1.太原理工大学电气与动力工程学院,太原 030024
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(U1510135)
Effects of different preparation conditions on kinetics and adsorption of mercury by biomass char
JIA Li1,,LI Ben1,
XU Liang1,
ZHENG Xianrong1,
QIAO Xiaolei1,
FAN Baoguo1
1.College of Electrical and Power Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
关键词: 生物焦/
Abstract:In order to obtain the characteristic of biomass char on mercury adsorption, the biomass char prepared with various conditions was studied. The influence of preparation condition of biomass char on mercury adsorption was obtained. These preparation parameters include biomass species, particle size, temperature and oxygen concentration. The adsorption kinetic characteristics of biomass char was investigated, which can provide theoretical foundation for further research on the mechanism of biomass char on mercury adsorption. The results show that there are differences in mercury adsorption by biomass char with various preparation conditions. The pore structure influenced greatly in physical adsorption. The more cumulative pore volume of biomass char and thus the more mercury adsorbed. The specific pore volume plays a more significant role than specific surface area in the mercury adsorption process. The adsorption process was effected by both chemical adsorption and physical absorption, and the former is an important rate-limiting process.
Key words:biomass char/
preparation condition/
adsorption characteristics/
adsorption kinetics.

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1.太原理工大学电气与动力工程学院,太原 030024
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(U1510135)
关键词: 生物焦/
English Abstract
Effects of different preparation conditions on kinetics and adsorption of mercury by biomass char
JIA Li1,,LI Ben1,
XU Liang1,
ZHENG Xianrong1,
QIAO Xiaolei1,
FAN Baoguo1
1.College of Electrical and Power Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
Keywords: biomass char/
preparation condition/
adsorption characteristics/
adsorption kinetics
Abstract:In order to obtain the characteristic of biomass char on mercury adsorption, the biomass char prepared with various conditions was studied. The influence of preparation condition of biomass char on mercury adsorption was obtained. These preparation parameters include biomass species, particle size, temperature and oxygen concentration. The adsorption kinetic characteristics of biomass char was investigated, which can provide theoretical foundation for further research on the mechanism of biomass char on mercury adsorption. The results show that there are differences in mercury adsorption by biomass char with various preparation conditions. The pore structure influenced greatly in physical adsorption. The more cumulative pore volume of biomass char and thus the more mercury adsorbed. The specific pore volume plays a more significant role than specific surface area in the mercury adsorption process. The adsorption process was effected by both chemical adsorption and physical absorption, and the former is an important rate-limiting process.