1. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049;
2. 河北农业大学, 保定 071000
作者简介: 耿紫琪(1997-),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为土壤中重金属污染健康风险评估,E-mail:gengziqi2018@163.com.
通讯作者: 崔岩山,cuiyanshan@ucas.ac.cn
基金项目: 中国科学院大学生创新实践训练计划基金;国家自然科学基金资助项目(41877501)中图分类号: X171.5
Bioaccessibility of Chromium in Rice and Its Human Health Risk Assessment
Geng Ziqi1,2,Wang Pengfei1,
Fu Yaqi1,
Liu Wenju2,
Cui Yanshan1,,
1. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
2. Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071000, China
Corresponding author: Cui Yanshan,cuiyanshan@ucas.ac.cn
CLC number: X171.5
摘要:为了研究稻米中Cr的生物可给性,并对由稻米途径摄入Cr所引起的人体健康风险进行评估,从市场收集了16种稻米样品,采用in vitro方法(PBET和SHIME联用)研究了这些稻米样品中Cr在胃、小肠和结肠3个阶段的生物可给性及其对人体的健康风险。结果表明,16个稻米样品中Cr的含量均未超过国家食品卫生标准(GB 2762—2017)中规定的Cr的限量标准(1.0 mg·kg-1)。稻米中Cr在胃、小肠和结肠3个阶段的生物可给性分别为34.3%~66.1%、46.4%~89.1%和64.4%~94.5%,平均值为52.5%、75.1%和83.0%,小肠阶段Cr的生物可给性是胃阶段的1.4倍,结肠阶段Cr的生物可给性是小肠阶段的1.1倍,可见肠道微生物可以促进稻米中Cr的溶出释放。在人体健康风险评价中,成人和儿童的健康风险指数危害商(HQ)均<1.0,说明市场所售稻米中Cr对人体健康风险较小。
关键词: 铬/
Abstract:To investigate the bioaccessibility of chromium (Cr) in rice and to evaluate the human health risk of Cr due to rice intake, 16 rice samples were collected from the market. The in vitro method, including PBET method (physiologically based extraction test) and SHIME model (simulator of human intestinal microbial ecosystem), were used to study the Cr bioaccessibility in the gastric, small intestinal and colon phases respectively. Subsequently the human health risk of Cr was assessed. The content of Cr in the 16 rice samples did not exceed the limit standard of Cr stipulated in the National Food Hygiene Standard (GB 2762-2017) (1.0 mg·kg-1). The bioaccessibilities of Cr in the three phases of the gastric, small intestinal and colon were 34.3%~66.1%, 46.4%~89.1%, and 64.4%~94.5%, respectively, with the average values of 52.5%, 75.1% and 83.0%, respectively. The bioaccessibility of Cr in the small intestinal phase was 1.4 times higher than that in the gastric phase, and the bioaccessibility of Cr in the colon phase was 1.1 times higher than that in the small intestinal phase. Human gut microbiota can promote the rice Cr release. In human health risk assessment, the hazard quotient of adults and children were less than 1.0, indicating that Cr in sold rice may induce less risks to human health.
Key words:Cr/
human health risk/
in vitro.

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