

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

于贵瑞,, 李文华, 邵明安, 张扬建,, 王绍强, 牛书丽, 何洪林, 戴尔阜, 李发东, 马泽清中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 中国科学院生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101

Ecosystem science research and ecosystem management

YU Guirui,, LI Wenhua, SHAO Ming'an, ZHANG Yangjian,, WANG Shaoqiang, NIU Shuli, HE Honglin, DAI Erfu, LI Fadong, MA ZeqingKey Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

通讯作者: 张扬建(1976-), 男, 江西万年人, 研究员, 主要从事高寒生态系统与全球变化研究。E-mail: zhangyj@igsnrr.ac.cn


作者简介 About authors
于贵瑞(1959-), 男, 辽宁大连人, 研究员, 中国科学院院士, 主要从事生态学与自然地理学交叉研究。E-mail: yugr@igsnrr.ac.cn

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所生态系统学科以生态系统生态学研究为核心,通过研制生态系统观测和模拟分析的技术和方法,探索解决区域性/大尺度生态学问题的理论和方法,监测生态系统变化,认知生态系统变化规律,推动生态系统生态学、生物地理生态学、全球变化生态学和生态信息科学技术的发展,创新生态系统管理模式,服务于国家和地方的生态建设、应对全球变化及区域可持续发展。面向国家重大需求,在中国华北平原农业区、南方红壤丘陵林业区、青藏高原农牧区以及黄土高原区等典型区域开展生态系统管理技术与模式的集成与创新研究,着力解决国家生态文明建设和应对全球气候变化中的重大生态学问题,推动区域生态系统管理领域的科技进步。围绕生态系统生态学学科前沿,着重在① 生态系统联网观测、模拟与信息管理,② 生态系统结构、过程与功能,③ 生态系统空间格局与机制,④ 生态系统对全球变化的响应与适应,⑤ 生态系统管理与生态系统服务等五大主要研究方向,系统开展生态系统生态学前沿理论和实践的创新研究,研究成果处于国内和国际生态学研究的科学前沿。
关键词: 生态系统;生态信息;全球变化;生态系统管理;生态系统服务;可持续发展

Ecosystem ecology is the core content of ecosystem science in the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGNSRR). Our first mission is to develop techniques and methods of ecosystem monitoring and simulation, by which we explore the theories and pathways in solving eco-environmental issues at regional scales. Second, we monitor ecosystem changes, identify the dynamics and patterns, and advance the discipline developments of ecosystem ecology, biogeography ecology, global change ecology, and eco-informatics. Third, we serve for the national and regional ecological constructions by addressing issues related to global changes and regional sustainable developments. To meet national needs, we synthesize and innovate technique and modes of ecosystem management for typical regions of China, i.e. agricultural regions of northern China, hilly red soil forestry regions of southern China, agricultural and pastoral regions of the Tibetan Plateau and Loess Plateau. Utilizing these innovated management modes, we aim to solve fundamental problems in ecological construction and adapt to global changes, and facilitate science advance in regional ecosystem management. Our research directions comprise the following five fields: (1) network monitoring, simulation and ecosystem data management; (2) ecosystem structure, process and function; (3) ecosystem pattern and the underlying mechanism; (4) ecosystem responses and adaptation to global change; (5) ecosystem management and ecosystem services. Centered around the above five foci research directions, we systematically explore theories of ecosystem ecology and their applications, through which we position our research in frontier lines of China and the world.
Keywords:ecosystem;eco-informatics;global change;ecosystem management;ecosystem services;sustainable development

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于贵瑞, 李文华, 邵明安, 张扬建, 王绍强, 牛书丽, 何洪林, 戴尔阜, 李发东, 马泽清. 生态系统科学研究与生态系统管理. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(12): 2620-2635 doi:10.11821/dlxb202012006
YU Guirui, LI Wenhua, SHAO Ming'an, ZHANG Yangjian, WANG Shaoqiang, NIU Shuli, HE Honglin, DAI Erfu, LI Fadong, MA Zeqing. Ecosystem science research and ecosystem management. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(12): 2620-2635 doi:10.11821/dlxb202012006

1 引言

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所(简称地理资源所)生态系统学科起源于中国科学院综合考察资源委员会(简称综考会)。20世纪50—80年代综考会组织了国内大规模的基础科学考察。考察结束后,孙鸿烈、阳含熙和李文华等老一辈科学家意识到需要在中国典型区开展长期的定位生态监测工作。当时选择了青藏高原、华北平原和南方红黄壤区分别建立了野外生态观测和研究定位站。基于这些台站和中国科学院其他研究所的台站,在1988年中国科学院成立了国家生态系统研究网络(Chinese Ecosystem Research Network, CERN),正是这些野外台站和研究网络为地理资源所的生态学科打下了坚实的基础。经过几十年的发展,地理资源所生态学科定位于以生态系统生态学研究为核心,针对农田、森林、高原生态系统以及区域和国家尺度的重大生态问题,综合研究生态系统与环境变化的关系及调控管理的理论和技术,致力于典型生态系统、区域和国家尺度生态系统动态过程和空间格局变化的网络观测,以及模拟理论和分析关键技术创新,发展和完善基于生态系统网络的观测、实验、研究体系,推动生态信息获取、管理和整合分析的理论创新和技术进步。具体包括如下五个主要研究方向。






2 发展历程

2.1 生态信息的数据管理与模拟分析






2.2 生态系统碳氮水通量及其耦合机制

在中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目和国家“973”计划等项目的支持下,2002年创建了中国陆地生态系统通量观测研究网络(ChinaFLUX)平台,开启了中国典型陆地生态系统CO2、H2O、能量通量的长期连续观测[1,2,3]。经过10余年的不断发展和壮大,ChinaFLUX的观测站点已经由最初的8个扩展到目前的80余个,涵盖了中国主要的地带性陆地生态系统类型。在观测生态系统碳水通量的同时,研发了大气环境的氮、磷等元素沉降观测技术体系,并于2013年组建了中国典型生态系统大气湿沉降观测网络(ChinaWD)。同时,引进国际上领先的TDLAS(Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy)稳定同位素观测技术,实现了ChinaFLUX站点生态系统碳、氮、水通量及δ18O、δD、δ13C和δ15N通量的协同观测。目前,ChinaFLUX已发展成为长期连续的通量观测与控制实验研究有机结合,多种温室气体的交换通量—环境要素—生态过程综合观测,以及生态系统碳—氮—水通量与循环过程协同观测的国家层面的多尺度—多要素—多过程的综合观测研究网络。

2.3 陆地生态系统对全球变化响应和适应的时空格局与过程机制






2.4 生态系统功能及特征的生物地理格局






2.5 生态系统管理与生态系统服务




在位于一江两河的拉萨河谷(西藏自治区拉萨市达孜县)于1993年成立了拉萨高原生态试验站。拉萨站海拔3688 m,是世界上海拔最高的农业生态试验站。拉萨站2003年加入CERN,2005年成为国家野外科学观测研究站(CNERN),2013年加入中国高寒区地表过程与环境观测研究网络(HORN)。经过20余年的发展,拉萨站已经形成了4个研究基地、3条观测样带以及1个研究中心的布局,拉萨站立足于国家和西藏自治区地方需求,通过对高原生态环境要素的长期监测,对高原典型生态系统的变化及其机理进行定位研究,建立高原农牧业可持续发展优化模式,为青藏高原生态学研究提供技术支撑和服务平台。


3 主要成就


3.1 生态信息的数据管理与模拟分析

构建了适用于长期生态观测数据管理与共享的标准规范体系,保障数据集成、管理与共享服务的标准化、规范化和制度化。研究所****先后参与了长期监测规范2套9本、长期观测质量管理规范1套4本的编制以及《CERN数据共享和管理条例》《生态科学数据元数据》(GB/T 20533—2006)的制定,主持制定了生态站编码规范、长期生态学数据资源元数据标准、长期观测数据库建库规范等10多项标准规范;建成了“长期联网观测—专项观测—科学研究”三类数据资源体系,该体系体现了多源、多尺度、多要素、多关联的数据特征。其中,生态系统长期联网观测数据已成为中国生态环境领域独具特色的系统性、规范化长期联网定位监测数据资源。该数据资源涵盖了44个生态站,按照统一的监测指标和技术规范,获取了中国典型生态系统的水分、土壤、大气和生物等4个学科大类的数据,数据记录长达20多年,涉及近300个监测指标,总量达2000多万条记录。

探索多种数据共享服务模式,促进生态科学数据共享。为推动长期观测数据的开放共享,建立了多种数据共享服务模式,呈现多种模式齐头并进的趋势,并取得了一定的服务成效。主要服务模式包括:① 共享系统模式,通过不断应用新的信息技术,升级改造数据共享系统,提升数据共享效率,使生态网络的数据共享服务实现了由集中式数据服务、分布式共享服务到电子商务式数据服务的转变,注册用户数、访问量、数据服务量逐年递增,并呈快速增长趋势。② 出版物模式,通过各类出版物的出版、发行,既有效保护数据生产者知识产权,又拓展了数据用户范围。③ 国际合作模式,与DataONE(Data Observation Network for Earth)合作,成为其成员节点(https://data-en.cern.ac.cn/metacat),通过其服务规程向国内外科研人员和公众提供CERN国际共享数据的申请和下载等服务。

建设基于云计算的生态系统网络科研信息化环境。根据大数据时代生态系统观测的特点,以科学数据全生命周期管理为指导理论,构建了生态大数据云平台,主要由三部分组成:① 支撑野外生态站多要素观测数据采集的数字生态站综合信息管理平台(海端);② 支撑生态数据存储管理、挖掘分析与共享服务的生态大数据模拟分析与共享服务平台(云端);③ 支撑云海两端协同的多源数据远程传输与监控平台。整个平台实现了生态监测“数据采集—传输—存储—管理—处理—模型模拟—集成分析—共享服务”的一体化运维,引领了中国野外生态站的信息化建设,极大提升了野外生态站的信息化能力,转变了野外生态站科研活动的模式

改进和发展生态系统模型与模型数据融合技术。基于生态系统联网观测和试验数据,改进了自主研制的AVIM2、CEVSA2模型,推动了中国生态系统过程模型的发展。在AVIM2中增加了氮循环过程,在中国气象局得到成功应用和推广,并参加了全球碳循环模型比较,同时被列入泛欧亚国际实验研究计划(PEEX)推荐采用的模型之一,研究成果被IPCC第五次评估报告引用(IPCC-AR5第6章)。构建了碳氮水耦合循环模型CEVSA2,在国家尺度上模拟分析了氮沉降对中国森林碳循环的影响[13],引进了国际主流模型CLM 4.5模型和DALEC模型,模拟分析了中国陆地生态系统碳通量的变化[14,15]。通过集成创新构建了陆地生态系统碳循环模型数据融合技术,建立了不确定性分析方法体系,定量评价生态系统模型关键参数及其模拟结果的不确定性,提高模型模拟精度[16,17]。开展了站点/区域尺度的碳水通量模型数据融合应用,量化并拆分了碳通量模拟的不确定性及其误差来源,降低了站点/区域尺度碳水通量模型模拟的不确定性[18,19]。结合联网观测数据,实现了碳循环的非平衡态反演,揭示了传统平衡态假设对森林固碳功能评估的影响[15],为促进CERN联网研究、深入挖掘长期联网观测数据提供了新思路。

3.2 生态系统碳氮水通量及其耦合机制

评估了中国陆地生态系统的固碳现状、速率、潜力及机制,量化中国陆海交错带蓝碳分布和固碳潜力,揭示了中国区域陆地与近海碳收支的环境驱动机制。通过多源历史数据整合,系统研究了中国区域陆地生态系统固碳现状,发现中国陆地生态系统20世纪80年代至21世纪初每年约固碳0.201 Pg C·a-1,森林生态系统是固碳的主体,而草地处于弱源/弱汇间波动,湿地整体表现为碳源。基于ChinaFLUX的长期观测数据,系统评价了中国主要陆地生态系统碳通量和碳汇/源强度及其年际变异特征,并构建了生物地理学统计模式,对中国陆地生态系统的碳收支和气候潜力值进行了定量评估。研究表明2001—2010年的中国区域陆地生态系统总初级生产力、净生态系统生产力和生态系统呼吸的年总量分别为7.51 Pg C·a-1、1.91 Pg C·a-1和5.82 Pg C·a-1,分别占全球总量的4.29%~6.80%、9.10%~12.73%、5.65%~6.06%[20]。系统评估了中国森林固碳潜力以及生态工程与草地管理对碳收支的影响,发现中国重大生态工程的固碳成效显著,2000—2010年间中国生态恢复工程区域的总固碳速率为132 Tg C·a-1,六大生态恢复工程区的总固碳量约占全国陆地的56%(74 Tg C·a-1[21];基于全球和中国数据的整合分析,评估了全球及中国蓝色碳汇渔业,发现中国的特色渔业使中国具有非常高的蓝色碳汇[22]。此外,系统评估了中国河流向近海的年均碳输送量,并探讨了1980—2015年氮沉降格局变化[23]以及2006—2010年中国河流年N/P输入对近海碳收支的影响[24],定量阐明了区域陆源N/P与近海C的耦合循环过程。


阐明生态系统碳—氮—水通量的耦合过程机理、相互平衡关系及其生物与环境调控机制。基于碳—氮—水平衡和碳饱和理论,系统评估了中国陆地生态系统水分利用效率以及固碳耗水成本的时空格局,揭示了中国陆地生态系统水分利用效率及固碳耗水成本在400~500 mm降雨分界线存在临界变化,指出在该边界以北大规模造林存在一定的环境风险。发展了生态系统蒸散机理模型,实现对中国典型草地生态系统蒸散的准确拆分。量化了中国典型草地生态系统土壤蒸发贡献的大小,揭示了蒸腾蒸散比时空变异的控制机制。系统研究了年降水总量、降水季节分布特征、降水时间对中国典型草地生态系统地上生产力的影响,提出了生态系统最大降水利用效率并非保守。发现土壤CO2、CH4和N2O通量三者存在复杂的协同、消长和随机型的耦合关系,并量化了基质可利用性对土壤碳氮气体通量的贡献率,全面认识了土壤碳氮气体通量的环境驱动机制。揭示了中国区域土壤δ13C和δ15N的空间格局,指出气候因子和养分有效性对土壤δ13C和δ15N空间格局的主要调控作用。系统地阐明了关键带碳、氮、磷生物地球化学循环与水文过程的内在耦合关系,揭示了流域C、N、P降雨径流过程中的驱动机制。

阐明中国大气氮、磷、酸及重金属沉降通量的时空格局与主控因素,评估了湿沉降潜在的生态环境效应。基于全国45个生态站组成的中国湿沉降观测网络的联网实测雨水有机氮、总氮、颗粒态氮、磷、pH和重金属数据,系统性地定量评估了中国区域大气(湿)氮、磷和重金属沉降,首次从区域尺度报道了磷沉降空间格局,并发现中国大气湿沉降中的可溶性N∶P比高达77∶1,远高于植被和土壤N∶P比,提出“不平衡的氮磷输入可能增强生态系统磷限制效应”假设。系统估算大气氮沉降的森林生态系统固碳效应约为9.6~27.7 kg C·kg-1 N,氮沉降的固碳效率从南至北逐渐增大。在样带和全国尺度上揭示了大气氮湿沉降的时空变异特征及其影响因素。引入遥感反演和卫星观测技术,系统分析了1980年以来中国和全球大气氮干沉降的时空变异规律及其驱动因素[28]。发现了中国大气氮沉降整体趋于稳定或有下降趋势,氮沉降逐步达到NO3-和NH4+平衡,干湿沉降基本平衡[29]。该结论颠覆了“中国氮沉降将逐步增加”的传统观点,并且发现中国氮沉降出现了两个组分转换趋势,由于干沉降与湿沉降、NO3-与NH4+生态效应的不同,促使人们重新思考和重新评估大气氮沉降的生态效应,并为模型模拟和野外控制实验设置等提出新视角或挑战。

3.3 陆地生态系统对全球变化响应和适应的时空格局与过程机制





3.4 生态系统功能及特征的生物地理格局





3.5 生态系统管理与生态系统服务





千烟洲站面向国家生态文明建设和区域发展的重大需求,针对中国南方林种结构单一,生态服务功能低等问题,自2009年起,开展典型低效人工林改造关键技术与试验示范研究,提炼出一套适合红壤丘陵区的人工林近自然经营的管理技术和模式。通过合理的间伐、开林窗、补植乡土阔叶树、伐除干扰树等措施,千烟洲站将低效人工林改造成为能够自我更新的复层—异龄—混交林,提高了生态系统综合服务功能和抗逆性。具体包括以下3种模式:① 松杉纯林近自然改造模式:原有林分密度大,无自我更新能力。间伐后补植木荷、枫香、深山含笑、火力楠、闽楠等乡土阔叶树种。发展模式为松杉纯林—针阔混交林—近自然林。立地条件好的林分,则培育闽楠等大径材珍贵用材树种,提高林地的产出。② 杉阔混交林近自然改造模式:原有林分密度大,有一定自我更新能力。阔叶树为枫香,杉阔比例为9∶1。通过伐针保阔,增大阔叶树种的比例,提高林分的自我更新能力,最终发展成为近自然林。③ 阔叶混交林近自然经营模式:原有林分密度大,自我更新能力强,直接采用近自然林经营措施,即伐除干扰树,促进目标树的生长,同时适当开林窗,促进林下更新层发育。



从黄土高原的主要限制要素土壤水分出发,提出了黄土高原植被恢复的长效机制。黄土高原是中国的重要生态屏障,大部分位于干旱、半干旱气候区,生态环境脆弱,土壤侵蚀严重,植被恢复是水土资源合理利用的有效措施。植被类型、规模和结构对水土过程有显著影响,而水分供给决定了植被生态系统的健康和可持续性。黄土高原出现的土壤干燥化和人工植被退化等现象,是生态建设中面临的重大现实问题。以土壤—植被系统水动力学与调控为主线,服务黄土高原旱地农业和植被建设的国家需求。在基础理论方面,建立了土壤水的广义相似理论和溶质迁移的边界层理论,提出了土壤水运动参数的积分法和相似法,积分法可获得全部水动力学参数,相似法拓展了传统法的测定范围;在方法应用方面,研究了变容重条件下和土石混合介质土壤水分运动过程,构建了变容重土壤水分动力学的基本框架,提出了黄土区土壤水分有效性动力学模式,为农业节水提供了重要科学依据;在实践应用方面,探明了黄土高原土壤水分时空分异特征和土壤干层的形成与分布,建立了小流域土壤水分植被承载力模型,确定了黄土区土壤水分对3种典型林、灌、草人工植被的承载力,为黄土高原合理的植被建造和土壤干层的防控提供了依据;在前沿探索方面,研究了黄土关键带土壤水分及水力性质垂直分异特征,建立了全剖面(50~200 m)黄土水力参数的传递函数模型和状态空间模型,量化了深厚黄土包气带储水量及空间分布,阐明了黄土关键带降水对地下水的补给通量及对土地利用变化的响应特征,为黄土区水资源管理及可持续性提供了科学依据。

在生态系统服务功能评估方面,通过开展典型生态系统服务功能的机理及评估方法的研究,从理论上揭示了生态系统服务功能的本质、生态服务功能发挥的作用机制以及生态服务功能的内涵与外延;以重要生态系统服务功能(水源涵养、大气调节、气候调节、水土流失、初级生产力、休闲旅游)为切入点,确定中国农田、森林、草地、湿地、海岸等典型生态系统服务功能的内涵、评价指标和评价方法;提出重要生态系统服务功能的形成机制、评价指标和评价体系,阐明生态系统服务功能价值化的理论和核算方法,为中国生态功能区划、区域生态恢复与建设、生态补偿制度和生态环境经济综合的国民经济综合核算体制的实施提供科学依据[52]。开展了生态补偿的国家战略框架设计、理论方法,以及流域、矿产资源开发、森林和自然保护区生态补偿等6个方面的研究,2007年出版了《中国生态补偿机制与政策研究》专著,成为该领域研究的重要参考和依据。2008年李文华牵头与美国佛蒙特大学(University of Vermont)GUND生态经济研究所所长Robert Constanza教授合作,筹建了“中美生态系统服务研究中心”,为中国和美国生态系统服务研究****提供了一个学术交流平台,发挥中国在生态系统服务研究领域的作用,推动国际生态系统服务研究的发展。

4 未来展望







参考文献 原文顺序

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Yu G R, Chen Z, Piao S L, et al. High carbon dioxide uptake by subtropical forest ecosystems in the East Asian monsoon region
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Temperate- and high-latitude forests have been shown to contribute a carbon sink in the Northern Hemisphere, but fewer studies have addressed the carbon balance of the subtropical forests. In the present study, we integrated eddy covariance observations established in the 1990s and 2000s to show that East Asian monsoon subtropical forests between 20 degrees N and 40 degrees N represent an average net ecosystem productivity (NEP) of 362 +/- 39 g C m(-2) yr(-1) (mean +/- 1 SE). This average forest NEP value is higher than that of Asian tropical and temperate forests and is also higher than that of forests at the same latitudes in Europe-Africa and North America. East Asian monsoon subtropical forests have comparable NEP to that of subtropical forests of the southeastern United States and intensively managed Western European forests. The total NEP of East Asian monsoon subtropical forests was estimated to be 0.72 +/- 0.08 Pg C yr(-1), which accounts for 8% of the global forest NEP. This result indicates that the role of subtropical forests in the current global carbon cycle cannot be ignored and that the regional distributions of the Northern Hemisphere's terrestrial carbon sinks are needed to be reevaluated. The young stand ages and high nitrogen deposition, coupled with sufficient and synchronous water and heat availability, may be the primary reasons for the high NEP of this region, and further studies are needed to quantify the contribution of each underlying factor.

He N P, Liu C C, Piao S L, et al. Ecosystem traits linking functional traits to macroecology
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DOI:10.1016/j.tree.2018.11.004URLPMID:30527959 [本文引用: 1]
As the range of studies on macroecology and functional traits expands, integration of traits into higher-level approaches offers new opportunities to improve clarification of larger-scale patterns and their mechanisms and predictions using models. Here, we propose a framework for quantifying 'ecosystem traits' and means to address the challenges of broadening the applicability of functional traits to macroecology. Ecosystem traits are traits or quantitative characteristics of organisms (plants, animals, and microbes) at the community level expressed as the intensity (or density) normalized per unit land area. Ecosystem traits can inter-relate and integrate data from field trait surveys, eddy-flux observation, remote sensing, and ecological models, and thereby provide new resolution of the responses and feedback at regional to global scale.

Ma Z Q, Guo D L, Xu X L, et al. Evolutionary history resolves global organization of root functional traits
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DOI:10.1038/nature25783URLPMID:29466331 [本文引用: 2]
Plant roots have greatly diversified in form and function since the emergence of the first land plants, but the global organization of functional traits in roots remains poorly understood. Here we analyse a global dataset of 10 functionally important root traits in metabolically active first-order roots, collected from 369 species distributed across the natural plant communities of 7 biomes. Our results identify a high degree of organization of root traits across species and biomes, and reveal a pattern that differs from expectations based on previous studies of leaf traits. Root diameter exerts the strongest influence on root trait variation across plant species, growth forms and biomes. Our analysis suggests that plants have evolved thinner roots since they first emerged in land ecosystems, which has enabled them to markedly improve their efficiency of soil exploration per unit of carbon invested and to reduce their dependence on symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi. We also found that diversity in root morphological traits is greatest in the tropics, where plant diversity is highest and many ancestral phylogenetic groups are preserved. Diversity in root morphology declines sharply across the sequence of tropical, temperate and desert biomes, presumably owing to changes in resource supply caused by seasonally inhospitable abiotic conditions. Our results suggest that root traits have evolved along a spectrum bounded by two contrasting strategies of root life: an ancestral 'conservative' strategy in which plants with thick roots depend on symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi for soil resources and a more-derived 'opportunistic' strategy in which thin roots enable plants to more efficiently leverage photosynthetic carbon for soil exploration. These findings imply that innovations of belowground traits have had an important role in preparing plants to colonize new habitats, and in generating biodiversity within and across biomes.

Li Wenhua, Ouyang Zhiyun, Zhao Jingzhu. Research on Ecosystem Service Function. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2002.
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[ 李文华, 欧阳志云, 赵景柱. 生态系统服务功能研究. 北京: 气象出版社, 2002.]
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Gu F X, Zhang Y D, Huang M, et al. Nitrogen deposition and its effect on carbon storage in Chinese forests during 1981-2010
Atmospheric Environment, 2015,123:171-179.

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Zhang L, Mao J F, Shi X Y, et al. Evaluation of the Community Land Model simulated carbon and water fluxes against observations over ChinaFLUX sites
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2016,226/227:174-185.

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Ge R, He H L, Ren X L, et al. Underestimated ecosystem carbon turnover time and sequestration under the steady state assumption: A perspective from long-term data assimilation
Global Change Biology, 2019,25(3):938-953.

DOI:10.1111/gcb.14547URLPMID:30552830 [本文引用: 2]
It is critical to accurately estimate carbon (C) turnover time as it dominates the uncertainty in ecosystem C sinks and their response to future climate change. In the absence of direct observations of ecosystem C losses, C turnover times are commonly estimated under the steady state assumption (SSA), which has been applied across a large range of temporal and spatial scales including many at which the validity of the assumption is likely to be violated. However, the errors associated with improperly applying SSA to estimate C turnover time and its covariance with climate as well as ecosystem C sequestrations have yet to be fully quantified. Here, we developed a novel model-data fusion framework and systematically analyzed the SSA-induced biases using time-series data collected from 10 permanent forest plots in the eastern China monsoon region. The results showed that (a) the SSA significantly underestimated mean turnover times (MTTs) by 29%, thereby leading to a 4.83-fold underestimation of the net ecosystem productivity (NEP) in these forest ecosystems, a major C sink globally; (b) the SSA-induced bias in MTT and NEP correlates negatively with forest age, which provides a significant caveat for applying the SSA to young-aged ecosystems; and (c) the sensitivity of MTT to temperature and precipitation was 22% and 42% lower, respectively, under the SSA. Thus, under the expected climate change, spatiotemporal changes in MTT are likely to be underestimated, thereby resulting in large errors in the variability of predicted global NEP. With the development of observation technology and the accumulation of spatiotemporal data, we suggest estimating MTTs at the disequilibrium state via long-term data assimilation, thereby effectively reducing the uncertainty in ecosystem C sequestration estimations and providing a better understanding of regional or global C cycle dynamics and C-climate feedback.

Zhang L, Luo Y Q, Yu G R, et al. Estimated carbon residence times in three forest ecosystems of eastern China: Applications of probabilistic inversion
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2010,115:G01010. Doi: http://www.geog.com.cn/article/2020/0375-5444/10.1029/2009jg001004.

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Ren X L, He H L, Moore D J P, et al. Uncertainty analysis of modeled carbon and water fluxes in a subtropical coniferous plantation
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2013,118(4):1674-1688.

DOI:10.1002/2013JG002402URL [本文引用: 1]

He H L, Liu M, Xiao X M, et al. Large-scale estimation and uncertainty analysis of gross primary production in Tibetan alpine grasslands
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2014,119(3):466-486.

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Ren X L, He H L, Zhang L, et al. Modeling and uncertainty analysis of carbon and water fluxes in a broad- leaved Korean pine mixed forest based on model-data fusion
Ecological Modelling, 2018,379:39-53.

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Zhu X J, Yu G R, He H L, et al. Geographical statistical assessments of carbon fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems of China: Results from upscaling network observations
Global and Planetary Change, 2014,118:52-61.

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Lu F, Hu H F, Sun W J, et al. Effects of national ecological restoration projects on carbon sequestration in China from 2001 to 2010
PNAS, 2018,115(16):4039-4044.

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Gao Y, Yu G R, Yang T T, et al. New insight into global blue carbon estimation under human activity in land-sea interaction area: a case study of
Earth-Science Review, 2016,159:36-46.

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Jia Y L, Yu G R, He N P, et al. Spatial and decadal variations in inorganic nitrogen wet deposition in China induced by human activity
Scientific Reports, 2014,4. Doi: http://www.geog.com.cn/article/2020/0375-5444/10.1038/srep03763.

URLPMID:25534230 [本文引用: 2]
To investigate the prognostic role of the estrogen receptor (ER) in gastric cancer (GC) patients, tumor tissues from 932 patients with advanced GC were assessed for ER expression using immunohistochemistry, and their clinicopathologic features were evaluated. Forty patients (4.3%) had ER expression and they were more frequently associated with diffuse type gastric cancer and shorter disease free survival. Furthermore, we carried out in vitro analysis to evaluate the effect of ER modulation on the proliferation of GC cell lines. Estradiol enhanced proliferation of ER positive GC cells while it did not show any effect on ER negative GC cells. When ER was inhibited by fulvestrant and ER siRNA, estradiol-induced proliferation of ER positive GC cell was suppressed. Paclitaxel showed synergistic anti-proliferative impacts with fulvestrant. Suppressing ER by fulvestrant, paclitaxel and ER siRNA showed increased expression of E-cadherin, which is a crucial factor in diffuse-type carcinogenesis.

Gao Y, He N P, Yu G R, et al. Impact of external nitrogen and phosphorus input between 2006 and 2010 on carbon cycle in China seas
Regional Environmental Change, 2015,15(4):631-641.

[本文引用: 1]

Yu G R, Zhu X J, Fu Y L, et al. Spatial patterns and climate drivers of carbon fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems of China
Global Change Biology, 2013,19(3):798-810.

URLPMID:23504837 [本文引用: 1]

Chen Z, Yu G R, Zhu X J, et al. Covariation between gross primary production and ecosystem respiration across space and the underlying mechanisms: A global synthesis
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2015,203:180-190.

DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.01.012URL [本文引用: 1]

Zhang Y J, Yu G R, Yang J, et al. Climate- driven global changes in carbon use efficiency
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2014,23(2):144-155.

DOI:10.1111/geb.12086URL [本文引用: 1]
LocationThe global planetary ecosystem.MethodsThe annual NPP/GPP ratio of the global terrestrial ecosystem was calculated over a 10-year period based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data and an ecosystem productivity model. The temporal dynamics of the global NPP/GPP ratio and their dependence on climate were investigated.ResultsThe global NPP/GPP ratio exhibited a decreasing trend from 2000 to 2009 due to decreasing NPP and stable GPP over this period. The temporal dynamics of the NPP/GPP ratio were strongly controlled by temperature and precipitation. Increased temperature lowered the NPP/GPP ratio, and increased precipitation led to a higher NPP/GPP ratio.ConclusionsThe NPP/GPP ratio exhibits a clear temporal pattern associated with climatic fluctuations at a global scale. The associations of the NPP/GPP ratio with climatic variability challenge the conventional assumption that the NPP/GPP ratio should be consistent independent of environmental conditions. More importantly, the findings of this study have fundamental significance for our understanding of ongoing global climatic change. In regions and time periods experiencing drought or increased temperatures, plant ecosystems would suffer a higher ecosystem respiration cost and their net productivity would shrink.]]>

Jia Y L, Yu G R, Gao Y N, et al. Global inorganic nitrogen dry deposition inferred from ground and space- based measurements
Scientific Reports, 2016,6:19810. Doi: http://www.geog.com.cn/article/2020/0375-5444/10.1038/srep19810.

URLPMID:26813440 [本文引用: 1]
Atmospheric nitrogen (N) dry deposition is an important component in total N deposition. However, uncertainty exists in the assessment of global dry deposition. Here, we develop empirical models for estimating ground N concentrations using NO2 satellite measurements from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and ground measurements from 555 monitoring sites. Global patterns and trends in the fluxes of NO2, HNO3, NH4(+), and NO3(-) were assessed for 2005-2014. Moreover, we estimated global NH3 dry deposition directly using data from 267 monitoring sites. Our results showed that East Asia, the United States, and Europe were important regions of N deposition, and the total annual amount of global inorganic N deposition was 34.26 Tg N. The dry deposition fluxes were low in Africa and South America, but because of their large area, the total amounts in these regions were comparable to those in Europe and North America. In the past decade, the western United States and Eurasia, particularly eastern China, experienced the largest increases in dry deposition, whereas the eastern United States, Western Europe, and Japan experienced clear decreases through control of NOx and NH3 emissions. These findings provide a scientific background for policy-makers and future research into global changes.

Yu G R, Jia Y L, He N P, et al. Stabilization of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in China over the past decade
Nature Geoscience, 2019,12:424-429.

[本文引用: 2]

Xia J Y, Niu S L, Ciais P, et al. Joint control of terrestrial gross primary productivity by plant phenology and physiology
PNAS, 2015,112(9):2788-2793.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1413090112URLPMID:25730847 [本文引用: 1]
Terrestrial gross primary productivity (GPP) varies greatly over time and space. A better understanding of this variability is necessary for more accurate predictions of the future climate-carbon cycle feedback. Recent studies have suggested that variability in GPP is driven by a broad range of biotic and abiotic factors operating mainly through changes in vegetation phenology and physiological processes. However, it is still unclear how plant phenology and physiology can be integrated to explain the spatiotemporal variability of terrestrial GPP. Based on analyses of eddy-covariance and satellite-derived data, we decomposed annual terrestrial GPP into the length of the CO2 uptake period (CUP) and the seasonal maximal capacity of CO2 uptake (GPPmax). The product of CUP and GPPmax explained >90% of the temporal GPP variability in most areas of North America during 2000-2010 and the spatial GPP variation among globally distributed eddy flux tower sites. It also explained GPP response to the European heatwave in 2003 (r(2) = 0.90) and GPP recovery after a fire disturbance in South Dakota (r(2) = 0.88). Additional analysis of the eddy-covariance flux data shows that the interbiome variation in annual GPP is better explained by that in GPPmax than CUP. These findings indicate that terrestrial GPP is jointly controlled by ecosystem-level plant phenology and photosynthetic capacity, and greater understanding of GPPmax and CUP responses to environmental and biological variations will, thus, improve predictions of GPP over time and space.

Niu S L, Fu Z, Luo Y Q, et al. Interannual variability of ecosystem carbon exchange: From observation to prediction
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2017,26(11):1225-1237.

[本文引用: 1]

Hu Z M, Guo Q, Li S G, et al. Shifts in the dynamics of productivity signal ecosystem state transitions at the biomescale
Ecology Letters, 2018,21(10):1457-1466.

DOI:10.1111/ele.13126URLPMID:30019373 [本文引用: 1]
Understanding ecosystem dynamics and predicting directional changes in ecosystem in response to global changes are ongoing challenges in ecology. Here we present a framework that links productivity dynamics and ecosystem state transitions based on a spatially continuous dataset of aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) from the temperate grassland of China. Across a regional precipitation gradient, we quantified spatial patterns in ANPP dynamics (variability, asymmetry and sensitivity to rainfall) and related these to transitions from desert to semi-arid to mesic steppe. We show that these three indices of ANPP dynamics displayed distinct spatial patterns, with peaks signalling transitions between grassland types. Thus, monitoring shifts in ANPP dynamics has the potential for predicting ecosystem state transitions in the future. Current ecosystem models fail to capture these dynamics, highlighting the need to incorporate more nuanced ecological controls of productivity in models to forecast future ecosystem shifts.

Li Y, Niu S L, Yu G R. Aggravated phosphorus limitation on biomass production under increasing nitrogen loading: A meta-analysis
Global Change Biology, 2016,22(2):934-943.

DOI:10.1111/gcb.13125URLPMID:26463578 [本文引用: 1]
Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), either individually or in combination, have been demonstrated to limit biomass production in terrestrial ecosystems. Field studies have been extensively synthesized to assess global patterns of N impacts on terrestrial ecosystem processes. However, to our knowledge, no synthesis has been done so far to reveal global patterns of P impacts on terrestrial ecosystems, especially under different nitrogen (N) levels. Here, we conducted a meta-analysis of impacts of P addition, either alone or with N addition, on aboveground (AGB) and belowground biomass production (BGB), plant and soil P concentrations, and N : P ratio in terrestrial ecosystems. Overall, our meta-analysis quantitatively confirmed existing notions: (i) colimitation of N and P on biomass production and (ii) more P limitation in tropical forest than other ecosystems. More importantly, our analysis revealed new findings: (i) P limitation on biomass production was aggravated by N enrichment and (ii) plant P concentration was a better indicator of P limitation than soil P availability. Specifically, P addition increased AGB and BGB by 34% and 13%, respectively. The effect size of P addition on biomass production was larger in tropical forest than grassland, wetland, and tundra and varied with P fertilizer forms, P addition rates, or experimental durations. The P-induced increase in biomass production and plant P concentration was larger under elevated than ambient N. Our findings suggest that the global limitation of P on biomass production will become severer under increasing N fertilizer and deposition in the future.

Niu S L, Classen A T, Dukes J S, et al. Global patterns and substrate-based mechanisms of the terrestrial nitrogen cycle
Ecology Letters, 2016,19(6):697-709.

DOI:10.1111/ele.12591URLPMID:26932540 [本文引用: 1]
Nitrogen (N) deposition is impacting the services that ecosystems provide to humanity. However, the mechanisms determining impacts on the N cycle are not fully understood. To explore the mechanistic underpinnings of N impacts on N cycle processes, we reviewed and synthesised recent progress in ecosystem N research through empirical studies, conceptual analysis and model simulations. Experimental and observational studies have revealed that the stimulation of plant N uptake and soil retention generally diminishes as N loading increases, while dissolved and gaseous losses of N occur at low N availability but increase exponentially and become the dominant fate of N at high loading rates. The original N saturation hypothesis emphasises sequential N saturation from plant uptake to soil retention before N losses occur. However, biogeochemical models that simulate simultaneous competition for soil N substrates by multiple processes match the observed patterns of N losses better than models based on sequential competition. To enable better prediction of terrestrial N cycle responses to N loading, we recommend that future research identifies the response functions of different N processes to substrate availability using manipulative experiments, and incorporates the measured N saturation response functions into conceptual, theoretical and quantitative analyses.

Tian D S, Reich P B, Chen H Y H, et al. Global changes alter plant multi-element stoichiometric coupling
New Phytologist, 2018,221(2):807-817.

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Kou L, Jiang L, Fu X L, et al. Nitrogen deposition increases root production and turnover but slows root decomposition in Pinus elliottii plantations
New Phytologist, 2018,218:1450-1461.

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Kou L, Jiang L, H?ttenschwiler S, et al. Diversity-decomposition relationships in forests worldwide
eLife Sciences, 2020,9:e55813. Doi: http://www.geog.com.cn/article/2020/0375-5444/10.7554/eLife.55813.

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Qiao N, Schaefer D, Blagodatskaya E, et al. Labile carbon retention compensates for CO2 released by priming in forest soils
Global Change Biology, 2014,20(6):1943-1954.

DOI:10.1111/gcb.12458URLPMID:24293210 [本文引用: 1]
Increase of belowground C allocation by plants under global warming or elevated CO2 may promote decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC) by priming and strongly affects SOC dynamics. The specific effects by priming of SOC depend on the amount and frequency of C inputs. Most previous priming studies have investigated single C additions, but they are not very representative for litterfall and root exudation in many terrestrial ecosystems. We evaluated effects of (13)C-labeled glucose added to soil in three temporal patterns: single, repeated, and continuous on dynamics of CO2 and priming of SOC decomposition over 6 months. Total and (13)C labeled CO2 were monitored to analyze priming dynamics and net C balance between SOC loss caused by priming and the retention of added glucose-C. Cumulative priming ranged from 1.3 to 5.5 mg C g(-1) SOC in the subtropical, and from -0.6 to 5.5 mg C g(-1) SOC in the tropical soils. Single addition induced more priming than repeated and continuous inputs. Therefore, single additions of high substrate amounts may overestimate priming effects over the short term. The amount of added glucose C remaining in soil after 6 months (subtropical: 8.1-11.2 mg C g(-1) SOC or 41-56% of added glucose; tropical: 8.7-15.0 mg C g(-1) SOC or 43-75% of glucose) was substantially higher than the net C loss due to SOC decomposition including priming effect. This overcompensation of C losses was highest with continuous inputs and lowest with single inputs. Therefore, raised labile organic C input to soils by higher plant productivity will increase SOC content even though priming accelerates decomposition of native SOC. Consequently, higher continuous input of C belowground by plants under warming or elevated CO2 can increase C stocks in soil despite accelerated C cycling by priming in soils.

Song M H, Guo Y, Yu F H, et al. Shifts in priming partly explain impacts of long- term nitrogen input in different chemical forms on soil organic carbon storage
Global Change Biology, 2018,20:1943-1954.

DOI:10.1111/gcb.12458URLPMID:24293210 [本文引用: 1]
Increase of belowground C allocation by plants under global warming or elevated CO2 may promote decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC) by priming and strongly affects SOC dynamics. The specific effects by priming of SOC depend on the amount and frequency of C inputs. Most previous priming studies have investigated single C additions, but they are not very representative for litterfall and root exudation in many terrestrial ecosystems. We evaluated effects of (13)C-labeled glucose added to soil in three temporal patterns: single, repeated, and continuous on dynamics of CO2 and priming of SOC decomposition over 6 months. Total and (13)C labeled CO2 were monitored to analyze priming dynamics and net C balance between SOC loss caused by priming and the retention of added glucose-C. Cumulative priming ranged from 1.3 to 5.5 mg C g(-1) SOC in the subtropical, and from -0.6 to 5.5 mg C g(-1) SOC in the tropical soils. Single addition induced more priming than repeated and continuous inputs. Therefore, single additions of high substrate amounts may overestimate priming effects over the short term. The amount of added glucose C remaining in soil after 6 months (subtropical: 8.1-11.2 mg C g(-1) SOC or 41-56% of added glucose; tropical: 8.7-15.0 mg C g(-1) SOC or 43-75% of glucose) was substantially higher than the net C loss due to SOC decomposition including priming effect. This overcompensation of C losses was highest with continuous inputs and lowest with single inputs. Therefore, raised labile organic C input to soils by higher plant productivity will increase SOC content even though priming accelerates decomposition of native SOC. Consequently, higher continuous input of C belowground by plants under warming or elevated CO2 can increase C stocks in soil despite accelerated C cycling by priming in soils.

Zhang G L, Zhang Y J, Dong J W, et al. Green-up dates in the Tibetan Plateau have continuously advanced from 1982 to 2011
PNAS, 2013,110(11):4309-4314.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1210423110URLPMID:23440201 [本文引用: 1]
As the Earth's third pole, the Tibetan Plateau has experienced a pronounced warming in the past decades. Recent studies reported that the start of the vegetation growing season (SOS) in the Plateau showed an advancing trend from 1982 to the late 1990s and a delay from the late 1990s to 2006. However, the findings regarding the SOS delay in the later period have been questioned, and the reasons causing the delay remain unknown. Here we explored the alpine vegetation SOS in the Plateau from 1982 to 2011 by integrating three long-term time-series datasets of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI): Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS, 1982-2006), SPOT VEGETATION (SPOT-VGT, 1998-2011), and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, 2000-2011). We found GIMMS NDVI in 2001-2006 differed substantially from SPOT-VGT and MODIS NDVIs and may have severe data quality issues in most parts of the western Plateau. By merging GIMMS-based SOSs from 1982 to 2000 with SPOT-VGT-based SOSs from 2001 to 2011 we found the alpine vegetation SOS in the Plateau experienced a continuous advancing trend at a rate of approximately 1.04 d.y(-1) from 1982 to 2011, which was consistent with observed warming in springs and winters. The satellite-derived SOSs were proven to be reliable with observed phenology data at 18 sites from 2003 to 2011; however, comparison of their trends was inconclusive due to the limited temporal coverage of the observed data. Longer-term observed data are still needed to validate the phenology trend in the future.

Quan Q, Tian D S, Luo Y Q, et al. Water scaling of ecosystem carbon cycle feedback to climate warming
Science Advances, 2019, 5(8): eaav1131. Doi: http://www.geog.com.cn/article/2020/0375-5444/10.1126/sciadv.aav1131.

URLPMID:31457076 [本文引用: 1]
It has been well established by field experiments that warming stimulates either net ecosystem carbon uptake or release, leading to negative or positive carbon cycle-climate change feedback, respectively. This variation in carbon-climate feedback has been partially attributed to water availability. However, it remains unclear under what conditions water availability enhances or weakens carbon-climate feedback or even changes its direction. Combining a field experiment with a global synthesis, we show that warming stimulates net carbon uptake (negative feedback) under wet conditions, but depresses it (positive feedback) under very dry conditions. This switch in carbon-climate feedback direction arises mainly from scaling effects of warming-induced decreases in soil water content on net ecosystem productivity. This water scaling of warming effects offers generalizable mechanisms not only to help explain varying magnitudes and directions of observed carbon-climate feedback but also to improve model prediction of ecosystem carbon dynamics in response to climate change.

Zhou Yurong, Yu Zhenliang, Zhao Shidong. Carbon storage and budget of major chinese forest types
Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 2000(5):518-522.

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[ 周玉荣, 于振良, 赵士洞. 我国主要森林生态系统碳贮量和碳平衡
植物生态学报, 2000(5):518-522.]

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Hu Z M, Shi H, Cheng K L, et al. Joint structural and physiological control on the inter-annual variation in productivity in a temperate grassland: A data-model comparison
Global Change Biology, 2018,24(7):2965-2979.

DOI:10.1111/gcb.14274URLPMID:29665249 [本文引用: 1]
Given the important contributions of semiarid region to global land carbon cycle, accurate modeling of the interannual variability (IAV) of terrestrial gross primary productivity (GPP) is important but remains challenging. By decomposing GPP into leaf area index (LAI) and photosynthesis per leaf area (i.e., GPP_leaf), we investigated the IAV of GPP and the mechanisms responsible in a temperate grassland of northwestern China. We further assessed six ecosystem models for their capabilities in reproducing the observed IAV of GPP in a temperate grassland from 2004 to 2011 in China. We observed that the responses to LAI and GPP_leaf to soil water significantly contributed to IAV of GPP at the grassland ecosystem. Two of six models with prescribed LAI simulated of the observed IAV of GPP quite well, but still underestimated the variance of GPP_leaf, therefore the variance of GPP. In comparison, simulated pattern by the other four models with prognostic LAI differed significantly from the observed IAV of GPP. Only some models with prognostic LAI can capture the observed sharp decline of GPP in drought years. Further analysis indicated that accurately representing the responses of GPP_leaf and leaf stomatal conductance to soil moisture are critical for the models to reproduce the observed IAV of GPP_leaf. Our framework also identified that the contributions of LAI and GPP_leaf to the observed IAV of GPP were relatively independent. We conclude that our framework of decomposing GPP into LAI and GPP_leaf has a significant potential for facilitating future model intercomparison, benchmarking and optimization should be adopted for future data-model comparisons.

Fan Jiangwen, Zhong Huaping, Liang Biao, et al. Carbon stock in grassland ecosystem and its affecting factors
Grassland of China, 2003(6):52-59.

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[ 樊江文, 钟华平, 梁飚, . 草地生态系统碳储量及其影响因素
中国草地, 2003(6):52-59.]

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Wang Shaoqiang, Zhou Chenghu, Li Kerang, et al. Analysis on Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon Reservoir in China
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2000(5):533-544.

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[ 王绍强, 周成虎, 李克让, . 中国土壤有机碳库及空间分布特征分析
地理学报, 2000(5):533-544.]

[本文引用: 1]

Kong D L, Ma C G, Zhang Q, et al. Leading dimensions in absorptive root trait variation across 96 subtropical forest species
New Phytologist, 2014,203(3):863-872.

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Li L, Mccormack M L, Ma C G, et al. Leaf economics and hydraulic traits are decoupled in five species-rich tropical-subtropical forests
Ecology Letters, 2015,18(9):899-906.

DOI:10.1111/ele.12466URLPMID:26108338 [本文引用: 1]
Leaf economics and hydraulic traits are critical to leaf photosynthesis, yet it is debated whether these two sets of traits vary in a fully coordinated manner or there is room for independent variation. Here, we tested the relationship between leaf economics traits, including leaf nitrogen concentration and leaf dry mass per area, and leaf hydraulic traits including stomatal density and vein density in five tropical-subtropical forests. Surprisingly, these two suites of traits were statistically decoupled. This decoupling suggests that independent trait dimensions exist within a leaf, with leaf economics dimension corresponding to light capture and tissue longevity, and the hydraulic dimension to water-use and leaf temperature maintenance. Clearly, leaf economics and hydraulic traits can vary independently, thus allowing for more possible plant trait combinations. Compared with a single trait dimension, multiple trait dimensions may better enable species adaptations to multifarious niche dimensions, promote diverse plant strategies and facilitate species coexistence.

Zhang Xianzhou, Yang Yongping, Piao Shilong, et al. Ecological change on the Tibetan Plateau
Chinese Science Bulletin, 2015,60(32):3048-3056.

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[ 张宪洲, 杨永平, 朴世龙, . 青藏高原生态变化
科学通报, 2015,60(32):3048-3056.]

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Chen B X, Zhang X Z, Tao J, et al. The impact of climate change and anthropogenic activities on alpine grassland over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2014,189/190:11-18.

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Zhang Xianzhou, He Yongtao, Shen Zhenxi, et al. Frontier of the ecological construction support the sustainable development in Tibet Autonomous Region
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2015,30(3):306-312.

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[ 张宪洲, 何永涛, 沈振西, . 西藏地区可持续发展面临的主要生态环境问题及对策
中国科学院院刊, 2015,30(3):306-312.]

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He Yongtao, Zhang Xianzhou, Yu Chengqun. Coupling crop farming and pastoral system for regional development and their ecological effects on the Tibetan Plateau
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2016,31(1):112-117.

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[ 何永涛, 张宪洲, 余成群. 西藏高原农牧系统耦合发展及其生态效应
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[ 李文华, . 生态系统服务功能价值评估的理论、方法与应用. 北京: 中国人民大学出版社, 2008.]
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