1.重庆科技学院机械与动力工程学院,重庆 401331
2.重庆科技学院生活垃圾资源化处理协同创新中心,重庆 401331
基金项目: 重庆市科技研究基地能力提升项目(cstc2014pt-gc20001)
Synergy effect during co-pyrolysis of oily sludge and corn stalk
MO Liu1,,LIN Shunhong1,2,
LI Yu1,
BAI Jisong1,2,
LI Changjiang1,2,
LYU Quanwei1
1.College of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331, China
2.MSW Comprehensive Utilization Collaborative Innovation Center, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331, China
摘要:利用热重-傅里叶变换红外分析仪(TG-FTIR)对含油污泥与玉米秸秆共热解特性进行了研究,分析了各温度段的协同效应。TG分析表明,共热解主要呈现3个阶段:挥发分的析出(210~520 ℃)、碳酸盐的分解(600~780 ℃)、长链难分解重质油的热裂解和半焦的气化(900~1 100 ℃),且在不同热解阶段呈现出不同的协同效应。热解动力学分析表明,含油污泥与玉米秸秆共热解后,第1阶段的活化能有所增高,而第2、3阶段的活化能大幅降低。FTIR分析表明,第1、2阶段,共热解与单一物料热解的产物种类基本一致,而在第3阶段,共热解使含油污泥热解产物甲基化合物发生分解和转化。含油污泥与玉米秸秆共热解可促进CO2、CO、CH4和C=O化合物的析出,其中添加玉米秸秆质量分数为10%时,对CO2、CO和CH4析出的促进作用最强,添加30%时则对C=O化合物的析出更为有利。
关键词: 热重红外联用/
Abstract:The co-pyrolysis characteristics of oily sludge and corn stalk were investigated by thermogravimetric analysis coupled with Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (TG-FTIR). And the synergistic effects of each temperature section was analyzed. TG results showed that the co-pyrolysis could be divided into three main stages, corresponding to volatiles release (210 to 520 ℃), decomposition of carbonate (600 to 780 ℃), decomposition of heavy oily substance and gasification of chars (900 to 1 100 ℃). And different synergistic effects appeared in different pyrolysis stages. The kinetics analysis showed that the activation energy of the first stage increased, and the activation energy of the second and third stage decreased greatly. FTIR spectroscopy indicated that the co-pyrolysis products were consistent with the products of individual fuels at the first and second stage, but co-pyrolysis lead to decomposition and conversion of methyl compounds at the third stage. Co-pyrolysis could promote the precipitation of CO2, CO, CH4 and C=O compounds. When 10% corn stalk added, the precipitation of CO2, CO and CH4 were promoted to the highest extent, and adding 30% corn stalk was more beneficial to the precipitation of C=O compounds.
Key words:TG-FTIR/
oily sludge/
corn stalk/
gaseous products.

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1.重庆科技学院机械与动力工程学院,重庆 401331
2.重庆科技学院生活垃圾资源化处理协同创新中心,重庆 401331
基金项目: 重庆市科技研究基地能力提升项目(cstc2014pt-gc20001) 重庆市高校成果转化资助项目(KJZH14108) 重庆科技学院研究生科技创新计划项目(YKJCX1620304)
关键词: 热重红外联用/
摘要:利用热重-傅里叶变换红外分析仪(TG-FTIR)对含油污泥与玉米秸秆共热解特性进行了研究,分析了各温度段的协同效应。TG分析表明,共热解主要呈现3个阶段:挥发分的析出(210~520 ℃)、碳酸盐的分解(600~780 ℃)、长链难分解重质油的热裂解和半焦的气化(900~1 100 ℃),且在不同热解阶段呈现出不同的协同效应。热解动力学分析表明,含油污泥与玉米秸秆共热解后,第1阶段的活化能有所增高,而第2、3阶段的活化能大幅降低。FTIR分析表明,第1、2阶段,共热解与单一物料热解的产物种类基本一致,而在第3阶段,共热解使含油污泥热解产物甲基化合物发生分解和转化。含油污泥与玉米秸秆共热解可促进CO2、CO、CH4和C=O化合物的析出,其中添加玉米秸秆质量分数为10%时,对CO2、CO和CH4析出的促进作用最强,添加30%时则对C=O化合物的析出更为有利。
English Abstract
Synergy effect during co-pyrolysis of oily sludge and corn stalk
MO Liu1,,LIN Shunhong1,2,
LI Yu1,
BAI Jisong1,2,
LI Changjiang1,2,
LYU Quanwei1
1.College of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331, China
2.MSW Comprehensive Utilization Collaborative Innovation Center, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331, China
Keywords: TG-FTIR/
oily sludge/
corn stalk/
gaseous products
Abstract:The co-pyrolysis characteristics of oily sludge and corn stalk were investigated by thermogravimetric analysis coupled with Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (TG-FTIR). And the synergistic effects of each temperature section was analyzed. TG results showed that the co-pyrolysis could be divided into three main stages, corresponding to volatiles release (210 to 520 ℃), decomposition of carbonate (600 to 780 ℃), decomposition of heavy oily substance and gasification of chars (900 to 1 100 ℃). And different synergistic effects appeared in different pyrolysis stages. The kinetics analysis showed that the activation energy of the first stage increased, and the activation energy of the second and third stage decreased greatly. FTIR spectroscopy indicated that the co-pyrolysis products were consistent with the products of individual fuels at the first and second stage, but co-pyrolysis lead to decomposition and conversion of methyl compounds at the third stage. Co-pyrolysis could promote the precipitation of CO2, CO, CH4 and C=O compounds. When 10% corn stalk added, the precipitation of CO2, CO and CH4 were promoted to the highest extent, and adding 30% corn stalk was more beneficial to the precipitation of C=O compounds.