1.兰州交通大学环境与市政工程学院,兰州 730070
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51368029)
Effects of petroleum hydrocarbon pollution on soil microbial diversity in permafrost region of Beiluhe area of Qinghai-Tibet plateau
WANG Baoshan1,,WEN Chengcheng1,
SUN Qinchuan1,
ZHAO Fengde1
1.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China
摘要:为了探究石油烃类污染对青藏高原冻土区土壤微生物多样性及群落结构的影响,以柴油、机油为典型的石油烃类污染物,原位人工模拟污染,利用MiSeq高通量测序技术分析和比较了4 个土样在土壤微生物多样性及群落结构维度的差异性,并识别了具有石油烃类污染物降解功能的菌群。结果表明: 4 个土样中可变区的遗传物质,在97%的相似度水平下产生有效的OTU 944 个,获得土壤微生物群落25 门、56 纲、115 目、213 科、315 属。石油烃类污染可改变原有土壤微生物多样性及群落结构,4 个土样中细菌的多样性为机油污染土样(SLO) >上层5 cm处未污染土样(TS) >中层20 cm处未污染土样(MS) >柴油污染土样(SDO),SLO(机油污染土样)多样性最高,其次为未污染土样(TS、MS),SDO(柴油污染土样)多样性最低;未污染土样(TS、MS)在垂直方向群落结构差异较小,分布基本一致,SDO、SLO与未污染土样群落结构相比差异较大,SDO、SLO样本间差异同样明显;识别出具有石油烃类污染物降解功能的菌属包括Sulfuritalea属、红球菌属(Rhodococcus)、红游动菌属(Rhodoplanes)、鞘脂单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)、Alkanindiges属、诺卡氏菌属(Nocardioides)、放线菌属(Actinobacteria norank)等7 种。研究结果揭示了石油烃类污染对高寒冻土区土壤微生物多样性及群落结构的影响,在石油烃类污染物的胁迫作用下产生出具有石油烃类污染物降解功能的优势菌群,为该地区进行原位石油烃类污染修复提供技术支持。
关键词: 青藏高原/
Abstract:To explore the effect of petroleum hydrocarbon pollution on soil microbial diversity and community structure in permafrost region of Qinghai-Tibet plateau, oil and diesel pollutions were added to this areas in situ, and the MiSeq high-throughput sequencing was applied to analyze the difference of soil microbial diversity and community structure between the original samples and the petroleum hydrocarbon pollution samples as well as to identify the flora with degradation function of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants. The results showed that total 944 OTU bands were obtained from the four soil samples under the level of similarity of 97% genes of variable regions based on high-throughput sequencing. Bacterial species detected in those samples covered 25 phyla, 56 classes, 115 orders, 213 families, 315 genera. The original soil microbial diversity and community structure were changed obviously by an addition of petroleum hydrocarbon. The bacterial diversity of four soil samples was in order of oil-contaminated soil samples (SLO)> uncontaminated soil samples at the top of 5 cm (TS)> uncontaminated soil samples in the middle of 20 cm (MS)> diesel-contaminated soil samples (SDO), indicating that SLO diversity was highest, and the lowest diversity of four soil samples was SDO. The difference of community structure in the vertical direction of TS and MS was negligible. By comparison, the difference of community structure was significant between SDO, SLO and uncontaminated soil samples. There were over 7 genera identified with the potential of the degradation function of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants, including Sulfuritalea, Rhodococcus, Rhodoplanes, Sphingomonas, Alkanindiges, Nocardioides and Actinobacteria norank. The results of the study revealed the effect of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutions on soil microbial diversity and community structure in the permafrost region, found the dominant bacteria with the degradation function of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants under the environmental stress of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants, which can provide technical support for in-situ bioremediation of petroleum pollution in the permafrost region.
Key words:Qinghai-Tibet plateau/
bacterial diversity/
petroleum hydrocarbon pollution/
MiSeq high-throughput sequencing.

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1.兰州交通大学环境与市政工程学院,兰州 730070
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51368029) 甘肃省重点研发计划(17YF1FA114)
关键词: 青藏高原/
摘要:为了探究石油烃类污染对青藏高原冻土区土壤微生物多样性及群落结构的影响,以柴油、机油为典型的石油烃类污染物,原位人工模拟污染,利用MiSeq高通量测序技术分析和比较了4 个土样在土壤微生物多样性及群落结构维度的差异性,并识别了具有石油烃类污染物降解功能的菌群。结果表明: 4 个土样中可变区的遗传物质,在97%的相似度水平下产生有效的OTU 944 个,获得土壤微生物群落25 门、56 纲、115 目、213 科、315 属。石油烃类污染可改变原有土壤微生物多样性及群落结构,4 个土样中细菌的多样性为机油污染土样(SLO) >上层5 cm处未污染土样(TS) >中层20 cm处未污染土样(MS) >柴油污染土样(SDO),SLO(机油污染土样)多样性最高,其次为未污染土样(TS、MS),SDO(柴油污染土样)多样性最低;未污染土样(TS、MS)在垂直方向群落结构差异较小,分布基本一致,SDO、SLO与未污染土样群落结构相比差异较大,SDO、SLO样本间差异同样明显;识别出具有石油烃类污染物降解功能的菌属包括Sulfuritalea属、红球菌属(Rhodococcus)、红游动菌属(Rhodoplanes)、鞘脂单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)、Alkanindiges属、诺卡氏菌属(Nocardioides)、放线菌属(Actinobacteria norank)等7 种。研究结果揭示了石油烃类污染对高寒冻土区土壤微生物多样性及群落结构的影响,在石油烃类污染物的胁迫作用下产生出具有石油烃类污染物降解功能的优势菌群,为该地区进行原位石油烃类污染修复提供技术支持。
English Abstract
Effects of petroleum hydrocarbon pollution on soil microbial diversity in permafrost region of Beiluhe area of Qinghai-Tibet plateau
WANG Baoshan1,,WEN Chengcheng1,
SUN Qinchuan1,
ZHAO Fengde1
1.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China
Keywords: Qinghai-Tibet plateau/
bacterial diversity/
petroleum hydrocarbon pollution/
MiSeq high-throughput sequencing
Abstract:To explore the effect of petroleum hydrocarbon pollution on soil microbial diversity and community structure in permafrost region of Qinghai-Tibet plateau, oil and diesel pollutions were added to this areas in situ, and the MiSeq high-throughput sequencing was applied to analyze the difference of soil microbial diversity and community structure between the original samples and the petroleum hydrocarbon pollution samples as well as to identify the flora with degradation function of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants. The results showed that total 944 OTU bands were obtained from the four soil samples under the level of similarity of 97% genes of variable regions based on high-throughput sequencing. Bacterial species detected in those samples covered 25 phyla, 56 classes, 115 orders, 213 families, 315 genera. The original soil microbial diversity and community structure were changed obviously by an addition of petroleum hydrocarbon. The bacterial diversity of four soil samples was in order of oil-contaminated soil samples (SLO)> uncontaminated soil samples at the top of 5 cm (TS)> uncontaminated soil samples in the middle of 20 cm (MS)> diesel-contaminated soil samples (SDO), indicating that SLO diversity was highest, and the lowest diversity of four soil samples was SDO. The difference of community structure in the vertical direction of TS and MS was negligible. By comparison, the difference of community structure was significant between SDO, SLO and uncontaminated soil samples. There were over 7 genera identified with the potential of the degradation function of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants, including Sulfuritalea, Rhodococcus, Rhodoplanes, Sphingomonas, Alkanindiges, Nocardioides and Actinobacteria norank. The results of the study revealed the effect of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutions on soil microbial diversity and community structure in the permafrost region, found the dominant bacteria with the degradation function of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants under the environmental stress of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants, which can provide technical support for in-situ bioremediation of petroleum pollution in the permafrost region.