

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31


Abstract:By analyzing the current situation and problems of ecological remediation along the shoreline of Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province, the necessity of establishing an evaluation indicator system of ecological remediation is clarified. Based on the relevant studies and ecological evaluation standards in wetland and aquatic ecosystem, Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Soil Water Impact Index (SWII), Native Plant Remediation Index (NPRI), Plant Species Diversity Index (PSDI), Revetment Type Index (RTI), Shoreline Tortuosity Index (STI) and their quantitative determination methods are built. The EVI is used to analyze the relationship between pixel value and zero. When the pixel value is greater than zero, the increasing EVI indicates that plant mulching is rising, and the effect of shoreline ecological remediation is positive. The soil and water conservation of remediation region is evaluated by the SWII. The smaller the value of SWII is, the less soil and water loss is, which indicates the higher degree of soil and water conservation of shoreline. The native plant remediation is evaluated by the NPRI. The degree of native plant remediation increases with the increasing of NPRI, the lager value of which is beneficial to achieve the transformation from artificial remediation to natural remediation. The PSDI is used to evaluate the species richness and uniformity of the remediation region. The higher the value of PSDI is, the richer and more evenly distributed the plant species are, which indicates a better outcome of this remediation. The RTI is used to evaluate the diversity of bank revetment types. Various types of bank revetment should be used in combination to meet different ecological requirements. The STI is used to evaluate the tortuosity of the shoreline, and constructing relatively curved shorelines can promote shoreline ecological remediation. In addition, the evaluation method with the former four indexes as main parameters and the others as additional parameters is established, and the grades and corresponding scores are defined. The results show that the growth status of plants, the living conditions of animals and the stability of the bank slope are considered systematically by using the six indexes. Through the combination of the primary indexes and additional indexes in the evaluation indicator system, not only the quantitative evaluation of ecological remediation can be reached, but also the design of ecological remediation engineering projects can be guided properly. This study provides a scientific basis for evaluation of the ecological remediation along the shoreline of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province.



相关话题/生态 指标 植物 江苏 基础

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