Abstract:On the basis of quantifying landscape ecology risk sensitivity, soil erosion sensitivity, and biodiversity sensitivity in a grid scale format, this paper comprehensively evaluated the ecological sensitivity of the Fenhe River Basin. Methods such as spatial autocorrelation analysis and circle analysis were employed to display the characteristics of spatiotemporal variations in the Basin. According to the research findings, the Basin presented a reduction of severe and extremely sensitive areas and an improvement of the ecological environment from 2000 to 2018. The spatial differentiation of the ecological sensitivity was consistent with the terrain distribution of the Basin. The areas with higher comprehensive ecological sensitivity were mainly distributed in Luya Mountains Region and Yunzhong Mountains Region at the source of the Fenhe River Basin. The areas with lower ecological sensitivity were mainly distributed in Fenhe Reservoir and its surrounding areas, Taiyuan Basin in the middle reaches and Linfen Basin in the lower reaches. While the ecological sensitivity presented a significantly positive spatial correlation, showing a pattern of interconnecting areal and zonal distributions with obvious agglomeration characteristics. The low-low(LL) aggregation areas were mainly related to extreme and severe sensitive areas, while the high-high(HH) aggregation areas were mainly related to mild sensitive areas. With the decrease in the number of high-high and low-low aggregation grids, the spatial structure of the ecological sensitivity tended to be discretized. The range of distribution of circles in severe and extremely sensitive areas showed a trend of first enlargement and then narrowing, which showed that with the change of time, severe sensitive areas and extremely sensitive areas decreased and the ecological environment of the study area was improved. According to the distribution of quadrants, severe sensitive areas and extremely sensitive areas were mainly distributed in the southwest and southeast quadrants. According to the distribution of circles, Lüliang Mountains Region in the 9th to the 13th circles of the southwest quadrant and Taiyue Mountains Region in the 9th to the 13th circles of the southeast quadrant were identified as key areas for the ecological environment governance. The topography of this kind of region is mainly mountainous and hills, which reflects the influence of terrain factors on the spatial distribution of ecological sensitivity of the Basin. Variations of the ecological sensitivity in the study area are the result of the combined effect of ecological background and human stress. The natural background determines the ecological environment and human living conditions of the Basin, and human activities in turn can affect or even change the ecological environment of the Basin.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-31
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