initial content of 10 mg·L-1 could be obtained after 70 min catalytic reduction in the electro-Fenton system at catalyst loading of 1.5 mg·cm-2 and pH = 7. Additionally, both the quenching experiments and the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) test proved that ·OH radicals were the main active intermediates during the catalytic degradation reaction. The porous FeC material prepared by using MIL-101(Fe) as a precursor has a good performance and certain application prospects.