Support of ecosystem services for spatial planning theories and practices
LI Ruiqian
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李睿倩(1986-), 女, 山东济南人, 副教授, 硕士生导师, 主要从事生态环境管理和国土空间规划研究。E-mail:

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李睿倩, 李永富, 胡恒. 生态系统服务对国土空间规划体系的理论与实践支撑. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(11): 2417-2430 doi:10.11821/dlxb202011011
LI Ruiqian, LI Yongfu, HU Heng.
1 引言
2 生态系统服务与空间规划价值目标的关联判断
2.1 生态系统服务是空间规划进行自然资源价值塑造的载体
2.2 生态系统服务是空间规划面向公共福祉的政府选择
公共福祉的构成是人类为满足安全、健康、归属感等各种需求从生态系统中获取的效益[23]。生态系统提供了食物、能源、材料、景观、文化等几乎所有的满足人类福祉的基本要素。作为人类福祉的载体,生态系统服务提供着基本的民生需求,是最公平的公共产品[24,25]。然而,随着经济社会发展对生态环境的压力增大,以及人民对生态产品服务的多样化需求增强,生态系统服务供给不足已成为制约社会发展和进步的重要因素。国土空间规划的要义是基于一定发展阶段和国土利用的主要矛盾,综合考虑人们自身的物质、安全和精神需求,对生态系统功能进行选择性利用和空间配置[26]。更根本地,空间规划体系中通过强调资源环境承载力、生态保护红线、生态修复任务和目标等生态环境保护内容,反映了对生态系统结构、功能和过程的考量,从而影响生态系统服务生产驱动的合理性和服务供给的公平性,以及最终人类福祉的增减。此外,生态系统服务可表征规划决策的时空效应和因果关系[27],利于深化理解多政策指导下的空间用态和优序问题,把握规划作用下自然生态与人类之间的供给与消费关系。基于空间规划与生态系统服务之间的密切关联,Chapin等****明确提出[28],空间规划应将人类活动和生态系统服务之间的社会—生态关系作为规划的目标导向,建议基于多元利益主体的生态系统服务框架确定资源配置,探讨不同空间尺度作用下生态系统服务与人类福祉的关系,为空间规划体系建立统一的空间治理目标。3 生态系统服务对空间规划体系不同层级架构的支撑作用

Fig. 1Support of ecosystem services for land spatial planning at different levels
3.1 国家层面
国家空间规划的改革需要转变以问题为导向、以经济效益为主导的传统规划模式,回归国土空间的生态整体性[29]。在国家层面,生态系统服务的战略支撑体现在:① 强化以生态系统为基础的整体性思维导向。在全球、国家和地区层面开展的大量生态系统服务监测评估工作(如千年生态系统评估、英国国家生态系统评估、中国西部生态系统评估、欧盟自然资本与生态系统服务计量等),为大尺度空间规划及国家空间治理提供了必要的生态资源本底信息和认知基础。通过对生态系统服务产生的位置、数量、质量、流向等时空信息的测度[30],明确宏观上国土空间和自然资源系统演变的客观规律,增强规划对生态系统服务间有机联系的整体把握。② 提高资源保护利用在时间序列上的长远性考量。长时间序列中,生态系统过程与社会经济因素间相互影响的不确定性,往往对国土开发结果的预测和关键生态系统服务的阈值判断造成巨大挑战[31,32]。例如,对畜牧业发展的空间支持可能会使草原系统未来载畜能力及适应极端气候事件的能力下降[33]。基于生态系统服务的时空分析,大量研究评估了现实资源的利用强度(如森林、草原、海洋等),并结合情景模拟研判宏观政策调整、规划变更和土地利用变化下,生态系统服务的演化特征及变化趋势[34]。同时,曹祺文等[35]发现,以生态系统服务流为切入点,开展服务供需制图的长时间序列分析、服务的跨时间集成、服务“源”和“汇”的动态演化规律研究已成为重点。这些研究成果对寻找维持多种服务供给的有效方法,避免对部分空间功能和单一资源过度开发的短视效应,降低未来服务的减损具有重要意义[27]。③ 增强多种规划在空间上的协调性。Kabisch[36]、Rozas-Vásquez等[37]和Sangiuliano[38]分别针对德国、智利和苏格兰的多种规划(海洋规划、绿地规划、区域规划等)及相关政策进行战略分析,明确规划目标、原则和工具中对生态系统服务的综合考量有助于整合散点式的空间认知,形成协调一致的规划编制原则,从而统筹构建资源开发与生态保护新格局。政策性角度,生态系统服务对国家空间规划的支撑作用体现在:① 提高区域主导功能和指标制定的因地制宜性。生态系统服务可视为每类国土空间多元复合价值的具体体现。借助生态系统服务的价值评估理论方法,已有研究针对主体功能区划、海洋区划、“三生”空间划分等,对区域功能和价值开展主次判断[19, 21, 39];同时,从生态要素与人类活动的作用方式来看,生态系统服务应作为更高级别资源环境承载力的评价对象[40],在保证基本服务的基础上,因地制宜地制定约束性和引导性指标,提高生态系统服务空间配置结构的合理性。② 对关键生态空间和重要服务的合理判定。生态系统服务为辨析涉及国家尺度利益的生态资源和空间提供了重要视角,如气候调节服务、重要生境维持等,便于确定国土空间开发利用整治保护的重点地区和重大项目。岳文泽[41]指出,当前中国空间管理的逻辑是将生态系统服务与人的需求相隔离,因而需优化生态空间格局,充分发挥生态系统服务价值,统筹不同空间及功能。已有研究以生态系统服务功能重要性和生态敏感性为依据,识别关键自然生态空间并提出相应的管制政策,为大尺度国土生态安全格局的构建提供支撑[42]。
3.2 省级层面
3.3 市县和乡镇层面
市县和乡镇层面的国土空间规划需落实宏观治理要求,侧重可操作性,最终落实到土地利用实践中[56]。大量研究证实,土地利用结构及状态会对自然生境产生破碎化作用或改变景观连接度,从而影响生态系统结构与功能,改变生物多样性和生态系统服务供给[26]。基于此,学界围绕土地类型转换对生态系统服务的影响机理,不同土地使用格局下生态系统服务供给与消费的时空变化趋势,多功能土地利用形成与维持过程中涉及的生态系统服务非线性关系及相互作用等问题展开了大量学理探讨[57]。这些成果为指导市县和乡镇层面的国土空间规划提供了重要的理论和方法基础,有效推进了生态系统服务在地方尺度发挥多方面支撑作用:① 土地用途管制方面,以提高生态系统服务价值为目标进行空间布局调整,建立差别化、精细化的生态保护措施和用途管制规则。在湖北潜江市建设用地的空间管制研究中,徐理等[58]从生态服务价值功能和生态风险性出发对土地生态环境质量进行分区,并与县级建设用地管制分区耦合,判定用地管制的合理性。② 土地结构调整方面,主要通过对生态系统服务价值变化的空间分析解析用地结构,进而优化地方土地发展潜力。罗彦芳等[59]从景观格局和生态系统服务价值入手,揭示浙江淳安县土地利用特征和生态效应的空间分异,诊断土地利用格局存在的不合理问题。根据德州市2006—2014年的生态系统服务价值与土地利用变化的数据关系,魏慧等[60]进一步从生态效益视角提出非农用地和农用地使用的调整策略。③ 生态环境保护方面,基于生态系统服务识别地方尺度重要生态源地和廊道,构建生态安全格局及变化警戒系统。在雄安新区[61]、福建福清市[62]、重庆两江新区[63]等的生态安全格局构建中,生态系统服务作为主要分析对象,发挥了重要支撑作用。④ 地方规划目标设定方面,可借助收集生态系统服务信息,反映地方民众的资源利用和保护偏好,确定规划优先目标。Karrasch等[64]运用社会影响评价方法对德国西北某地区的海岸带规划进行分析,发现地方民众的社会需求及偏好与生态系统服务供给之间具有密切关联。中国地方国土空间规划中也应注重调查并考量地方民众对不同类别生态系统服务的需求,对具体地块用途做确切安排。3.4 纵向协同
4 基于生态系统服务的“多规合一”路径方法

Fig. 2Support of ecosystem services for horizontal cooperation within "multiple planning integration"
4.1 思想协同
生态系统服务有助于“多规合一”中各类规划之间的思想协同,即不再注重对实体空间类型在形式上的竞争调控,而是转换到通过制度设计满足不同部门对每类国土空间的多元价值需求[75]。生态系统服务概念的优势之一是能够通过明晰占用者和使用者从国土空间的获利及相互关系,影响人们对未来空间利用和景观塑造的愿景;因此,Fürst等[76]认为,规划行动者应具备整合生态系统过程信息、生物物理知识和国土空间多元价值的能力,通过对区域—要素的系统管理和空间用途管制等手段,协调解决不同部门和行业对空间的需求差异性,整体提升国土空间价值。国外****尝试以生态系统服务为视角,透视国土资源调控方面部门间的相互影响,如Ravar等[77]通过伊朗水、能源和农业3个部门的政策评价,分析其对加夫库尼流域供给服务的影响,发现水资源及能源的供给高度依赖于农业部门的规划决策,研究结果对增强部门共同利益构建、促进协同规划具有积极作用。此外,在拉丁美洲的陆海综合规划[78]、美国国家河口项目[79]、英国海洋空间规划[80]等多项经验研究中,充分证实了生态系统服务概念是达成生态系统整体性共识的认知基础,是引导多部门关注国土开发利用所依赖的生态要素和系统功能的主要抓手;由此,生态系统服务利于协调部门政策的利益冲突,为“多规合一”的制定提供共同的思想基础及目标指引。4.2 实施过程
“多规合一”突出强调了规划实施中多主体的动态博弈和共同参与。生态系统服务概念的属性特点及相关研究可从几个方面提供助力。① 对于不同部门或行业,生态系统服务作为一个新的“边界式概念”(Boundary Concept)更容易被接受,即其不仅是多个自然学科探讨的对象,而且作为一种“规范维度”(Normative Dimensions)与政治和社会利益紧密相连,用以解决不同群体的利益、文化、公平、道德等方面的问题[81],服务于政策与决策研究。van Oudenhoven等[82]、Albert等[49]****基于生态系统服务的这一属性,将其与驱动—压力—状态—影响—响应(DPSIR)框架结合,尝试揭示社会经济与生态环境之间的因果关系,提高规划质量。② 生态系统服务为不同群体组织的利益考量提供共同认知基础,促使各主体在相同话语体系下对目标需求进行表达和沟通[76],尤其在主体产生利益纠纷时,可基于生态系统服务变化及价值损失进行生态补偿,建立成本分担和利益共享机制。如京津冀地区面临着环境污染转移和生态效益外溢的复杂问题,Lin等[83]通过明确三地间生态补偿的标准,强化了区域生态环境协同保护机制的构建。③ 从生态系统服务视角识别空间规划中的多元主体角色,如潜在的或直接的供给者、需求者、受益者、共同利益者和冲突利益群体等,利于明确利益权衡与协同关系,共同监测、交流并响应资源的时空变化,增强规划适应性[84]。澳大利亚墨累达令流域的规划管理就是基于管理者对自然资本和生态系统服务管理优先权的考量差异,将管理角色进行细分,以了解各类主体在流域规划中发挥的作用和相互关系[85]。④ 生态系统服务决策支持手段的应用已出现在空间规划的各个阶段,此过程中所揭示的信息潜移默化地为处于“弱势”地位的部门和利益群体获取话语权,为不同观点的表达与整合提供支撑(表1)[80, 86-88]。Tab.1
生态系统服务决策支持手段 | 规划阶段 | 利益相关者的观点表达与整合 |
物质量评估 价值评价 偏好分析 空间叠加 统计分析 情景分析 多目标分析 级联框架等 | 规划准备 | 激发对多元利益目标的协同思考,明确规划主要问题 |
规划编制 | 表达资源的使用偏好及优序选择,识别关键服务和功能空间,反馈不同规划情景对自身福祉的影响,交流决策透明化 | |
草案讨论和决策 | 基于生态系统服务价值冲突,实现对规划编制成果的开放性探讨,拓展参与路径,增强协同成效 | |
实施和评价 | 对规划质量及效果的动态评估和积极反馈 |
4.3 技术方法
当前,国土空间规划在技术方法体系和基础信息平台搭建上面临整合的挑战。纵观国内外生态系统服务在各类空间规划中的应用,其相关理论方法具备在技术层面助推多规融合的应用潜力。① 生态系统服务能够提供统一衔接的基础数据,形成数据管理与交换的共识[49]。生态系统服务可为各类规划提供统一口径的生态系统结构、功能和过程、自然资源状况、物质能量信息流动、经济社会价值需求、时空权衡与协同、土地景观、人类福祉等数据库,为规划编制提供必要数据。其中,对生态系统服务与人类福祉关系的量化可为各类规划提供自然科学(如土壤状态、水域自净能力)与社会科学(如健康、文化)有关变量的对接和转换,有利于沟通与多元数据共享[89]。当前,Grêt-Regamey等[90]的研究已实现基于生态系统服务数据包和GIS的3D模型构建,从而搭建利益相关者参与的交互式规划平台,提升规划的适应性。② 基于土地的生态系统服务评估可为国土生态空间分类体系提供统一的划分标准,进而优化国土开发格局、规范空间秩序。该判断已被多项研究支持,在生态用地分类[19]、“三生空间”分类[39]和空间主导功能研判[20, 21]方面有所应用。③ 针对各类规划空间管控底线不一致问题,“多规合一”在一定程度上需依托生态系统服务的研究成果。各种生态系统服务空间分析技术(如InVEST、QUICKScan、GIS等)有助于将不同规划决策可能产生的生态环境影响进行叠加和可视化,发现重要的功能空间,便于形成底线共识[91]。这些量化思想和技术手段在中国生态红线的划定中已有大量探索[92,93,94],对国土空间规划起到了重要支撑作用。5 结论与展望
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In response to ecosystem degradation from rapid economic development, China began investing heavily in protecting and restoring natural capital starting in 2000. We report on China's first national ecosystem assessment (2000-2010), designed to quantify and help manage change in ecosystem services, including food production, carbon sequestration, soil retention, sandstorm prevention, water retention, flood mitigation, and provision of habitat for biodiversity. Overall, ecosystem services improved from 2000 to 2010, apart from habitat provision. China's national conservation policies contributed significantly to the increases in those ecosystem services.
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The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) introduced a new framework for analyzing social-ecological systems that has had wide influence in the policy and scientific communities. Studies after the MA are taking up new challenges in the basic science needed to assess, project, and manage flows of ecosystem services and effects on human well-being. Yet, our ability to draw general conclusions remains limited by focus on discipline-bound sectors of the full social-ecological system. At the same time, some polices and practices intended to improve ecosystem services and human well-being are based on untested assumptions and sparse information. The people who are affected and those who provide resources are increasingly asking for evidence that interventions improve ecosystem services and human well-being. New research is needed that considers the full ensemble of processes and feedbacks, for a range of biophysical and social systems, to better understand and manage the dynamics of the relationship between humans and the ecosystems on which they rely. Such research will expand the capacity to address fundamental questions about complex social-ecological systems while evaluating assumptions of policies and practices intended to advance human well-being through improved ecosystem services.
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DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.11.036URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.10.011URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1038/nature01014URLPMID:12167873 [本文引用: 1]

A doubling in global food demand projected for the next 50 years poses huge challenges for the sustainability both of food production and of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and the services they provide to society. Agriculturalists are the principal managers of global usable lands and will shape, perhaps irreversibly, the surface of the Earth in the coming decades. New incentives and policies for ensuring the sustainability of agriculture and ecosystem services will be crucial if we are to meet the demands of improving yields without compromising environmental integrity or public health.
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DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201903.005URLPMID:30912393 [本文引用: 1]

Poyang Lake region is the largest freshwater lake impacted area in China. Quantitative analysis of trade-off and synergy in ecosystem service is of great significance for realizing regional sustainable development. Based on multi-source data of remote sensing, soil, meteorology and DEM, we quantitatively measured food supply service, soil conservation service and water yield service in Poyang Lake region from 2005 to 2015, and analyzed their spatiotemporal patterns and evolution characteristics. The spatial and temporal characteristics of trade-off and synergy between services on the scale of 1 kmx1 km were analyzed by using correlation analysis, hot spot analysis and spatial mapping method. The differences of ecosystem services and their relationships in the perspective of land use were studied. The results showed that food supply service increased, soil conservation service decreased, and water yield service increased first and then decreased during the study period. In terms of spatial distribution, food supply service presented
PMID:30912393 [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1073/pnas.0706905105URLPMID:18621698 [本文引用: 1]

We analyze the strategies and actions that enable transitions toward ecosystem-based management using the recent governance changes of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park as a case study. The interplay among individual actors, organizations, and institutions at multiple levels is central in such transitions. A flexible organization, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, was crucial in initiating the transition to ecosystem-based management. This agency was also instrumental in the subsequent transformation of the governance regime and provided leadership throughout the process. Strategies involved internal reorganization and management innovation, leading to an ability to coordinate the scientific community, to increase public awareness of environmental issues and problems, to involve a broader set of stakeholders, and to maneuver the political system for support at critical times. The transformation process was induced by increased pressure on the Great Barrier Reef (from terrestrial runoff, overharvesting, and global warming) that triggered a new sense of urgency to address these challenges. The focus of governance shifted from protection of selected individual reefs to stewardship of the larger-scale seascape. The study emphasizes the significance of stewardship that can change patterns of interactions among key actors and allow for new forms of management and governance to emerge in response to environmental change. This example illustrates that enabling legislations or other social bounds are essential, but not sufficient for shifting governance toward adaptive comanagement of complex marine ecosystems.
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DOI:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2012.12.086URL [本文引用: 1]
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Integrating ecosystem services into ecosystem-based management (EBM) is currently one of the most relevant challenges for management. For that purpose, it is necessary to depict the relationships established between ecosystems and society considering the delivery, use and governance of ecosystem services. One effective way of doing so involves collaboration between researchers, who scientifically study the system, and managers, who have specific experience and technical knowledge. With this aim, we held two workshops in 2011 in the National Parks of Doana and Sierra Nevada, Andalusia (Spain), with researchers and managers from the protected areas at different organizational levels: local, regional and national. Taking the participative mental model technique as an inspiration, we developed a tool that was used as a means to allow a holistic analysis of ecosystem services from an interdisciplinary and participative perspective. We found that participatory mental models, help integrating ecosystem services into EBM as it includes stakeholders' proposals and knowledge. For the implementation of ecosystem services for management, we discuss the necessity of navigating a process that requires considerable changes, not only in using new concepts such as ecosystem services, but also in the management structures that govern the services. This process would require closer interaction between citizens, researchers and managers, and the creation of new participation spaces that include ecosystem service beneficiaries located beyond protected areas.
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DOI:10.1007/s10980-008-9314-8URL [本文引用: 1]

Landscape ecology is in a position to become the scientific basis for sustainable landscape development. When spatial planning policy is decentralised, local actors need to collaborate to decide on the changes that have to be made in the landscape to better accommodate their perceptions of value. This paper addresses two prerequisites that landscape ecological science has to meet for it to be effective in producing appropriate knowledge for such bottom-up landscape-development processes—it must include a valuation component, and it must be suitable for use in collaborative decision-making on a local scale. We argue that landscape ecological research needs to focus more on these issues and propose the concept of landscape services as a unifying common ground where scientists from various disciplines are encouraged to cooperate in producing a common knowledge base that can be integrated into multifunctional, actor-led landscape development. We elaborate this concept into a knowledge framework, the structure–function–value chain, and expand the current pattern–process paradigm in landscape ecology with value in this way. Subsequently, we analyse how the framework could be applied and facilitate interdisciplinary research that is applicable in transdisciplinary landscape-development processes.]]>
DOI:10.1007/s10980-014-0052-9URL [本文引用: 2]

The application of the ecosystem services (ES) concept in land use planning has great potential to enhance the awareness of planning actors on their interactions. At the same time it can contribute to improve the linkage between the role of land use patterns and the understanding of land system functioning and its contribution to human well-being. The concept should be developed in a way that can be applicable in socio-ecological systems where nature and society are capable of enhancing their roles mutually. The objective of this paper is to suggest a standardized scheme and generalizable criteria to assess how successful the application of the ES concept contributed to facilitate participatory planning. We consider three potential advantages and three critical aspects for how to improve the applicability and relevance of the ES concept in planning. Hereon based, we present a balanced score card tool for which we broke down to advantages and risks into concrete questions. We illustrate the application of this approach with two case studies, representatives of two major governance schemes in relation to land use planning. We demonstrate that the balanced score card approach helps to reveal potential imbalances regarding the consideration of different ES groups. It supports testing the potential of the ES concept to enhance or not interactions of local and regional actors. We conclude that the framework should be reconsidered after a set of case studies to be developed into a monitoring tool for supporting planning practices.
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The ratio of building permits to population is a key indicator to evaluate land consumption. However, few researchers focus on land consumption and its environmental spillovers, for developing countries. The aim of our study, using a Bayesian comparison approach applied to a spatial panel, is to analyse the existence of an inverted U-shaped curve relationship between land consumption and economic development, namely the environmental Kuznets curve, with data that ranges from 2007 to 2015 for 221 cantons in Ecuador. The Bayesian comparison approach allows us to identify: i) the spatial weight matrix that best fits the data, and ii) the best spatial model according to the type of spatial spillovers (local or global). These are both of extreme interest because a knowledge of the extent to which the spatial spillovers spread over space, and their functional form, supports the planning of effective land use policies. The results do not support the inverted U-shaped hypothesis of the Kuznets curve. By contrast, the curvature is convex, which means higher levels of land consumption for higher levels of wealth. Spatial spillovers spread to a limited extent, highlighting an imitation game among agents, both institutions and private agents, in the neighbour locations. Policy implications go from the strengthening of the institutional framework and local tax management, to the urban regeneration to limit real estate speculation. All these interventions should be coordinated among neighbours to avoid freeriding behaviours.
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DOI:10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.05.004URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2014.01.019URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.04.012URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2012.01.012URL [本文引用: 1]

Land management is an important factor that affects ecosystem services provision. However, interactions between land management, ecological processes and ecosystem service provision are still not fully understood. Indicators can help to better understand these interactions and provide information for policy-makers to prioritise land management interventions. In this paper, we develop a framework for the systematic selection of indicators, to assess the link between land management and ecosystem services provision in a spatially explicit manner. Our framework distinguishes between ecosystem properties, ecosystem functions, and ecosystem services. We tested the framework in a case study in The Netherlands. For the case study, we identified 12 property indicators. 9 function indicators and 9 service indicators. The indicators were used to examine the effect of land management on food provision, air quality regulation and recreation opportunities. Land management was found to not only affect ecosystem properties, but also ecosystem functions and services directly. Several criteria were used to evaluate the usefulness of the selected indicators, including scalability, sensitivity to land management change, spatial explicitness, and portability. The results show that the proposed framework can be used to determine quantitative links between indicators, so that land management effects on ecosystem services provision can be modelled in a spatially explicit manner. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
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DOI:10.1111/conl.12091URL [本文引用: 1]
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Ecosystems services (ES) assessment is a significant scientific topic recognized for its potential to address sustainability issues. However, there is an absence of science-policy frameworks in land use planning that lead to the ES science being used in policy. China's Ecological Redline Policy (ERP) is one of the first national policies utilizing multiple ES, but there is no standardized approach for working across the science-policy interface. We propose a transdisciplinary framework to determine ecological redline areas (ERAs) in Shanghai using: ES, biodiversity and ecologically fragile hotspots, landscape structure, and stakeholder opinions. We determine the five criteria to identify ERAs for Shanghai using multi-temporal, high resolution images (0.5 m) and biophysical models. We examine ERP effectiveness by comparing land use scenarios for 2040. Compared to alternative land uses, ES increase significantly under the ERP. The inclusion of ES in spatial planning led stakeholders to increase terrestrial habitat protection by 174% in Shanghai. Our analysis suggests that strategic planning for ES could reduce tradeoffs between environmental quality and development.