基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51608026)
Runoff pollutants purification effect of bioretention media improved by black-odorous river sediments
ZHONG Xing1,,ZHANG Wei1,2,3,
TIAN Xiaochen1,
SUN Chaoyi1,
LIU Yaqi1,
CHE Wu1,2,3,
ZHANG Hailong4,
CUI Xinwei4
1.Beijing Engineering Research Center of Sustainable Urban Sewage System Construction and Risk Control, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044,China
2.Key Laboratory of Urban Stormwater System and Water Environment, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044,China
3.Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Future Urban Design, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044,China
4.Zhuanghe Urban-Rural Planning and Development Bureau, Zhuanghe 116400, China
关键词: 生物滞留/
Abstract:Dredged river sediment is one of the "by-products" in black-odorous river remediation. The treatment and disposal of large quantities of dredged river sediment effectively and safely is an urgent problem. In this study, bioretention column was used to study the feasibility of using black-odor river sediment as an improved media in bioretention, and the runoff pollutants removal efficiency by bioretention column. After 8 leaching experiments in the initial stage of performance (accumulated 3.6 times of empty bed volume), the concentrations of COD, TN and TP in each simulated column basically stabilized. In simulated runoff experiments, the removal efficiencies of COD, TN and TP for different bioretention columns basically stabilized after 18, 21 and 20 rainfall experiments, respectively. The removal rates of COD, TN and TP for the column with a submerged zone and filled with 6% sediment and 20% woodchip (volume ratio) were relatively good. The average removal rates in the stabilization phase were (91.52 ± 3.02)%, (86.82 ± 7.09)% and (96.73 ± 2.06)%, respectively. The removal rates of COD, TN and TP were increased 5.74%, 43.61% and 9.49%, comparing to the column filled with native soil. Although there is a certain risk of leaching pollutants for bioretention media improved with the river sediments, the reasonable proportion of packing composition and facility structure can improve the effect of facilities on COD, TN, TP control.
Key words:bioretention/
black-odorous river sediments/
improved media/
runoff pollution control.

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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51608026) 高精尖创新中心科研项目(UDC2016040100) 北京建筑大学科研基金资助项目(00331616049) 北京市科技计划课题(D161100005916004) 北京建筑大学金字塔人才培养工程资助项目
关键词: 生物滞留/
English Abstract
Runoff pollutants purification effect of bioretention media improved by black-odorous river sediments
ZHONG Xing1,,ZHANG Wei1,2,3,
TIAN Xiaochen1,
SUN Chaoyi1,
LIU Yaqi1,
CHE Wu1,2,3,
ZHANG Hailong4,
CUI Xinwei4
1.Beijing Engineering Research Center of Sustainable Urban Sewage System Construction and Risk Control, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044,China
2.Key Laboratory of Urban Stormwater System and Water Environment, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044,China
3.Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Future Urban Design, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044,China
4.Zhuanghe Urban-Rural Planning and Development Bureau, Zhuanghe 116400, China
Keywords: bioretention/
black-odorous river sediments/
improved media/
runoff pollution control
Abstract:Dredged river sediment is one of the "by-products" in black-odorous river remediation. The treatment and disposal of large quantities of dredged river sediment effectively and safely is an urgent problem. In this study, bioretention column was used to study the feasibility of using black-odor river sediment as an improved media in bioretention, and the runoff pollutants removal efficiency by bioretention column. After 8 leaching experiments in the initial stage of performance (accumulated 3.6 times of empty bed volume), the concentrations of COD, TN and TP in each simulated column basically stabilized. In simulated runoff experiments, the removal efficiencies of COD, TN and TP for different bioretention columns basically stabilized after 18, 21 and 20 rainfall experiments, respectively. The removal rates of COD, TN and TP for the column with a submerged zone and filled with 6% sediment and 20% woodchip (volume ratio) were relatively good. The average removal rates in the stabilization phase were (91.52 ± 3.02)%, (86.82 ± 7.09)% and (96.73 ± 2.06)%, respectively. The removal rates of COD, TN and TP were increased 5.74%, 43.61% and 9.49%, comparing to the column filled with native soil. Although there is a certain risk of leaching pollutants for bioretention media improved with the river sediments, the reasonable proportion of packing composition and facility structure can improve the effect of facilities on COD, TN, TP control.