1.School of Science, China University of Geoscience, Beijing 100083, China 2.Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFB0404201) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61774147, 61504128)
Received Date:10 May 2019
Accepted Date:15 August 2019
Available Online:01 October 2019
Published Online:20 October 2019
Abstract:Ohmic contact is directly related to the performance of GaN device and is one of the important factors affecting device performance. In recent years, many research groups have studied the electrode materials and annealing conditions of n-type GaN Ohmic contacts. In this paper, the ohmic contact properties and structural characteristics of the Hf/Al electrode of a transition group metal refractory metal Hf system under different annealing conditions are studied, and compared with those of the Ti-based ohmic contact Ti/Al electrode. The specific contact resistivity of each electrode is measured by a dot-type transmission line model, and the structural characteristics of the electrode are analyzed by using an Auger electron spectrometer which can be analyzed in depth. The results show that the Hf/Al electrode under the same annealing condition exhibits superior ohmic contact performance compared with the conventional Ti/Al electrode. At the same time, the lowest specific contact resistivity of the Hf/Al electrode annealed in an N2 atmosphere at a low temperature of 650 ℃ for 60 s is 4.28×10–5 Ω·cm2. The in-depth analysis of Auger electron spectrum shows that the Hf/Al electrode has a solid phase reaction with the n-type GaN material. In addition, the cross section of each electrode is observed by auger electron spectroscopy. In the Hf/Al electrode sample, the metal-semiconductor interface does not show voids after annealing. This situation occurs at the sample interface where the Ti/Al electrode is annealed at 650 ℃ for 60 s in N2 atmosphere and annealed at 850 ℃ for 30 s in N2 atmosphere. This is one of the reasons why the Hf/Al electrode sample has a lower specific contact resistivity. At the same time, the surface of Hf/Al electrode and Ti/Al electrode annealed at 850 ℃ are characterized by using scanning electron microscope. It is found that the surfaces of both electrodes subject to high temperature annealing show a similar granular rough surface, and this rough surface has a certain influence on the electrical properties of the GaN device. The rough surface formed by the electrode under such high temperature annealing conditions is an urgent problem to be solved in the future research. In summary, the study in this paper indicates the use of Hf/Al to form an ohmic contact with n-type GaN under a low temperature annealing condition. Keywords:n-type GaN/ Ohmic contact/ rapid thermal annealing/ hafnium
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1.引 言第三代半导体材料GaN, 因其具有宽的带隙、高的击穿电压、大的饱和漂移速率、高的热导率, 以及优良的热稳定性和化学稳定性等优点, 特别适合用于制作高频、高效、耐高温、耐高压、抗辐射的大功率微波器件[1—7]. 对于大功率电子器件和高频器件, 电极低的接触电阻意味着低功耗和高的器件可靠性, 欧姆接触直接关系到GaN器件的性能, 是影响器件性能的重要因素之一. 目前, Ti基多层金属结构(Ti/Al/Ni/Au)是应用于n型GaN欧姆接触最为广泛的电极材料,如图1所示. 通常是在n型GaN表面沉积多层金属结构, 其后是快速热退火(RTA)工艺, 在高于800 ℃的温度下快速退火, 使金属间、金属-半导体间发生固相反应以获得低的接触电阻[8—15]. van Daele等[16]发现, 若仅用单层的Ti作为电极形成欧姆接触, 退火后的金属-半导体界面处会形成大的空隙. 这是由于金属Ti在退火过程中会夺取GaN中的N发生固相反应产生TiN以及Ga-Ti合金, 导致了接触界面处的GaN分解. 这种反应在较高的温度下退火时, 发生得更加彻底, 导致了更大的空隙出现. Al的引入可以一定程度地抑制GaN的分解, 减少金属-半导体界面处的“空洞”产生. 然而传统的Ti金属电极需要的退火温度都在800 ℃以上[11], 作为Ti基欧姆接触电极体系中的关键金属Al, 其熔点为660.4 ℃[17]. Gong等[18]发现电极材料在退火的过程中, Al处于熔融状态, 部分Al会外溢与Au形成晶体颗粒状合金, 使电极表面变得粗糙. 这种粗糙的电极表面会导致尖端放电现象, 使功率电子器件的击穿特性下降. 对于微波器件, 会引起电流分布不均匀以及信号衰减. GaN器件在大电流环境下工作时, 还可能导致电极表面凸起开裂, 从而影响器件的可靠性. 因此, 寻找合理的欧姆电极金属体系以及开发欧姆电极低温退火工艺可以提高电极的性能. 图 1 目前最常应用于n型GaN欧姆接触的Ti基多层金属体系 Figure1. Ti-based multilayer metal system most commonly used in n-type GaN ohmic contact