基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51568059)
Amelioration effect of Lhasa sewage sludge on local desertification soil
XU Jin1,,WANG Wei1
1.College of Resource and Environment, Xizang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College,Nyingchi 860000,China
关键词: 拉萨污水处理厂/
Abstract:The rational disposal of urban sludge is of great significance to the ecological environment protection in the Tibet plateau. In this study, sandy soils in the Brahmaputrain Tibet were selected and the different amounts of dewatering sludge in Lhasa sewage treatment plant were added,then soil physical and chemical properties were determined to confirm the change tendency of under different sludge mixing rates, and soils in local farmland and grassland were selected as control. Results showed that the porosity of desertified soil was gradually increased (P<0.001) and the density of soil particles and soil bulk density were decreased (P<0.001)gradually with the increase of sludge percentage. When the adding amount was more than 10%, the improvement effect tended to slow down. Soil nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter showed an increasing trend. The contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in improved soil were closed to the comparative soil when the sludge amount was between 10% and15%. When the sludge amount was between 20% and 30%, the organic matter content was closed to the control. Maximum water holding capacity in improved soil showed an increasing trend,which was close to the control soil when the mixing amount was among 5% and 10%.At the same time, this study also shows that the content of heavy metals in Lhasa sludge is much lower than the national farmland soil standards, and contains certain essential elements for plant growth, which is an ideal soil amendment for desertification.
Key words:Lhasa sewage treatment plant/
municipal sludge/
sandy soil amelioration/
heavy metal content.
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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51568059)
关键词: 拉萨污水处理厂/
English Abstract
Amelioration effect of Lhasa sewage sludge on local desertification soil
XU Jin1,,WANG Wei1
1.College of Resource and Environment, Xizang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College,Nyingchi 860000,China
Keywords: Lhasa sewage treatment plant/
municipal sludge/
sandy soil amelioration/
heavy metal content
Abstract:The rational disposal of urban sludge is of great significance to the ecological environment protection in the Tibet plateau. In this study, sandy soils in the Brahmaputrain Tibet were selected and the different amounts of dewatering sludge in Lhasa sewage treatment plant were added,then soil physical and chemical properties were determined to confirm the change tendency of under different sludge mixing rates, and soils in local farmland and grassland were selected as control. Results showed that the porosity of desertified soil was gradually increased (P<0.001) and the density of soil particles and soil bulk density were decreased (P<0.001)gradually with the increase of sludge percentage. When the adding amount was more than 10%, the improvement effect tended to slow down. Soil nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter showed an increasing trend. The contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in improved soil were closed to the comparative soil when the sludge amount was between 10% and15%. When the sludge amount was between 20% and 30%, the organic matter content was closed to the control. Maximum water holding capacity in improved soil showed an increasing trend,which was close to the control soil when the mixing amount was among 5% and 10%.At the same time, this study also shows that the content of heavy metals in Lhasa sludge is much lower than the national farmland soil standards, and contains certain essential elements for plant growth, which is an ideal soil amendment for desertification.