

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

宋小青,1,2, 申雅静1, 王雄1, 李心怡11. 中国地质大学(武汉)地理与信息工程学院 空间规划与人地系统模拟研究中心,武汉 430074
2. 国土资源评价与利用湖南省重点实验室,长沙 410007

Vulnerability to biological disasters: A novel field of cultivated land use transition research

SONG Xiaoqing,1,2, SHEN Yajing1, WANG Xiong1, LI Xinyi11. Research Center for Spatial Planning and Human-Environment System Simulation, School of Geography and Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
2. Hunan Key Lab of Land & Resource Evaluation & Utilization, Changsha 410007, China


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China.41401191
National Natural Science Foundation of China.41871094
Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education Planning Fund.18YJAZH078
Key Research and Development Program of Hunan Province.2019SK2101
The Open Fund of Hunan Key Laboratory of Land Resources Evaluation and Utilization.SYS-MT-202002

作者简介 About authors
宋小青(1984-), 男, 湖北荆州人, 博士, 副教授, 博导, 中国地理学会会员(S110008928M), 主要从事人地系统转型、空间规划与国土多功能利用研究。E-mail: sonniasxq@163.com

学术界迫切需要探索新的领域以提升耕地利用转型综合研究水平。本文从农业生物灾害切入,耦合耕地利用“趋利避害”动机与农业诱致性生产替代行为,基于“经济社会环境—耕地利用活动—生物灾害反馈—灾害防治应对”社会生态交互逻辑,建立了耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型理论框架。在国家、农业区、省级尺度开展了1988—2017年脆弱性转型研究。结果表明:① 脆弱性在国家、省级尺度发生了转型。在国家尺度,1988—2009年,脆弱性值从15.33%增长到22.45%,而2010—2017年从22.40%下降到19.49%。在省级尺度,脆弱性存在2条典型转型路径;② 在农业区尺度,脆弱性转型主要源自因城乡收入比缩小和劳均耕地提升而带来的暴露度下降,其次源自因生物灾害损失挽回率提升和生物灾害防治失控率下降而带来的应对能力提升。脆弱性转型后,主要源自作物多样性下降和化肥使用强度上升带来的敏感性继续增强。本文发展了耕地利用转型研究的综合性,论证了耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性有望成为耕地利用转型综合研究的新领域,并探讨了脆弱性管控政策。
关键词: 土地利用转型;耕地;生物灾害;诱致性生产替代;脆弱性;时空变化

There is an urgent need to explore a novel field to enhance the comprehensive research of cultivated land use transition. Simultaneously, few studies on the coupling research of cultivated land use pattern and function transition have been done so far. Based on these considerations, we aim at presenting a novel field of cultivated land use transition research from the perspective of cultivated land use vulnerability to biological disasters (CLUVBD). First, this study integrates the motivations of profit-seeking and loss-avoiding and induced substitution in agricultural production from the perspective of agricultural biological disasters, thus establishing a theoretical framework of the transition in CLUVBD based on the socio-ecological interaction logic of "socio-economic environment - cultivated land use - feedback of biological disasters - disaster prevention and control". Then, CLUVBD transition was diagnosed and analyzed at the national, regional, and provincial levels between 1988 and 2017 using the logic growth model, single-factor simulation, and panel data regression model. Results show that CLUVBD transition is remarkable at both national and provincial levels. The value of CLUVBD at the national level firstly increased from 15.33% to 22.45% in 1988-2009 and then decreased from 22.40% to 19.49% in 2010-2017. The transition at the provincial level shows two typical pathways. Decrease of CLUVBD is mainly derived from the decline in exposure due to the narrowing of urban-rural income ratio and the increase in cultivated land area per capita of agricultural employee, followed by the increase of adaptive capacity due to the increase of retrieved grain loss ratio and the failure ratio of biological disaster prevention. Meanwhile, as CLUVBD value turns to decrease, the sensitivity increases, which is mainly due to the decline in crop diversity and the increase of fertilizer use intensity in cultivated land. The study demonstrates that CLUVBD is expected to become a novel field of comprehensive study on cultivated land use transition. In addition, the policy proposals on CLUVBD control are also discussed.
Keywords:land use transition;cultivated land;biological disasters;induced substitution in agricultural production;vulnerability;spatio-temporal change

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宋小青, 申雅静, 王雄, 李心怡. 耕地利用转型中的生物灾害脆弱性研究. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(11): 2362-2379 doi:10.11821/dlxb202011007
SONG Xiaoqing, SHEN Yajing, WANG Xiong, LI Xinyi. Vulnerability to biological disasters: A novel field of cultivated land use transition research. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(11): 2362-2379 doi:10.11821/dlxb202011007

1 引言



人地耦合系统脆弱性往往与资源利用活动紧密关联[31]。由此,农业生物灾害脆弱性必然与耕地利用关系密切。然而,鲜有****从耕地利用角度研究农业生物灾害脆弱性。从土地利用格局角度来看,全球耕地利用正处于从生计农业模式下的细碎化利用向集约农场模式下的规模化利用转型[32]。欧美多功能农业实践、最优管理实践(Best Management Practices, BMP)、综合害虫管理实践(Integrated Pest Management, IPM)[33]以及可持续集约化(Sustainable Intensification, SI)[34,35]。实践表明,与生计农业相比,集约农场更加注重农业生态系统服务管理,水、肥配置及生物灾害防治更加精准、科学,而且灾害防治合作意愿更强烈[36],因而具有更强的生物灾害应对能力。1988—2017年,全国劳均耕地从0.45 hm2/人增长到0.64 hm2/人[29]。随着耕地经营面积增加,单位面积化肥和农药使用量呈下降态势[37]。研究显示,耕地经营面积增加1%,除草剂和杀虫剂用量下降1.8%、化肥用量下降0.3%[38]。同时,与细碎化经营的散户相比,种田大户在采用施肥、病虫害防治等新技术的意愿更强烈,也更愿意付出时间和成本学习农业知识[39]。此外,家庭农场、种田大户、农业企业、农业合作社等新型农业经营主体带动小农发展的生产格局已经形成。2018年全国小农户2.6亿,新型农业经营主体超过300万[40]。新型农业经营主体突出贡献之一是,大力推动了农业生物灾害统防统治。根据笔者调查,黑龙江省五常市五常大米种植区通过农业企业带动实现了生物灾害统防统治航化作业;苏南、苏北的农业企业也已实施水稻生物灾害统防统治。从土地利用功能角度来看,2006年以来,从全国到地市尺度,耕地利用多功能化态势已经显现。发达地区(如珠江三角洲)的耕地利用功能已从经济社会型转向生态经济型,生态功能从快速退化走向恢复[15, 41]。综合发达国家经验以及中国情况来看,化学品使用强度下降以及耕地利用功能转向生态经济型,必定促成中国耕地生态系统由受损转向恢复并降低耕地利用的负面环境影响,从而有利于降低耕地利用系统的暴露度和敏感性。同时,农业生物灾害防治意愿和能力的提升必然增强耕地生态系统对农业生物灾害的应对能力。那么,随着经济社会发展,中国耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性是否存在或者已经转型?

耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性是耕地生态系统对生物灾害承受能力和耕地利用对生物灾害应对能力的综合度量,反映了耕地生态系统自身状态和耕地利用水平。也就是说,耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型必然是耕地利用空间形态(或格局)的构成要素(即不同数量、类型和形状的耕地地块)和耕地利用功能形态的构成要素(即不同性质、类型和强度的耕地功能)[4, 22]耦合作用的结果。从这一解释来看,耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型是代表着耦合耕地利用空间形态(或格局)与耕地利用功能形态的综合研究领域。研究耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型对于探索耕地利用转型研究新领域具有重要意义。


2 理论框架

2.1 耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性的基本概念

脆弱性概念源于自然灾害研究,经由气候变化科学范式完善后获得科学界公认。它是指系统暴露于外部环境受到损害或威胁的倾向性以及应对能力的缺乏[23, 31]。据此可以将耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性解释为,耕地利用系统暴露于外部环境中,受到生物灾害损害或威胁的倾向性,以及生物灾害防治能力的缺乏。其中,外部环境包括自然生态环境和经济社会环境(图1)。从生态学角度来看,病虫草害的相互关联性强,而螺害和鼠害的与病虫草害的关联相对较弱。因此,本文研究关注的农业生物灾害包括病虫草害,但不包括螺害和鼠害。



Fig. 1A connotation framework of cultivated land use vulnerability to biological disasters

2.2 耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性的构成要素


2.3 耕地利用“趋利避害”、农业诱致性生产替代与生物灾害脆弱性

耕地利用是由农户“趋利性”和“避害性”动机共同支配的经济行为。在“趋利性”方面,耕地利用表现为农业诱致性生产替代[15, 42-46]。为实现收益最大化,农户往往根据价格配置农业资源。农户倾向于种植较高收益的作物,从而替代较低收益的作物。1988—2018年,中国粮食种植净利润从794.25元/hm2下降到-1283.85元/hm2 [47],粮食作物播种面积占农作物播种面积的比重从76.02%下降到70.54%,而经济与园艺作物播种面积占比从18.93%增长到26.46%,其中蔬菜播种面积占比从4.16%增长到12.32%[29]。同时,农户倾向于用较低成本的投入要素替代较高成本的投入要素。1988—2018年,粮食种植化肥成本从301.95元/hm2增长到2085.30元/hm2,土地成本从110.40元/hm2增长到3373.05元/hm2 [47]。土地相对于化肥的成本优势下降,诱致稀缺、昂贵的土地被相对廉价、充足的化肥所替代。农业诱致性生产替代必然导致耕地化肥使用强度和作物多样性的变化。1988—2017年,耕地化肥投入量从151.41 kg/hm2迅速增长到434.41 kg/hm2 [29]。耕地化肥使用强度升高和作物多样性下降必将影响耕地生态系统对生物灾害的抵御能力。在“避害性”方面,为最大程度地避免损失尤其是生物灾害导致的减产,农户倾向于投资生物灾害防治。而农户的这种投资能力往往由其收入水平决定,是影响生物防治能力的关键因素。


2.4 耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型的综合解释

耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型是指耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性随着经济社会发展从一种状态向另一种状态的趋势性转折。随着经济社会进入快速发展时期,城乡关系往往表现为不平衡状态[48,49]。快速工业化、城镇化导致城乡收入差距扩大,耕地大量流失、破碎化加剧、稀缺性增强[50,51,52,53]。提高经济收益是农户耕地利用的重要目标,而日益升高的土地成本是制约耕地规模经营的重要因素。在“趋利性”驱使下,农业诱致性生产替代一方面导致化肥等增产性投入被大量使用以节约逐步昂贵的土地要素[42, 45-46],另一方面导致粮食作物逐步被经济与园艺作物替代[15, 54-57]。而且,农作物倾向于被专业化种植,以便于机械化耕作并提高产量。此外,粮食作物种植的亩均化肥施用量明显低于经济与园艺作物[15, 47]。作物替代必然导致耕地化肥使用强度逐步升高,进而导致耕地生态系统过程明显受损[32, 58-59]。同时,专业化种植大大降低作物多样性,导致耕地生态系统组分受损[60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67]。耕地生态系统组分及过程受损共同促成耕地生态系统功能弱化。这必定明显降低耕地生态系统对生物灾害的抵御能力,生物灾害强度增强。在“避害性”方面,农户经济收入受限导致生物灾害防治的积极性及能力难以提高。而且,耕地破碎化制约了生物灾害防治效率。根据以上分析,随着经济社会进入快速发展时期,呈扩大态势的城乡收入差距和呈增强态势的耕地破碎化和稀缺性,导致耕地利用生物灾害暴露度升高;呈升高态势的耕地化肥使用强度、专业化种植水平及生物灾害强度,导致耕地利用生物灾害敏感性增强;受限的生物灾害防治积极性、能力与防治效率,导致耕地利用生物灾害应对能力难以提高。以上共同导致耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性增强。

随着经济社会发展进入相对发达阶段,城乡收入差距缩小[48,49],农村土地大量流转带动耕地规模经营水平提高[68]。2012—2016年,全国耕地流转面积从1.3×105 hm2增长到3.1×105 hm2 [69],地劳关系明显优化。加之,土地生产力水平已大大提高,显著缓解耕地稀缺性从而降低耕地压力[41, 70]。值得注意的是,该阶段耕地多功能需求凸显,耕地生态系统服务价值逐步显化,农业生产的环境损害成本升高[33]。由此,在“趋利性”驱使下,农业诱致性生产替代导致农户根据耕地生态系统特征和作物生理需求决定化肥施用量。与前一发展阶段相比,耕地化肥使用强度增长明显趋缓甚至下降。1988—2003年,城乡收入比从2.17增长到3.23,耕地化肥使用强度从151.41 kg/hm2增长到326.67 kg/hm2、年均增长11.68 kg/hm2 [29]。2004—2017年,城乡收入比从3.45下降到2.71,耕地化肥使用强度从345.76 kg/hm2增长到434.41 kg/hm2、年均增长6.82 kg/hm2 [29]。同时,由于粮食品质提高及耕地生态系统服务市场价值显化,经济与园艺作物产品价格高于粮食价格的优势褪化。这将导致经济与园艺作物对粮食作物的诱致性替代逐步减弱,从而进一步降低耕地化肥使用强度并提升作物种植多样性。由此,耕地生态系统过程及组分转而恢复。这必将增进耕地生态系统功能,进而增强耕地生态系统对生物灾害的抵御能力,生物灾害强度势必下降。在“避害性”方面,农户经济收入水平显著提高将切实增强生物灾害防治的投资积极性及能力。而且,耕地规模化利用将大大提升耕地管理水平,从而增强生物灾害防治效率。根据以上分析,随着经济社会发展进入相对发达阶段,呈缩小态势的城乡收入差距、逐步提升的耕地规模化利用水平以及呈弱化态势的耕地稀缺性,导致耕地利用生物灾害暴露度下降;呈下降态势的耕地化肥使用强度、呈增长态势的作物多样化种植水平以及呈下降态势的生物灾害强度,导致耕地利用生物灾害敏感性下降;逐步增强的生物灾害防治积极性及能力与防治效率,导致耕地利用生物灾害应对能力显著增强。以上共同导致耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性减弱(图2)。



Fig. 2A theoretical framework of transition in cultivated land use vulnerability to biological disasters


3 研究方法与数据

3.1 耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性评价方法

3.1.1 评价指标体系 根据理论框架,耕地稀缺性、耕地规模经营水平和城乡收入差距是决定暴露度的关键指标,作物多样性、耕地化肥使用强度和生物灾害强度是决定敏感性的关键指标,生物灾害防治积极性、生物灾害防治能力及效率是决定应对能力的关键指标。在暴露度方面,考虑到耕地稀缺程度是耕地数量、质量和食物需求的综合反映,在此运用耕地压力指数衡量耕地稀缺性[41, 70]。耕地稀缺性越高,脆弱性越强。运用劳均耕地、城乡收入比分别衡量耕地规模经营水平、城乡收入差距。城乡收入差距、耕地规模经营水平分别与脆弱性呈正相关、负相关。在敏感性方面,作物多样性是维持耕地生态系统功能的关键指标,与脆弱性呈负相关。以各类作物播种面积为基础数据,运用Simpson指数衡量作物多样性[15, 41]。耕地化肥使用强度、生物灾害强度均与脆弱性呈正相关。在应对能力方面,运用作物生物灾害防治率和作物生物灾害防治失控率衡量生物灾害防治积极性和防治能力,分别与脆弱性呈负相关、正相关。考虑到粮食作物是农作物种植的主要类型,运用粮食生物灾害损失挽回率衡量生物灾害防治效率,与脆弱性呈负相关。综上,构建脆弱性评价指标体系(表1)。

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Assessment index system of cultivated land use vulnerability to biological disasters
指数[41, 70]
CLPI: 耕地压力指数; f: 粮食自给率; d: 人均粮食需求量; y: 粮食播面单产; r: 粮作比; mci: 复种指数; PerCLA: 人均耕地面积
PCLAEA: 劳均耕地; CLA: 耕地面积; EA: 农业从业人员
RIUR: 城乡收入比; IU: 城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入; IR: 农村居民家庭人均纯收入
多样性[15, 41]
Diversity: 作物多样性指数; Ci: 作物i播种面积占农作物播种面积的比例
CFUI: 耕地化肥使用强度; ACFU: 化肥施用量(折纯量); CLA: 耕地面积
RBDA: 地均生物灾害发生面积; BDA: 作物病虫害等生物灾害发生面积; CLA: 耕地面积
RBDPCA: 地均生物灾害防治面积; BDPCA: 作物病虫害等生物灾害防治面积; TSAC: 农作物播种面积
FRBDPC: 生物灾害防治失控率; BDA: 作物病虫害等生物灾害发生面积; BDPCA: 作物病虫害等生物灾害防治面积
RRGL: 粮食生物灾害损失挽回率; RGL: 粮食生物灾害损失挽回量; AGL: 粮食生物灾害实际损失量
注:① “+”“-”分别表示指标值与耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性呈正相关、负相关;② 综合《国家粮食安全中长期规划纲要(2008—2020年)》及相关研究[72,73],在耕地压力指数计算中设定人均粮食需求量和粮食自给率分别为400 kg和95%。


3.1.2 评价指标标准化方法 首先,运用倒数法将负向指标正向化。然后,运用极大值法[74,75]将正向化后的评价指标无量纲化:


3.1.3 逻辑斯蒂增长模型 系统要素与系统功能之间往往呈非线性关系[76]。同时,由于农业资源的生态限制性,农业生产表现为典型的生态承载力特征[77]。对此,采用逻辑斯蒂增长模型[77,78,79]计算标准化后评价指标的耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性分值。

式中:CLVBDij为耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性评价指标分值。为保证CLVBDij的值介于(0, 1),设置k = 1,且ab均为常数。根据逻辑斯蒂增长曲线特征,假定Xij→0.01,则CLVBDij→0.001;假定Xij→0.99,则CLVBDij→0.999。由此推算出ab分别为1150.221、-14.095。

3.1.4 综合计量模型 考虑到评价指标对耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性的贡献差异,运用熵权法计算评价指标权重,并运用线性加权求和法计算耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性值。


3.2 耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型诊断方法

3.2.1 单因素模拟方程 根据理论框架,以人均GDP衡量经济社会发展水平并作为自变量,运用一元二次方程检验其与因变量耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性值之间的关系。

式中:CLVBD为耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性;PerGDP为人均GDP; αβ为待估参数; γ为常数项; μ为误差项。

3.2.2 多因素面板数据回归模型 耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性变化的影响因素包括自然生态环境和经济社会环境多因素。那么,诊断耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型,不仅要考虑人均GDP,而且还要在尊重数据可获得性基础上考虑自然环境和其他经济社会因素。在自然环境方面,主要考虑气温和降水对生物灾害的影响。耕地利用“趋利性”和“避害性”动机是由耕地利用目标所诱导。而耕地利用目标表现为追求土地生产率和劳动生产率最大化。对此,在经济社会环境方面,将土地生产率、劳动生产率作为脆弱性变化的影响变量(表2)。

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Variables in the panel data regression model and their definitions of cultivated land use vulnerability to biological disasters



式中:a为常数项;bicj分别为时间和地区固定效应因子; φωσδε?为待估参数;dij为误差项;ij分别表示年份和省(直辖市、自治区)。

3.3 数据来源

3.3.1 耕地数据 耕地数据为1988—2017年全国及各省(直辖市、自治区)耕地面积。其中,1996年耕地面积、2009年耕地面积分别为第一次、第二次土地调查成果,其余年份数据为土地利用变更调查成果,来自《国土资源统计年鉴》《中国土地年鉴》[80]。相对于第一次土地调查,第二次土地调查采用的遥感影像等基础资料更加精细。因此,2009—2017年耕地面积比1997—2008年耕地面积的精度更高。为保证数据精度一致性,有必要以2009—2017年耕地面积为基础,校正1997—2008年耕地面积。考虑到复种指数在2008—2009年波动较小,在此首先运用复种指数校正2008年耕地面积。


以2008年耕地面积、历年年内新增耕地面积和年内耕地减少面积为基础,运用历史重建法[41, 81-82],反推1988—2007年耕地面积。其中,1996—2007年年内新增耕地面积、年内耕地减少面积来自《国土资源统计年鉴》《中国土地年鉴》[80];1988—1995年新增耕地面积、年内耕地减少面积来自《中国农业年鉴》[29]


3.3.2 生物灾害数据 生物灾害数据为1988—2017年全国及各省(直辖市、自治区)病虫害发生面积、病虫害防治面积、病虫害挽回粮食损失量、病虫害实际损失粮食量、草害发生面积、草害防治面积、草害挽回粮食损失量、草害实际损失粮食量,来自《中国农业年鉴》[29]

3.3.3 农业生产数据 农业生产数据为1988—2017年全国及各省(直辖市、自治区)各类农作物播种面积、化肥施用折纯量。其中,农作物类型包括早稻、中稻和一季晚稻、双季晚稻、冬小麦、春小麦、玉米、高粱、谷子、大豆、马铃薯、其他薯类、棉花、花生、油菜籽、芝麻、胡麻籽、向日葵籽、其他油料、麻类、甘蔗、甜菜、烤烟、其他烟叶、药材、蔬菜、瓜果类、青饲料共27类,均来自《中国农业年鉴》[29]。气温、降水量数据来自《中国统计年鉴》[83]

3.3.4 经济社会数据 经济社会数据为1988—2017年全国及各省(直辖市、自治区)总人口、农业从业人员、城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入、农村居民家庭人均纯收入、人均GDP、种植业增加值,均来自《中国农业年鉴》[29]《中国统计年鉴》[83]

4 1988—2017年中国耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型

4.1 国家尺度耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型




Fig. 3The inverted U-shaped curve of transition in cultivated land use vulnerability to biological disasters at the national level in China between 1988 and 2017

4.2 省级尺度耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型




Fig. 4Spatial pattern of cultivated land use vulnerability to biological disasters at the provincial level in China between 1988 and 2017


Tab. 3
Tab. 3Statistics of variables in the panel data regression model of cultivated land use vulnerability to biological disasters


Tab. 4
Tab. 4Coefficients of variables in the panel data regression model of cultivated land use vulnerability to biological disasters


4.3 耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型特征分析

从转型路径和因子贡献两方面揭示耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型特征。为揭示转型路径,构建省级对照组,比较分析转型曲线形态。对照组构建原则为:① 每组包含2个省级地区;② 省级地区的耕地资源禀赋、自然环境条件基本一致,而经济社会发展水平差异显著。以全国农业区划方案(http://www.resdc.cn/data.aspx?DATAID=275)为基础,在确保研究起始年份即1988年劳均耕地基本一致、1988—2017年人均GDP均值差异显著的情况下,在每个农业区内构建对照组。最终构建出北京和河北、山东和河南、江西和江苏共3个符合条件的对照组。然后,开展以上省区耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型单因素模拟,并根据模拟方程计算曲线拐点处的坐标、曲率等曲线特征关键值。图5显示,1988—2017年,北京市、河北省、上海市、江苏省、浙江省和江西省耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性发生了转型,但是转型时的经济社会发展水平各异。表5显示,相对于经济社会发展水平较低的省(直辖市),经济社会发展水平较高的省(直辖市)发生耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型时的人均GDP更高、脆弱性更强,转型拐点处的曲率更小,即转型后脆弱性减弱的速度更慢。由此,可以总结出2条转型路径,即代表经济社会发展水平较低地区的转型路径I和代表经济社会发展水平较高地区的转型路径II(图6)。



Fig. 5The inverted U-shaped curves of transition in cultivated land use vulnerability to biological disasters in provincial control groups in China between 1988 and 2017

Tab. 5
Tab. 5Comparison of the inverted U-shaped curves of transition in cultivated land use vulnerability to biological disasters in provincial control groups in China between 1988 and 2017




Fig. 6Pathways of transition in cultivated land use vulnerability to biological disasters


Tab. 6
Tab. 6Contributions of indices to transition in cultivated land use vulnerability to biological disasters in agricultural zones in China between 2010 and 2017 (%)


5 讨论

5.1 关于耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性管控政策的建议

本文研究发现,在自然环境条件和耕地资源禀赋基本一致的前提下,经济发展相对落后地区和相对发达地区的耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性分别沿“路径I”和“路径II”转型演化。为了降低生物灾害的影响,建议通过政策措施干预,引导耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性沿着“路径III”转型演化,即在经济社会发展水平较低阶段引导脆弱性慢速增长,当达到转型的经济社会条件时引导脆弱性快速下降。为进一步推动脆弱性快速减弱,建议如下:① 在暴露度管控方面,根据表6,首先要进一步促进农民增收、缩小城乡收入差距,降低耕地所承担的促进国民经济增长的压力。此外,劳均耕地对脆弱性下降的贡献较大,而耕地压力指数的贡献甚微。面板回归模型结果表明,提高土地生产率(ProLand)已无法有效降低脆弱性,但是提高劳动生产率(ProLabor)的作用显著。这就意味着,优化地劳关系、进一步加大耕地规模化经营水平,应当成为降低耕地利用生物灾害暴露度进而降低脆弱性的抓手。这一政策需求在黄淮海平原区和华南区尤为显著;② 在敏感性管控方面,表6显示,改进种植制度和农艺水平、提升作物多样化水平进而促进耕地生态系统组分从受损走向恢复,控制化肥使用强度进而促进耕地生态系统过程从受损走向恢复,是各地区增强耕地利用系统对生物灾害抵御能力的当务之急;③ 在应对能力管控方面,表6显示,生物灾害损失挽回率提升和生物灾害防治失控率下降是导致脆弱性下降的主要因素,而生物灾害防治率的影响甚微。这就意味着,提升生物灾害统防统治的技术水平和效率是未来提升生物灾害应对能力的关键。这对于东北平原区和云贵高原区尤为重要。

5.2 关于耕地利用生物灾害脆弱性转型理论框架及脆弱性评价方法的讨论


5.3 关于耕地利用转型综合研究领域的探讨

综合性是土地利用转型研究的突出优势和内在要求[1, 3-4],集中体现在方法论的综合和研究对象的综合。对于方法论而言,土地利用转型研究紧紧围绕人地关系核心命题,充分吸收了社会生态学思想,旨在揭示人类集团(社会)的组织、行为与生态系统之间的交互作用[2,3,4]。以森林转型为例,空间行为对森林的影响,揭示了社会系统对生态系统的作用;为应对森林变化引起的生态环境效应而采取的策略如退耕还林,揭示了生态系统对社会系统的反馈及社会响应[84]。在研究对象方面,与土地利用/覆被变化研究相比,土地利用转型不再拘泥于对地块和区域尺度土地的生物物理、社会经济具体属性的监测分析,而是试图将土地及其利用属性综合为土地利用形态,揭示土地利用空间形态(格局)和功能形态变化随着经济社会发展的宏观规律。但是,有关这两种形态的耦合研究尚属少见[4, 20-22]


6 结论





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Song Xiaoqing, Wu Zhifeng, Ouyang Zhu. Route of cultivated land transition research
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[ 宋小青, 吴志峰, 欧阳竹. 耕地转型的研究路径探讨
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Carr?o H, Naumann G, Barbosa P. Mapping global patterns of drought risk: An empirical framework based on sub-national estimates of hazard, exposure and vulnerability
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Fitton N, Alexander P, Arnell N, et al. The vulnerabilities of agricultural land and food production to future water scarcity
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Formetta G, Feyen L. Empirical evidence of declining global vulnerability to climate-related hazards
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Death tolls and economic losses from natural hazards continue to rise in many parts of the world. With the aim to reduce future impacts from natural disasters it is crucial to understand the variability in space and time of the vulnerability of people and economic assets. In this paper we quantified the temporal dynamics of socio-economic vulnerability, expressed as fatalities over exposed population and losses over exposed GDP, to climate-related hazards between 1980 and 2016. Using a global, spatially explicit framework that integrates population and economic dynamics with one of the most complete natural disaster loss databases we quantified mortality and loss rates across income levels and analyzed their relationship with wealth. Results show a clear decreasing trend in both human and economic vulnerability, with global average mortality and economic loss rates that have dropped by 6.5 and nearly 5 times, respectively, from 1980-1989 to 2007-2016. We further show a clear negative relation between vulnerability and wealth, which is strongest at the lowest income levels. This has led to a convergence in vulnerability between higher and lower income countries. Yet, there is still a considerable climate hazard vulnerability gap between poorer and richer countries.

Mougou R, Mansour M, Iglesias A, et al. Climate change and agricultural vulnerability: A case study of rain-fed wheat in Kairouan, Central Tunisia
Regional Environmental Change, 2011,11(1):137-142.

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Savary S, Willocquet L, Pethybridge S J, et al. The global burden of pathogens and pests on major food crops
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2019,3:430-439.

DOI:10.1038/s41559-018-0793-yURLPMID:30718852 [本文引用: 1]
Crop pathogens and pests reduce the yield and quality of agricultural production. They cause substantial economic losses and reduce food security at household, national and global levels. Quantitative, standardized information on crop losses is difficult to compile and compare across crops, agroecosystems and regions. Here, we report on an expert-based assessment of crop health, and provide numerical estimates of yield losses on an individual pathogen and pest basis for five major crops globally and in food security hotspots. Our results document losses associated with 137 pathogens and pests associated with wheat, rice, maize, potato and soybean worldwide. Our yield loss (range) estimates at a global level and per hotspot for wheat (21.5% (10.1-28.1%)), rice (30.0% (24.6-40.9%)), maize (22.5% (19.5-41.1%)), potato (17.2% (8.1-21.0%)) and soybean (21.4% (11.0-32.4%)) suggest that the highest losses are associated with food-deficit regions with fast-growing populations, and frequently with emerging or re-emerging pests and diseases. Our assessment highlights differences in impacts among crop pathogens and pests and among food security hotspots. This analysis contributes critical information to prioritize crop health management to improve the sustainability of agroecosystems in delivering services to societies.

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Song Xiaoqing, Ouyang Zhu. Route of multifunctional cultivated land management in China
Journal of Natural Resources, 2012,27(4):540-551.

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This paper attempted to explore the way out for cultivated land protection in China from the viewpoint of multifunctional cultivated land based on the development of human living desire. Firstly, we discussed the process of cultivated land function development based on the connotation of multifunctional cultivated land. According to the process, optimization of social utility through conducting the competition of cultivated land function use on the premise of internalization of externality is the key issue of cultivated land function management. After understanding in depth this issue, we categorized cultivated land function management into monofunctional and multifunctional models. The former one is merely the transitional stage during the process of human living desire development. While, the latter one signals the direction of cultivated land resources management. Secondly, we demonstrated the two models by characterizing farmland protection in China, the Netherland and America. Finally, route of multifunctional cultivated land management was designed through integrating the experiences in the Netherland and America and the particularities in China based on the international comparison.
[ 宋小青, 欧阳竹. 中国耕地多功能管理的实践路径探讨
自然资源学报, 2012,27(4):540-551.]

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Scherer L A, Verburg P H, Schulp C J E. Opportunities for sustainable intensification in European agriculture
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Li Yaofeng, Zhang Yuhui. Dynamic mechanism of endogenous new agricultural operation subject driving the development of small farmer: Case study based on embeddedness theory
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[ 李耀锋, 张余慧. 内生型新型农业经营主体带动小农户发展的动力机制
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Song X Q, Huang Y, Wu Z F, et al. Does cultivated land function transition occur in China?
Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015,25(7):817-835.

DOI:10.1007/s11442-015-1204-9URL [本文引用: 7]
Land function change has been the focus of scientific research and policy making worldwide. Agricultural development and land use demand at present in China shared common characteristics with the countries such as Japan, South Korea, USA, and European developed countries, which have undergone cultivated land function transition. Whether cultivated land function transition occurred is of significance for land change science and cultivated land protection in China. However, there has been no explicit methodology for cultivated land function change research. This paper firstly presents a methodology by integrating policy development analysis based on the normative connotation of cultivated land function or termed cultivated land function demand and quantitative assessment based on the positive connotation of cultivated land function or termed cultivated land function supply. Then, cultivated land function transition is diagnosed by analyzing cultivated land function change in 1949-2012. Results show that cultivated land function transition overall occurred in 2006. Specifically, the normative cultivated land function or cultivated land function demand fragmented into seven types in 1985 and upgraded in 2004. Total value of the positive cultivated land function or cultivated land function supply turned to rise with an increase from 2.40 to 2.45 as the coefficients of variability (CV) of the value of the seven functions decreased from 2.94 to 2.29 in 2006-2012. The two-year gap between these two aspects of transition mainly resulted from the time lag effects of policy implementation. In the process of the transition, co-ordination and malposition of supply and demand of cultivated land function coexisted with supply lag and function morphology distortion. Considering the transition experiences in the developed countries mentioned above, suggestions on multifunctional cultivated land management are proposed. Moreover, route of land use transition research is discussed.

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Global Environmental Change, 2001,11:261-269.


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Geoforum, 2019,101:231-241.


Song X Q, Wu Z F. Modelling and mapping trends in grain production growth in China
Outlook on Agriculture, 2013,42(4):255-263.

DOI:10.5367/oa.2013.0142URL [本文引用: 1]
This paper presents a quantitative model for assessing the spatiotemporal patterns in the growth of grain production in China between 1985 and 2008 using provincial panel data and a GIS model. The results show that the pathway for grain production relied mainly on land productivity growth as a rational response to the scarcity of cultivated land and a small peasant-based economy. Large-scale land management is the inevitable trend for agricultural development in China. In Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang, promoting labour productivity accords with the requirement for the transition of cultivated land management in the future. The area of cultivated land per agricultural employee (1.33 ha) may be the reference threshold for large-scale land management. Finally, suggestions for regulations against regional cultivated land management are proposed.

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Feng W L, Liu Y S, Qu L L. Effect of land-centered urbanization on rural development: A regional analysis in China
Land Use Policy, 2019,87:104072. Doi: http://www.geog.com.cn/article/2020/0375-5444/10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104072.

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Azadi H, Hasfiati P H L. Agricultural land conversion drivers: A comparison between less developed, developing and developed countries
Land Degradation & Development, 2011,22(6):596-604.

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Li Y H, Chen C, Wang Y F, et al. Urban-rural transformation and farmland conversion in China: The application of the environmental Kuznets Curve
Journal of Rural Studies, 2014,36:311-317.

DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2014.10.005URL [本文引用: 1]
This paper investigates the way in which changes in social and industrial structures brought about by the urban-rural transformation process impact upon the relationship between farmland conversion and economic growth in post-reform China. Through this study, panel data analysis revealed that an inverted U-shape relationship existed between the factors of farmland conversion and economic growth in China in the period 2000-2009. The turning point, whereby decreasing farmland conversion is able to occur alongside economic growth, was found to have occurred in 2008, the year when China's per capita GDP exceeded 3000 US dollars. Moreover, rural-urban migration was not found to be significant with respect to this relationship, while the industrial upgrading from secondary to tertiary industries was found to help reduce farmland conversion. The paper highlights the important role that market and governmental forces play in initiating the shift from extensive to intensive and highly efficient land-use patterns. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

Liu J Y, Kuang W H, Zhang Z X, et al. Spatiotemporal characteristics, patterns, and causes of land-use changes in China since the late 1980s
Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2014,24(2):195-210.

DOI:10.1007/s11442-014-1082-6URL [本文引用: 1]
Land-use/land-cover changes (LUCCs) have links to both human and nature interactions. China's Land-Use/cover Datasets (CLUDs) were updated regularly at 5-year intervals from the late 1980s to 2010,with standard procedures based on Landsat TM\ETM+ images. A land-use dynamic regionalization method was proposed to analyze major land-use conversions. The spatiotemporal characteristics,differences,and causes of land-use changes at a national scale were then examined. The main findings are summarized as follows. Land-use changes (LUCs) across China indicated a significant variation in spatial and temporal characteristics in the last 20 years (1990-2010). The area of cropland change decreased in the south and increased in the north,but the total area remained almost unchanged. The reclaimed cropland was shifted from the northeast to the northwest. The built-up lands expanded rapidly,were mainly distributed in the east,and gradually spread out to central and western China. Woodland decreased first,and then increased,but desert area was the opposite. Grassland continued decreasing. Different spatial patterns of LUC in China were found between the late 20th century and the early 21st century. The original 13 LUC zones were replaced by 15 units with changes of boundaries in some zones. The main spatial characteristics of these changes included (1) an accelerated expansion of built-up land in the Huang-Huai-Hai region,the southeastern coastal areas,the midstream area of the Yangtze River,and the Sichuan Basin;(2) shifted land reclamation in the north from northeast China and eastern Inner Mongolia to the oasis agricultural areas in northwest China;(3) continuous transformation from rain-fed farmlands in northeast China to paddy fields;and (4) effectiveness of the "Grain for Green" project in the southern agricultural-pastoral ecotones of Inner Mongolia,the Loess Plateau,and southwestern mountainous areas. In the last two decades,although climate change in the north affected the change in cropland,policy regulation and economic driving forces were still the primary causes of LUC across China. During the first decade of the 21st century,the anthropogenic factors that drove variations in land-use patterns have shifted the emphasis from one-way land development to both development and conservation.The "dynamic regionalization method" was used to analyze changes in the spatial patterns of zoning boundaries,the internal characteristics of zones,and the growth and decrease of units. The results revealed "the pattern of the change process," namely the process of LUC and regional differences in characteristics at different stages. The growth and decrease of zones during this dynamic LUC zoning,variations in unit boundaries,and the characteristics of change intensities between the former and latter decades were examined. The patterns of alternative transformation between the "pattern" and "process" of land use and the causes for changes in different types and different regions of land use were explored.

Ning J, Liu J Y, Kuang W H, et al. Spatiotemporal patterns and characteristics of land-use change in China during 2010-2015
Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018,28(5):547-562.

DOI:10.1007/s11442-018-1490-0URL [本文引用: 1]
3 km2 while the cropland decreased by 4.9×103 km2, and the total area of woodland and grassland decreased by 16.4×103 km2. The spatial pattern of land-use changes in China during 2010-2015 was concordant with that of the period 2000-2010. Specially, new characteristics of land-use changes emerged in different regions of China in 2010-2015. The built-up land in eastern China expanded continually, and the total area of cropland decreased, both at decreasing rates. The rates of built-up land expansion and cropland shrinkage were accelerated in central China. The rates of built-up land expansion and cropland growth increased in western China, while the decreasing rate of woodland and grassland accelerated. In northeastern China, built-up land expansion slowed continually, and cropland area increased slightly accompanied by the conversions between paddy land and dry land. Besides, woodland and grassland area decreased in northeastern China. The characteristics of land-use changes in eastern China were essentially consistent with the spatial govern and control requirements of the optimal development zones and key development zones according to the Major Function-oriented Zones Planning implemented during the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015). It was a serious challenge for the central government of China to effectively protect the reasonable layout of land use types dominated with the key ecological function zones and agricultural production zones in central and western China. Furthermore, the local governments should take effective measures to strengthen the management of territorial development in future.]]>

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A central challenge for sustainability is how to preserve forest ecosystems and the services that they provide us while enhancing food production. This challenge for developing countries confronts the force of economic globalization, which seeks cropland that is shrinking in availability and triggers deforestation. Four mechanisms-the displacement, rebound, cascade, and remittance effects-that are amplified by economic globalization accelerate land conversion. A few developing countries have managed a land use transition over the recent decades that simultaneously increased their forest cover and agricultural production. These countries have relied on various mixes of agricultural intensification, land use zoning, forest protection, increased reliance on imported food and wood products, the creation of off-farm jobs, foreign capital investments, and remittances. Sound policies and innovations can therefore reconcile forest preservation with food production. Globalization can be harnessed to increase land use efficiency rather than leading to uncontrolled land use expansion. To do so, land systems should be understood and modeled as open systems with large flows of goods, people, and capital that connect local land use with global-scale factors.

Li J, Zhang Z L, Jin X F, et al. Exploring the socioeconomic and ecological consequences of cash crop cultivation for policy implications
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Cell proliferation is the most important cellular-level mechanism responsible for regulating cell population dynamics in living tissues. Modern experimental procedures show that the proliferation rates of individual cells can vary significantly within the same cell line. However, in the mathematical biology literature, cell proliferation is typically modelled using a classical logistic equation which neglects variations in the proliferation rate. In this work, we consider a discrete mathematical model of cell migration and cell proliferation, modulated by volume exclusion (crowding) effects, with variable rates of proliferation across the total population. We refer to this variability as heterogeneity. Constructing the continuum limit of the discrete model leads to a generalisation of the classical logistic growth model. Comparing numerical solutions of the model to averaged data from discrete simulations shows that the new model captures the key features of the discrete process. Applying the extended logistic model to simulate a proliferation assay using rates from recent experimental literature shows that neglecting the role of heterogeneity can, at times, lead to misleading results.

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