

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

黄季夏,1,2, 张天媛1,3, 王利2, 杨林生,2, 葛全胜21. 北京林业大学教育部森林培育与保护重点实验室,北京 100083
2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 中国科学院陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101
3. 北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室,北京 100875

Spatial distribution patterns and the accessibility evaluation of oil and gas resources in Russia

HUANG Jixia,1,2, ZHANG Tianyuan1,3, WANG Li2, YANG Linsheng,2, GE Quansheng21. Beijing Key Laboratory of Precision Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
2. Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
3. State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

通讯作者: 杨林生(1967-), 男, 河南唐河人, 博士, 研究员, 主要从事世界地理与地缘环境研究。E-mail: yangls@igsnrr.ac.cn


Fund supported: The Key Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.ZDRW-ZS-2017-4
The Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.XDA19070502

作者简介 About authors
黄季夏(1985-), 男, 安徽桐城人, 博士, 副教授, 主要从事空间数据分析。E-mail: huangjx@bjfu.edu.cn

俄罗斯地区油气资源储量十分丰富,未探明储量的地区也有巨大的资源应用前景。随着气候变化加剧,北极通航变为可能,俄罗斯也寄希望于通过北极航道,大力发展其能源贸易。本文将俄罗斯交通网络作为连接资源和港口的重点,采用空间统计方法刻化俄罗斯油气资源空间分布特征,并通过栅格成本距离法、加权平均旅行时间和区位优势潜力等方法量化各港口对油气资源的可达性,得出结论:① 油气资源集中分布在西西伯利亚平原,俄罗斯全域的港口可达性呈“西部高,中部低”的特征;② 俄罗斯东北地区港口的资源可达性普遍较差,西北地区港口资源可达性较好。综合考虑油气资源、地理位置和项目合作等方面,可重点建设萨别塔、摩尔曼斯克和符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴)3个港口;③ 附近交通网络的布设密集度影响港口的资源可达性。随着气候变暖,冻土融化,加上中俄“冰上丝绸之路”倡议的逐步实施,未来远东地区港口的资源可达性可能有进一步提升的空间。
关键词: 冰上丝绸之路;油气资源;港口;可达性;区位优势潜力

Russia is rich in oil, gas resources, and areas with unproven reserves, and also has a huge potential for application of oil and gas resources. As climate change intensifies, it would be possible for navigation in Arctic, and Russia hopes to vigorously develop its energy trade through the Arctic Sea Route. In this study, the Russian transportation network was regarded as the focus of connecting resources and ports, and spatial statistical method was used to describe the spatial distribution characteristics of Russian oil and gas resources. By means of grid cost distance, weighted average travel time and potential location advantage, the accessibility of oil and gas resources in each port was quantified, and the conclusions were drawn as follows. (1) The oil and gas resources were concentrated in the Western Siberian Plain. The accessibility of ports in the whole region of Russia was characterized by "high in the west and low in the middle". (2) The resource accessibility of the northeast port of Russia was generally poor, and the resource accessibility of the northwest port was better than that of the northeast one. Taking oil and gas resources, geographical location and project cooperation into account, we focused on the construction of three ports: Sabetta, Murmansk and Vladivostok. (3) The density of the nearby traffic network affected the resource accessibility of the port. With the climate warming, the melting of frozen soil, and the gradual implementation of the "Polar Silk Road" between China and Russia, it would be possible for further improvement in the resource accessibility of ports in the Far East region of Russia in the future.
Keywords:Polar Silk Road;oil and gas resources;ports;accessibility;potential location advantage

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黄季夏, 张天媛, 王利, 杨林生, 葛全胜. 俄罗斯油气资源空间分布格局及可达性评估. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(9): 2009-2024 doi:10.11821/dlxb202009014
HUANG Jixia, ZHANG Tianyuan, WANG Li, YANG Linsheng, GE Quansheng. Spatial distribution patterns and the accessibility evaluation of oil and gas resources in Russia. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(9): 2009-2024 doi:10.11821/dlxb202009014

1 引言

北极地区蕴藏着大量的能矿资源,被称为“人类最后的能源基地”,而全球变暖和技术提升为冰冻地带的资源开采提供了条件。北极地区矿产资源主要有石油、天然气、煤炭、矿产资源等,从经济效益和市场需求来看,石油和天然气资源受到更多关注。美国地质勘探局(USGS)对北极地区未开采的油气资源数量进行了评估,发现石油储量为900亿桶油当量,天然气储量为4.73×1013 m3,液化天然气储量为440亿桶油当量[1];世界上30%的未开采天然气和13%的未开采石油集中于此,其中大部分位于水下不到500米的近海地区[2]。俄罗斯作为北极资源大国,拥有58%的北极油气资源,仅西伯利亚西部大陆架即占有32%的北极油气资源[3]。然而,俄罗斯东部地区的油气资源开发力度较小,基础设施建设不足。在港口建设方面,俄罗斯在北极航道上拥有最多港口,但多沿自前苏联时代,建港年代久远,港口基础设施较落后;而且北冰洋沿岸人口稀少,自然环境恶劣,港口常年冰封,难以建立新港。北冰洋沿岸港口吞吐量仅占俄罗斯港口总吞吐量的8%[4]。目前,俄罗斯的运输系统主要由油气运输管道、铁路和太平洋沿岸港口3部分组成[5]。本文定义资源可达性为城市或港口等研究节点到达特定区域能矿资源的可达或便捷程度,通常以区域交通网络系统为连接媒介。从资源可达性的角度评估港口区位优势潜力大小,对俄罗斯港口建设、资源开发与出口等方案的规划具有重要意义。

可达性是指从某一位置通过特定的交通运输系统到达目的地的便利程度,是研究区与其他区域发生社会经济交流的机会的客观反映[6,7]。Hansen于1959年首次将可达性定义为“交通网络中各节点相互作用的机会大小”[7,8]。这一概念随后与地理信息科学技术紧密结合,被运用到交通规划、城市规划等领域[9],服务于人类福祉[10,11]。国内****通常利用多种可达性指标,以包括航空和水运在内的多种交通方式作为分析载体研究交通网络与经济发展之间的关系[12,13]。在港口有关的可达性方面,宋炳良量化了港口内陆空间可达性作为港口服务市场大小的衡量指标[14];李振福等通过建立竞争性指标体系对中国的北极航线港口进行了界定与层次划分[15,16],并研究北极航线的开通对港口间海运网络可达性格局的影响[17,18];Pierre等从交易成本资源配置的角度展开可达性分析,认为港口竞争是通过整合海运和腹地运输链来完成的[19];Ferrari等运用双约束形式重力模型探讨了港口—腹地空间的可达性[20];Ramos分析了美国萨凡纳港扩建项目为实现更大的港口腹地连通性而开展的港口扩建、疏浚和多式联运项目的广泛投资,对社会经济与环境带来的挑战[21];Priemus等就利用交通基础设施建设提高荷兰任仕达临港地区可达性的政策背景展开探讨[22]。Baird通过比较货物运输距离与成本等因素,发现研究机构拟议的新枢纽港比现有主要枢纽港能够更好的支持北欧快速增长的集装箱转运市场[23]。此外,Stephenson提出了北极交通可达性模型(ATAM),将气温、雪深和海冰的气候模型预测与关于土地覆盖、地形、水文学、已建基础设施和人类住区位置的静态数据集相结合,对北极交通运输系统变化进行定量预测[24]。现有研究主要通过交通运输链和港口腹地范围两个方面分析港口的可达程度,而以可达性为媒介、从货源种类的角度论证港口贸易重要性的研究较少。目前,针对俄罗斯地区油气资源的研究可分为2类:① 研究偏重俄罗斯北极地区资源政策的政治意义:国内****探讨了北极油气资源开发的未来前景与其可能对世界能源格局产生的影响[2, 25],发现俄罗斯的油气资源开发存在自然环境恶劣、劳动力缺失、基础建设匮乏等多重障碍,并提出有资源需求的中国可以与俄罗斯合作互补,积极参与北极资源的合作开发[1, 5, 26];国外****多探讨能源政策对国家间政治关系的影响。乌克兰危机导致的石油价格暴跌虽然冲击了俄罗斯的经济前景[27],但经研究发现俄罗斯管道出口能力过剩,这使其油气出口方向由西向东倾斜,出口政策可以更加灵活,能够提高其在与乌克兰谈判中地位[28]。有****还分析了在多种俄罗斯中断天然气出口的情景下欧洲国家受到的能源影响[29]。② 研究偏重于分析能矿资源本身的贮藏特点,从油气资源分布模式、分布现状和远景、含油气盆地的油气资源潜力、能矿资源的开发现状与趋势等角度展开研究讨论[30,31,32,33,34]


2 数据与方法

2.1 研究区域与数据

本文研究区域为俄罗斯联邦(30°E~180°E, 50°N~80°N),该国地跨欧亚两洲,位于欧洲东部和亚洲大陆的北部,其欧洲领土的大部分是东欧平原。北邻北冰洋,东濒太平洋,西北临波罗的海、芬兰湾。俄罗斯地势南低北高、西低东高,地形以高原和平原为主,从西往东依次为东欧平原、乌拉尔山脉、西西伯利亚平原、中西伯利亚高原和东西伯利亚山地。俄罗斯水系发达,河流湖泊众多,包括水运在内的交通体系健全。俄罗斯拥有极为丰富的矿产和能源资源,是主要的石油和天然气出口国,主要矿产资源有煤、石油、天然气、铁、铜等。目前探明的石油和天然气资源多分布于西部地区,以西西伯利亚地区分布最为密集。虽然目前远东地区的矿产资源尚未探明,但资源潜力巨大。俄罗斯港口众多,分布在太平洋沿岸和北冰洋沿岸,部分分布在俄罗斯西部地区黑海、里海和波罗的海沿岸。

综合考虑资源的数量、重要程度和数据的可获取度等因素,本文选取俄罗斯地区石油和天然气资源作为分析对象,选取7种运输类型,包括铁路、公路、河流、湖泊、陆地、输油管道、输气管道。石油和天然气数据、各类型交通矢量图层来源于哈佛大学地理分析中心worldmap平台(http://worldmap.harvard.edu)。本文以海港规模、吞吐量、冻结程度等为重要参考指标,结合港口区域分布,选取太平洋和北冰洋沿岸的俄罗斯重要港口共16个,名称及坐标位置见表1。港口数据来源于World Port Source(http://www.worldportsource.com)。俄罗斯地区重要港口、交通网络与资源概况总体如图1所示。

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Basic information on important Russian ports
尼古拉耶夫斯克(庙街)NIKOLAEVSK ON AMUR53°07′56″N140°42′56″E
圣彼得堡ST. PETERSBURG59°55′38″N30°13′48″E




Fig. 1General distribution of transportation and resources in Russia

2.2 方法


2.2.1 空间点模式分析



式中: min(dij)为任一点与其最近邻点间的距离; N为资源点的总数; A为研究区域总面积。最近邻分析通过ArcGIS 10.2实现。


基于Ripley's K函数的多距离空间聚类分析是一种分析空间点模式数据的方法,可表明要素质心的空间聚集或空间扩散在邻域大小发生变化时是如何变化的。K函数能够考虑属性权重对资源点空间分布格局的影响,解决在储量大小的影响下,资源点空间分布规律随研究尺度的改变而变化的问题。K函数需要指定计算距离,并利用该距离计算与每个点关联的相邻点的平均数量。相邻点是指小于计算距离的点,随着计算距离的增大,各点所具有的相邻点数会增多。如果某个特定计算距离的平均相邻点数大于整个研究区域内点的平均密度,该距离的分布方式将被视为聚类分布。K函数经L(d)变换后表示如下:

式中:d为计算距离;n为总要素点数;A为要素点的总面积;ki, j为权重,如果 i,j两点间距离小于 d,则ki, j= 0,否则不存在边缘校正,ki, j = 1;在这种变换下,预期值L(d)为距离。多距离空间聚类分析利用ArcGIS 10.2软件实现。

2.2.2 可达性分析


本文利用GIS栅格成本距离工具计算从俄罗斯油气资源点到各格网单元的可达时间,该方法充分考虑水域、道路、油气管道等多种交通方式,能较好地模拟出研究区任意一点的可达性,而在交通方式和货物重量相同的情况下,运输时间的多少直接关系到运输效率及成本的高低,采用该方法进行数量研究能够确保资源运输至港口的时间和经济合理性。假设某一资源有n个资源点,不同地表类型承载不同的运输方式与出行速度,设定时间成本数值的参考为平均运输10 km大约所需要的分钟数,对不同的运输方式赋予不同的速度,并此选定出行10 km所需要的平均时间(min)为栅格设定时间成本的参考值,计算公式如下(cost为时间成本,V为某交通方式的运输速度):

由于输油管道和输气管道运输方式的特殊性,其时间成本的计算思路有所不同。参考各国实际的资源运输量,假定一年需要通过1420 km的路程运输1300万t油,如用承重2000 t的火车运输,考虑往返需要28.4 h,一次13趟火车同时出发,完成运输任务需要14200 h;一条1420 km的输油管道运输,一年需用24×365 = 8760 h来完成同样的输油任务,由此和铁路时间成本(6 min)折算,得到输油管道时间成本为3.7 min(表2)。输气管道时间成本确定思路类似,假设一年需要通过953 km的路程运输20亿m3的天然气,火车往返一次花费19.06 h,每次13趟火车同时出发需要21276.8 h,同样里程的输气管道运输一年花费8760 h,由此折算输气管道的时间成本为2.47 min。按照以上方法得到各运输方式对应的时间成本如表2所示。

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Relative time cost value setting of different transport modes and land use types





式中:Ai为港口 i的可达性;Tij为从港口 i通过某交通网络到达资源点j所耗费的最短时长;Mj为资源储量,这里采用百万桶油当量为单位。桶油当量是1桶原油所含有的能量,1桶油当量约为6.1 GJ,相当于1700 kWh;n为资源点总数量[35]



式中:Pi为港口i的资源区位优势潜力;Dij为从港口 i通过某交通网络到达资源点j所耗费的最短时长;a为距离摩擦系数,借鉴了物理模型中的含义,用于在不同的问题应用中提高模型的评价准确程度[36]。由于 a通常在物理问题中表示物体距离摩擦,在表达区位优势潜力时一般简化计算,取a = 1[35, 37];Mj表示资源储量,单位为百万桶油当量;n为资源点总数量[35]

3 结果

3.1 俄罗斯油气资源空间分布格局

3.1.1 空间分布总体特征 采用百万桶油当量作为石油、天然气储量单位进行分析,按产量等级划分后的资源分布如图2所示。俄罗斯地区目前已探明的石油、天然气资源总体分布不均,在西西伯利亚平原处最为密集,东欧平原有几处聚集区域,中西伯利亚高原、远东地区资源零散,较为稀少。



Fig. 2Distribution of oil and gas resources according to production grade


Tab. 3
Tab. 3An overview of the quantity of oil and gas resources at all scales (based on worldmap)


3.1.2 俄罗斯油气资源聚类模式 油气资源的最近邻指数结果如表4所示。一般而言,NNI ≤ 0.5为聚集分布;0.5 < NNI ≤ 0.8为聚集—随机分布;0.8 < NNI ≤ 1.2为随机分布;1.2 < NNI ≤ 1.5为随机—离散分布;NNI>1.5为均匀分布[38]。俄罗斯地区油气资源总体上均呈聚集分布的特点,且z得分与p值高度显著。其中,天然气分布呈现一定的聚集—随机分布特征,石油则呈聚集分布。这与油气资源的空间分布特征(图2)相符合。

Tab. 4
Tab. 4Nearest neighbor index of resources



3.2 各港口对油气资源的可达性分析


3.2.1 可达性总体空间分布特征 等时圈可反应港口到邻近区域空间联系的紧密程度。从总体上分析俄罗斯任意地区到达最近港口的最短距离,以16个重要港口作为耗费距离原点,生成港口等时圈(图3),每一个栅格的值表示从各港口出发通过交通网络到达俄罗斯地区内任意栅格所花费时间的最小值。俄罗斯区域可达性呈“西部高,中部低”的规律,东欧平原和乌拉尔山地区的可达性基本控制在23 h以内,越往东可达性越差。经过西西伯利亚平原的过渡地段,在中西伯利亚高原可达时长达到最长,可超过48 h。东西伯利亚海沿岸以南与上扬斯克山以西地区、堪察加半岛北部、鄂霍次克海西岸斯塔诺夫山地区的可达性同样较差。



Fig. 3The resource accessibility of important ports in Russia

3.2.2 各港口等时圈特征 为探究俄罗斯任意地区分别到达各个港口的最短距离,我们利用包含输油管道、输气管道的交通网络生成成本栅格图,以各港口为耗费距离原点进行可达性分析,生成各港口等时圈图(图4)。在港口资源可达性分布中,可将港口按照可达性分布规律分为4类:



Fig. 4Distribution of resources accessibility of ports

第1类包括阿纳德尔、佩韦克、普罗维杰尼亚和堪察加彼得罗巴浦洛夫斯克4个港口(称“东北港口”),其中阿纳德尔、佩韦克和普罗维杰尼亚位于俄罗斯东北角(楚科奇半岛及以南地区),除楚科奇地区之外,包括堪察加半岛在内的其他俄罗斯地区的可达性多在105 h以上,而堪察加彼得罗巴浦洛夫斯克港的高可达地区仅限于半岛内。

第2类港口包括阿尔汉格尔斯克、摩尔曼斯克和圣彼得堡(称“西北港口”),这3个港口集中分布在东欧平原北部沿岸,在东欧平原具有最好的可达性,28 h以内几乎可到达东欧平原的任意地区,往东可达性逐渐变差,在俄罗斯中东北地区可达性最差。

第3类港口包括霍尔姆斯克、尼古拉耶夫斯克(庙街)、瓦尼诺、符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴)和马加丹(称“东南港口”),这5个港口集中在包括萨哈林岛在内的俄罗斯东南角,可达性差的区域和第二类港口几乎重合,而到东欧平原的可达性基本可以控制在70 h之内(马加丹港耗时相对更长)。


图4中还可以看出,除哈坦加和季克西港本身位于拉普捷夫海南岸外,其余12个港口对该地区可达性均较差,可超105 h,而哈坦加和季克西港到俄罗斯其他地区的可达性也比较差,双向判断该地区与外界的通达性欠缺。

3.2.3 各港口与资源中心的日程可达性 根据上述各港口可达面积等时圈的计算结果,首先对各港口的可达区域面积进行分类,量化港口的俄罗斯全域可达性,然后提取各港口到石油和天然气资源点的时间,分析各港口与资源点的日程可达性。

(1)港口可达区域面积分类。表5展示了各港口到达俄罗斯其他区域的可达性面积分类。在含输油管道的可达性面积中,堪察加彼得罗巴浦洛夫斯克港可达时间大于105 h的面积超过1500万km2,可达性最差,其次为普罗维杰尼亚、佩韦克和阿纳德尔。东北港口可达性>105 h的区域范围要远超过其他港口,这和其偏远的地理位置、不发达的交通有直接关系。霍尔姆斯克、马加丹、瓦尼诺和符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴)港虽处于远东地区,但是近输油管道和交通枢纽,可达时间>105 h的面积只有不到100万km2。将可达时间<28 h的区域面积大作为可达性较好的指标,在16个港口中,圣彼得堡、阿尔汉格尔斯克和摩尔曼斯克港超过500万km2,可达性最好;符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴)和瓦尼诺港超过了200万km2,马加丹和尼古拉耶夫斯克(庙街)超过了100万km2,可达性较好。此外,可达性良好的港口,其不同等时圈的面积也分布比较均匀。总而言之,西北港口和远东中南部港口的可达性良好,远东地区东北部港口可达性较差,其余5个港口的可达性一般。

Tab. 5
表5各港口可达面积分类分析(100 km2)
Tab. 5Classification analysis of accessible area of each port (100 km2)
> 105125099152612562034218926958711770010302
> 10515307312590714936827516143463526974397709


(2)港口可达油气资源点数量与时间。提取16个重要港口到达69个油田的时间,得到表6。28 h内,连接油田最多的港口为阿尔汉格尔斯克和圣彼得堡,分别为66个。其次为摩尔曼斯克,为63个。花费105 h以上才能连接油田的港口为阿纳德尔、堪察加彼得罗巴浦洛夫斯克、佩韦克和普罗维杰尼亚(所有东北港口)。这和俄罗斯东北地区的油田分布较少、交通设施不发达等原因密切相关。到所有油田花费的总时间最小的港口为圣彼得堡,其次为阿尔汉格尔斯克和摩尔曼斯克,花费时间最长的港口为堪察加彼得罗巴浦洛夫斯克。

Tab. 6
Tab. 6The number and time of oil fields reached by important ports in Russia
港口0~2828~4545~5858~7070~8585~105> 105到所有油田总时间(h)


港口到达71个气田的时间结果(表7),由于气田比油田数量多2个,除哈坦加港到所有气田的总时间比到油田的总时间少之外,其他15个港口均增加了到达总时长,分别增加了200 h(萨别塔)到1400 h(符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴))不等。此外,萨别塔港也有了在28小时以内能够到达的气田(12个),有105 h以上能够到达的气田的港口增加了马加丹港和萨别塔港,分别为1个和3个气田。

Tab. 7
Tab. 7The number and time of gas fields reached by important ports in Russia
港口0~2828~4545~5858~7070~8585~105> 105到所有气田总时间(h)


3.2.4 各港口加权平均旅行时间 各港口加权平均旅行时间按照升序排列(表8),总体加权平均旅行时间由油田加权平均旅行时间和气田加权平均旅行时间按照1∶1加权计算得出。加权平均旅行时间量化表示了各港口与资源点的可达性与联系的紧密程度。总体加权平均旅行时间最短的港口是圣彼得堡港,仅平均花费19.27 h就可以到达资源点,资源可达性最好;时间最长的港口是堪察加彼得罗巴浦洛夫斯克,需要花费163.87 h才可到达任一资源点,资源可达性最差。从资源类型来看,除萨别塔、迪克森、哈坦加港(大部分北部港口)之外,其他港口到达油田的平均时间均比到气田的平均时间短。从港口可达性分类来看,西北港口旅行时间总体较短,北部港口中偏西的港口花费时间小于东南港口的时间,东南港口的时间又小于北部港口中偏东的港口的时间,且东南港口两种资源的平均旅行时间相差最多,均大于17 h;东北港口到资源点耗费的时间普遍较长。

Tab. 8
Tab. 8The ports' weighted average travel time


3.2.5 各港口资源区位优势潜力 各港口资源区位优势潜力按照降序排列(表9),总体资源区位优势潜力由石油资源区位优势潜力和天然气资源区位优势潜力按照1∶1加权计算得出。通过计算资源区位优势潜力,量化了资源点对各港口合力效应的大小。各港口资源区位优势潜力的排序和加权平均旅行时间一一对应,圣彼得堡港的资源区位优势潜力最大,具有较好的资源优势,堪察加彼得罗巴浦洛夫斯克的资源区位优势潜力最小,且前者指标值是后者的10倍之多,差距悬殊。对于所有港口,天然气资源区位优势潜力值都比石油资源区位优势潜力要大,且前者通常为后者的2~3倍。萨别塔港可差3.7倍,而最小差距的符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴)仅差1.6倍。这种资源区位优势潜力的差距与资源点本身储量的差距有关。资源区位优势潜力大小规律为:西北港口>北部港口中偏西的港口>东南港口>北部港口中偏东的港口>东北港口。

Tab. 9
Tab. 9The ports' resource potential location advantage


4 讨论与结论

本文以俄罗斯地区油气资源开采与基础设施建设现状为研究背景,通过空间统计和可达性分析两种主要方法对俄罗斯重要港口的资源区位优势潜力展开评估,主要结论如下:① 俄罗斯已探明的油气资源在西西伯利亚平原地区比较密集,东部地区资源较少。两种资源在空间上分布具有聚集趋势,但相邻资源之间的储量大小并无直接关系。② 俄罗斯全域港口可达性呈“西部高,中部低”的基本特征,东北港口可达性较差,西北港口和东南港口可达性较好。③ 在俄罗斯16个重要港口中,圣彼得堡港具有最大的区位优势潜力,堪察加彼得罗巴浦洛夫斯克港的区位优势潜力最小。



(2)俄罗斯不同区域的港口对油气资源的可达性及其贸易出口的特点各有不同。① 西北港口位于俄罗斯西部交通网络最发达的地区,因而对俄罗斯各地区都有最高的可达性,而且西北港口距离东欧平原的资源较近,这些资源基本都分布在交通线上,可以和西北港口快速连接。但西北港口的地理位置决定了资源出口方向大部分为欧洲国家,出口亚太地区的时间成本较高,俄罗斯资源经管道出口欧洲也由于国家间关系受到了一定程度的阻碍。② 东南港口地区虽然不是资源聚集区,但由于中日韩对俄能源需求,油气管道和铁路、公路、河流交通网络体系发达,交通枢纽集中,能够以较快速度到达油气资源丰富的俄罗斯西部地区,因交通优势克服了本身距离资源点较远的不足,具有较优的资源可达性。③ 东北港口交通网络欠发达,交通设施极度匮乏,且目前已探明的油气资源在此区域分布较少。因此,相对其他地区,东北港口可达性较弱。但远东地区蕴藏着大量尚待挖掘的能矿资源,随着温室气体大量排放,全球气候持续升温,21世纪上半叶多年冻土层退化速度将急剧加快(2050年冻土面积将不足21世纪初的40%)[39,40],外加与中国进行开发合作,资源开发阻力会大大减小,交通基础设施建设将得以推进,港口的资源可达性将普遍增加。在上述条件下,远东地区的交通设施建设和资源勘探将取得突破性进展,俄罗斯东部港口的可达性潜力将会普遍增加,并且借助其太平洋沿岸的地理位置优势,能够真正参与到面向亚太地区的资源贸易出口当中,并在一定程度上改变未来世界的资源贸易格局。


我们将对本文进行下述扩展:① 资源储量方面,远东地区的能矿资源数量可观,但是可供查阅的资料不多,未来我们将进一步收集整合俄远东地区的资源贮存数据。② 经济合理性方面,可进一步考虑车辆费用、货物重量及运送方式、人力劳动等影响资源中心合作的经济因素,对各交通方式运输时间成本的确定方法也有待探讨和完善。③ 气候条件方面,高寒气候在很大程度上影响了陆路资源运输,但在现有研究中,关于气候因素和冻土变化对铁路和公路的影响主要从工程设计与建设的角度展开讨论[42,43,44,45],关于高寒气候对交通运输本身的影响还没有明确的研究。由于气候变化引起的风速、道路维护等原因导致的公路交通问题可通过控制通行速度得到解决[46],基于此,可以建立季节—风速—车速模型以完善时间成本的计算。


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经济地理, 2001,21(4):447-450, 477.]

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Li Zhenfu, Zeng Qian, Liu Chao. Definition of the Arctic Route ports of China
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[ 李振福, 曾茜, 刘超. 中国北极航线港口界定
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Li Zhenfu, Ding Chaojun, Zeng Qian. Hierarchy of Chinese ports for Arctic Route
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[ 李振福, 丁超君, 曾茜. 中国北极航线港口层次划分
中国航海, 2016,39(3):128-134.]

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Li Zhenfu, Li Yi. The impact of the Arctic Route on the global shipping network
World Regional Studies, 2014,23(1):1-9.

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[ 李振福, 李漪. 北极航线的世界航运网络格局影响分析
世界地理研究, 2014,23(1):1-9.]

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Li Zhenfu, Jiang Shufei, Xu Mengqiao, et al. On the shipping network evolution under the Arctic Route
Complex System and Complexity Science, 2015,12(4):55-60.

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[ 李振福, 姜书飞, 徐梦俏, . 面向北极航线通航的海运网络演化研究
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Franc P, Horst M V D. Understanding hinterland service integration by shipping lines and terminal operators: A theoretical and empirical analysis
Journal of Transport Geography, 2010,18(4):557-566.

DOI:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2010.03.004URL [本文引用: 1]
AbstractIn the present competitive environment of ports, the key determinant in port competition is the ability of a port to be integrated into the local maritime and hinterland transportation chain. Creating effective integrated hinterland chains requires the coordination of several actors both in port and the hinterland. By making use of insights from Transaction Cost Economics and Resource-based View, the paper helps to understand why and how shipping lines and terminal operating companies enlarge their scope in intermodal transport and in inland terminals. The paper discusses a number of cases from the Hamburg–Le Havre range, where shipping lines and terminal operating companies have changed their scope of activities in ports and hinterland networks. After the theoretical and empirical analysis the papers draws conclusions on the explanatory power of the theories in understanding hinterland service integration by shipping lines and terminal operators.]]>

Ferrari C, Parola F, Gattorna E. Measuring the quality of port hinterland accessibility: The Ligurian case
Transport Policy, 2011,18(2):382-391.

DOI:10.1016/j.tranpol.2010.11.002URL [本文引用: 1]
The major purpose of the paper is to measure container traffic diversion from Ligurian ports (Genoa, La Spezia and Savona) to the main Italian and European competitors.The application of a gravity model will reveal the current role of distance in drawing hinterland market share among the selected ports. Moreover, for evaluating the unexploited potentialities of Ligurian ports, we compared real traffic flows with the outcomes of a spatial interaction model, reassigning inland container flows to the different sampled ports. The calculation of the traffic delta through a gap analysis, allowed measuring the "frictions" thwarting the connectivity between the Ligurian ports and the sampled hinterland regions. Finally, the paper discusses the nature and the reasons for the above traffic diversion. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd.]]>

Stephen J. Ramos. Planning for competitive port expansion on the U.S. Eastern Seaboard: The case of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project
Journal of Transport Geography, 2014,36:32-41.

DOI:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.02.007URL [本文引用: 1]
With the expansion of the Panama Canal, port cities along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard are competing to attract the increased trade expected once the project is complete in 2015. Competition includes extensive investment in projects for port expansion, dredging, and multimodal transportation for greater hinterland connectivity, fueled in part by uncoordinated federal port investments without a larger strategic vision for national port and trade infrastructure. One of the competing ports is in Savannah, Georgia, which is the country's fourth busiest container port. Savannah is about to embark on a $652 million project that will dredge thirty-two miles of the Savannah River from 42 to 47 feet to attract and accommodate Post-Panamax container ships. The paper analyzes the geographic coastal impacts of port competition, and looks at the unique circumstances of the Greater Savannah Metropolitan Region in planning for future growth of its port. The case illustrates the geographic tensions of uncoordinated maritime freight and logistics planning with fragile coastal and riparian ecologies. The dramatic interventions in port excavation also demonstrate how global forces of technological change and port expansions in other parts of the world are reshaping local geographies. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Priemus H, Visser J. Infrastructure policy in the Randstad Holland: Struggle between accessibility and sustainability
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Stephenson S R, Smith L C, Agnew J A. Divergent long-term trajectories of human access to the Arctic
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Zhu Mingya, Ping Ying, He Shufeng. The potential impact of Arctic oil and gas exploitation on the world energy pattern and China
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[ 朱明亚, 平瑛, 贺书锋. 北极油气资源开发对世界能源格局和中国的潜在影响
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Wang Chunjuan. The study on China strategy of exploitation and utilization of Arctic oil and gas resources
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[ 王春娟. 中国开发利用北极油气资源战略研究
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Xu Shubao, Wang Suhua. Petroleum geological characteristics and resource potential of oil-bearing basins in eastern Siberia
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[ 徐树宝, 王素花. 东西伯利亚含油气盆地石油地质特征和资源潜力
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Li Xuejie, Yao Yongjian, Yang Chupeng, et al. Sedimentary basins in Eastern Arctic Shelf and their petroleum potential
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[ 李学杰, 姚永坚, 杨楚鹏, . 东北极陆架区沉积盆地分布与油气资源潜力
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Zhou Yongheng, Liu Jinlong, Chai Lu, et al. Supporting design and optimization of large section roadway with straight wall and semicircle arch
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[ 周永恒, 刘金龙, 柴璐, . 俄罗斯远东地区矿产资源开发现状与潜力
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Acta Geologica Sinica: English Edition, 2017,91(4):1457-1486.

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Zou C, Zhai G, Zhang G, et al. Formation, distribution, potential and prediction of global conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon resources
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Jiang Haibing, Xu Jiangang, Qi Yi. The influence of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railways on land accessibility of regional center cities
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010,65(10):1287-1298.

DOI:10.11821/xb201010013URL [本文引用: 4]
Since some limitations existed in the current accessibility method, integrated method of network analysis and cost weighted raster analysis were designed and applied to generate city isochronous rings after the operation of high-speed railways. The valuation of accessibility was conducted with three indicators, i.e. daily accessibility, potential model, and weighted average time. After the valuation, differences between accessibility patterns with scenarios with and without high-speed railways were analyzed, and influences of the high-speed railways on center cities' accessibility were discussed. Changes in hinterlands of the center cities were also calculated with field intensity model. The results indicated that high-speed railways would expand the isochronous rings, and realize significant optimization of urban daily accessibility and form uneven time convergence space. Sites along the high-speed railways became the biggest beneficiaries of time convergence, as the variability of their weighted average time and potential values were high. In different geographical scales, the high-speed railways reduced the equilibrium of weighted average time, and their influences on the equilibrium of potential values are inconsistent. The high-speed railways would expand the hinterlands of Beijing and Shanghai, and strengthen their regional influences. As accessibility changes differed in different regions, the industrial structure should be adjusted in regions with high accessibility variability, while regions with low accessibility variability should improve rapid transit networks, and increase accessibility by strengthening their links with high-speed railways.
[ 蒋海兵, 徐建刚, 祁毅. 京沪高铁对区域中心城市陆路可达性影响
地理学报, 2010,65(10):1287-1298.]

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Song Zhengna, Chen Wen. Measuring spatial accessibility to health care facilities based on potential model
Progress in Geography, 2009,28(6):848-854.

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.06.003URL [本文引用: 1]
Access to health service is recognized as an important facilitator of overall population health, and spatial accessibility is one of the vital indexes to assess whether the distribution of health care facilities is balanced or not. Traditional methodology to assess spatial accessibility usually focuses on alternative of the ratio of supply (provider) versus demand (population) in the administrative unit or the travel impedance between population and health service providers. However, both of them can't be comprehensive to reveal the health care resource quantity which any population location can access due to travel impedance. In the paper, we use the measure of spatial accessibility based on potential model to analyze spatial accessibility from village population location to hospitals with Universal Kriging to interpolate the accessibility values in Rudong County of Jiangsu Province, which integrates three main factors including the service capacity of health care facilities, the population demand impact factor and travel impedance between population location and provider location. Through our study, the following conclusions are reached: after selecting the proper travel friction coefficient which is the key factor to affect sensitively the accuracy of spatial accessibility results when using potential model, the measure of spatial accessibility based on potential model can be more comprehensive and accurate to measure spatial accessibility to health care facilities among the small units of the studied area in the spatial interaction between population and service providers, and by GIS, the methodology is able to reveal directly the difference of spatial accessibility to health care facilities in the studied area, furthermore, health professional shortage areas of the studied area can be defined effectively with certain standards developed by public health management sector, which can support the basis for decision-making of health service planning.
[ 宋正娜, 陈雯. 基于潜能模型的医疗设施空间可达性评价方法
地理科学进展, 2009,28(6):848-854.]

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Tao Haiyan, Chen Xiaoxiang, Li Xia. Research on spatial accessibility to health service: A case study in the Haizhu District of Guangzhou
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[ 陶海燕, 陈晓翔, 黎夏. 公共医疗卫生服务的空间可达性研究: 以广州市海珠区为例
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Pan Jinghu, Li Junfeng. Spatial distribution characteristics and accessibility of A-grade tourist attractions in China
Journal of Natural Resources, 2014,29(1):55-66.

DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2014.01.006URL [本文引用: 1]
K function, hot spot clustering, the spatial structure of tourist attractions were investigated, with their characteristics and distribution for different strategies being discussed. Based on matrix raster data covering the whole space, this paper calculates spatial accessibility of all counties in China using cost weighted distance method and ArcGIS as platforms. Then we discuss spatial differences of county accessibility of scenic spots by using ESDA (Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis). The results show that general scenic spots exhibit an aggregated distribution. Considering the accessibility, we find that the human scenic spots are more centralized. The average accessibility is about 125.88 minutes, and the area where the accessibility of scenic spots is within 90 minutes reaches 60%, while the area where the accessibility is within 30 minutes accounts for 26.65% and the longest time needs 1260 minutes which is located at central Tibetan Plateau. Distribution of the accessibility has pointed to traffic line. At county level, the estimated values of Moran's I is positive numbers using analysis of spatial association. All the test results indicate that tourist attractions and adjacent areas show strong positive correlation. Distribution of hot spots regarding the accessibility shows an obvious hot spots-sub-hotspots-sub-cold spots-cold spots zonal distribution pattern from east to west. Cold spots are distributed in the border zone of Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai. On the basis of the above results, we identify five factors which impact the spatial structure and accessibility of scenic spots: natural environment, economic development, traffic condition, population and rating system. Finally, some recommendations are given for optimization of the spatial structure of scenic spots, involving quickening the development of edge district's tourism, coordinating the development of the tourism industry for each region, and enhancing basic infrastructure of transportation especially that of the provincial border-regions.]]>
[ 潘竟虎, 李俊峰. 中国A级旅游景点空间分布特征与可达性
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Wang Zhimin, Chen Yuanhang. Opportunities and challenges for China and Russia to build "Silk Road on Ice"
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[ 张子曰. 川藏铁路沿线气象风险特征分析
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[ 房建宏. 青藏高原东部多年冻土区高速公路建设适应性对策研究
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Wang Shuangjie, Wang Zuo, Yuan Kun, et al. Qinghai-Tibet highway engineering geology in permafrost regions: Review and prospect
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[ 汪双杰, 王佐, 袁堃, . 青藏公路多年冻土地区公路工程地质研究回顾与展望
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Wang Zhiming, Zheng Shengzhang. Characteristics analysis and governance measures of permafrost along a highway in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
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[ 王智明, 郑胜章. 青藏高原某公路沿线多年冻土特征分析及治理措施
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Wu Hao. Analysis and preventive measures of highway traffic accidents at high altitude and high altitude: A case study of Qinghai-Tibet Highway
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