

Key scientific issues and research directions of the interconnected river system network
LIU Changming

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刘昌明(1934-), 男, 湖南汨罗人, 中国科学院院士, 研究员, 主要从事水文水资源研究。E-mail:

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刘昌明, 李宗礼, 王中根, 郝秀平, 赵长森. 河湖水系连通的关键科学问题与研究方向. 地理学报[J], 2021, 76(3): 505-512 doi:10.11821/dlxb202103001
LIU Changming, LI Zongli, WANG Zhonggen, HAO Xiuping, ZHAO Changsen.
1 河湖水系连通研究的意义
2 河湖水系连通的三个关键科学问题
由于水循环自身的高度复杂性、高强度人类活动干扰和气候变化的多重影响,河湖水系连通研究面临构建理论体系、突破关键科学技术问题的重大挑战,其中河湖水系连通时空演变机理,河湖水系连通与经济社会、生态环境的效应及其反馈,以及变化环境下河湖水系连通的系统脆弱性与适应能力,是河湖水系连通研究亟待解决的3个关键科学问题,也是国家水安全研究中最为关注的重点问题。2.1 河湖水系连通的时空演变机理
中国正面临着严重的水问题,也正经历着水利发展方式的转变。水短缺、水污染、水生态、水灾害、水管理五大水问题复杂交错,形成影响未来经济社会发展和国家安全的多重水危机。河湖水系作为水资源的载体、生态环境的组成要素,支撑着经济社会的发展。河湖水系格局及其连通状况的形成与演变,主要由自然地理环境和气候水文条件决定,影响着水资源配置格局、经济社会发展和生态环境的演变。研究自然环境变化和人类活动影响河湖水系连通时空演变的机理,重点开发和应用大尺度分布式水文模型[19,20,21],模拟河湖水系连通对连通流域水循环机理、过程和格局的影响,是一个亟待解决的科学问题。从水循环过程理论出发,揭示多过程、多尺度的河湖水系连通格局的时空演变规律和变化趋势,将为国家水安全和河湖水系连通宏观战略实施奠定科学基础。2.2 河湖水系连通与经济社会发展、生态环境保护的互馈关系
河湖水系连通往往改变原有的水系格局,形成“人工—自然”复杂水网络系统,使区域/流域水文情势发生改变。如何识别河湖水系连通与经济社会发展、生态环境保护之间的互馈关系和发展规律,并在此基础上,通过必要的连通工程和相应的科学调度,促使河湖水系、经济社会和生态环境之间相互适应、相互匹配、协同演进,提高水资源保障社会经济与生态服务功能的能力,维持良性水循环,改善生态环境,成为当前河湖水系连通研究中的又一重要科学问题。生态位(Ecological Niche)概念自Grinnell[21]于1917年提出以来,在许多相关领域得到丰富和应用,已经成为探索生物群落结构与演化、生物多样性、物种与环境因子之间的联系以及物种保护及相关政策制定的重要理念;把生态位的概念与方法引入河湖水系连通研究领域,充分考虑不同物种在生态系统中的特定位置或生存繁衍空间的不同需求,在更大的尺度上研究河湖水系连通对生态环境的影响,揭示连通与生态保护之间的复杂关系,以维护生物多样性。生态水文模型是研究水—生态系统关系与规律的重要工具,加强基于河湖水系连通的生态水文模型的研发具有重要意义,当前,可以先从改进现有水文模型入手[22,23],逐步发展完善。在保障经济社会发展与维系生态系统服务之间分享绿水,是21世纪生态水文学科的重要挑战,也是全球水科学领域研究的热点与难点之一。无论是全球范围还是局部地区,强烈的人类活动一直深刻影响着绿水的变化,也加速了蓝水和绿水的互相转化,并对水资源开发、利用和保护产生重要影响[24,25,26,27]。河湖水系连通在水资源供需平衡分析、工程规模论证时,要注重从水循环的角度出发,将绿水纳入水资源评价体系,探索绿水充分利用和有效管理的对策,特别要加强多尺度植被格局变化与绿水关系、过程的模拟,绿水—蓝水相互转化及其水文水资源效应评估等,为河湖水系连通综合效益研究提供新的探索途径。
2.3 变化环境下河湖水系连通的系统风险与适应能力
河湖水系连通在改变原有水系格局以适应人类经济社会发展需求的同时,必然会付出相应的经济、社会、生态、环境代价,也必然会带来显性或者隐含的风险,特别是气候变化、水文极端事件等有可能对连通系统产生颠覆性的影响。如何借鉴与发展涉水风险研究相关成果[28,29,30],甄别、评估变化环境下河湖水系连通复杂巨系统的风险要素、作用机理及管控阈值,并通过工程措施、管理与政策措施进行科学调控,是河湖水系连通实现“风险可控”目标的重要任务,也是研究的另一重大科学问题。深入开展变化环境下河湖水系连通复杂巨系统风险与适应能力研究,分析风险主要影响因素及其作用机理,揭示巨系统对变化环境的响应机制,提出应对系统风险的适应性管理对策,为河湖水系连通的科学实施与可持续运行提供管控技术的支撑。3 河湖水系连通的重要研究方向
李宗礼等[4]讨论了河湖水系连通理论研究的总体思路,认为尺度、格局、过程、功能与控制是河湖水系连通理论研究的基本问题,本文对从河湖水系连通与经济社会发展、生态环境保护的关系出发分析格局研究的重要问题,从河湖水系连通与水文过程、生态过程、人文过程等方面讨论过程研究的方向性问题,针对河湖水系连通带来的复杂性和不确定性提出亟待深入研究的河湖水系连通重大管理问题。3.1 格局研究
生态系统时空变化、健康质量与水息息相关,河湖水系格局决定了水资源格局,影响着区域/流域水资源的配置和社会经济发展,以及生态环境的演变。结合国家主体功能区划、经济社会发展格局及生态环境特点,结合“水系统”[31,32,33]“生态位”等理论与方法,探讨变化环境和河湖水系连通格局的相互作用机制,研究河湖水系连通与经济社会、生态环境相互作用关系,揭示河湖水系格局与经济社会、生态环境系统之间协同演化规律,为变化环境下河湖水系连通的科学调控、生态环境保护和良性水循环维持提供理论基础。主要包括:河湖水系连通的水文格局变化及尺度效应;河湖水系格局的系统辨识与评价;河湖水系格局演变的影响因素及机理;基于水量、水热、水沙、水盐“四大平衡”以及生物地球化学过程(geo-biological-chemical processes)原理,统筹考虑水量、水质,建立精确计算河湖水系生态保育和维系生态功能所需生态需水的方法技术;河湖水系格局与经济社会、生态环境系统的作用与反馈机制。应用上述机理、规律研究的成果,指导河湖水系连通,促进河湖水系格局与经济社会格局、生态格局之间的协调。3.1.1 河湖水系连通与城镇化发展格局 河湖水系是城市化依托发展的物质支撑源,城镇化建设必须考虑水资源的承载能力。国家主体功能区规划确定的“两横三纵”为主体的城市化战略格局中,18个重点开发区域中有11个位于中度以上缺水地区,水资源短缺将成为影响国家城市化发展的关键问题之一。河湖水系连通格局研究要高度关注城镇化发展格局与水资源承载力的匹配关系,维持生态系统服务的可持续性,逐步形成生态化城镇发展格局。重点研究方向为:根据国家城市化战略布局,以京津冀、长三角、粤港澳大湾区城市群为重点,以水资源承载力为刚性约束,通过河湖水系连通优化水资源配置格局,提高水量—水质—水生态联合调控能力,建立由多类型、多水源组成且互连互通的城市供水体系,提高城市供水保障能力和水资源利用效率与效益;研究提出与城市发展合理需水相匹配的河湖水系连通战略与对策。
3.1.2 河湖水系连通与工业化发展格局 水资源是生产之要,是影响工业化发展的重要因素,其规模和结构都会受到水资源条件的限制,必须充分考虑工业项目建设对水资源的消耗和对生态环境的影响,协调好区域水资源和工业化发展之间的匹配关系。河湖水系连通格局研究要关注工业化发展与水资源的关系,重点研究方向为:基于水资源承载力的区域产业结构分布,通过有效的河湖水系连通工程和措施,实现在工业化进程中区域之间水资源的优化配置,提高水资源格局与工业化格局之间的匹配程度,尤其要深入研究高耗水工业布局与河湖水系连通格局的相互适应性,结合不断降低单位工业产值耗水量措施,为工业化的合理布局提供依据、为工业化高质量发展提供强有力的水资源保障。
3.1.3 河湖水系连通与农业现代化发展格局 中国水土资源分布特点为南方水多地少而北方水少地多,水土分布格局的不匹配严重影响着农业现代化进程,威胁着国家粮食安全。国家以“七区二十三带”为主体的农业战略格局中,有五区十四带位于水资源短缺的北方地区,全国约40%的粮食主产县位于北方地区,农业发展与水资源的供给息息相关。河湖水系连通格局研究要关注水资源与农业现代化发展格局的关系,重点研究方向为:通过河湖水系连通合理配置水资源,协调水土资源格局,提高农业灌溉的供水保证率和农业抗旱能力,尤其要深入研究通过河湖水系连通对提高国家粮食主产区供水安全的重要作用,不断提高单位农业用水效率与效益,为农业现代化和国家粮食安全提供有效的水资源保障,确保国家粮食生产能力。
3.1.4 河湖水系连通与国家能源安全格局 中国能源资源多集中在新疆、山西、鄂尔多斯盆地、西南和东北等地区,与水资源分布格局极不匹配。国家以“五片一带”为主体的能源开发布局框架中,新疆、山西、鄂尔多斯盆地等地区水资源短缺,能源基地建设水资源保障难度很大;东北和西南地区水资源相对丰富,但调配能力不足,是区域能源开发的重要约束。河湖水系连通格局研究要关注水资源与能源安全的关系,重点研究方向为:通过实施河湖水系连通,优化水能匹配格局,缓解能源基地的水资源瓶颈制约,促进能源开发,保障国家能源安全。
3.1.5 河湖水系连通与生态格局 河湖水系连通的格局显著影响生态系统的功能、结构和服务质量,河湖水系连通必须遵从生态规律,维系良好的生态环境。根据国家“两屏三带”为主体的生态安全战略格局,禁止开发区和限制开发区,需要限制大规模开发活动,防止水土流失,充分发挥自然修复功能;优化开发区和重点开发区需要恢复和重建水生态廊道;强化水资源配置中生态调度的研究,保障生态系统自然变化状态下的最小需水量,保护生物多样性,维持生态系统健康与生态安全。河湖水系连通研究要关注河湖水系与生态安全的关系,重点研究方向为:有效评估河湖水系连通格局变化对水生态系统生物多样性、功能多样性、生态服务功能的影响,全面、辨证、历史地评价河湖水系连通对生态影响的正负效应,科学分析和评价河湖水系连通与生态系统的互馈机制;通过河湖水系连通,对生态脆弱敏感区、水资源过度开发区、水环境严重恶化区等区域,采用能够保障生态需水的节水、增水和水调配技术,优化配置生态用水,尤其是要深入研究西北干旱地区和华北地下水严重超采地区减退被挤占的生态水量、南方水网地区改善水体连通性及增强水体流动性的对策与措施,保障国家生态安全。
3.2 过程研究
河湖水系连通改变了河川径流的时空分布,影响着连通区域/流域的水循环过程、水—人文过程、水—生态过程等,并产生具有不确定性的叠加、连锁效应。未来需要加强河湖水系连通的过程研究,辨识各种水过程及其演变引发、伴生的相关要素时空变化机理与规律,这是一个非常复杂而庞大的问题,可从以下方向寻求重点突破:3.2.1 河湖水系连通与水文过程 研究河湖水系连通与流域水文过程的相互作用机理与响应机制,提出基于河湖水系连通维持良性水循环的理论与方法。主要包括:河湖水系连通与水动力过程、物质迁移转化、能量流动过程的作用与响应;基于河湖水系连通的水循环过程演变及尺度效应和河湖水系连通应对极端水文事件的功能与效应等。
3.2.2 河湖水系连通与生态过程 研究河湖水系连通与生态过程的相互作用机理与响应机制,提出基于河湖水系连通保障河湖健康的理论与方法。主要包括:河湖水系连通对生态系统的功能、结构及演化过程的影响与作用;基于河湖水系连通的生物多样性变化过程及机理;伴生的生物地球化学过程和河湖水系连通对美好人居环境构建的作用等。
3.2.3 河湖水系连通与人文过程 研究河湖水系连通与人文过程的相互作用及响应机制,提出经济社会用水高效、有序的管控对策,促进河湖健康与水资源可持续利用。主要包括:基于河湖水系连通的社会水循环过程演变、调控效应及其对社会经济系统演变过程的影响和作用机理;河湖水系连通对经济集聚—扩展过程以及产业结构变化的响应机制;河湖水系连通与土地利用变化、城镇化进程的关系与作用;河湖水系连通对农业灌溉供水保障及粮食安全的作用与效果;河湖水系连通对河湖排污过程的作用、影响及水功能区水质管理的调控机制。
3.3 管理研究
河湖水系连通按照人类治水的新理念,打破了流域界限,极大的增加了水资源管理、工程管理和运行调度的复杂性和不确定性。需要面向河湖水系连通的高效管理,深入研究并揭示河湖水系连通管理各环节的复杂关系和规律。可从以下方向开展重点研究:3.3.1 河湖水系连通复杂巨系统功能、效果的模拟、仿真与评估 开展从系统监测、效果模拟、系统仿真、功能评价等方面的研究,主要包括:面向河湖水系连通的系统监测理论及多元信息融合与集成,基于河湖水系连通的分布式模拟系统与虚拟仿真平台,系统风险评估理论与控制机理,复杂巨系统稳定性理论,并据此研发管理平台。
3.3.2 河湖水系连通系统调控 开展河湖水系连通系统调控理论研究,主要包括:基于河湖水系连通多区域、多部门协商决策机制及其支持系统,基于河湖水系连通统筹多区域、多水源、多行业、多部门利益的水资源科学配置,基于河湖水系连通多目标智能化的调度模式,基于河湖水系连通多水源联合运用的水价定价机制,基于河湖水系连通的自然—人文要素调控与管理机制,基于河湖水系连通的多目标、多要素耦合的过程管理机制。
3.3.3 河湖水系连通的风险控制 开展河湖水系连通的风险识别、评估、预测和对策研究。主要包括:不同类型和尺度的河湖水系连通风险识别、预测与评估,应对极端水文事件的河湖水系连通风险管理机制,变化环境下的河湖水系连通风险适应性对策。
3.3.4 河湖水系连通生态补偿机制 河湖水系连通扩大了流域生态补偿的范围和利益相关者,其补偿机制的研究非常薄弱,亟待加强。作者在河湖水系连通实践总结与深入推进对策研究中对河湖水系连通补偿给出了初步定义:以保护和可持续利用河湖水系为目的,以经济手段为主,调节河湖水系连通相关者利益关系的制度与措施,从而实现不同区域、不同利益群体的和谐发展。河湖水系连通补偿不仅包括流域内的连通补偿,同时还包括了与水有关的一般补偿(如征地补偿、移民安置补偿等)和跨流域连通补偿。深入开展河湖水系连通补偿相关理论研究,建立和完善河湖水系连通补偿机制是一项复杂的系统工程,尚有很多重大问题急需深入研究。例如,河湖水系连通后由于水量变化、水质变化和风险转移带来的损失的价值量化评价方法、生态环境保护标准体系等。应以此为基础积极探索水资源使用权、排污权交易等市场化的补偿模式。完善水资源合理配置和有偿使用制度,加快建立水资源取用权出让、转让和租赁的交易机制。探索建立污染物排放指标有偿分配机制,逐步推行政府管制下的排污权交易,运用市场机制降低治污成本,提高治污效率。引导鼓励利益获得者和受损者之间通过自愿协商实现合理的补偿。
4 结语
构建以水循环理论为核心的河湖水系连通理论体系,是实施河湖水系连通战略的迫切需要。立足于河湖水系连通战略目标,比较系统地提出了河湖水系连通研究的理论与方法,分析了三大重要科学问题,即河湖水系连通格局的时空演变规律、河湖水系连通与经济社会发展和生态环境保护互馈关系,变化环境下河湖水系连通的适应性与调控机制。基于三大科学问题,河湖水系连通应从格局、过程、管理等方面开展重点研究,揭示多过程、多尺度的河湖水系连通格局的时空演变规律,分析河湖水系连通与经济社会、生态环境相互作用机理,探索变化环境下河湖水系连通的适应性与调控机制,为国家水安全和河湖水系连通战略实施提供科学依据,为变化环境下河湖水系连通的科学调控、生态环境保护和良性水循环维持提供理论参考。与国际有关研究诸如“River Continuum Concept”与“Ecological Connectivity”比较,本文扩展和深化了河湖连通的内涵。参考文献 原文顺序
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DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.03.018URL [本文引用: 2]

The remarkable growth in China’s population and economy over the past several decades has come to realize at a tremendous cost to the country’s environment, particularly around water. China’s water resources are over-allocated, inefficiently used, and grossly polluted by domestic and industrial wastes, to the point that vast stretches of rivers are dead and dying, lakes are cesspools of waste, groundwater aquifers are over-pumped and unsustainably consumed, and direct adverse impacts on both human and ecosystem health are widespread and growing. For addressing these crippling water problems, a new strategy of Interconnected River System Network (IRSN) is put forward, which is of great necessity for improving the capacity of water resources allocation, sustaining river’s heath and enhancing flood and drought control. However, up to now both the theory and technology of IRSN have still been a blank, far from the practices. Based on the further requirement of national water security and the improvement of the ecological civilization, with the new idea of human-water harmony and water resources livelihood, this paper presents a concept of IRSN, which can be defined as a river system network formed by constructing the hydraulic connection of water bodies of rivers, lakes and wetlands with various kinds of water projects, characterized by proper diversion and drainage,reasonable storage and discharge, adjustment of low and high runoff, complementary water multisource, controllable capacity, and the river system network appears to be complex, systematic, dynamic, temporal and spatial. Then the general thoughts of IRSN is proposed on the basis of the river system connection goal, the study of the IRSN can be carried out at four steps: 1) mechanism analysis, the theoretical basis of the whole study; 2) system identification and assessment, the analysis of the current status of IRSN in the researched region/basin, and the construction of Safety Evaluation Model with the complete indicators; 3) IRSN project plan, the make-out of the programmers with the requirement and problems of the society, and choosing the optimal decision from the solutions set; and 4) river system optimization and adjustment, the river system network will be reevaluated with the information of the monitoring system, and adjusted according to the principle of realizing the goal of sustainable development. According to the general thought of IRSN, some key problems worth specially concerning in the study are discussed, including different scales of IRSN, the process of river network connection, the pattern matching, the function of IRSN and the control methods.
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DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.03.019URL [本文引用: 1]

Climate change and human activities affected water supply and water management, and brought a lot of water issues, such as drought, flood, water shortage, deterioration of water environment, etc. In order to fundamentally increase water resources allocation ability, improve ecological environment quality, and enhance the capacity to withstand flood and drought disasters, in China, a new national strategic plan on the constructing river system network was put forward. We have called this plan as IRSN (Interconnected River System Network) plan. To grasp the strategic thinking of IRSN, this paper, based on the basic concept of river, lake, and water system, discussed the hydrological characteristics of rivers and lakes, and analyzed the role of rivers and lakes in the river system network, and pointed out that the river is the main component and lake is the "connector ", "converter" and "storage device" of constructing river system network, and reservoir can be seen as an artificial lake. How to keep the river water mobility and continuity and play the role of lake water storage capacity and ecological benefits as wetland, are the keys to IRSN plan. This paper presents four basic water cycle issues that should be concerned in the implementation process of IRSN plan. First is about water balance. As the structure and characteristics of the natural water system were changed by engineering measures (such as water diversion project, construction of dams, reservoirs, etc. ), the original water balance must be broken. We need to re-examine the new relationship of water balance of the changed river water system. Second is energy balance. The connection of rivers and lakes should be done according to the conversion law of water, the potential energy and kinetic energy, and as far as possible using water bodies own energy to maintain water mobility. Third is about water resources renewability. Just improve river mobility to enhance water resources renewability in river water network. This is the most basic goal of IRSN plan. Fourth is about water cycle scale. As for different water cycle scales, the water connectivity rules are different. So, IRSN plan has the characteristics of multi-temporal and multi-spatial scales.As IRSN plan is an important new plan on water management in China, the related theoretical researches have lagged behind the practices. The purpose of this study is to promote the establishment of theoretical system on IRSN plan. The results of this paper will lay the theoretical basis of hydrology for implementation of the IRSN strategic plan.
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The issue of sustainable water resources has been receiving much attention for years. With the development of economy and society in China, increasing requirements on water resources will necessitate a strategic shift. Being the new strategy of China, the Interconnected River System Network (IRSN) plan will play a significant role in water resources management in the future. To that end, it is urgent to prompt the research on the theoretical and technology system. Nowadays, studies on IRSN are more loosely scattered and have not been developed into a systemic and scientific theory system. Within IRSN, three major functions will be realized, i.e., increasing water resources allocation, improving river health, and enhancing flood and drought control. IRSN is a pan-regional concept, with different scales showing different characteristics. In terms of reality of water resources exploitation and protection in China, the authors stated in the paper that the research on IRSN can be essentially divided into three levels, i.e., national, regional, and basin levels. Differences are highlighted at each scale, i.e., 1) at the national scale, it primarily focuses on regional differences and how to make sustainable use of water resources, and coordinate the relationships among resources, society, economy and the environment. This will greatly promote the national and regional development; 2) at the regional scale, according to the functional position, comparative advantages, and water system characters of the region, it will contribute to rational water resources allocation, adapting to productive layout, and ultimately realize sustainable development of the region; and 3) at the river basin scale, the principle is the integration of the interest of every user among different reaches, and the development of nature and human within the whole river basin, with the aim to ultimately realize the sustainable water resource use, the environmental health, and sustainable development of economic society at the basin level. In the changing environment, there will be a series of challenges in the research, e.g., 1) how to match best between the distribution of river systems, and the eco-social layout. This is an effective measure of solving water shortages and ensuring stable economic development, and also the key point and great challenge of the IRSN; 2) uncertainty of climate change and the effects on IRSN. In particular, increasing extreme events will impose a big challenge for flood and drought control of the IRSN; and 3) interdisciplinary and comprehensive research. Due to the complexity of the system, the research on the IRSN will involve interdisciplinary theory, which is also a challenge for the researchers.
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DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.11.016URL [本文引用: 1]

Presently, operating Interconnected River System Network (IRSN) is the new policy and strategy for guiding various water activities and ensuring the water safety in China. Generally speaking, the IRSN is a multi-factor, multi-scale and multi-function system with the prominent feature of extreme complexity and hugeness. While scientific classification of IRSN practices is the foremost and required issue, which aims at providing reliable basis for the researches and practices of IRSN activities. In the present paper, according to the property and essence of the IRSN, we first proposed five criteria for the classification of IRSN, namely scientificalness, systematicness, dominance, direction and maneuverability. Then, by considering the natural, economic and social properties of the IRSN practices, and also followed the above five criteria we comprehensively analyzed various factors concerning the IRSN, including the contention properties, contention functions, contention regions, contention scales, contention objectives, contention duration, contention pattern, and contention direction, and further established an IRSN classification system. Furthermore, based on the IRSN classification system established, we summed up and classed a large number of typical ISRN practices in China. Finally, we selected the connection property-based, connection function-based, and regional water resources character-based classification types, and discussed the contention characteristics, contention objective as well as several other main problems of the three classification types, respectively. The results gained from this paper can provide helpful guide for the researches and policy making about the IRSN activities in China in the future.
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DOI:10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2017.03.005URL [本文引用: 1]

Interconnected river system networks is a national water conservancy strategy in China and focus of research. Here we discuss the classification system, material and energy exchange between rivers and lakes, various dynamic flows and ecological functions of river-lake interconnected relationships. We then propose a novel method for the health assessment of river systems based on interconnected water system networks. In a healthy river system there is “material and energy exchange” and it is the first and foremost relationship of material and energy exchange between rivers and lakes. There are unobstructed various “flows” between rivers and lakes including material flows (water, dissolved substances, sediments, organisms and contaminants), energy flows (water levels, flow and flow velocity), information flows (information generated with water flows, organisms and human activities) and value flows (shipping, power generation, drinking and irrigation). Under the influences of nature and human activity, various flows are connected by river-lake interconnection to carry material and energy exchange between rivers and lakes to achieve river-lake interactions. The material and energy exchange between rivers and lakes become one of the approaches and the direct driving forces of changes in river-lake interconnected relationships. The benignant changes in river-lake interconnected relationship tend to be in relatively steady state and in ideal dynamic balance.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201801010URL [本文引用: 1]

3-N, TN and TP were chosen as the water quality indexes to simulate the flow field and water quality of the Tangxun Lake group under different IRSN schemes. In addition, a comprehensive evaluation system based on evaluation indexes from the aspects of water hydrodynamics, water quality and socioeconomics was established to evaluate the IRSN effects of the Tangxun Lake group. The results showed that the fluidity of lakes improved greatly after the water diversion. The IRSN project can improve water quality of the lakes in a short time, while the improvement rate decreased gradually as the water diversion time increased. The comparison of these five schemes mentioned in this paper indicated that the fifth scheme (concurrent diversion from Donghu Lake and Liangzi Lake) can achieve the most obvious improvement in both hydrodynamics and water quality and generate the most economic benefits.]]>
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DR), rate of water area (WP), development coefficient of the river network (Kω), the ratio of area-length of main river (RAL) and box dimension (D0) etc. The results showed that: (1) DR and WP presented a decline trend during the 1960s-2000s with river length decreased by 11023.33 km (about 38.67%) and water area decreased by 151.58 km2 (about 18.83%), and the trend was still intensifying. (2) Kω also showed a decline trend with K2 decreasing from 1.41 to 1.35 (a decrease of 3.9%) during the 1960s-1980s and to 0.15 during the period of 1980s-2000s (decreased by 88.6% ). And the main rivers were gradually dominant in river network in the process of urbanization. (3) The spatial variation of the river network was obvious, the southern regions with an intensive river network was the most dramatic. (4) Each river system has its characteristics under different underlying surface conditions. Wp was smaller with 4.9%-9.4% in city regions. The DR and WP had decreased since the 1960s. Some river channel projects for dredging and urban flood control were implemented in the process of urbanization. In the regions of intensive river network (DR was 2.1-5.3 km/km2), there was a significantly decreasing trend of tributary rivers, and an increasing trend of main rivers. In the lake regions with bigger WP (about 17.8%-19.7%), there were no significant changes of river system pattern.]]>
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DOI:10.11821/xb200404009URL [本文引用: 1]

Based on the data from Shanghai water resources survey separately conducted at the beginning of the 1980s and the end of the 1990s, taking water conservation zone, which is generally used to manage water resources and prevent serious flood, as the basic unit for stream structure analysis, this paper discussed the characteristics of stream structure and its growth laws under the situation of rapid urbanization in Shanghai. The research showed that (1) Horton law still plays an important role in some areas with relative lower urbanization level, and stream number and average length of stream decrease in geometric series with the raising of stream order. Self-similarity of stream structure lies in different stream orders. (2) Urbanization is the dominant factor changing the structure of river system in urban area. In high-urbanized water conservancy zones, self-similarity properties of stream structure could not be observed. (3) There existed significant relationship between stream structure and its function. Because water area and stream ramification decreased obviously during the proCess of urbanization in Shanghai, it is an urgent task to pay more attention to those indicators such as water area, stream ramification, river naturalness, and try best to maintain the reasonable values for these indicators.
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DOI:10.14512/gaia.6.1.6URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1111/area.2006.38.issue-2URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1002/(ISSN)1099-1085URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1111/j.1749-8198.2008.00180.xURL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1007/s10750-013-1468-yURL [本文引用: 1]

Hydrologic alterations designed to provide a stable water supply and to prevent flooding are commonly used in mediterranean-climate river (med-rivers) basins, and these alterations have led to habitat loss and significant declines in aquatic biodiversity. Often the health of freshwater ecosystems depends on maintaining and recovering hydrologic habitat connectivity, which includes structural components related to the physical landscape, functionality of flow dynamics, and an understanding of species habitat requirements for movement, reproduction, and survival. To advance our understanding of hydrologic habitat connectivity and benefits of habitat restoration alternatives we provide: (1) a review of recent perspectives on hydrologic connectivity, including quantitative methods; and (2) a modeling framework to quantify the effects of restoration on hydrologic habitat connectivity. We then illustrate this approach through a case study on lateral hydrologic habitat connectivity that results from channel restoration scenarios using scenarios with different historic and climate-change flows to restore fish floodplain habitat in a med-river, the San Joaquin River, California. Case study results show that in addition to the channel alterations, higher flows are required to recover significant flooded habitat area, especially given reductions in flows expected under climate change. These types of studies will help the planning for restoration of hydrologic habitat connectivity in med-rivers, a critical step for mediterranean species recovery.
DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2003.05.001URL [本文引用: 1]

The paper selected the macro-scale areas of the source region of the Yellow River as an object and carried out discharge simulation with the distributed hydrological model,the SWAT model.Based on the analysis and process of DEM data,such as flow direction,a watershed borderline,a river network and sub-basins by automatically becoming,rivers,codes and areas of sub-basins,structure and topology constraint of the river network were gained with a format of grid cells.Annually and monthly measured runoff data of Tangnaihai hydrologic station from 1976~1985 were used to calibrate the simulation parameters and determine some basic parameters of the model.The simulation results are satisfactory and show that climate change is the main reason for discharge change of the source regions of the Yellow River.In twenty years of the 1980’s and the 1990’s,the discharge decrease due to climate change is 62.11×108m 3/s,which accounts for 108.72% of total discharge change,and the discharge increase due to land-cover change is 5.73×108m 3/s ,which accounts for 10.03% of that with grid cell.
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201805009URL [本文引用: 1]

Terrestrial hydrological process is an essential and very weak link in the global/regional climate models. In this paper, the development of research on the coupled atmosphere-hydrology simulations was analyzed, also the research trends and hotspots were identified by scientific literature analysis, and the challenges and opportunities in the coupled atmosphere-hydrology simulations are reviewed and summarized. The land surface processes in most of the existing climate models are mainly designed by the one-dimensional vertical structure, which lacks a detailed description of the two-dimensional hydrologic processes over specific basins, especially the parameterization of human activities on the underlying surface. In order to overcome the poor simulation on watershed hydrological processes derived by climate models, numerous studies were performed to investigate the feedbacks between hydrological processes and atmospheric processes, through coupling hydrological models with regional climate models. At present, improving the representation of hydrologic processes in land surface models and the development of global hydrological models have been the fundamental of investigating the feedbacks between terrestrial hydrology and atmosphere. Furthermore, the research on the coupling between hydrology and atmosphere has developed from the one-way coupling to the two-way coupling (also called fully coupled atmosphere-hydrology simulations). However, these studies on the fully coupled atmosphere-hydrology simulations were still immature and the fully coupled model needed further improvements, including further research on the matching methods of model coupling and system stability, research on effective scale transfer schemes, improvements on parameterization schemes and evaluation on parameter uncertainties, research on effective parameter transfer methods and improvements on regional applicability, as well as the coupled simulation of large-scale terrestrial hydrology and atmosphere at hyper-resolution with acceptable accuracy, and etc.
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DOI:10.1086/279591URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.05.003URL [本文引用: 1]

Eco-hydrological model of watershed scale is an essential tool to assess the impact of environmental change on watershed hydrological and ecological processes. This has made eco-hydrological model a hot research focus, and significant advances have been achieved during recent years. This paper provides a perspective on the current state of the research on eco-hydrological modeling. Firstly we elaborate the characteristics of the interaction between vegetation and hydrological processes and the requirements for watershed eco-hydrological modeling. Then the existing models are classified according to the detail levels of their description of the eco-hydrological interaction. Different types of eco-hydrological models and their respective advantage and disadvantage are summarized. Finally, the key problems and research issues (i.e,eco-hydrological interaction, parameters estimation and the problem of uncertainty) for eco-hydrological modeling are addressed.
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i.e. transpiration from forest, grassland, wetland and rainfed farmland). Still, water management and governance to date has almost exclusively focused on the visible blue water flow (i.e. runoff flow in rivers, aquifers and lakes). Green water is defined as water flow returned to atmosphere in the original document. Only in the past few years has it become recognized as resources of production of plant biomass that first remain in the soil in the form of humidity, are then stored in plants during their growth, and are finally released back into the atmosphere through evaporation. This paper presented the evolution of the green water concept, the effects affect green water flow, and the roles of green water played in the terrestrial ecosystems, and reviewed the advances in green water evaluation and the current status of global green water resources and green water security. It is pointed out that green water resources should be included in the water resources evaluation system, green water related researches such as green water management, comprehensive usage of blue water and green water resources, and balancing water for humans and nature should be deployed in the future.]]>
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This paper highlighted the importance of research on green water in watershed and proposed key scientific issues for future studies: (1) Estimation or measurement of green water flow and scaling: Green water are considered to comprise both evaporation and transpiration components. The evaporation component is made up of evaporation of intercepted water evaporation from plant surfaces as well as free water surfaces and evaporation from the soil. There are challenges associated with estimating green water flow. First, difficulties exist in determining the spatial and temporal variation of evaporation over large areas. Secondly there are very few methods which allow for estimates of transpiration and evaporation separately. The promising methods for estimates of green water flow may be the application of the scintillation method and remote sensing combination. (2) Formation, transformation and ecohydrological impacts of green water flow in the watershed: Formation of green water is very complicated the in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the watershed due to human activities (land use/cover changes) and climate impacts; in the upper reach of the inland basin of China, green water is mainly transformed into blue water, but in the middle and lower reaches, blue water is mainly transformed into green water, both of them are interlinked in the hydrological cycle on the watershed scale. Researches should also pay attention to unsaturated zone and soil structure quantification for dynamic green water flow in the soil profile, and the spatial scale should include microscopic (e.g., pores aggregates), mesoscopic (e.g., pedons and catenas), and macroscopic (e.g., watersheds, regional, and global) scales. (3) Assessment and management of green water flow: Assessment of green water includes total amount of green water and available green water, which still needs further study. In a word, we need to consider rainfall as the basic water resources and to incorporate green water and blue into integrity to harmonize water consumption for ecological, domestic and productive uses in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the watershed, thus fully exploiting nonproductive green water and balance water between nature and human.
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DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.04.011URL [本文引用: 1]

It is widely recognized that human activities and climate variability are two important factors that affect water resources and freshwater ecosystems. Previous evaluation work on water resources has predominantly focused on the qualification of blue water flow. Meanwhile the green water flow, another important part of water resources for the healthy development of rivers and basins, is seldom discussed. In arid and semi-arid regions, the analysis of spatiotemporal distribution of blue and green water resources under human activities and climate variability is critical for water resources planning and management, and for harmonizing agricultural water use and eco-environmental water requirements. The Weihe River is the largest tributary of the Yellow River in China and an important water source for the Central Shaanxi Plain, which acts as the main driving force in the western economic development of China. However, this region also suffers great resource shortages. Ensuring sufficient freshwater resources supply is one of the most essential prerequisites for economic development and environmental protection in the Wei River Basin. Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, this study investigated the spatiotemporal variations of blue and green water resources under different human activities (land use/cover change and irrigation) and climate variability scenarios during the 1980s-2000s for the Weihe River Basin. The results showed that: 1) Under the impact of land use/cover change, irrigation and climate variation, the blue water flow, green water flow and green water storage decreased by 23.56 mm/a, 39.41 mm/a and 17.98 mm/a, respectively, during 1980-2009. Blue water flow and green water storage presented an increasing trend in the north of study area, and the green water flow showed a decreasing trend in the upstream regions. 2) Attribution analysis showed that climate variability accounted for a decrease of 13.17 mm/a, 44.99 mm/a and 22.79 mm /a in blue water flow, green water flow, and green water storage, respectively. The blue water flow increased in the north of the Weihe River Basin, but decreased in the south of the Weihe River Basin. The green water flow decreased in the whole basin. Land use/cover change accounted for a decrease of 0.42 mm/a and 0.37 mm/a respectively in blue water and green water flow, but an increase of 0.79 mm/a in green water storage. In addition, irrigation accounted for a decrease of 9.97 mm/a in blue water flow and an increase of 5.95 mm/a and 4.02 mm/a in green water flow and green water storage, respectively. 3) Green water coefficient showed an increased trend in the southeast, but a deceased trend in the Jinghe River Basin due to the climate variability. Land use/land cover change drived the green water coefficient increased in some sub-basins of southwest. It should also be noted that the green water coefficient significantly increased in Central Shaanxi Plain when considered the irrigation factor.
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DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.03.011URL [本文引用: 1]

Referring extensively to domestic and foreign related construction method of the hydrologic cycle model system, with the results of CAS Knowledge Innovation Program key projects, " Trans-basin water transfer and its impact on terrestrial water cycle and water safety", using object-oriented design methods, and based on GIS, VR and other technology, this paper tried to build a prototype system, Water system Integrated Modeling and Management Tool (WIM), integrating data management of water resources, hydrologic cycle coupled models, as well as virtual reality and scenario analysis functions. WIM provides a flexible and scalable integrated mode for data, models and other tools and achieves the dynamic loading of data, on-line coupling of models and modules, to meet the needs of management of water resources and water security analysis under different scale hydrologic cycles.
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Water resource is the fundamental natural resource as well as economic resource for China. However, with the fast increase of population and economy, water resources problems, such as water pollution, water degradation, flood and drought occurrences, have aggravated in recent years, which threaten the sustainable development of both society and environment. Therefore, intensified water resources researches are urgently needed. Since water resources problems are closely related to many other factors, such as climate change, ecological and environmental issues, as well as social sciences, the research is a complicated and comprehensive task, especially under the severe disturbances of human activities. To meet the urgent requirement for comprehensive research on water resources, a framework for the study on land water system is presented in the paper. The framework is a comprehensive system that consists of six parts, including scientific database on water resources composed by in-situ measurements and observations from space; numerical simulation platform for land water with the land surface process model as a kernel component; the validation system of water resources data and products, which is built to evaluate the accuracy of all data and simulated results; coordinated application environment of land water system based on network which can be operated by different users in different places; decision supporting system of water resources management, which provides useful information about water problems for the government; serving and releasing system for water resources data and products, to which any authorized user can have access. The functions of the framework are 1) to build an open-form and comprehensive platform for water resources research and application, which can be used widely by the scientific researchers and governors in different departments and places in China; 2) to output the useful water resources products by integrating water resource data, models and knowledge with advanced computer technology. On the basis of these functions, the framework can be used to facilitate the developments of water resource research and application in China. At the same time, it can play an important role in solving major water problems over China, establishing water engineering projects, and formulating scientific policies for the sustainable development of water resources.
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