A new method to test the cosmic distance duality relation using the strongly lensed gravitational wa
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01
Hai-Nan Lin , Xin Li , Department of Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 401331, China Received Date:2020-01-17 Available Online:2020-07-01 Abstract:We propose a new method to test the cosmic distance duality relation using the strongly lensed gravitational waves. The simultaneous observation of the image positions, relative time delay between different images, redshift measurements of the lens and the source, together with the mass modelling of the lens galaxy, provide the angular diameter distance to the gravitational wave source. On the other hand, the luminosity distance to the source can be obtained from the observation of the gravitational wave signals. To our knowledge this is the first time a method is proposed to simultaneously measure the angular diameter distance and the luminosity distance from the same source. Hence, the strongly lensed gravitational waves provide a unique method to test the cosmic distance duality relation. With the construction of the third generation gravitational detectors such as the Einstein Telescope, it will be possible to test the cosmic distance duality relation with an accuracy of a few percent.
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2.MethodologyWe consider the situation where a GW event originates from the coalescence of a compact binary system (e.g. NS-NS binary and NS-BH binary) and is strongly gravitationally lensed by a foreground galaxy. We also assume that the lens galaxy is modelled as a singular isothermal sphere. With this configuration, two images appear at the angular positions $ \theta_1 $ and $ \theta_2 $ with respect to the lens position. The Einstein radius $ \theta_E = |\theta_1-\theta_2|/2 $ is given by [30]
where $ \sigma_{\rm SIS} $ is the velocity dispersion of the lens galaxy, $ D_A(z_s) $ and $ D_A(z_l,z_s) $ are the angular diameter distances from the observer to the source and from the lens to the source, respectively. If the angular resolution of the GW detector is suficiently high so that the angular positions of the two images can be well measured and the Einstein radius precisely determined, and if the velocity dispersion of the lens galaxy is measured independently, then we can obtain the distance ratio
is the difference of the Fermat potential of the lens galaxy calculated at the image positions, and $ \Psi(\theta) $ is the rescaled projected gravitational potential of the lens galaxy. For the singular isothermal spherical lens, $ \Psi(\theta) = \theta_E|\theta| $. If the gravitational potential of the lens galaxy can be well measured from the photometric and dynamical observations such that the Fermat potential can be calculated, and if the spectroscopic redshift of the lens galaxy is precisely known, then the time-delay distance can be determined from the observed time delay between two GW images. In a spatially flat universe, the comoving distance is related to the angular diameter distance by $r(z_s) = $$ (1+z_s)D_A(z_s) $, $ r(z_l) = (1+z_l)D_A(z_l) $, $ r(z_l,z_s) = (1+z_s) $$D_A(z_l,z_s) $, where the comoving distance from the lens to the source is simply given by $ r(z_l,z_s) = r(z_s)-r(z_l) $. Therefore, the angular diameter distance from the lens to the source reads
Eqs. (2), (4), (6) can be uniquely solved for $ D_A(z_l) $, $ D_A(z_s) $ and $ D_A(z_l,z_s) $. What we are interested in is the distance from the observer to the source, which reads
where $ R_A $ and $ D_{\Delta t} $ are given by Eqs. (2) and (4), respectively. Using the error propagation formulae, we obtain the uncertainty of $ D_A(z_s) $,
If the observables ($ z_l $, $ z_s $, $ \Delta t $, $ \Delta \phi $, $ \theta_E $, $ \sigma_{\rm SIS} $) are measured, then $ D_A(z_s) $ and its uncertainty can be obtained using Eqs. (7)-(10). The luminosity distance to the source $ D_L(z_s) $ can be inferred directly from the GW signals [21, 22]. As standard sirens, GWs can provide luminosity distance independent of the model, and are thus widely used as cosmological probes [31-34]. $ D_L(z_s) $ is inversely proportional to the amplitude of the spacetime strain in the Fourier space, $ D_L(z_s)\propto 1/\mathcal{A} $. Due to the degeneracy between $ D_L(z_s) $ and the inclination angle of the orbital plane of the binary, the uncertainty of $ D_L(z_s) $ may be very large. However, if the GW event is accompanied by a short gamma-ray burst (GRB), then due to the beaming of GRB outflow we can assume that the inclination angle is small, hence the degeneracy breaks. In this case, the uncertainty of $ D_L(z_s) $ can be estimated as [35, 36]
where $ \rho $ is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the detector response to the GW signal, and the term $ 0.05z_s $ represents the uncertainty of the weak lensing effect caused by the matter distribution along the line-of-sight. Note that $ D_L(z_s) $ directly inferred from GW signals is not the true luminosity distance. This is because $ D_L(z_s) $ is inversely proportional to the amplitude of the GW strain, while the latter is magnified by the lensing effect. For the singular isothermal spherical lens, the magnification is given by $ \mu_\pm = 1\pm\theta_E/\beta $, where $ \beta $ is the actual position of the source, and "$ \pm $" represent the first and second images, respectively. The actual position of the source $ \beta $ can be determined from deep photometric imaging, $ \beta/\theta_E = $$ (F_+-F_-)/(F_++F_-) $, where $ F_\pm $ are the photometric fluxes of the two images. Given the magnification factor determined from the photometric observations, the true distance can be obtained from $ D_L^{\rm true} = \sqrt{\mu_\pm}D_L^{\rm obs} $. The uncertainty of $ \mu_\pm $ propagates to $ D_L $. Therefore, the final uncertainty of $ D_L(z_s) $ is given by
Since the magnification is derived directly from the photometric fluxes of the two images, the uncertainty of $ D_L(z_s) $ is uncorrelated with that of $ D_A(z_s) $. If two GW images are observed, the distance inferred from different images can be used for a cross-check, and the uncertainty of $ D_L(z_s) $ can be further reduced. Given that the angular diameter distance and the luminosity distance are measured, DDR can be directly tested. We define the possible deviation from the standard DDR as
If the uncertainty of the luminosity distance is uncorrelated with that of the angular diameter distance, then the uncertainty of $ \Delta $ is given by
where we assumed in the last equality that the violation of DDR, if it exists, is very small. If DDR is valid, $ \Delta $ should be consistent with zero. Any deviation of Eq. (13) from zero would imply the violation of DDR. In summary, $ D_A(z_s) $ with $ D_L(z_s) $ can be measured from a strongly lensed GW system. This provides a unique way to simultaneously measure the angular diameter distance and the luminosity distance from the same object. This method is independent of the cosmological models, except for the assumption that the universe is spatially flat. Therefore, the strongly lensed GW provides a model-independent tool to test DDR.