Abstract:Against the backdrop of rapid social and economic development in China, environmental problems caused by land use change have been widely concerned. Using the remote sensing monitoring data and statistical data and based on the perspective of "production-living-ecological" spaces, this paper measured the eco-environmental effect of land use transformation in Gansu Province from 1980 to 2018 through the eco-environmental quality index. The driving mechanism of the evolution of eco-environmental quality was analyzed using Partial Least Squares regression model based on ArcGIS and SIMCA-P software platform. The results showed that: (1) from 1980 to 2018, the spatial structure evolution and regional differentiation of "production-living-ecological" spaces were obvious. The production and living spaces were concentrated in Hexi Corridor, Longzhong and Longdong Loess Plateau, having an increased trend, with an increase of 1290.53 km2 and 928.59 km2 respectively. The ecological space was mainly distributed in the Longnan Mountains, Gannan Plateau, Qilian Mountains, and the north of the Hexi Corridor, and had a decreased trend during the study period, with a decreased of 2219.12 km2. The reason for expansion of production and living spaces was mainly due to the decreased of ecological space, especially a large amount of pasture ecological lands transferred into agricultural production lands. (2) The trends of deteriorating and improving of eco-environmental quality coexisted, and under certain conditions they offset each other, and thus the overall eco-environmental quality remained relatively stable. During the study period, the eco-environmental quality index decreased from 0.2661 in 1980 to 0.2653 in 2000, and then increased to 0.2682 in 2018, showing a "U" type evolution process. In terms of the spatial distribution of eco-environmental quality, it showed the southeast high and northwest low characteristics in study area. The pattern evolution showed an obvious agglomeration characteristics, a deterioration area of eco-environmental quality in Longzhong around Lanzhou City, and the improvement area of eco-environmental quality in Hexi and Longdong around Jiayuguan City and Qingyang City. (3) The ecological construction and scientific and technological progresses played a significant role in promoting the improvement of eco-environmental quality, while population increase and the improvement of social consumption level had increased the pressure on the ecological environment to some extent. The impact of foreign trade on the ecological environment had two sides with exports increased the pressure on the ecological environment, while imports improved the ecological environment. The results from the current study can provide a base for utilization of land resources and ecological environment protection, and are of great significance for regional sustainable development.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31
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