1.湖北大学生命科学学院,武汉 430062
2.湖北省利川市土壤肥料工作站,利川 445400
3.湖北大学资源环境学院,武汉 430062
4.湖北省利川市民族中等职业技术学校,利川 445400
基金项目: 湖北省重点实验室项目开放基金课题(2017ZTSJJ10)
Regulation effect of hoof horn powder and its hydrolyzed polypeptide on form of Cu2+ in polluted soil
WANG Nan1,,WEN Quanzhou2,
SHU Fangfang1,
MAO Wenling1,
WANG Shilin1,
CHEN Hongbing3,
DENG Jiehong4,
YANG Sheng1,
LI Yadong1
1.College of Life Sciences, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China
2.Soil Fertilizer Workstation of Hubei Lichuan City, Lichuan 445400, China
3.College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China
4.Lichuan Secondary Vocational School for Natilnalities, Lichan 445400, China
摘要:以含氮12%左右的屠宰场废弃蹄角为原料,经过超细粉碎打破蹄角晶体结构和在极端环境下人工水解为游离巯基多肽将其作为肥料对植物的生长效应和对土壤中Cu2+的钝化效应进行研究。结果表明:在清洁土壤种植小白菜实验中,其单株最高生物量为水解多肽组合(17.81 g),比市售复混肥生物量(15.52 g)高2.29 g,且最高相对叶绿素为50.03,直接用蹄角粉处理小白菜也可达到单株生物量 17.72 g,这表明蹄角粉及其水解多肽对植物的生长具有明显的促进效应,是一种优质有机肥;钝化效应研究发现,在总铜含量为80、100、300 mg·kg-1的污染土壤中,蹄角粉及其水解多肽均有钝化效应,经过45 d的钝化处理,蹄角粉效果最佳,对3种污染土壤的有效铜含量降低率分别为50.20%、47.21%、42.30%,比水解多肽处理组分别高29.97%、11.70%、7.9%。钝化与种植结合实验表明,小白菜总铜含量符合GB 5009.13-2017标准限值要求。说明蹄角粉及其水解多肽既有肥料效应,又有钝化效应,可用于铜污染土壤的钝化修复。
关键词: 蹄角粉/
Abstract:The abandoned hoof horn of slaughterhouse, containing 12% nitrogen, was choose as an material for study, and the hoofs structure was broken by ultrafine grinding and artificially hydrolyzed to free sulfhydryls polypeptide in extreme conditions to combine with heavy metal ions. The hoof horn powder and its hydrolyzed polypeptie were analyzed for its fertilizer effect on plant growth and also its immobilization effect on soil polluted by Cu2+. The results showed that in the experiment of planting groups in clean soil, the highest biomass of per plant come from group of hydrolyzed polypeptide (17.81 g), which was 2.29 g higher than grown in compound fertilizer (15.52 g). For hoof horn powder, the highest biomass of per plant could also reach 17.72 g . Similarly, the highest relative chlorophyll content 50.03 also for hydrolyzed polypeptide. The results indicated that the hoof horn powder and its hydrolyzed polypeptide had obvious promoting effect on plant growth. In passivation study for polluted soil, the results showed that both hoof horn powder and its hydrolyzed polypeptide had passivation ability to the three polluted soil, in which the total copper ion concentrations was 80,100 and 300 mg·kg-1,respectively. The hoof horn powder and its hydrolyzed polypeptide had passivation effect on Cu2+. After 45 days of passivation treatment, the activated copper ion content of three kinds of polluted soil were respectively decreased to 50.20%, 47.21%, 42.30%, which was 29.97%, 11.70% and 7.9% higher than that for hydrolyzed polypeptide. Combining planting and passivation study, the results showed the total copper content of cultivated brassica campestris L. was up to the national standard limit(GB 5009.13-2017). It indicates that the hoof powder and its hydrolyzed polypeptie have both fertilizer effect and passivation effect, and can be used to repair of copper-polluted soil.
Key words:hoof horn powder/
hydrolyzed polypeptide/
Cu2+polluted soil/

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1.湖北大学生命科学学院,武汉 430062
2.湖北省利川市土壤肥料工作站,利川 445400
3.湖北大学资源环境学院,武汉 430062
4.湖北省利川市民族中等职业技术学校,利川 445400
基金项目: 湖北省重点实验室项目开放基金课题(2017ZTSJJ10) 国家重点研发计划(2016YFD020090502)
关键词: 蹄角粉/
摘要:以含氮12%左右的屠宰场废弃蹄角为原料,经过超细粉碎打破蹄角晶体结构和在极端环境下人工水解为游离巯基多肽将其作为肥料对植物的生长效应和对土壤中Cu2+的钝化效应进行研究。结果表明:在清洁土壤种植小白菜实验中,其单株最高生物量为水解多肽组合(17.81 g),比市售复混肥生物量(15.52 g)高2.29 g,且最高相对叶绿素为50.03,直接用蹄角粉处理小白菜也可达到单株生物量 17.72 g,这表明蹄角粉及其水解多肽对植物的生长具有明显的促进效应,是一种优质有机肥;钝化效应研究发现,在总铜含量为80、100、300 mg·kg-1的污染土壤中,蹄角粉及其水解多肽均有钝化效应,经过45 d的钝化处理,蹄角粉效果最佳,对3种污染土壤的有效铜含量降低率分别为50.20%、47.21%、42.30%,比水解多肽处理组分别高29.97%、11.70%、7.9%。钝化与种植结合实验表明,小白菜总铜含量符合GB 5009.13-2017标准限值要求。说明蹄角粉及其水解多肽既有肥料效应,又有钝化效应,可用于铜污染土壤的钝化修复。
English Abstract
Regulation effect of hoof horn powder and its hydrolyzed polypeptide on form of Cu2+ in polluted soil
WANG Nan1,,WEN Quanzhou2,
SHU Fangfang1,
MAO Wenling1,
WANG Shilin1,
CHEN Hongbing3,
DENG Jiehong4,
YANG Sheng1,
LI Yadong1
1.College of Life Sciences, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China
2.Soil Fertilizer Workstation of Hubei Lichuan City, Lichuan 445400, China
3.College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China
4.Lichuan Secondary Vocational School for Natilnalities, Lichan 445400, China
Keywords: hoof horn powder/
hydrolyzed polypeptide/
Cu2+polluted soil/
Abstract:The abandoned hoof horn of slaughterhouse, containing 12% nitrogen, was choose as an material for study, and the hoofs structure was broken by ultrafine grinding and artificially hydrolyzed to free sulfhydryls polypeptide in extreme conditions to combine with heavy metal ions. The hoof horn powder and its hydrolyzed polypeptie were analyzed for its fertilizer effect on plant growth and also its immobilization effect on soil polluted by Cu2+. The results showed that in the experiment of planting groups in clean soil, the highest biomass of per plant come from group of hydrolyzed polypeptide (17.81 g), which was 2.29 g higher than grown in compound fertilizer (15.52 g). For hoof horn powder, the highest biomass of per plant could also reach 17.72 g . Similarly, the highest relative chlorophyll content 50.03 also for hydrolyzed polypeptide. The results indicated that the hoof horn powder and its hydrolyzed polypeptide had obvious promoting effect on plant growth. In passivation study for polluted soil, the results showed that both hoof horn powder and its hydrolyzed polypeptide had passivation ability to the three polluted soil, in which the total copper ion concentrations was 80,100 and 300 mg·kg-1,respectively. The hoof horn powder and its hydrolyzed polypeptide had passivation effect on Cu2+. After 45 days of passivation treatment, the activated copper ion content of three kinds of polluted soil were respectively decreased to 50.20%, 47.21%, 42.30%, which was 29.97%, 11.70% and 7.9% higher than that for hydrolyzed polypeptide. Combining planting and passivation study, the results showed the total copper content of cultivated brassica campestris L. was up to the national standard limit(GB 5009.13-2017). It indicates that the hoof powder and its hydrolyzed polypeptie have both fertilizer effect and passivation effect, and can be used to repair of copper-polluted soil.