

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

郭付友,1,2, 佟连军,3, 仇方道4, 李一鸣11.曲阜师范大学地理与旅游学院,日照 276800
2.日照市国土空间规划与生态建设重点实验室,日照 276800
3.中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,长春 130102
4.江苏师范大学地理测绘与城乡规划学院,徐州 221116

Spatio-temporal differentiation characteristics and influencing factors of green development in the eco-economic corridorof the Yellow River Basin

GUO Fuyou,1,2, TONG Lianjun,3, QIU Fangdao4, LI Yiming11. College of Geography and Tourism, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276800, Shandong, China
2. Rizhao Key Laboratory of Territory Spatial Planning and Ecological Construction, Rizhao 276800, Shandong, China
3. Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, CAS, Changchun 130102, China
4. School of Geography, Geomatics and Planning, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, China

通讯作者: 佟连军(1960-), 吉林长春人, 研究员, 博导, 主要从事区域生态经济研究。E-mail: tonglj@neigae.ac.cn


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China.41801105
National Natural Science Foundation of China.41771138
National Natural Science Foundation of Shandong.ZR2018BD002
Social Science Planning Research Project of Shandong.18DJJJ14

作者简介 About authors
郭付友(1987-), 男, 山东菏泽人, 博士, 副教授, 硕士生导师, 中国地理学会会员(S110013493M), 研究方向为区域可持续发展。E-mail: guofy945@nenu.edu.cn

基于绿色发展科学内涵,综合构建了黄河流域绿色发展的评价指标体系,并采用熵值法、空间自相关分析、地理探测器模型等多种计量方法研究了2005—2017年黄河流域生态经济走廊绿色发展时空分异特征与驱动因素,结果如下:① 黄河流域绿色发展主要来源于规模化扩张与总量增长的外部驱动作用,热衷于发展速度与规模,忽视质量与效率的内涵式提升势必导致内生驱动作用不足与不可持续性;② 研究时限内黄河流域绿色发展低水平区不断减少,较高水平区稍有增加,但低水平与中低水平区占比长期稳定在65%以上,说明黄河流域绿色发展质量有待于进一步提升;③ 2005—2017年间黄河流域61地级市整体存在较为明显的空间依存关系,且绿色发展水平具有相对明显的空间俱乐部收敛特征,流域内两极分化现象较为明显;④ 经济发展水平、科学技术与政府调控始终是黄河流域绿色发展的高作用力影响因子,因子交互作用后对黄河流域绿色发展解释力远超单因子,反映出黄河流域绿色发展的驱动因素具有复杂性特征。
关键词: 绿色发展;时空分异;影响因素;地理探测器;黄河流域

Based on the scientific connotation of green development, a comprehensive evaluation index system for green development in the Yellow River Basin was constructed, and various measurement methods such as entropy method, spatial autocorrelation analysis, and geographical detector model were used to study the spatio-temporal differentiation characteristics and the influencing factors of the green development in the eco-economic corridor of the Yellow River Basin. The results are obtained as follows: (1) The green development in the Yellow River Basin mainly originates from the external driving effects of large-scale expansion and the growth of total volume. Focusing only on pursuing the speed and scale of development but ignoring the connotative improvement of quality and efficiency will inevitably lead to the insufficiency of internal driving effects and unsustainability. (2) The number of areas with lower level of green development in the study area decreased continuously while that with a higher-level of green development rose slightly during the limited study period. However, the proportion of the numbers of areas with the lower level and medium-low level of green development remained above 65% for a long time, indicating that the level of green development needs further improvement. (3) From 2005 to 2017, the 61 prefecture-level cities in the Yellow River Basin generally showed relatively obvious spatial dependencies, and the green development level displayed a relatively obvious characteristic of spatial club convergence. The phenomenon of polarization in the study area was obvious. (4) The economic development level, science and technology level and government regulation are still the leading factors influencing the green development, and the explanatory power of interactions between factors for the green development far exceeds that of a single factor. This reflects the driving factors for green development in the Yellow River Basin are complex.
Keywords:green development;spatio-temporal differentiation;influencing factor;geographical detector;Yellow River Basin

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郭付友, 佟连军, 仇方道, 李一鸣. 黄河流域生态经济走廊绿色发展时空分异特征与影响因素识别. 地理学报[J], 2021, 76(3): 726-739 doi:10.11821/dlxb202103016
GUO Fuyou, TONG Lianjun, QIU Fangdao, LI Yiming. Spatio-temporal differentiation characteristics and influencing factors of green development in the eco-economic corridorof the Yellow River Basin. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2021, 76(3): 726-739 doi:10.11821/dlxb202103016

1 引言


绿色发展作为减压增效型的可持续发展模式,以社会经济发展与环境保护协调共生发展为方向,以资源节约型与环境友好型产业构建为表现形式,通过资源投入效率、清洁生产效率以及末端治理效率等全要素生产过程效率改进,最终实现绿色生态文明的高质量发展[6,7]。绿色发展作为高质量发展的“过程观”,目前对其研究主要集中于以下方面:① 概念诠释。绿色发展概念内涵丰富且广泛,学术界虽尚未有统一的定义,但其基本内涵一致,即绿色发展注重发展效率与创新驱动[8],强调发展过程中获得最大的环境效益、经济效益与社会效益[9],由此协调经济系统—环境系统—社会系统三维系统的最优发展,也是实现绿色发展的关键途径[10,11]。绿色发展基于区域资源禀赋,以节约资源与环境保护为发展原则[12,13],以绿色为发展核心,以低碳环保、健康循环、生态持续为发展主线[14],以区域发展与环境和谐共生的包容性增长为发展目标,通过政策制度引导、技术创新驱动、资源有效配置等途径,最终实现经济、社会以及环境系统的协调共进的新型发展模式[15]。高质量发展与绿色发展具有相互联系与相互促进的关系,高质量发展具有多维性特征,高质量发展本身包含创新、协调、开放、绿色、共享等发展理念。绿色发展则包含经济生态、协调发展与目标多元,绿色发展是高质量发展的过程体现,对于高质量发展与绿色转型相结合形成的高质量绿色发展的理论探讨与实证研究是未来研究的重点内容[16]。② 研究内容与方法选择。国外研究多运用GG-GE-SD关系模型[17]、malmquist指数[18]、coopetitive模型[19]、可持续评价模型[20]、数理统计方法[21]、LMDI模型[22]对于环境绩效、绿色产业、绿色经济等内容进行了评价分析。中国研究则多运用信息熵模型[23]、指标体系法[24]、PSR与地理探测器模型[4]、熵权TOPSIS模型[25,26]、投影寻踪模型[27]、GWR模型[28]、空间自相关分析[29]等研究方法,分析了不同区域尺度的绿色发展过程与格局特征。③ 影响因素与驱动机制。区域绿色发展水平的提升直接受制于内部因素与外部条件的相互作用与相互影响。从内生驱动要素分析,技术创新通过提高要素利用程度与转变区域发展模式驱动绿色发展水平与效率的提升[30,31],同时区域自身资源禀赋又决定了区域绿色发展水平的提升程度;从外部驱动条件分析,经济发展水平改善、产业结构调整带来的资金支持和产业支撑以及市场竞争产生的先进技术,共同促进绿色发展水平提升[32]。诸多****从产业结构[33,34]、所有制水平[35]、科学技术[36,37]、环境规制[25]、外商直接投资[38]、城镇化[29]、资源开发程度[39]、市场化水平[40]等方面实证研究了各因素的作用强度,同时针对全国、省域、市域等不同区域尺度提出了具体的绿色发展实现路径。

纵观国内外对于绿色发展的研究,虽然取得了一系列丰硕成果,但仍然存在一些亟待深入思考的问题。① 绿色发展的理解相对碎片化与局限性,部分****将绿色发展单一的理解为经济系统、环境系统或者社会系统的绿色发展,缺乏对于绿色发展整体框架的认知,隔离了系统之间的有机联系,难以科学评估绿色发展的实际水平。② 绿色发展指标体系缺乏科学合理性与针对性,由于对于绿色发展内涵理解不清晰,或者不考虑区域特殊性的片面引用与借鉴,导致构建的绿色发展指标体系难以反映区域发展实际。③ 需要重视地理学视角下绿色发展的空间分异与驱动因素研究,现有研究多基于生态学、经济学或者管理学视角研究区域绿色发展的差异性,忽视了地理学视角下对于绿色发展“过程—格局—机理”的研究。④ 相对忽视了特殊类型区域—流域绿色发展的研究,流域具有显著的时空异质性、要素禀赋的空间耦合性、内在联系与体制机制的空间制约性等特点,使得流域绿色发展空间依存结构性问题的研究应该引起足够的重视。


2 内涵诠释与指标体系构建

绿色发展不是简单指社会经济和物质财富的规模扩张和总量增长,而是指区域增长方式、发展动力以及资源配置方式的全方面转变。绿色发展具有系统性和多维度性,更加注重要素供给质量与发展效益,经济结构优化与效率提升,最终实现社会经济可持续发展、生态环境更加绿色发展以及城乡更加充分均衡发展[5]。绿色发展包含以下方面的含义:① 经济绿色化是绿色发展的核心与前提,通过微观层面技术革新、中观层面产业生态化发展以及经济增长与资源环境完全脱钩、宏观层面区域提质增效发展方式转变等途径促进绿色转型发展;② 社会协调发展是绿色发展的重要支撑与内在要求,通过城乡统筹融合发展、基本公共服务均等化、城乡发展机会的均等化等途径提高区域协调发展程度;③ 环境绿色化是绿色发展的载体和表征,通过生态环境禀赋、污染物排放压力和治理水平、资源利用效率等途径促进绿色发展方式转变;④ 政府调控是绿色发展的导向和保障,通过技术改革与创新、产业培育与优化、市场化进程等途径促进绿色发展水平提升。另外需要注意,绿色发展水平的提升不代表绿色发展质量的提高,相对于绿色水平提升而言,绿色发展质量更加注重于效益的提升。由此可见,研究绿色发展问题不仅需要关注绿色发展规模与水平,更需要关注绿色发展质量与效益。

经济绿化度是绿色发展的核心体现,是绿色发展现实“状态”反映。环境绿化度是绿色发展的承载基础,是绿色发展“压力”体现。社会绿化度是绿色发展的内在支撑,是绿色发展在社会层面“响应”过程。政府支持度是绿色发展的重要导向,是政府对于绿色发展积极“响应”。绿色发展是经济绿化度、社会绿化度、环境绿化度与政府支持度相互作用相互影响的四维一体的结果。经济绿化度主要从总量与规模、结构与效益、消费水平与外部依赖性等方面综合考虑;社会绿化度主要评价社会公共服务设施与基础服务设施支撑情况、社会供水与供电的保障能力、社会整体富裕水平等方面;环境绿化度主要考量环境保育水平、污染排放情况以及资源利用效率;政府支持度主要从科学技术、产业结构以及市场化程度等方面综合考量,由此构建黄河流域绿色发展水平评价指标体系(表1)。其中多项指标均可以直接通过统计资料获取,部分指标需要经过简单计算,包括:① 产业高级化系数,用信息传输、计算机服务和软件业单位从业人员数与单位从业人员数比值表征。② 民营经济发展指数,用城镇私营和个体从业人员数占单位从业人员数比值表征。③ 市场组织结构指数,用工业总产值与工业企业总数的比值表征。

Tab. 1
Tab. 1The index system for the level of green development in the Yellow River Basin


3 研究区域与数据方法

3.1 研究区域界定




Fig. 1Sketch map showing the study area (Yellow River Basin)

3.2 研究方法

3.2.1 熵值法 熵主要来源于热力学中的一个概念,主要表征指标的离散程度,熵值越小表示指标离散程度越大,指标对于综合评价的影响(权重)越大,反之表示指标对于综合评价的影响(权重)越小。熵值法作为具有较高可信度和精确度的客观赋权方法,可以有效克服指标信息重叠,被广泛应用于社会经济领域的综合研究之中,其计算步骤详见参考文献[45]。

3.2.2 空间自相关分析方法 本文主要采用全局空间自相关和局部空间自相关分析方法对黄河流域绿色发展空间集聚情况进行识别,全局空间自相关一般采用Global Moran's I系数反映区域单元的集散效应。具体测算公式如下:

式中:n为研究区域空间单元个数;XiXj代表区域i和区域j的观测值; X-代表研究对象X的平均值;Wij为空间权重矩阵。I∈[-1, 1],在给定显著性水平时,若I>0,表示区域绿色发展水平空间呈现集聚态势,反之表示区域绿色发展水平空间呈现差异性[46],I绝对值越大表征空间关联性越强。全局空间自相关虽然可以分析研究时限内黄河流域地级市的集散效应,但尚不能判别黄河流域不同空间城市的高低值集聚情况,局部空间自相关可以有效识别绿色发展水平的空间依赖性和异质性,具体测算公式如下[47]


3.2.3 地理探测器模型 地理探测器可以有效探测地理现象空间分异性及其驱动因素,被广泛运用于生态环境变化以及社会经济发展等方面研究[48],并且研究尺度涉及宏观国家尺度以及微观街道尺度,具体探测模型如下[49]

式中:PDG为探测因子D的探测值;σ2G为指标的方差;n为研究区单元数;nD,iσ2D,i分别为ii = 1, 2, …, m)的层样本量和方差。PDG ∈[0, 1],PDG值越大表示探测因子对于黄河流域绿色发展水平的解释程度越大,空间异质性越强,反之,则空间异质性越弱。

3.3 数据来源

研究数据主要来源于2个部分:① 自然环境数据。从水、气、生3个自然本底要素验证自然环境要素对于黄河流域绿色发展时空分异特征的驱动作用,分别选取年降水量、年均气温和植被覆盖度进行表征。其中年降水量、年均气温数据均来源于中国气象数据网(http://data.cma.cn/site),原始数据为黄河流域气象站点的逐月数据,剔除异常站点数据后计算剩余站点数据全年平均值,并通过Kriging插值法获取黄河流域61个地级市年降水量和年均气温的栅格数据。MODIS NDVI数据来源于中国科学院计算机网络信息中心国际科学数据[50]。② 社会经济数据。社会经济类数据主要来源于《中国城市统计年鉴》,缺失数据主要查找各省统计年鉴、各市统计年鉴以及各市国民经济和社会发展统计公报。

4 黄河流域绿色发展时空分异特征

4.1 黄河流域绿色发展水平时序演变特征

利用熵值法计算绿色发展子系统水平(图2),进而计算绿色发展水平,且利用标准差分级法[4, 25]将绿色发展水平进行分级,分别命名为低水平区域、中水平区域、较高水平区域以及高水平区域。



Fig. 2The level of green development in the Yellow River Basin


流域尺度分析(表2),黄河上游地区绿色发展水平由2005年0.2015升至2017年0.2284,年均增长率为1.05%,经济绿化度、社会绿化度、环境绿化度、政府支持度年均增长率分别为-1.43%、3.28%、2.27%和 -1.33%;黄河中游地区绿色发展水平由2005年0.1450升至2011年0.1493,后降至2017年0.1463,整体上年均增长率为0.70%,经济绿化度、社会绿化度、环境绿化度、政府支持度年均增长率分别为1.46%、1.14%、-2.73%、 -1.11%;黄河下游地区绿色发展水平由2005年0.2209升至2011年0.2226,后降至2017年0.2173,整体上年均递减率为0.14%,经济绿化度、社会绿化度、环境绿化度、政府支持度年均增长率分别为-0.70%、1.15%、-1.89%、0.27%。总体上,经过十几年的发展黄河流域绿色发展水平及各子系统水平虽有一定程度增长(部分稍有降低),但变动幅度较小,反映了黄河流域绿色发展具有相对稳定固化的特征。

Tab. 2
Tab. 2The measurement results of green development in the Yellow River Basin


从流域绿色发展驱动模式分析,黄河上游地区除2011年属于经济驱动型绿色发展模式,2005年和2017年均属于社会导向型绿色发展模式;黄河中游地区与黄河下游地区绿色发展驱动模式则较为稳定,研究期限内黄河中游地区均属于“经济+社会”驱动型发展模式,而黄河下游地区则表现为经济驱动型绿色发展模式。理想绿色发展之路应首要是经济发展的绿色化,其基点是产业生态化发展,在政府大力支持下,通过生态产业的空间集聚与循环经济模式的不断构建,随之改变了环境系统、社会系统的要素组成,理论上绿色发展应是经济绿化度>政府支持度>环境绿化度>社会绿化度[29, 51]。综上所述,黄河流域绿色发展模式较为粗放,未来需要增强绿色发展的科技化水平,引导产业生态化与高级化发展进程,同时不断推进国有企业改革进程与活跃市场经济发展氛围,提高绿色发展的经济效益与社会效益。

4.2 黄河流域绿色发展水平空间分异特征

利用Geoda软件,采用欧式空间距离(Euclidean Distance)作为评价权重,计算2005年、2011年、2017年Global Moran's I指数(图3)。由图3可知,2005年、2011年、2017年黄河流域绿色发展在0.01水平上显著,说明2005—2017年间黄河流域61地级市整体存在较为明显的空间依存关系。研究时限内Moran's I指数均大于0,说明黄河流域61个地级市绿色发展水平接近地区具有空间集聚现象,即绿色发展水平较高的城市与其他绿色发展水平较高城市相邻近,绿色发展水平较低的城市之间趋于临近。



Fig. 3The spatial distribution scatter plot for the level of green development in the Yellow River Basin in 2005-2017


Tab. 3
表32005—2017年黄河流域绿色发展水平的Moran's I散点图动态变化表
Tab. 3Dynamic change of the Moran's I scatter plot for the level of green development in the Yellow River Basin in 2005-2017



5 黄河流域绿色发展时空分异的驱动因素识别


综合考虑研究区域实情,借鉴相关参考文献[29-35, 52],本部分综合构建了人地关系作用视角下黄河流域绿色发展多要素综合作用的因素模型。社会经济要素主要从产业结构、经济发展、外商投资、科学技术、政府调控、市场化水平等方面验证人文经济要素的驱动作用,分别选取第二产业增加值/GDP(x1)、人均GDP(x2)、实际利用外资额/GDP(x3)、(教育支出+科技支出)/GDP(x4)、财政支出/GDP(x5)、除国有和集体外其他所有制在岗人员比例(x6)进行表征;自然禀赋要素主要从气、水、生三个方面验证自然环境要素的驱动影响,分别选取年均气温(x7)、年均降水量(x8)和植被覆盖度(x9)进行表征。利用地理探测器的因子探测模型识别黄河流域的主要驱动因素,同时采用交互探测识别因子交互作用之后对于因变量的解释程度,结果如表4所示。

Tab. 4
Tab. 4Detection results of green development factors in the Yellow River Basin





6 讨论与结论

6.1 讨论


6.2 结论





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th Five-Year Plan of China, and it emphasizes on the mutual unity and coordinated development between economic growth and environmental protection. It is a kind of human-oriented way of sustainable development. Improving the efficiency of green development is an important way to achieve the ecological civilization construction and transformation of economic development the important way. This study used the spatial analysis methods, such as the Super-SBM model, spatial autocorrelation, spatial variation functions and spatial durbin model to measure the green development efficiency from 2005 to 2015 in China (Tibet, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are excluded), by building an input and output index system of green development efficiency. In addition, from the perspective of geography space, it revealed the spatial pattern and spillover effects of green development efficiency in China. The results showed that: 1) From 2005 to 2015, the efficiency of China’s green development is characterized by the stage characteristics of ‘stable at beginning, then fast and last stable again’. It shows an overall upward trend with large differences among regions. The regional differentiation of the ‘East-Central-West’ stepwise decreasing and the ‘South-Central-North’ symmetrical distribution, and ‘T’ shaped shaft development pattern is particularly evident. 2) There is a positive correlation between green development efficiency, the degree of spatial agglomeration gradually decreases, the hot spots increase, the eastern coastal areas form stable hot spots, and the central and western parts form stable cold spots. 3) The spatial self-organization of green development efficiency is more and more strong, the space difference is gradually increased, the structural differentiation caused by spatial autocorrelation is more obvious, the spatial heterogeneity caused by random components is gradually weakened, and the space between northwest and southeast Significant difference. 4) There is a significant spillover effect of green development efficiency, a significant positive effect on the level of economic development, and a significant negative effect on industrial structure, urbanization and technological innovation. Trying hard to explore the law of spatial evolution of green development and provide a reference for the coordinated green development of the three systems of regional economy, society and environment.]]>
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Acta Geographica Sinica, 2019,74(12):2431-2436.

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[ 陆大道, 孙东琪. 黄河流域的综合治理与可持续发展
地理学报, 2019,74(12):2431-2436.]

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Li Minna, Cai Shu, Zhang Huirong, et al. Factor endowment and the economic spatial dissimilarity in the Yellow River Valley
Economic Geography, 2011,31(1):14-20.

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[ 李敏纳, 蔡舒, 张慧蓉, . 要素禀赋与黄河流域经济空间分异研究
经济地理, 2011,31(1):14-20.]

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Zhang Pengyan, Li Yanyan, Kang Guohua, et al. A study on estimates and spatial differentiation of economic density at county level in Yellow River Basin
China Population,Resources and Environment, 2017,27(8):128-135.

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[ 张鹏岩, 李颜颜, 康国华, . 黄河流域县域经济密度测算及空间分异研究
中国人口·资源与环境, 2017,27(8):128-135.]

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Zhou Xiaoyan, Hao Huidi, Ye Xinyue, et al. A spatial-temporal analysis of regional economic inequality in Yellow River Valley
Human Geography, 2016,31(5):119-125.

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[ 周晓艳, 郝慧迪, 叶信岳, . 黄河流域区域经济差异的时空动态分析
人文地理, 2016,31(5):119-125.]

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Chen Mingxing, Lu Dadao, Zhang Hua. Comprehensive evaluation and the driving factors of China's urbanization
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009,64(4):387-398.

DOI:10.11821/xb200904001URL [本文引用: 1]
From the essential meaning of urbanization, this paper establishes a comprehensive evaluation index system, including four aspects changing: population, economy, society and land. Based on the method of entropy, the measure and evolution of China's urbanization are analyzed since 1981. The results show that China's comprehensive urbanization level continues improving. Economic growth and geographical landscape are the main features of rapid evolution of urbanization, followed by the population urbanization, and the medical care level of social urbanization is the least advanced. The evolution of all the four subsystems has unique characteristics. The analysis of multiple regression model shows that the driving factors have been diversified. The market force is the most powerful driving force of China's urbanization, followed by intrinsic force, administration force, exterior force. From different stages of urbanization, the effects of market force, exterior force and the administration force on urbanization are increasing, while intrinsic force is decreasing. China's urbanization is the main endogenous process, hence more policies should be formulated to strengthen the market economy reform and coordinate urban and rural development.
[ 陈明星, 陆大道, 张华. 中国城市化水平的综合测度及其动力因子分析
地理学报, 2009,64(4):387-398.]

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Zheng Yanting, Wang Shaofei, Dai Lizhu, et al. Spatial and temporal evolution of manufacturing in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River based on micro enterprise data
Economic Geography, 2018,38(5):117-125.

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[ 郑艳婷, 王韶菲, 戴荔珠, . 长江中游地区制造业企业时空演化格局
经济地理, 2018,38(5):117-125.]

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Yu Bo, Yang Xu, Wu Xiangli, et al. Spatial evolution and influencing factors of urban environmental pollution supervision level in China
Geographical Research, 2019,38(7):1777-1790.

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[ 于博, 杨旭, 吴相利, . 中国城市环境污染监管水平的空间演化特征与影响因素
地理研究, 2019,38(7):1777-1790.]

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Wang Jinfeng, Xu Chengdong. Geodetector: Principle and prospective
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(1):116-134.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201701010URL [本文引用: 1]
Spatial stratified heterogeneity is the spatial expression of natural and socio-economic process, which is an important approach for human to recognize nature since Aristotle. Geodetector is a new statistical method to detect spatial stratified heterogeneity and reveal the driving factors behind it. This method with no linear hypothesis has elegant form and definite physical meaning. Here is the basic idea behind Geodetector: assuming that the study area is divided into several subareas. The study area is characterized by spatial stratified heterogeneity if the sum of the variance of subareas is less than the regional total variance; and if the spatial distribution of the two variables tends to be consistent, there is statistical correlation between them. Q-statistic in Geodetector has already been applied in many fields of natural and social sciences which can be used to measure spatial stratified heterogeneity, detect explanatory factors and analyze the interactive relationship between variables. In this paper, the authors will illustrate the principle of Geodetector and summarize the characteristics and applications in order to facilitate the using of Geodetector and help readers to recognize, mine and utilize spatial stratified heterogeneity.
[ 王劲峰, 徐成东. 地理探测器: 原理与展望
地理学报, 2017,72(1):116-134.]

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Guo Weidong, Zhong Yexi, Feng Xinghua, et al. County-level highway network centrality of urban agglomerations and its influencing factors in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River
Economic Geography, 2019,39(4):34-42.

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[ 郭卫东, 钟业喜, 冯兴华, . 长江中游城市群县域公路交通网络中心性及其影响因素
经济地理, 2019,39(4):34-42.]

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Zhou Liang, Che Lei, Zhou Chenghu. Spatio-temporal evolution and influencing factors of urban green development efficiency in China
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2019,74(10):2027-2044.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201910006URL [本文引用: 1]
Green development is pivotal to resolving natural environmental constraints, solving national economic transition, and supporting and realizing the United Nations sustainable development goals. It is gradually growing into a crucial guideline for China's ecological civilization construction, "Beautiful China" development, and global economic transition and restructure. Based on a thorough review of the concept of green development, this paper accurately depicts a full picture of China's spatio-temporal patterns of urban green development efficiency (UGDE) in 2005-2015 by using SBM-Undesirable, the Theil index and the Spatial Markov Chain methods. Moreover, the influencing mechanism has been further discussed based on a quantitative analysis of both natural and human factors. Our results demonstrate that: (1) UGDE increased steadily by 10% from 0.475 in 2005 to 0.523 in 2015. And temporally, it shows a pattern of "W"-shaped fluctuated growth. (2) Spatially, UGDE decreased from eastern to central China, and further to western China. Besides, there is an inverted pyramid pattern of "national level > regional level > local level" urban agglomeration in UDGE growth. Moreover, there is a steady urban scale structure from super city to small city in UDGE. (3) There is an evident concentration of cities with high-level and low-level UDGE, indicating a significant influence of path dependence. (4) Quantitatively speaking, compared to natural factors, human factors such as economy size, industry structure, and openness level play a more important role in influencing the UDGE.
[ 周亮, 车磊, 周成虎. 中国城市绿色发展效率时空演变特征及影响因素
地理学报, 2019,74(10):2027-2044.]

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Guo Fuyou, Lyu Xiao, Yu Wei, et al. Performance evaluation and driving mechanism of green development in Shandong Province based on panel data of 17 cities
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2020,40(2):200-210.

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[ 郭付友, 吕晓, 于伟, . 山东省绿色发展水平绩效评价与驱动机制: 基于17地市面板数据
地理科学, 2020,40(2):200-210.]

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Fan Jie, Wang Yafei, Wang Yixuan. High quality regional development research based on geographical units: Discuss on the difference in development conditions and priorities of the Yellow River Basin compared to the Yangtze River Basin
Economic Geography, 2020,40(1):1-11.

DOI:10.2307/142170URL [本文引用: 1]

[ 樊杰, 王亚飞, 王怡轩. 基于地理单元的区域高质量发展研究: 兼论黄河流域同长江流域发展的条件差异及重点
经济地理, 2020,40(1):1-11.]

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