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陶芳芳, 宁尚雷, 靳海波*
北京石油化工学院化学工程学院,燃料清洁化及高效催化减排技术北京市重点实验室,北京 102617


Application progress of electrical resistance tomography in gas-liquid-(solid) multiphase flow systems

Fangfang TAO, Shanglei NING, Haibo JIN*
Beijing Key Laboratory of Fuels Cleaning and Advanced Catalytic Emission Reduction Technology, School of Chemical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing 102617, China
Contact:JIN Hai-bo


摘要: Electrical resistance tomography (ERT) has been widely used in monitoring and measuring gas?liquid?(solid) multiphase flow systems as a fast, non-invasive, radiation-free, simple equipment compared to conventional methods and other tomographic modes. For the gas?liquid?(solid) multiphase flow system, the principle of ERT test was introduced, and the characteristics of ERT and other measurement technologies were analyzed in this work. The three important characteristics and process parameters (flow pattern identification, phase holdup, bubble size and distribution) of ERT were reviewed in detail. Problems to be solved in the application process of ERT technology in the gas?liquid systems were discussed (the standardization of flow pattern identification, the accuracy of identification process parameters, the equalization of time resolution and spatial resolution, etc.). Based on the development trend of ERT technology in the field of multi-phase flow parameter detection and its subsequent research directions, a model based on electrode array optimization, image reconstruction algorithm or 3D/4D field establishment was proposed, which combined the dynamic information and fluid dynamics numerical simulation of industrial process parameters. And ERT's rich flow field information can effectively verify the accuracy of mathematical simulation, real-time monitor and predict industrial processes, and effectively prevent or inhibit the uncertainty of chemical production process. At the same time, it was proposed to use the cross-knowledge between different disciplines to broaden the application fields of ERT, such as fluid mechanics in microscale equipment, biomedical testing diffusion properties of serum in dry tablets, online monitoring and analysis in the field of food processing, etc. As a visualization tool of fluid flow, ERT 2D and 3D real-time visualized flow information deepened the understanding of the complex characteristics of multi-phase flow, realized the purpose of optimizing operating conditions, improving efficiency, reducing costs and overall monitoring of production process, and promoted the application of ERT in chemical industry, petroleum, medicine, environmental monitoring, food processing, mineral flotation, material transportation and other fields.


陶芳芳 靳海波 宁尚雷. 电阻层析成像技术在气液(固)多相流动体系中的应用进展[J]. 过程工程学报, 2020, 20(4): 371-381.
Fangfang TAO Shanglei NING Haibo JIN. Application progress of electrical resistance tomography in gas-liquid-(solid) multiphase flow systems[J]. Chin. J. Process Eng., 2020, 20(4): 371-381.


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[7]李晓霞 刘有智 焦纬洲 余丽胜 王永红. 超声制备甲醇乳化柴油影响因素的响应面法优化[J]. 过程工程学报, 2017, 17(2): 278-284.
[8]曹曼倩 洪坤 刘耀倩 许莹 周苏闽 固旭. 基于气泡EMMS模型的鼓泡床两相流动CFD模拟[J]. 过程工程学报, 2016, 16(5): 730-736.
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