多氟/全氟化合物(PFASs)输入通量来源组成季节特征 英文关键词poly-and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs)inputsourcecompositionseason variation |
中文摘要 |
本文对大连海域入海河流和入海排污口中19种PFASs和2种PFOS新型替代品Cl-PFESAs进行了分析,估算其入海通量,并分析了季节变化特征.结果表明,研究区域入海河流中总PFASs的含量范围为9.85~757 ng·L-1(浓度中位数为74.7 ng·L-1),与国内外其他河流相比,大连海域入海河流中总PFASs的含量处于中等或较低水平;入海排污口中总PFASs的含量范围为9.19~801 ng·L-1(浓度中位数为29.5 ng·L-1).入海河流和入海排污口中PFASs的主要贡献要素为PFOS和PFOA,其中入海河流、市政污水和污水处理厂出水中总PFASs含量未发现明显的季节差异特征,但工业废水中冬季含量显著高于夏季.计算结果显示,大连海域总PFASs入海通量约123 g·d-1(44.7 kg·a-1),入海河流和入海排污口的贡献相当.全氟/多氟醚类磺酸化合物(Cl-PFESAs)检出率较低,其中8 ∶2Cl-PFESA均为检出. |
英文摘要 |
Concentrations of 19 PFASs (poly-and perfluoroalkyl substances) in riverwater, coastal wastewater, and effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) directly discharged into the Dalian coastal area were measured and their inputs were calculated accordingly. For riverwater samples, the total PFAS concentration ranged from 9.85 to 757 ng·L-1, with a median of 74.7 ng·L-1. For drain outlets, the total PFAS concentration in wastewater ranged from 9.19 to 801 ng·L-1, with a median of 29.5 ng·L-1. PFOS and PFOA were the dominant contributors for the PFASs in both riverwater and wastewater samples in this study. The total PFASs concentration in the industrial wastewater samples collected during the winter were found to be significantly higher than those collected in the summer. However, no seasonal variation was found for other samples. The total PFAS input into the Dalian coastal area was calculated to be 44.7 kg·a-1. The detection frequencies of Cl-PFESAs were low, and no 8:2Cl-PFESA was detected in all collected samples. |