1.Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of Ministry of Education, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China 2.School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China 3.Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, Xi'an 710024, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the Joint Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the China Academy of Engineering Physics (Grant No. U1530133) and the Surface Project of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2018JM6062)
Received Date:16 April 2019
Accepted Date:23 June 2019
Available Online:01 September 2019
Published Online:20 September 2019
Abstract:The relativistic backward-wave oscillator has been considered to be one of the most promising high-power microwave devices. As the output microwave power is further increased, the breakdown phenomenon inside the relativistic backward-wave oscillator, including the collector pole, becomes more and more serious, which eventually leads to the pulse shortening, becoming a biggest obstacle to the development of the device with high power and high energy. Such a problem has also been one of the important issues which constrain its development. Based on the 2.5D particle-in-cell simulation software, i.e. UNIPIC-2D developed by our research group, in this paper the dynamic gassing model is used to study the effects of the relativistic backward-wave oscillator collector breakdown process and the guiding magnetic field under different outgassing coefficients. The result of particle simulation demonstrates that as the electrons continue to bombard the collector, the surface pressure of the collector is increased, and gas ionization occurs. The generated plasma enters into the slow-wave structure along the guiding magnetic field, thus affecting the beam-wave interaction process and causing the output power to drop. With the increase of the gas release coefficient, the pulse shortening phenomenon becomes more and more obvious. In the case of low guiding magnetic field, the breakdown and pulse shortening are alleviated. Keywords:relativistic backward-wave oscillator/ collector/ pulse shortening/ breakdown
采用的3.4 T引导磁场RBWO模型结构[24]如图2所示, 图中I为爆炸发射阴极, 在脉冲功率源驱动下发射强流相对论电子束; II, III, IV为高频结构区域, 其中II为半径2.8 cm、宽度1 cm的谐振腔反射器; III为慢波结构, 采用非均匀梯形结构以保证较高的工作效率; IV为半径3.2 cm、宽度0.7 cm的提取腔. 在模拟过程中的工作电压为700 kV, 电流为10 kA, 电子束流内外半径分别为1.9 cm和2.0 cm; 引导磁场3.4 T; 在收集极的局部区域(25 cm < z < 30 cm, r = 2.2 cm)收集电子束并产生释气和二次电子; 模拟时间为40 ns. 图 2 3.4 T引导磁场RBWO示意图 Figure2. 3.4 T-guide magnetic field RBWO schematic.
23.2.粒子模拟结果与分析 -->
在无释气情况下, RBWO输出微波功率如图3所示, 输出的平均功率为1.94 GW左右, 输出微波功率比较稳定. 图 3 无释气情况下3.4 T RBWO输出功率 Figure3. 3.4 T RBWO output power without outgassing.
RBWO收集极产生释气与无释气情况下的模拟结果进行对比, 如图4所示. 相比无释气情况, 微波输出功率、脉冲宽度随着释气系数增加呈现减小趋势, 在释气系数为2时脉冲缩短现象明显, 在30 ns时器件的微波输出截止. 图 4 不同释气系数λ下输出功率对比 Figure4. Output power comparison under different outgassing coefficients λ.