

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31


Abstract:Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is one of the most special regions of China's administrative divisions. It is composed of two provincial units, autonomous region and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), which carry out production and operation activities within their respective jurisdiction, resulting in unreasonable industrial distribution and waste of resources between the XPCC and local areas, thus affecting the economic and social development of Xinjiang to a certain extent. Based on the Symbiosis Theory and take the integration of XPCC and local as the ultimate goal. The study area include Urumqi (local city), Wujiaqu (XPCC city) and Changji (local city). With the help of land use data, we constructed indicator system to explore the spatio-temporal differentiation pattern of Production-Living-Ecological. And Symbiotic Degree Model was used to identify Production-Living-Ecological function symbiotic development pattern, aim to provide theoretical suggestions for the cross-border integrated development of XPCC city and local city. The results show that: (1) from the characteristics of spatio-temporal differentiation of Production-Living-Ecological in 2013-2018, the production land in the study area is mainly concentrated in the oasis area, which is in the middle of the study area. Different levels of land area show different trends of increase or decrease. The areas of living land showing high density in middle and low density on surrounding spatial pattern and expanded continuously. The ecological land is mainly distributed in the south of the study area, and the overall trend is decreasing. (2) In terms of production function, the symbiotic model of Wujiaqu city, Urumqi city and Changji city are positively asymmetric symbiotic and negatively asymmetric symbiotic, respectively. Among which, Wujiaqu city has a greater influence on Urumqi city, Changji city has a greater influence on Wujiaqu city. In the aspect of living function, the symbiotic model between Wujiaqu city and the two local cities are positively asymmetric symbiotic, and the two local cities are in a strong influence on each other by virtue of their better urban construction. In terms of ecological function, the symbiotic model between Wujiaqu city and the two local cities are positively asymmetric symbiotic. In the degree of mutual influence, Wujiaqu has a great influence on Urumqi, and Wujiaqu has a great influence on Changji. (3) Based on the spatio-temporal pattern of Production-Living-Ecological and the symbiotic model of Production-Living-Ecological function, we put forward suggestions for the integration and development of XPCC and local city in the production, living, and ecological aspects.



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