1.南京工业大学环境科学与工程学院,南京 211800
2.中石化南京化工研究院有限公司,南京 210048
Effect of microwave pretreatment on biochemical treatment of waste activated sludge
LI Haibing1,,LIU Zhiying1,
LIN Chengshun2,
ZHAO Zongfeng1,
XU Yanhua1,
ZHAO Xianguang1
1.College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211800, China
2.Sinopec Nanjing Research Institute of Chemical Industry Co.Ltd., Nanjing 210048, China
摘要:采用微波对污泥进行预处理,考察处理功率和处理时间对污泥破解效果的影响;通过生化处理考察处理后污泥的降解效果。结果表明:适当提高微波处理功率,延长微波处理时间,可有效提高污泥破解效果,提高污泥中溶解性有机物含量。在最佳条件 500?W、10?min下,污泥破解率(ω)、溶解性总氮(TDN)和溶解性总磷(TDP)分别为31.0%、179.6?mg·L-1和31.3?mg·L-1。红外光谱分析表明,经微波处理后,污泥中的基团性质有所增强。预处理后污泥的日产甲烷量高于未处理污泥,累积产甲烷量提高了45.3%,表明污泥得到有效降解。经生化处理后,化学需氧量(COD)去除率达到98%以上,TDP去除率达到80%~85%,出水的TDN高于进泥。因此,对剩余污泥采用微波预处理进行生化处理的技术路线是可行的。
关键词: 微波/
Abstract:In the present study, microwave was used to pretreat the waste activated sludge. The effect of microwave power and treatment period on sludge disruption, and degradation efficiency of disrupted sludge after the biochemical treatment were investigated. The results showed that when the microwave power increased and the treatment period extended appropriately, the sludge disruption efficiency could be improved and the content of dissolved organic compounds could be increased. Under the optimized condition (microwave power 500?W, treatment period 10?min), the sludge disintegration ratio (ω), the total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) were 31.0%,179.6?mg·L-1 and 31.3?mg·L-1, respectively. The analysis results of infrared spectroscopy showed that the properties of functional groups in sludge were enhanced after microwave treatment. Daily methane production of microwave pretreated sludge was higher that of untreated sludge, cumulative methane production was increased by 45.3%. This result illustrated that the sludge was degraded effectively. After biochemical treatment, the removal rate of chemical oxygen demand (COD) of sludge could reach above 98%, the removal rate of TDP could reach between 80% and 85%, and the TND content of effluent was higher than that of inflow sludge. In conclusion, the technical scheme adopting biochemical treatment of waste activated sludge after microwave pretreatment was feasible.
Key words:microwave/
waste activated sludge/
sludge disruption efficiency/
biochemical treatment.

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1.南京工业大学环境科学与工程学院,南京 211800
2.中石化南京化工研究院有限公司,南京 210048
关键词: 微波/
摘要:采用微波对污泥进行预处理,考察处理功率和处理时间对污泥破解效果的影响;通过生化处理考察处理后污泥的降解效果。结果表明:适当提高微波处理功率,延长微波处理时间,可有效提高污泥破解效果,提高污泥中溶解性有机物含量。在最佳条件 500?W、10?min下,污泥破解率(ω)、溶解性总氮(TDN)和溶解性总磷(TDP)分别为31.0%、179.6?mg·L-1和31.3?mg·L-1。红外光谱分析表明,经微波处理后,污泥中的基团性质有所增强。预处理后污泥的日产甲烷量高于未处理污泥,累积产甲烷量提高了45.3%,表明污泥得到有效降解。经生化处理后,化学需氧量(COD)去除率达到98%以上,TDP去除率达到80%~85%,出水的TDN高于进泥。因此,对剩余污泥采用微波预处理进行生化处理的技术路线是可行的。
English Abstract
Effect of microwave pretreatment on biochemical treatment of waste activated sludge
LI Haibing1,,LIU Zhiying1,
LIN Chengshun2,
ZHAO Zongfeng1,
XU Yanhua1,
ZHAO Xianguang1
1.College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211800, China
2.Sinopec Nanjing Research Institute of Chemical Industry Co.Ltd., Nanjing 210048, China
Keywords: microwave/
waste activated sludge/
sludge disruption efficiency/
biochemical treatment
Abstract:In the present study, microwave was used to pretreat the waste activated sludge. The effect of microwave power and treatment period on sludge disruption, and degradation efficiency of disrupted sludge after the biochemical treatment were investigated. The results showed that when the microwave power increased and the treatment period extended appropriately, the sludge disruption efficiency could be improved and the content of dissolved organic compounds could be increased. Under the optimized condition (microwave power 500?W, treatment period 10?min), the sludge disintegration ratio (ω), the total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) were 31.0%,179.6?mg·L-1 and 31.3?mg·L-1, respectively. The analysis results of infrared spectroscopy showed that the properties of functional groups in sludge were enhanced after microwave treatment. Daily methane production of microwave pretreated sludge was higher that of untreated sludge, cumulative methane production was increased by 45.3%. This result illustrated that the sludge was degraded effectively. After biochemical treatment, the removal rate of chemical oxygen demand (COD) of sludge could reach above 98%, the removal rate of TDP could reach between 80% and 85%, and the TND content of effluent was higher than that of inflow sludge. In conclusion, the technical scheme adopting biochemical treatment of waste activated sludge after microwave pretreatment was feasible.