基金项目: 厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20162002)
Phosphorus adsorption performance of water-supply sludge
XU Ying1,2,,YE Zhilong1,2,
YE Xin1,2,
WU Jie1,2,
LIN Xiangyu1,2
1.Key Laboratory of Urban Pollutant Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 361021, China
2.Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 361021, China
关键词: 给水污泥/
Abstract:Water-supply sludge was used as an adsorbent for phosphorus. The adsorption characteristics of phosphorus in dry and wet water-supply sludge were compared through static and dynamic adsorption methods. Results of static adsorption showed that the adsorption process was mainly governed by chemical adsorption, which can be well fitted by Freundlich equation. Under the temperature of 300?K, faster equilibrium of phosphorus with higher saturated adsorption capacity was observed in wet sludge as compared to that of dry sludge. The adsorption capacities were 3.487?mg·g-1 (equal to 11.710 mg·g-1 of the dry sludge) and 9.832 mg·g-1 for wet and dry sludge, respectively. It was revealed that the saturated adsorption capacity of the sludge was 3.065 mg·g-1 in the long-term dynamic adsorption experiments, close to the theoretical value in the static experiments. Therefore, original water-supply sludge can be directly used as the phosphorus adsorbent even without the drying process.
Key words:water-supply sludge/
phosphorus removal/
adsorption isotherms/
adsorption kinetics/
dynamic adsorption.

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基金项目: 厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20162002) 福建省科技计划项目(2013YZ0001-1)
关键词: 给水污泥/
English Abstract
Phosphorus adsorption performance of water-supply sludge
XU Ying1,2,,YE Zhilong1,2,
YE Xin1,2,
WU Jie1,2,
LIN Xiangyu1,2
1.Key Laboratory of Urban Pollutant Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 361021, China
2.Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 361021, China
Keywords: water-supply sludge/
phosphorus removal/
adsorption isotherms/
adsorption kinetics/
dynamic adsorption
Abstract:Water-supply sludge was used as an adsorbent for phosphorus. The adsorption characteristics of phosphorus in dry and wet water-supply sludge were compared through static and dynamic adsorption methods. Results of static adsorption showed that the adsorption process was mainly governed by chemical adsorption, which can be well fitted by Freundlich equation. Under the temperature of 300?K, faster equilibrium of phosphorus with higher saturated adsorption capacity was observed in wet sludge as compared to that of dry sludge. The adsorption capacities were 3.487?mg·g-1 (equal to 11.710 mg·g-1 of the dry sludge) and 9.832 mg·g-1 for wet and dry sludge, respectively. It was revealed that the saturated adsorption capacity of the sludge was 3.065 mg·g-1 in the long-term dynamic adsorption experiments, close to the theoretical value in the static experiments. Therefore, original water-supply sludge can be directly used as the phosphorus adsorbent even without the drying process.