1.华南理工大学环境与能源学院,广州 510006
2.工业聚集区污染控制与生态修复教育部重点实验室,广州 510006
3.广州市环境保护工程设计院有限公司,广州 510115
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41673090,0,51378216)
Effects of applied different potential on reductive dechlorination of PCBs in anaerobic sediment
WAN Hui1,,YI Xiaoyun1,2,
LIU Xiaoping1,3,
XUE Yuzhou1,
FENG Chunhua1,2
1.School of Environment and Energy, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
2.Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Ecosystem Restoration in Industry Clusters, Ministry of Education, Guangzhou 510006, China
3.Guangzhou Environmental Protection Engineering Design Ltd., Guangzhou 510115, China
摘要:以广东省清远市龙塘镇电子垃圾拆解场附近受多氯联苯污染的河涌底泥为研究对象,构建基于-0.1、-0.3、-0.5 和-0.7 V (相对于饱和甘汞电极) 恒定电压的生物电化学系统,考察了闭路和开路条件下河涌底泥中PCB 61的降解率及其产物,并分析了微生物群落结构的变化。结果表明,在-0.7 V电位刺激下微生物还原降解PCB 61的效率最高,24周后,PCB 61的降解率达到了59.05%,高于开路条件的32.22%,在考察的电极电位范围内,电极电位值越小,PCB 61的还原脱氯速率越高。高通量测序结果表明:底泥微生物的结构组成随实验条件的变化表现出显著差异;施加电压刺激可提升电化学活性菌(Geobacter和Ignavibacterium)菌群丰度,进而强化脱氯效能;而Methanosarcina和Methanosaeta这2种菌在闭路条件下是显著优势菌,这2类菌的相互作用有可能对PCB 61还原脱氯有重要影响。
关键词: 生物电化学技术/
Abstract:A sediment-based bio-electrochemical reactor was established for remediation of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated sediment, which was collected from a river at an e-waste recycling center in Longtang town, Qingyuan, Guangdong province. The effects of different applied potential (e.g., -0.1, -0.3, -0.5 and -0.7 V vs. saturated calomel electrode, SCE) on the rate and extent of reductive dechlorination of PCB 61 were investigated and the relevant bacterial communities enriched in the systems were analyzed. An open-circuit reactor was also constructed for comparison. The results showed that the stimulation of a potential of -0.7 V enabled the highest removal efficiency, with 59.05% achieved after 24 weeks, larger than 32.22% associated with the open-circuit reactor. The smaller the potential value, the higher the reduced dechlorination rate of the PCB 61 within the investigated potential range. Analysis of the bacterial composition showed significant community shifts in response to variations in treatment conditions. The electric stimulation significantly increased the abundance of electrochemical active bacteria like Geobacter and Ignavibacterium and enhanced the amount of methanogen like Methanosarcina and Methanosaeta. The species interaction between them might play an important role in PCB 61 dechlorination.
Key words:bioelectrochemical technology/
seductive dechlorination/
electrochemical active bacteria/
polychlorinated biphenyl.

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1.华南理工大学环境与能源学院,广州 510006
2.工业聚集区污染控制与生态修复教育部重点实验室,广州 510006
3.广州市环境保护工程设计院有限公司,广州 510115
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41673090,0,51378216)
关键词: 生物电化学技术/
摘要:以广东省清远市龙塘镇电子垃圾拆解场附近受多氯联苯污染的河涌底泥为研究对象,构建基于-0.1、-0.3、-0.5 和-0.7 V (相对于饱和甘汞电极) 恒定电压的生物电化学系统,考察了闭路和开路条件下河涌底泥中PCB 61的降解率及其产物,并分析了微生物群落结构的变化。结果表明,在-0.7 V电位刺激下微生物还原降解PCB 61的效率最高,24周后,PCB 61的降解率达到了59.05%,高于开路条件的32.22%,在考察的电极电位范围内,电极电位值越小,PCB 61的还原脱氯速率越高。高通量测序结果表明:底泥微生物的结构组成随实验条件的变化表现出显著差异;施加电压刺激可提升电化学活性菌(Geobacter和Ignavibacterium)菌群丰度,进而强化脱氯效能;而Methanosarcina和Methanosaeta这2种菌在闭路条件下是显著优势菌,这2类菌的相互作用有可能对PCB 61还原脱氯有重要影响。
English Abstract
Effects of applied different potential on reductive dechlorination of PCBs in anaerobic sediment
WAN Hui1,,YI Xiaoyun1,2,
LIU Xiaoping1,3,
XUE Yuzhou1,
FENG Chunhua1,2
1.School of Environment and Energy, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
2.Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Ecosystem Restoration in Industry Clusters, Ministry of Education, Guangzhou 510006, China
3.Guangzhou Environmental Protection Engineering Design Ltd., Guangzhou 510115, China
Keywords: bioelectrochemical technology/
seductive dechlorination/
electrochemical active bacteria/
polychlorinated biphenyl
Abstract:A sediment-based bio-electrochemical reactor was established for remediation of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated sediment, which was collected from a river at an e-waste recycling center in Longtang town, Qingyuan, Guangdong province. The effects of different applied potential (e.g., -0.1, -0.3, -0.5 and -0.7 V vs. saturated calomel electrode, SCE) on the rate and extent of reductive dechlorination of PCB 61 were investigated and the relevant bacterial communities enriched in the systems were analyzed. An open-circuit reactor was also constructed for comparison. The results showed that the stimulation of a potential of -0.7 V enabled the highest removal efficiency, with 59.05% achieved after 24 weeks, larger than 32.22% associated with the open-circuit reactor. The smaller the potential value, the higher the reduced dechlorination rate of the PCB 61 within the investigated potential range. Analysis of the bacterial composition showed significant community shifts in response to variations in treatment conditions. The electric stimulation significantly increased the abundance of electrochemical active bacteria like Geobacter and Ignavibacterium and enhanced the amount of methanogen like Methanosarcina and Methanosaeta. The species interaction between them might play an important role in PCB 61 dechlorination.