

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

刘瑞清,1,2, 李加林,1,3, 孙超1, 孙伟伟1, 曹罗丹1, 田鹏11.宁波大学地理科学与旅游文化学院,宁波 315211
2.华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室,上海 200062
3.宁波大学东海研究院,宁波 315211

Classification of Yancheng coastal wetland vegetation based on vegetation phenological characteristics derived from Sentinel-2 time-series

LIU Ruiqing,1,2, LI Jialin,1,3, SUN Chao1, SUN Weiwei1, CAO Luodan1, TIAN Peng11. Faculty of Geography, Tourism and Culture, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, Zhejiang, China
2. State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
3. Donghai Institute, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, Zhejiang, China

通讯作者: 李加林(1973-), 男, 浙江台州人, 教授, 博导, 主要从事海岸带开发与保护研究。E-mail: nbnj2001@163.com


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China.U1609203
National Natural Science Foundation of China.41901121
Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province.LQ20D010006
Natural Science Foundation of Ningbo.2019A610105

作者简介 About authors
刘瑞清(1995-), 女, 山西忻州人, 博士生, 研究方向为海岸海洋资源利用与保护。E-mail: liuruiqingwh@163.com

关键词: Sentinel-2影像;时间序列;植被物候特征;盐城滨海湿地;分类制图

Coastal wetlands are special land-sea transitional ecosystems with important functions. It is of great significance to obtain the spatiotemporal distribution data of coastal wetland vegetation accurately. Previous wetland mapping studies focusing mainly on high spatial and spectral resolution images often have difficulties such as high data acquisition costs and limited coverage, so these methods are only suitable for small regions. Sentinel-2A/B satellite images with high spatial and temporal resolution and free sharing, make it possible for us to dynamically monitor large-area coastal wetlands. Based on Sentinel-2 images in 2018, this study proposed the pixel-level SAVI time series and double logistic vegetation phenological feature fitting reconstruction model, used a random forest algorithm to classify Yancheng coastal wetland vegetation in Jiangsu, East China, and then discussed the applicability of vegetation phenological characteristics (VPC) classification method. The results show that the overall accuracy of mapping based on VPC was 87.61%, which was 19.57% higher than that of the conventional single image classification, and the results were consistent with the actual distribution of wetlands. The vegetation discriminant phenological parameters can provide the basis for differentiating various types of vegetation, which can be applied to coastal wetland classification in the case of missing or insufficient image data. The phenological parameters have improved the method based on VPC, which can be applied to the rapid and accurate extraction of coastal vegetation and also provides new ideas to solve the problem of insufficient data in coastal wetland classification research. The method based on VPC in the pixel-level time series can achieve the accurate classification of the mixed zone of vegetation communities and the effective differentiation of "the same spectrum with different objects", which is applicable to the coastal wetland classification in large regions and improves the mapping accuracy of coastal wetland vegetation effectively.
Keywords:Sentinel-2;time series;vegetation phenology characteristics;Yancheng coastal wetland;classification mapping

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刘瑞清, 李加林, 孙超, 孙伟伟, 曹罗丹, 田鹏. 基于Sentinel-2遥感时间序列植被物候特征的盐城滨海湿地植被分类. 地理学报[J], 2021, 76(7): 1680-1692 doi:10.11821/dlxb202107008
LIU Ruiqing, LI Jialin, SUN Chao, SUN Weiwei, CAO Luodan, TIAN Peng. Classification of Yancheng coastal wetland vegetation based on vegetation phenological characteristics derived from Sentinel-2 time-series. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2021, 76(7): 1680-1692 doi:10.11821/dlxb202107008

1 引言


地物分布信息准确、及时获取是遥感领域面临的重要问题,滨海湿地植被向来是遥感监测的困难区域。一方面,滨海湿地植被分布范围广、群落组成复杂、光谱相似度高,造成了基于单一时相、中等空间分辨率影像的分类效果不佳;另一方面,高空间/高光谱遥感影像虽能取得较好的分类效果,但受限于数据成本和覆盖范围,上述影像难以应用在长时期、大范围的动态监测中[17,18,19,20]。已有研究表明不同植被的物候特征变化趋势存在明显差异[21],因此,本文考虑构建影像时间序列体现植被物候特征,以期提供一种顾及识别精度和监测广度的滨海湿地植被分类方法[19-20, 22-24]。随着遥感数据源日益丰富,数据获取性逐步提高,构建精细的年内影像时间序列数据得以实现,为植被变化动态监测带来可能。欧洲航天局(ESA)于2015年、2017年陆续发射2颗哨兵2号卫星(Sentinel-2 A/B),数据具备较高的时间分辨率(5 d)和空间分辨率(10 m),既为高分辨率影像时间序列滨海湿地植被识别创造了契机[25,26],又可细化滨海湿地观测的时间尺度,扩充海岸带遥感监测技术与方法体系。近年来Sentinel-2数据在滨海湿地信息提取监测技术方面已有相关研究,多数为滨海湿地中红树林、互花米草等植被分布的监测。当前滨海湿地遥感分类方法主要包括光谱、纹理、植被指数等单一特征或多特征变量分类法[26,27]、多源影像自动提取法[28]以及影像时间序列分类法[29]等。其中,遥感时间序列与植被物候信息相结合的分类方法研究[30]尚处于探索阶段,多数研究侧重于时间序列重建与植被物候变量提取,缺乏对植被物候特征信息可分性的深入挖掘。


2 研究区概况与数据

2.1 江苏盐城湿地

盐城滨海湿地(120°30′E~120°43′E, 33°28′~33°38′N),位于江苏省盐城市。盐城东缘直达黄海,南接南通、泰州两市,西与扬州、淮安相邻,北至连云港。本文选取盐城湿地珍禽国家级自然保护区的核心区——丹顶鹤保护区作为主要研究区(图1),该核心区地处江苏中部沿海射阳县的新洋港口到大丰县的斗龙港口之间的海岸段,西靠海堤,东为泥滩边缘,直面黄海(图1),位于典型的潮间带泥滩海岸之上,沿海岸湿地面积达19100 hm2,属于完全开敞型滨海湿地。盐城湿地原有景观为本地盐沼类型,植被种类匮乏,以耐盐植物为主,湿地优势植被群落为芦苇、茅草、碱蓬等,且具有典型的向陆演替规律。自20世纪中叶,人为引种外来植被的扩张使得盐城湿地植被类型及分布发生显著改变。互花米草作为外来物种,与本地的碱蓬植被生态位接近但其适应更低潮位,因而在海陆交界的潮滩上迅速扩张,近年来已严重影响本地种的生长演替。当前,盐城湿地仍在不断淤积扩张,形成新的潮滩与滨海湿地植被群落。



Fig. 1Location and sample distribution of Yancheng wetland

2.2 遥感数据及预处理

本文选取盐城湿地2018年全年可获取的68景Sentinel-2 L1C级影像作为基础数据,影像标识号为T51STT。数据从欧空局数据中心网站(https://scihub.copernicus.eu)免费获取,投影为UTM 51N/WGS1984。Sentinel-2由A与B两颗卫星组成,重访周期为5天,其上的MSI多光谱成像仪覆盖13个,包括可见光谱、近红外和短波红外光谱。本文使用空间分辨率10 m的光谱波段,包括红、绿、蓝光和近红外波段。


2.3 滨海湿地覆被类型划分

经实地观测统计,盐城植被类型主要包括互花米草、碱蓬、芦苇、茅草等优势植被类型。本文结合实地调查采样及影像判读,参考当前盐城湿地分类结果,将研究区湿地划分为6类,分别为芦苇(Phragmites australis, PA)、碱蓬(Suaeda salsa, SS)、互花米草(Spartina alterniflora, SA)、茅草(Imperata cylindrica, IC)、光滩和水域。本文的重点在于滨海湿地植被的分类方法研究(①为生成研究区完整分类图,基于植被指数SAVI数值变化特征对水域、光滩等地物加以区分。)。

2.4 湿地样本数据

样本数据的获取方式主要包括2类,实地调查采样获取样方数据以及结合样方数据通过人为目视解译判读Google Earth高分影像获得。实地调查、采样点及样本数据分布见图1。本文共获取样本像元共694个,其中互花米草像元185个,碱蓬像元178个,芦苇像元208个,茅草像元45个,光滩像元25个,水域像元53个,用于时间序列模型筛选以及滨海湿地植被分类验证过程。

3 研究方法

在模型构建前,综合考虑水体、土壤、植被等环境要素,选取了不同典型植被指数以及时间序列重构模型分别进行地物可分离性实验对比,最终研究提出SAVI(Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index)与双Logistic函数(Double Logistic function, DL)拟合方法相结合的像元级时间序列重构拟合模型,并结合植被物候特征,采用随机森林算法进行盐城滨海湿地植被分类,并将分类结果与常规影像分类方法加以比较,分析该方法在滨海湿地分类中的适用性。

3.1 像元级时间序列模型重构


式中: ρNIRρR分别为近红、红色波段的反射率;L为常数,取值0.5。

结合SAVI对经过预处理的每景Sentinel-2卫星遥感影像进行遥感指数计算。逐像元的SAVI原始时间序列是指在影像经掩膜处理后所有无云有效观测值形成的按时间顺序排列的遥感影像特征指数层的集合。如果用d代表时间序列t时刻的遥感影像特征指数值,通过提取图像中(i, j)处的像元值,则可生成一个连续的时间序列(ti, di)(图2),其中,i=1, 2, …, n



Fig. 2Schematic diagram of the original time series of pixel-by-pixel image feature index

3.2 植被物候特征拟合模型构建




3.3 基于植被物候特征的滨海湿地分类




Fig. 3Schematic diagram of spatial construction for phenological classification characteristics of coastal wetland vegetation

4 结果与分析

4.1 植被物候特征拟合曲线对比




Fig. 4Comparison of fitted curve of Yancheng wetland vegetation based on time series reconstruction model




4.2 植被物候特征提取及判别分析


对盐城滨海湿地不同植被的生长季时间与最值进行对比,如图5所示。从图5a中发现,芦苇的生长季开始时间明显早于其他植被,其他植被生长季开始时间集中于6月下旬至7月上旬,因此判别芦苇的植被物候特征参数阈值范围为:生长季开始时间5—6月。芦苇、碱蓬、茅草的生长季结束时间集中在10月中旬到11月初,而互花米草的生长季结束时间明显滞后于其他原生植被,结束时间在12月中旬前后,因此,判别互花米草的物候特征参数阈值范围为:生长季结束时间12月后期。从图5b中发现,互花米草与芦苇的基准值、峰值以及振幅大小基本相同,难以区分;碱蓬的基准值相对最大,峰值最小,振幅最小;茅草的基准值仅次于碱蓬,而其峰值最大,生长期振幅亦为最大。综上,判别碱蓬的植被物候特征参数阈值范围为:峰值0.25~0.35,振幅< 0.25。虽然茅草的SAVI峰值总体上超过芦苇与互花米草,但结合峰值的波动范围以及实地采样结果,茅草、芦苇与互花米草的峰值大小相似,峰值范围重叠较多,因此峰值不能作为茅草的物候特征判别参数。但结合基准值辅助分析,茅草的振幅显然超过其他植被类型,因此,判别茅草可选植被物候特征参数阈值范围为:振幅> 0.35,但此参数不能作为断定茅草植被类型的唯一参数。



Fig. 5Comparison of growth season time/extremum of Yancheng wetland vegetation based on time series reconstruction model

本文对盐城滨海湿地不同植被的生长期季初增长率与季末递减率进行对比看出(图6),芦苇与互花米草的季初增长率数据的中位数基本一致,茅草的季初增长率最高,而碱蓬的季初增长率明显低于其他植被,且其数据分布最为集中。因此,从各植被季初增长率数据的集中状况考虑,本文认为判别碱蓬的植被物候特征参数阈值范围为:季初增长率< 0.015。此外,由于茅草与芦苇、互花米草的季初增长率数据分布重叠较多,因此,茅草的季初增长率不能作为茅草的植被判别物候特征参数。从图6b中发现,互花米草的季末递减率最低,且季末递减率数据分布最为集中,碱蓬次之,其次是芦苇,茅草的季末递减率最大,数据分布较为集中,与其他植被的季末递减率数据总体分布重叠较少,因此,本文认为判别茅草的植被物候特征参数阈值范围为:季末递减率> 0.025。互花米草的季末递减率虽为最低,但其与碱蓬的季末递减率数据分布重叠较多,不具备判别互花米草的能力。



Fig. 6Growth/decreasing rate of Yancheng wetland vegetation based on time series reconstruction model

综上,生长季开始时间(5—6月)可判别芦苇,生长季结束时间(12月后期)可判别互花米草,季末递减率(> 0.025)、振幅(> 0.35)为辅助可判别茅草,振幅(< 0.25)与季初增长率 (< 0.015)可判别碱蓬。遥感影像数据受水汽、云覆盖等因素影响往往存在数据不足或缺失、可用数据分布不均问题,且由于在植被生长旺盛期(通常为7—8月)进行滨海湿地分类精度最高,但在这一阶段滨海湿地会出现持续云雨天气,影像被水汽、云与云阴影遮挡,无法获得可用像元。通过构建植被物候特征参数用于滨海湿地分类能够一定程度规避数据不足及缺失、可用像元分布不均等问题,采用较少的可用像元数据即可构建基于植被物候特征的重构时间序列分类体系,因此,本文提出的分类方法在滨海湿地分类监测中具有很好的应用前景。此外,植被判别物候特征参数及阈值可为数据不足情况下的滨海湿地分类提供不同植被的判别依据,从植被物候特征角度实现不同植被的精准判别。

4.3 分类结果分析




Fig. 7Yancheng wetland classification map based on time series reconstruction and vegetation phenology feature classification

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Accuracy evaluation of coastal wetland classification based on vegetation phenology




4.4 与常规影像分类的对比分析




Fig. 8Comparison of overall classification accuracy between phenology-based classification and single temporal classification

此外,从单一时相影像分类精度对比中可以直观地发现,1—4月的影像分类精度普遍偏低,而从5月进入湿地植被生长期后,单景影像分类精度得到显著提升,其中5月14日、6月23日以及11月20日的影像分类精度较高,总体精度超过75%。由此证明,对于滨海湿地常规单影像分类而言,选择植被生长期的影像能显著提高分类精度。但湿地植被生长期往往与夏季多云雨天气对应,导致无法获取可用的植被旺盛期影像用于滨海湿地分类,如本文的7—9月Sentinel-2影像即使重访周期达5 d,但获取的影像均存在云覆盖问题,并无可用的清晰影像,这一现象导致滨海湿地分类存在数据不足或缺失等问题。这也是本文选取像元级影像用于分类的初衷,可以有效避免云及云阴影的干扰,增加影像像元信息的可用性。




Fig. 9Comparison of classification accuracy (OA) of wetland vegetation between phenology-based classification and single temporal classification



5 结论



(2)通过滨海湿地植被物候特征参数对比,植被判别物候特征参数及阈值可提供不同滨海湿地植被的判别依据,生长季开始时间5—6月、结束时间12月后期可分别判别芦苇、互花米草,季末递减率> 0.025、振幅> 0.35为辅助可判别茅草,振幅< 0.25与季初增长率< 0.015可判别碱蓬。物候参数的确定使得从植被物候特征角度实现植被精准判别的方法具备推广应用价值,可服务于滨海植被快速精准提取,也为解决滨海湿地分类研究中重要影像信息缺失或不足的问题提供了新思路。



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Gao Shu, Du Yongfen, Xie Wenjing, et al. Environment-ecosystem dynamic processes of Spartina alterniflora salt-marshes along the eastern China coastlines
Scientia Sinica: Terrae, 2014,44(11):2339-2357.

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[ 高抒, 杜永芬, 谢文静, . 苏沪浙闽海岸互花米草盐沼的环境—生态动力过程研究进展
中国科学: 地球科学, 2014,44(11):2339-2357.]

[本文引用: 1]

Tong Chen, Li Jialin, Ye Mengyao, et al. The impact of coastal landscape pattern changes in the East China Sea on the value of ecosystem services
Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition), 2020,47(4):492-506, 520.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 童晨, 李加林, 叶梦姚, . 东海区海岸带景观格局变化对生态系统服务价值的影响
浙江大学学报(理学版), 2020,47(4):492-506, 520.]

[本文引用: 1]

Li Jialin, Wang Lijia. Spatial and temporal evolutions of the major bays in the East China Sea under the influence of reclamation
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2020,75(1):126-142.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb202001010 [本文引用: 1]
The spatial pattern changes of bays under the influence of reclamation can profoundly reflect how human activities affect the natural environments, which is important to effectively protect and utilize bay resources. Based on 6 Landsat TM/OLI remote sensing images during 1990-2015, this study analyzed the variations of major bays from the coastline and bay surface morphology and explored the correlation between the reclamation intensity and spatial pattern changes for the 12 major bays in the East China Sea (ECS). The main conclusions include that: (1) the length of the main bay coastline in the East China Sea, from 1990 to 2015, increased by 66.65 km. The extensive coastline growth was found during 2005-2010 and the growth reached 38 km. Sansha Bay has the longest coastline (439 km) and the shortest (105 km) was found in Luoyuan Bay; Xinghua Bay experienced the largest coastline growth (54.53 km) in the past decades, and the least was in Luoyuan Bay (25.75 km). In general, the artificial coastline continued to increase and the degree of artificialization had been continuously strengthened. (2) The coastline of the bay continuously moved to the sea, with a distance of 26.93 km (1.08 km/a). The most significant seaward expansions were found in 1995-2000 and 2005-2010, reaching 7.10 km and 6.00 km, respectively. Hangzhou (4.93 km) and Xinghua bays (4.15 km) experienced the largest seaward expansion of coastline, while Xiamen Bay had the shortest (0.55 km). (3) The total area of the major bay waters decreased from 13.85 km2 in 1990 to 12.29 km2 in 2015 in the East China Sea, down by 11.23%. Additionally, the morphological indices of the bays showed a continuous rise trend, which indicates that spatial patterns were transformed to be more complicated. The largest reduction with water area was observed in the Hangzhou Bay (0.726 km2), accounting for 46.69% of the research area. (4) The indexes of artificiality and development intensity showed a continuous rise trend. The utilization degree in the southern part of the study area is higher than that of the northern part, and the interannual fluctuation of the development intensity in the north is much varied. In addition, the bay development is positively correlated with the length of the coastline, the length of the artificial coastline and the shape index of the bay, and negatively correlated with the length of the natural coastline and the area of the waters. As the development intensity increased, the intensity of reclamation activities increased significantly.
[ 李加林, 王丽佳. 围填海影响下东海区主要海湾形态时空演变
地理学报, 2020,75(1):126-142.]

[本文引用: 1]

Liu R Q, Xu H, Li J L, et al. Ecosystem service valuation of bays in East China Sea and its response to sea reclamation activities
Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2020,30(7):1095-1116.

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Zhao Saishuai. Classification and extraction of salt marsh vegetation based on environmental satellite NDVI time series
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[ 赵赛帅. 基于环境卫星NDVI时间序列的盐沼植被分类与提取
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Wu X X, Lv M, Jin Z Y, et al. Normalized difference vegetation index dynamic and spatiotemporal distribution of migratory birds in the Poyang Lake wetland, China
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Rapinel S, Fabre E, Dufour S, et al. Mapping potential, existing and efficient wetlands using free remote sensing data
Journal of Environmental Management, 2019,247:829-839.

DOI:S0301-4797(19)30899-0PMID:31336348 [本文引用: 1]
Although wetlands remain threatened by human pressures and climate change, monitoring and managing them are challenging due to their high spatial and temporal dynamics within a fine-grained pattern. New satellite time-series at high temporal and spatial resolutions provide a promising opportunity to map and monitor wetlands. The objective of this study was to develop an operational method for managing valley bottom wetlands based on available free remote sensing data. The Potential, Existing, Efficient Wetlands (PEEW) approach was adapted to remote sensing data to delineate three wetland components: (1) potential wetlands, mapped from a digital terrain model derived from LiDAR data; (2) existing wetlands, delineated from land cover maps derived from Sentinel-1/2 time-series; and (3) efficient wetlands, identified from functional indicators (i.e. annual primary production, vegetation phenology, seasonality of carbon flux) derived from MODIS annual time-series. Soil and vegetation samples were collected in the field to calibrate and validate classification of remote sensing data. The method was applied to a 113?000?ha watershed in northwestern France. Results show that potential wetlands were successfully delineated (82% overall accuracy) and covered 21% of the watershed area, while 44% of existing wetlands had been lost. Small wetlands along headwater channels, which are considered as ordinary, cover 56% of wetland area in the watershed. Efficient wetlands were identified as contiguous pixels with a similar temporal functional trajectory. This method, based on free remote sensing data, provides a new perspective for wetland management. The method can identify sites where restoration measures should be prioritized and enables better understanding and monitoring of the influence of management practices and climate on wetland functions.Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Zhang Lei, Gong Zhaoning, Wang Qiwei, et al. Wetland mapping of Yellow River Delta wetlands based on multi-feature optimization of Sentinel-2 images
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Ji Haiyan, Ren Zhanqi, Rao Zhenhong. Discriminant analysis of millet from different origins based on hyperspectral imaging technology
Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2019,39(7):2271-2277.

DOI:10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2019)07-2271-07 [本文引用: 1]
Hyperspectral imaging technology has been widely used in the detection of agricultural products. This paper studies the non-destructive identification of millet samples from different regions based on hyperspectral imaging and machine learning algorithms. The millet samples from seven provinces were divided into five categories according to geographical regions. They were Dongbei, Hebei, Shaanxi, Shandong, and Shanxi, respectively. A total of 23 samples were collected in these areas, including 6 samples in Dongbei, 5 samples in Shanxi, and respective 4 samples in Hebei, Shaanxi, and Shandong. Each sample was equally divided into 10 equal parts and the hyperspectral data of millet in the wavelength band from 900 to 1 700 nm was collected using a hyperspectral imager. In order to reduce the influence of uneven illumination and dark current on the experiment, the collected hyperspectral data was corrected in black and white. The ENVI software was used to select the region of interest (ROI) of millet hyperspectral image, and 9 ROIs were selected for each sample of millet. The average spectral value in the ROI was calculated, which was used as a spectrum record of the sample. Finally, a total of 2 070 spectral curves were collected, of which 540 from Dongbei, 450 from Shanxi, and several 360 from Hebei, Shandong, and Shaanxi respectively. In order to reduce the scattering phenomenon caused by the unevenness of the sample surface, which would affect the true spectral information of millet, the multivariate scatter correction (MSC) pretreatment was performed on the original spectrum. In addition, randomized division method was used to divide the corrected spectral data into training set and test set. The ratio of test set was 0. 3. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) was used to visualize spectral data of millet from different origins. Substituting the test set into a well-trained LDA model, and finally a confusion matrix of prediction results was created. The results showed that LDA had a prediction accuracy of 0. 84 and 0. 99 for Shaanxi and Shanxi, and only 0. 68, 0. 68, and 0. 40 for Dongbei, Hebei, and Shandong. Therefore, the recursive feature elimination (RFE) was used to select useful spectral information, remove redundant information, and improve the prediction accuracy. The RFE combined with support vector machine (SVM) and Logistic Regression (LR) were used to compare and analyze the discriminant of millet from different regions. Substituting training set of millet spectral data into SVM-RFE and LR-RFE models, and the corresponding feature subsets were selected optimally by the micro-averaging of the model F-values and 3-fold cross validation technology. The results showed that the number of wavelengths selected by the LR-RFE was 74 and the Micro_F of the model was 0. 59 ; Meanwhile the number of wavelengths selected by the SVM-RFE was 220 and the Micro_F of the model was 0. 66. The selected feature subset was applied to the test set. Substituting the test set into SVM and LR models respectively, and confusion matrix of model prediction results and the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) of the model were used as the evaluation method. The results showed that the accuracy of SVM-RFE prediction was 1, 0. 37, 0. 72, 0, and 1 for Dongbei, Hebei, Shaanxi, Shandong, and Shanxi, and the area under ROC curve (AUC) was 0. 82, 0. 92, 0. 93, 0. 70, and 0. 99 respectively. The accuracy of LR-RFE prediction was 0. 92, 0, 0. 97, 0, and 0. 80, and the AUC was 0. 72, 0. 74, 0. 94, 0. 66, and 0. 88 respectively. It can be seen from the prediction results that the overall classification performance of SVM-RFE model was better than that of LR-RFE, while the discrimination of Shaanxi class LR-RFE was better than that of SVM-RFE. For the Hebei and Shandong categories, neither model could effectively discriminate it. Compared with LDA, the prediction accuracy of these two models had been improved.
[ 吉海彦, 任占奇, 饶震红. 基于高光谱成像技术的不同产地小米判别分析
光谱学与光谱分析, 2019,39(7):2271-2277.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang Zhongbin. High resolution remote sensing image classification in Hunchun Area based on object oriented
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology, 2017,40(2):132-135.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 张忠斌. 基于面向对象的珲春地区高分辨率遥感影像分类研究
测绘与空间地理信息, 2017,40(2):132-135.]

[本文引用: 1]

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