1. 北京市农林科学院北京草业与环境研究发展中心, 北京 100097;
2. 中南林业科技大学环境科学与工程学院, 长沙 410004
作者简介: 夏凡(1993-),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为污染控制工程,E-mail:x729520318@163.com.
通讯作者: 王庆海,wqh@grass-env.com
基金项目: 北京市自然科学基金资助项目(5192004);国家自然科学基金资助项目(31370540)中图分类号: X171.5
Physiological Response of Iris pseudacorus to Atrazine Stress
Xia Fan1,2,Li Cui1,
Chen Chuansheng2,
Wang Qinghai1,,
1. Beijing Research and Development Center for Grass and Environment, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097, China;
2. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
Corresponding author: Wang Qinghai,wqh@grass-env.com
CLC number: X171.5
摘要:化学除草剂阿特拉津通过阻碍电子传递抑制植物光合作用,其水体污染的生态毒性倍受关注。为揭示挺水植物对阿特拉津胁迫的生理响应规律,采用水培试验模拟不同浓度阿特拉津胁迫,测定黄菖蒲叶绿素荧光参数及叶片防御酶活性在抑菌和无抑菌条件下的变化,分析二者间的相关性。结果表明,不抑菌条件下,胁迫浓度≤ 4 mg·L-1时,POD和PPO活性增强,随着胁迫强度加大活性下降,而SOD活性显著升高。PPO活性与多个叶绿素荧光参数、MDA含量显著相关。胁迫浓度≤ 1 mg·L-1时,植物各叶绿素荧光参数均与对照组无显著差异;4 mg·L-1时仍可维持正常水平的叶绿素含量和光合效率。这表明,阿特拉津胁迫下3种酶的协调作用提高了植物的适应能力,PPO活性可反映植物光合作用受抑制程度及受氧化损伤程度。黄菖蒲对阿特拉津的耐受水平可达到4 mg·L-1,微生物可以减轻阿特拉津的植物毒性,这可能归因于其能够促进阿特拉津降解。
关键词: 阿特拉津/
Abstract:Atrazine inhibits plant photosynthesis by blocking the electron transfer in the photosystem Ⅱ. Atrazine pollution in surface waters has become the subject of continuous concern due to its potential ecotoxicity. In order to detect the physiological response of the emergent plants to the atrazine stress, Iris pseudacorus was exposed to atrazine (0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 mg·L-1) for 3 weeks in a hydroponic system. The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and defense enzyme activities of the leaves were determined under nature and sterile conditions. The correlations of the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters with defense enzyme activities were analyzed. The results showed that POD and PPO activities were enhanced at atrazine concentrations not exceeding 4 mg·L-1, decreasing with increasing stress concentrations, while SOD activity increased significantly under such conditions. PPO activity was significantly correlated with several chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and MDA content. All of the tested chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were not significantly different from the control at low atrazine concentrations (≤ 1 mg·L-1), and the plant can maintain normal levels of chlorophyll content and photosynthetic efficiency at 4 mg·L-1 atrazine stress. These results suggested that the coordination of three enzymes increased the plant adaptability under atrazine stress, and PPO activity reflected the degree of photosynthesis inhibition and the degree of oxidative damage. The tolerance level of Iris pseudacorus to atrazine reached 4 mg·L-1, and microorganisms can alleviate the phytotoxicity of atrazine maybe due to its role in degrading atrazine.
Key words:atrazine/
Iris pseudacorus/
photosynthetic characteristics/
defense enzymes.
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