1.School of Aerospace Engineering, Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering, Ministry of Education, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 2.School of Microelectronics, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51621062)
Received Date:17 May 2020
Accepted Date:15 June 2020
Available Online:29 September 2020
Published Online:05 October 2020
Abstract:Silicone rubber has an important application as a thermal interface material for its advantages in insulation, heat resistance, etc. The thermal conductivities at different crosslinking densities are calculated by non-equilibrium molecular dynamics. The results show that the thermal conductivity increases with crosslinking density increasing. The thermal conductivity can increase by 40% when the crosslinking density is 80%, which is because the spatial network structure formed by crosslinking shortens the length of heat transfer along the atomic chain, which makes the thermal conductivity increase greatly. The position of crosslinking bond has little effect on the thermal conductivity under the same crosslinking density, i.e. there is no significant difference in the thermal conductivity of the cross-linked structure between the end-cross-linking position and the middle-cross-linking position. However, the increase of the interval between the crosslinking points is beneficial to the increase of the thermal conductivity. The phonon densities of state under different crosslinking densities are calculated, and the heat conduction mechanism of crosslinking structure is analyzed. Keywords:silicone rubber/ thermal conductivity/ crosslinking density/ non-equilibrium molecular dynamic
表1归一化交联密度的计算 Table1.Calculation of normalized crosslinking density.
不同反应活性点间隔对热导率的影响如图15所示, 间隔为2和4的情况下, 热导率随着归一化交联密度的提高而提高. 间隔为6的情况下, 当归一化交联密度小于20%时, 热导率不随归一化交联密度变化; 归一化交联密度大于20%时, 热导率增加. 对比间隔2, 4, 6时的热导率, 发现相同归一化交联密度下间隔为6的热导率最大. 交联间隔越大, 热导率越高, 为了提高交联硅橡胶的热导率, 应当适当增加活性点的间距. 图 15 不同反应活性点间隔对热导率的影响 Figure15. The effect of reaction active atoms intervals on thermal conductivity.
不同的交联间隔下的密度有所不同, 密度随归一化交联密度的变化趋势如图16所示, 对比热导率随着归一化交联密度的变化趋势可以看出, 密度的变化趋势大体与热导率的变化趋势一致, 通常是较高的密度对应较高的热导率. 把质量密度和热导率放在一张图中, 如图17所示, 可以看出热导率和质量密度正相关, 相关系数为0.838. 实际应用中应将硅橡胶材料紧密加载, 这是因为紧密加载会使其密度增高进而使其热导率增加, 此外紧密加载时接触热阻也会较小. 图 16 不同归一化交联密度下的质量密度 Figure16. Density under different normalized crosslinking density.
图 17 质量密度和热导率的相关性 Figure17. Correlation between mass density and thermal conductivity.
24.4.交联密度对声子态密度的影响 -->
晶格振动的量子称为声子, 通常用分子动力学模拟的信息得到声子的相关信息[18], 最常见的是由速度自相关函数的傅里叶转换得到声子态密度[19]. 还有一种方法是基于振动散射理论得到声子的信息[20], 它是利用分子动力学计算中的位移进行傅里叶变换得到倒空间的格林函数[21], 再进一步得到力常数矩阵和动力学矩阵, 通过计算动力学矩阵的特征值得到声子态密度[22], 该方法能考虑到声子的非谐波效应. 本文声子态密度的计算方法采用后者, 这一部分工作在LAMMPS软件的PHONON命令中完成, 结合后处理工具PHANA可以得到声子态密度的信息. 图18所示为间隔为2的情况下交联密度分别为1%, 10%, 75%, 80%时Si和O原子振动的声子态密度; 图19所示为间隔为4的情况下交联密度为16%和65%时的声子态密度. 可以发现, 随着交联密度增加低频区声子数变少, 在高频区声子数增加. 交联密度增加, 使得原子间的相互作用力加强, 高频声子增加; 但是另外一方面, 交联密度的增加, 使得从低温区向高温区热量传递的路径更短, 因而使得热导率随交联密度的增加而增加. 图 18 间隔为2时不同交联密度下的声子态密度分布 (a) Si原子; (b) O原子 Figure18. Distribution of phonon density of states under different crosslinking densities at atoms interval 2: (a) Si; (b) O.
图 19 间隔为4时不同交联密度下的声子态密度分布 (a) Si原子; (b) O原子 Figure19. Distribution of phonon density of states under different crosslinking densities at atoms interval 4 (a) Si; (b) O