1.中国矿业大学北京化学与环境工程学院,北京 100083
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20907072)
Electrochemical oxidation of tetracycline in aquatic environment by Ti/SnO2-Sb anode
ZHI Dan1,,WANG Jianbing1,
ZHOU Yunhui1,
WANG Dongliang1,
GONG Yanxi1,
JI Yuxian1,
ZHANG Fengyuan1,
WANG Weiyi1
1.School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining and TechnologyBeijing, Beijing 100083, China
摘要:以钛基锡锑电极为阳极,研究了电化学氧化技术对水中四环素的去除效果。考察了电流密度(5~25 mA·cm-2)、极板间距(5~25 mm)、四环素初始浓度(5~100 mg·L-1)和电解质种类(NaClO4、Na2SO4和NaNO3)对四环素电化学降解效率的影响。研究表明:钛基锡锑电极电化学降解四环素反应符合一级反应动力学规律(R2>0.95);四环素降解效率随电流密度增大而增大,当电流密度大于15 mA·cm-2时,四环素的降解反应受传质控制;四环素降解效率随极板间距增大而减小,在传质控制条件下,反应速率与极板间距成反比;初始浓度小于20 mg·L-1时,受传质影响,四环素降解效率基本不随初始浓度变化,当初始浓度大于20 mg·L-1时,四环素降解效率随初始浓度增大而减小;Na2SO4为电化学降解水中四环素较合适的电解质。
关键词: 四环素/
Abstract:A Ti/SnO2-Sb anode was prepared and used for the electrochemical oxidation of tetracycline (TC). The effects of reaction conditions including current density (5 to 25 mA·cm-2), distance between anode and cathode (5 to 25 mm), initial TC concentration (5 to 100 mg·L-1) and electrolyte (NaClO4, Na2SO4 and NaNO3) on the electrochemical degradation kinetics of TC were investigated. The electrochemical oxidation of TC by Ti/SnO2-Sb anode followed pseudo-first-order kinetics (R2>0.95). The TC degradation efficiency increased with the applied current density. When the applied current density was higher than 15 mA·cm-2, the removal of TC was under the control of mass transfer and its removal efficiency was inversely proportional to the distance between anode and cathode. The degradation efficiencies of TC were almost the same when the initial TC concentration was less than 20 mg·L-1 and showed a decrease trend when it was higher than 20 mg·L-1, indicating that the anode oxidation under low substrate concentration or high current density was controlled by mass transfer. Na2SO4 was suitable supporting electrolyte for TC electrochemical degradation.
Key words:tetracycline/
electrochemical oxidation/
Ti/SnO2-Sb anode/
reaction kinetics.

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1.中国矿业大学北京化学与环境工程学院,北京 100083
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20907072)
关键词: 四环素/
摘要:以钛基锡锑电极为阳极,研究了电化学氧化技术对水中四环素的去除效果。考察了电流密度(5~25 mA·cm-2)、极板间距(5~25 mm)、四环素初始浓度(5~100 mg·L-1)和电解质种类(NaClO4、Na2SO4和NaNO3)对四环素电化学降解效率的影响。研究表明:钛基锡锑电极电化学降解四环素反应符合一级反应动力学规律(R2>0.95);四环素降解效率随电流密度增大而增大,当电流密度大于15 mA·cm-2时,四环素的降解反应受传质控制;四环素降解效率随极板间距增大而减小,在传质控制条件下,反应速率与极板间距成反比;初始浓度小于20 mg·L-1时,受传质影响,四环素降解效率基本不随初始浓度变化,当初始浓度大于20 mg·L-1时,四环素降解效率随初始浓度增大而减小;Na2SO4为电化学降解水中四环素较合适的电解质。
English Abstract
Electrochemical oxidation of tetracycline in aquatic environment by Ti/SnO2-Sb anode
ZHI Dan1,,WANG Jianbing1,
ZHOU Yunhui1,
WANG Dongliang1,
GONG Yanxi1,
JI Yuxian1,
ZHANG Fengyuan1,
WANG Weiyi1
1.School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining and TechnologyBeijing, Beijing 100083, China
Keywords: tetracycline/
electrochemical oxidation/
Ti/SnO2-Sb anode/
reaction kinetics
Abstract:A Ti/SnO2-Sb anode was prepared and used for the electrochemical oxidation of tetracycline (TC). The effects of reaction conditions including current density (5 to 25 mA·cm-2), distance between anode and cathode (5 to 25 mm), initial TC concentration (5 to 100 mg·L-1) and electrolyte (NaClO4, Na2SO4 and NaNO3) on the electrochemical degradation kinetics of TC were investigated. The electrochemical oxidation of TC by Ti/SnO2-Sb anode followed pseudo-first-order kinetics (R2>0.95). The TC degradation efficiency increased with the applied current density. When the applied current density was higher than 15 mA·cm-2, the removal of TC was under the control of mass transfer and its removal efficiency was inversely proportional to the distance between anode and cathode. The degradation efficiencies of TC were almost the same when the initial TC concentration was less than 20 mg·L-1 and showed a decrease trend when it was higher than 20 mg·L-1, indicating that the anode oxidation under low substrate concentration or high current density was controlled by mass transfer. Na2SO4 was suitable supporting electrolyte for TC electrochemical degradation.