1. 成都理工大学生态环境学院, 成都 610059;
2. 地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室(成都理工大学), 成都 610059
作者简介: 黎文婷(1994-),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为污染场地修复,E-mail:l13890877965@126.com.
通讯作者: 李景吉,lijingji2014@cdut.edu.cn ;
基金项目: 地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室人才培养课题(SKLGP2018Z004)中图分类号: X171.5
Health Risk Assessment of a Lubricant Contaminated Site
Li Wenting1,Li Jingji1,2,,,
Chen An1,
Zhong Min1,
Song Li1
1. College of Environment and Ecology, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection(Chengdu University of Technology), Chengdu 610059, China
Corresponding author: Li Jingji,lijingji2014@cdut.edu.cn ;
CLC number: X171.5
摘要:总石油烃(total petroleum hydrocarbons,TPH)是烃总量的一个表征,包含各种烃类化合物,对人体具有极大的危害。通过对四川省某润滑油厂拆迁场地采样调查,分析了污染物分布特征,在明确未来规划用途的条件下,用分馏法以高碳石油烃毒性参数对污染地块的石油烃进行了风险评估。结果表明,场地主要污染物为石油烃C10~C40,主要污染区域为生产车间、室外原油堆放区、油桶堆放区、油罐堆放区和废水处理池。不同功能区石油烃C10~C40垂直分布特征不同,同一土壤层不同功能区域石油烃C10~C40污染程度也不同。对不同组成成分的石油烃C10~C40进行风险评估,其评价结果也不同。总的来说HI(脂肪族:芳香族含量比为100:0) < HI(脂肪族:芳香族含量比为79.4:20.6) < HI(脂肪族:芳香族含量比为0:100)。当脂肪族:芳香族含量比为100:0和79.4:20.6时,石油烃C10~C40总危害商<1,石油烃C10~C40浓度在人体健康可接受的范围内,不需要进行土壤风险控制值计算;当脂肪族:芳香族含量比为0:100时,石油烃C10~C40总危害商>1,存在非致癌风险;综合非致癌效应的土壤风险控制值为8 168.58 mg·kg-1。
关键词: 润滑油厂/
Abstract:Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) include various types of hydrocarbon compounds and are extremely harmful to human health. In this study, we surveyed an abandoned lubricating oil factory in Sichuan Province and analyzed the distribution patterns of pollutants. Using the fractionation method, we further assessed the risk of petroleum hydrocarbons based on the planed land use and the toxic parameters of high carbon petroleum hydrocarbons. The results showed that the major pollutant was petroleum hydrocarbons C10~C40, and the main pollution areas included the production workshop, area of outdoor crude oil storage, area of drum storage, area of oil storage, area of waste water treatment tank. Among different functional areas, petroleum hydrocarbons C10~C40 showed varied vertical distribution patterns and varied pollution levels in the same soil layer. The risk rank of petroleum hydrocarbons C10~C40 is hazard index (HI) (m(Aliphatics):m(Aromatics)=100:0) < HI (m(Aliphatics):m(Aromatics)=79.4:20.6) < HI (m(Aliphatics):m(Aromatics)=0:100). When m(Aliphatics):m(Aromatics) was 100:0 or 79.4:20.6, the total hazard quotient of petroleum hydrocarbons C10~C40 was less than 1, indicating that the concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons C10~C40 is acceptable for human health and the calculation of the soil risk control value is not necessary. By contrast, when the m(Aliphatics):m(Aromatics) was 0:100, the total hazard quotient of petroleum hydrocarbons C10~C40 was greater than 1, showing a non-carcinogenic risk, and the risk control value of the comprehensive non-carcinogenic effect was 8 168.58 mg·kg-1.
Key words:lubricating oil/
contaminated site/
total petroleum hydrocarbons/
risk assessment.
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