大连理工大学环境学院, 工业生态与环境工程教育部重点实验室, 大连 116024
作者简介: 田甜(1995-),女,硕士,研究方向为环境暴露与健康风险评价,E-mail:18537753959@163.com.
通讯作者: 李雪花,lixuehua@dlut.edu.cn
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(21777019,21477016)中图分类号: X171.5
Occurrence and Health Risks of 29 Metal Elements in Tap Water of Dalian, China
Tian Tian,Zhang Ruohan,
Xie Huaijun,
Chen Jingwen,
Qiao Xianliang,
Zhang Jiachen,
Zhao Shaodong,
Zhang Yin,
Li Xuehua,
Key Laboratory of Industrial Ecology and Environmental Engineering(MOE), School of Environmental Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Corresponding author: Li Xuehua,lixuehua@dlut.edu.cn
CLC number: X171.5
摘要:自来水是饮用水的主要来源,其水质影响居民健康。为了评价自来水中金属元素的暴露水平及其对人群的健康风险,利用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)定量分析了大连市38个自来水样品中的29种金属元素,并基于美国环境保护局(US EPA)开发的健康风险评价模型,考虑经口和经皮肤暴露途径,结合蒙特卡罗模拟法评价自来水中残留的金属元素对人群的健康风险。结果表明,自来水中共检出19种金属元素(包括11种重金属),检出的单一金属的平均浓度最小值为0.02 μg·L-1,最大值为4.25×103 μg·L-1。通过与中国、美国、世界卫生组织和欧盟的饮用水标准进行比对发现,除了锰(Mn)和铁(Fe),其他元素的浓度均未超过以上标准。风险评价结果表明,大连市自来水中残留的19种金属元素的联合非致癌风险指数(HI)为0.10(5%分位数)~0.69(95%分位数),表明风险可忽略。致癌风险评价结果显示,部分自来水中残留的铬(Cr)对人群的致癌风险(最高值为4.1×10-5)不可忽略,表明长期直饮自来水而导致的致癌风险不能忽略。本研究评价Cr的致癌风险时,假设检出的Cr均为毒性最大的Cr(Ⅵ),这可能高估了致癌风险,因此,建议对大连市自来水中残留的不同价态Cr的浓度水平进行研究,并进一步关注Cr对人群的健康风险。
关键词: 自来水/
Abstract:Tap water is a main source of drinking water for Chinese families, and the quality of tap water is closely related to the health of residents. In this study, 38 tap water samples were collected from Dalian, China to analyze 29 metal elements. A total of 19 metals were detected with the mean concentration for each metal ranging from 0.02 to 4.25×103 μg·L-1, including Li, B, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Ga, Se, Rb, Sr, Ba, Mg, K, Fe and Hg. A total of 11 heavy metals were detected with the mean concentration ranging from 0.02 μg·L-1to 42.63 μg·L-1. The concentrations of metals detected in Dalian tap water were compared with the drinking water standards provided by China, World Health Organization (WHO), United States of America (USA) and European Union (EU). The concentrations of metals in Dalian tap water have not exceeded the limit of the drinking water standards, except for Mn and Fe. We also comprehensively reviewed previous studies on the levels of toxic heavy metals found in drinking water. In addition, based on health risk assessment model developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks of metals to local residents were assessed by considering oral and dermal intake. To cope with the uncertainty of parameters in the process of health risk assessment, the health risk assessment was conducted using the Monte Carlo simulation method. The cumulative non-carcinogenic risk index (HI) of residual metals in tap water of Dalian was 0.32±0.19 and can be negligible. Based on Monte Carlo simulation, the HI value was predicted to range from 0.10 (5th percentile) to 0.69 (95th percentile). The results of carcinogenic risk assessment showed that the risk of Cr in the tap water ranged from 0 to 4.1×10-5 (max). We assumed the concentration of Cr was fully contributed by Cr(Ⅵ), which might overestimate the carcinogenic risk caused by Cr. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to the levels of Cr in different valent in Dalian tap water.
Key words:tap water/
health risks/
standard comparison/
Monte Carlo simulation.

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