1.State Key Laboratory of Acoustics, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 2.91900 Unit of Chinese Navy, Xingcheng 125100, China 3.College of Meteorology and Oceanology, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China 4.Ocean Laboratory of Acoustics and Remote Sensing, Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Xiamen 361005, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11874061, 11434012, 11474302).
Received Date:22 October 2018
Accepted Date:12 May 2019
Available Online:01 July 2019
Published Online:05 July 2019
Abstract:Ocean reverberation is an important issue in underwater acoustics, which usually influences the working performance of the active sonars significantly. The deep-water reverberation data are collected from the South China Sea experiment including the reverberation signals at large receiving depths near the bottom, showing that the wave intensity increases obviously at some moments with time increasing. To analyze in depth the data, a uniform bottom-reverberation model is proposed based on the ray theory, which can calculate monostatic and bistatic reverberation intensity and explain the generation process of deep-water reverberation. The mesh method is first used in this model by dividing bottom scatterers into a number of grids. Then reverberation is calculated based on the exact time of generating the scattering signal from each grid. Due to the exact arrival time, the presented model can provide more accurate result than classical models, in which scatterers are usually treated as circular rings or elliptical rings. Numerical results are compared with experimental reverberations at different receiving distances and depths. The simulated and experimental results agree well overall for large receiving depths, whereas agreement extent decreases for the case of receiving depth close to the sea surface. The analytical results indicate that the applied scattering coefficient is suitable for this experimental sea area, and meanwhile verify that this scattering model is more accurate for low-angle bottom backscatters corresponding to the reverberation at large receiving depths. Keywords:bottom reverberation/ deep water/ large receiving depth/ ray theory
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2018年4月, 中国科学院声学研究所声场声信息国家重点实验室在南海进行了一次综合性海上声学实验, 深海混响是其主要内容之一. 实验采用单船结合深海声学接收潜标的作业方式进行, 如图1所示. 接收潜标系统由20个自容式水听器(USR)组成, USR以非等间距方式布放在85—3400 m深度范围内, 接收灵敏度为–170 dB, 信号采样率为16 kHz. 围绕接收潜标, “实验1号”船在声传播测线上间隔约6 min投掷一枚标定深度为200 m的1 kg TNT当量宽带爆炸声源. 图 1 实验设备布放位置及作业方式示意图 Figure1. Configuration of the deep-water reverberation experiment.
图1给出了传播测线上的海深变化, 垂直阵处海深约为3472 m, 0—8 km距离范围内海底地形相对平坦, 更远处海深发生明显变化. 本文对混响的分析假设海底是水平不变的, 所以只选取0—8 km距离范围内爆炸声源产生的混响信号. 图2给出了实验海域及实验过程的俯视示意图, 除图1给出的实验条件外, 还存在一个小海底山距垂直阵约14 km, 会对接收的混响信号产生一定影响, 在后面将对此进行分析. 实验期间测量的该海区海水声速剖面如图3所示, 其中0—1700 m深度范围内的声速为实测数据, 由于声道轴以下的声速结构具有稳定性, 1700 m以深的声速数据由水文数据库获得, 将其与实测深度的声速通过插值连接得到整个水体的声速剖面. 图 2 实验海域及实验过程俯视图 Figure2. Vertical view of experimental area and process.
图 3 实验海域海水声速剖面 Figure3. Sound speed profile of seawater in experimental area.
22.2.实验数据处理 -->
图4给出了实验中不同深度水听器记录爆炸声源激发的声信号, 声源与接收阵的水平距离为0.76 km. 将接收到的时域信号记为$x\left( t \right)$, 认为${t_i}$时刻附近短时间内的信号是平稳的, 记为$x\left( {{t_i}} \right)$. 对其进行离散傅里叶变换得到信号的频谱Xi, 并在中心频率的1/3倍频程带宽内取平均, 可以得到窄带信号的平均功率: 图 4 不同深度水听器接收到的声信号, 声源与接收阵的水平距离为0.76 km Figure4. Sound signals received by hydrophones at different depth. The horizontal distance between the source and the receiving array is 0.76 km.