Spatiotemporal patterns and driving factors of environmental stress in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: A county-level analysis

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周侃(1986-), 男, 云南丽江人, 博士, 副研究员, 硕士生导师, 研究方向为资源环境承载力与区域可持续发展。E-mail:

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周侃, 李会, 申玉铭. 京津冀地区县域环境胁迫时空格局及驱动因素. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(9): 1934-1947 doi:10.11821/dlxb202009009
ZHOU Kan, LI Hui, SHEN Yuming.
1 引言
城市群地区通常城镇化和工业化水平高,人口和经济集聚规模大,是中国推进城镇化的主要形态和地区经济增长的重要空间载体[1]。但与此同时,在快速城镇化进程驱动下,高速度、高密度、高强度扩张过程将不可避免地引发高耗能、高排放、高污染问题,加剧了城市群地区的区域性环境污染,这在京津冀地区尤为突出[2]。京津冀地区是全国人口与产业最密集的区域之一,也是环境问题最突出的区域[3],在占全国2.25%的国土面积上,承载了全国5.75%的化学需氧量、5.83%的氨氮排放量、8.10%的二氧化硫排放量和5.61%的氮氧化物排放量,环境污染问题已经成为制约京津冀地区一体化高质量发展的重大阻碍。为此,国家发布的《京津冀协同发展规划纲要》中将生态环境保护作为优先突破的重点领域,在《京津冀协同发展生态环境保护规划》中进一步明确提出要遏制区域环境质量恶化趋势,并大幅削减主要污染物排放总量。2012年以来,京津冀3省市按照县域主体功能区定位,相继实施差别化环境准入负面清单管理,加大京津冀及周边地区污染管控与治理力度,为加速缓解社会经济发展对环境的胁迫态势提供了可能。环境胁迫是指在人类生产生活过程中各类污染物输出对区域环境系统产生的综合压力。随着工业化和城镇化进程加速,污染物的排放强度和规模迅速增长,对环境系统自然净化过程的扰动加剧,导致区域生态环境发生结构失调、功能退化乃至系统崩溃等受胁反应或症状[4,5,6]。国内外****从各类污染物的排放强度和减排过程、主要影响因素等方面,对环境胁迫的变化及相应症状、驱动力进行了大量研究,为健康环境系统的维持和受损环境系统的重建提供了科学依据。在时空格局变化研究方面,多采用单个或多个典型污染物指标,从国家[7,8,9,10,11]、典型流域[3, 12-13]、省域[14,15]等大尺度对污染物排放强度进行测度与分解,研究表明了主要水体、大气污染物排放存在显著空间差异和集聚特征,且环境胁迫格局在时间上存在路径依赖。而关于环境胁迫的驱动因素研究,在早期较多关注收入水平与环境污染的关系,大量实证研究证实了“环境库兹涅茨曲线(Environmental Kuznets Curve)”的存在[16,17],而后运用LMDI指数法[18]、最小二乘法回归法[19]、面板模型估计[20,21]、脱钩指数法[22]、地理加权回归模型[23]等方法,将驱动因素的分析进一步拓展到了社会经济与制度领域,发现了人口与城镇化、产业结构、投资水平、技术进步、环保投入和环境规制等方面的驱动作用。针对环境胁迫呈现出的空间溢出特征,一些****采用空间滞后模型(SLM)和空间误差模型(SEM)[24]、广义矩估计模型(GMM)[25]、混合OLS模型[26]等空间计量模型,考察空间效应和区域传导对省域环境胁迫的驱动作用。此外,京津冀地区实证研究表明,环境胁迫程度呈平原区高、山区低的空间分异,各城市间也存在空间溢出效应,特别是大气环境胁迫可跨区域传导[27,28,29,30];驱动因素研究还发现,技术进步、工业结构调整对京津冀地区的环境胁迫程度具有缓解作用[31],北京的产业转移过程会加剧产业接纳地河北省污染物排放及环境胁迫[32,33]。
2 数据与方法
2.1 数据来源与处理

Fig. 1Location of the study area and distribution of its major functional zones
2.2 研究方法
2.1.1 环境胁迫指数 采用熵权法(Entropy Weight Method)测度京津冀地区县域环境胁迫指数(Environmental Stress Index, ESI)。熵权法按照评价指标的原始信息确定指标权重,是较为客观的多指标评价方法[34],用该方法进行环境胁迫指数测算的步骤为:首先,采用极差标准化法对i县域j污染物排放量指标(rij)进行无量纲化处理,得到无量纲化属性值(式中:
2.1.2 地理加权回归模型 为解析京津冀地区县域环境胁迫的驱动力,同时探索驱动因素在不同地域上的空间异质性,采用地理加权回归模型(Geographically Weighted Regression Model, GWR)进行分析[35]。GWR模型将地理位置信息嵌入回归参数中,允许回归系数存在空间异质性,是考察空间非平稳性的有效方法。其基本模型为:
3 结果分析
3.1 京津冀地区县域环境胁迫时空格局
3.1.1 县域环境胁迫演变特征 运用熵权法测度县域环境胁迫指数,并利用Jenks自然断裂点法划分为低、较低、一般、较高、高5个等级,结果如表1、图2所示。2012—2016年京津冀地区县域环境胁迫的演变特征如下:Tab. 1
Tab. 1
地区 | 2012年 | 2016年 | ||||||||
化学需 氧量(t) | 氨氮(t) | 二氧 化硫(t) | 氮氧 化物(t) | 环境胁 迫指数 | 化学需 氧量(t) | 氨氮(t) | 二氧 化硫(t) | 氮氧 化物(t) | 环境胁 迫指数 | |
北京市 | 16954.62 | 1862.13 | 8531.76 | 8876.63 | 0.10 | 7917.70 | 506.92 | 3019.09 | 3191.49 | 0.04 |
天津市 | 32776.27 | 3630.82 | 32074.49 | 40024.72 | 0.28 | 14753.91 | 2235.31 | 10087.73 | 13820.09 | 0.12 |
河北省 | 9933.54 | 814.72 | 9871.90 | 8921.88 | 0.07 | 3023.46 | 451.93 | 5804.73 | 4786.54 | 0.03 |
京津冀地区 | 11473.35 | 1017.54 | 10785.39 | 10332.41 | 0.08 | 3906.25 | 536.92 | 5800.44 | 5083.22 | 0.04 |

Fig. 2ESI and its spatial changes in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in 2012 and 2016
3.1.2 县域环境胁迫空间效应 县域环境胁迫指数和主要污染物排放量的全局Moran's I值如表2所示,2012—2016年县域的估计值均大于0,且通过了5%的显著性检验,表明环境胁迫和污染物排放在京津冀地区县域单元存在显著空间相关。2012年以来,县域环境胁迫指数的Moran's I值由0.2014增大为0.2325,显示了环境胁迫的空间溢出效应呈增大趋势,在空间上表现为胁迫程度的高值区或低值区更加集聚。对污染物排放的分解发现,氨氮和氮氧化物排放量Moran's I指数也显著增大,而化学需氧量和二氧化硫排放量的Moran's I指数分别由0.1666和0.2186降低为0.1309和0.1865。为进一步分析县域环境胁迫的空间关联特征,分别计算2012年和2016年县域环境胁迫指数的Getis-Ord G*指数,再将G*指数从高到低分为热点区、次热区、次冷区和冷点区4种类型,生成局部空间关联变化图。如图3所示,整体上看,县域环境胁迫指数的热度基本保持着从沿海向内陆递减的态势,环渤海沿岸县域单元的热度显著高于内陆县域,且津唐地区长期处于热点区域,呈现出较强空间锁定和路径依赖。
Tab. 2
表2京津冀地区县域环境胁迫指数和主要污染物排放量的Moran's I估计值
Tab. 2
项目 | 2012年 | 2016年 | ||||
Moran's I | z值 | p值 | Moran's I | z值 | p值 | |
化学需氧量排放量 | 0.1666 | 3.6114 | 0.0003 | 0.1309 | 2.9777 | 0.0029 |
氨氮排放量 | 0.1592 | 3.6328 | 0.0003 | 0.1933 | 4.4142 | 0.0000 |
二氧化硫排放量 | 0.2186 | 4.8671 | 0.0000 | 0.1865 | 4.1760 | 0.0000 |
氮氧化物排放量 | 0.1847 | 4.0896 | 0.0000 | 0.2720 | 5.9211 | 0.0000 |
环境胁迫指数 | 0.2014 | 4.3945 | 0.0000 | 0.2325 | 5.0628 | 0.0000 |

Fig. 3Spatial changes of ESI in cold and hot spots in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in 2012 and 2016
3.1.3 各类主体功能区环境胁迫特征 按照优化开发区域、重点开发区域、农产品主产区和重点生态功能区,对各类主体功能区的环境胁迫指数进行分解。两类城市化地区环境胁迫程度显著高于限制开发区域,且是京津冀地区水和大气污染物排放的主要承压区(图4)。2016年重点开发区域县域的环境胁迫指数均值最高为0.0683,略高于优化开发区域0.0677,分别是重点生态功能区和农产品主产区的2.72倍和3.93倍。同时,优化开发区域、重点开发区域的环境胁迫指数占京津冀地区总和的65.98%,即城市化地区承载了超过6成的污染物排放压力,是京津冀主要环境胁迫区,而农产品主产区和重点生态功能区的占比仅为15.60%、18.42%。

Fig. 4The ESI of major functional zones in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in 2012 and 2016
3.2 京津冀地区县域环境胁迫驱动因素分析
3.2.1 模型构建和结果检验 借鉴既有研究STIRPAT模型设定和因素选择经验[36,37],兼顾县级行政区数据的可获得性和代表性,构建县域环境胁迫驱动因素的GWR回归模型。其中,县域环境胁迫指数为被解释变量,从人口规模、经济发展水平、工业化水平、国土开发强度、环境处理技术水平、城镇化水平以及农业生产投入强度等方面选取相应指标作为解释变量。回归模型如下:式中:ESIi为县域环境胁迫指数;TPi为年末常住人口(万人),反映县域人口规模;PGDPi为人均国民生产总值(元/人),反映县域经济发展水平;ISi为第二产业增加值占GDP比重(%),反映县域工业化水平;TDIi为建设用地面积占县域土地总面积的比重(%),反映县域国土开发强度;因县域环境技术指标难以直接获取,借鉴相关研究通过单位GDP排污强度(ETTi)替代反映县域环境处理技术水平[38];URi为城镇化率,反映县域城镇化水平;IAPi为农业生产投入强度,通过农业机械总动力和化肥使用量测算得到[15, 39];εi为误差项。
在进行GWR模型建模之前,对其进行全局OLS回归以比较拟合优度。结果显示(表3),Koenker (BP)统计量检验结果通过1%显著性检验,说明模型具有统计学上的显著异方差性(非平稳性),且需要采用卡方统计量评估解释变量的统计显著性;联合卡方统计量通过1%显著性检验,即所有解释变量对模型均有一定解释力;方差膨胀因子VIF均小于7.5,变量不存在冗余及多重共线性;Jarque-Bera检验结果通过1%显著性检验,回归系数残差非正态分布;决定系数R2表明OLS回归只能解释约80%的环境胁迫指数,变量存在空间异质性,需引入GWR模型分析。GWR模型以县域单元的中心经纬度为地理坐标,选择固定距离法确定高斯核函数(Fixed Gaussian),通过AIC最小信息准则决定最佳带宽。拟合结果如表4所示,GWR模型的AIC值显著小于OLS模型,校正R2较之OLS模型提升11.89%和14.74%,反映出GWR模型在考察驱动因素的空间异质性方面效果更好。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3
变量 | 2012年 | 2016年 | ||||||||
系数 | 标准差 | T统计量 | p值 | VIF | 系数 | 标准差 | T统计量 | p值 | VIF | |
截距 | -0.1521** | 0.0200 | -7.5971 | 0.0000 | — | -0.1939** | 0.0232 | -8.3752 | 0.0000 | — |
TP | 0.8183** | 0.0691 | 11.8378 | 0.0000 | 1.9735 | 0.6341** | 0.0764 | 8.2948 | 0.0000 | 2.0188 |
PGDP | 0.7390** | 0.0684 | 10.8029 | 0.0000 | 1.4166 | 0.6220** | 0.0764 | 8.1423 | 0.0000 | 1.3983 |
IS | 0.0413 | 0.0277 | 1.4900 | 0.1062 | 1.1709 | 0.0763* | 0.0324 | 2.3520 | 0.0034 | 1.2015 |
TDI | -0.1650** | 0.0498 | -3.3139 | 0.0044 | 2.4017 | -0.1347** | 0.0543 | -2.4799 | 0.0131 | 2.3414 |
ETT | 0.3260** | 0.0351 | 9.2818 | 0.0000 | 1.0524 | 0.3028** | 0.0319 | 9.4878 | 0.0000 | 1.0906 |
UR | 0.2135** | 0.0346 | 6.1780 | 0.0001 | 2.0578 | 0.2630** | 0.0378 | 6.9495 | 0.0001 | 2.0217 |
IAP | 0.2802** | 0.0326 | 8.5851 | 0.0002 | 1.0872 | 0.2515** | 0.0349 | 7.1992 | 0.0007 | 1.1159 |
模型 诊断 | 卡方 统计量 | 校正R2 | AIC | Koenker (BP)检验 | Jarque- Bera检验 | 卡方 统计量 | 校正R2 | AIC | Koenker (BP)检验 | Jarque- Bera检验 |
1277.1215 | 0.8469 | -411.5215 | 33.50139** | 3816.7202** | 996.9724 | 0.7847 | -376.3448 | 31.2104** | 3411.6170** |
Tab. 4
Tab. 4
变量 | 2012年 | 2016年 | |||||||||||
最小值 | 最大值 | 平均值 | 上四 分位数 | 中位数 | 下四 分位数 | 最小值 | 最大值 | 平均值 | 上四 分位数 | 中位数 | 下四 分位数 | ||
截距 | -0.407 | -0.035 | -0.137 | -0.170 | -0.094 | -0.073 | -0.399 | -0.084 | -0.169 | -0.197 | -0.146 | -0.122 | |
TP | 0.658 | 2.896 | 1.307 | 0.798 | 1.083 | 1.655 | 0.420 | 2.985 | 1.055 | 0.571 | 0.867 | 1.306 | |
PGDP | -1.277 | 2.071 | 0.973 | 0.704 | 0.749 | 1.540 | 0.020 | 3.405 | 0.868 | 0.554 | 0.607 | 0.936 | |
IS | -0.052 | 0.244 | 0.032 | -0.020 | 0.007 | 0.060 | -0.040 | 0.345 | 0.071 | 0.026 | 0.047 | 0.094 | |
TDI | -1.110 | 0.052 | -0.145 | -0.144 | -0.095 | -0.058 | -0.377 | 0.088 | -0.074 | -0.107 | -0.062 | -0.022 | |
ETT | 0.150 | 0.621 | 0.327 | 0.210 | 0.293 | 0.429 | 0.171 | 0.486 | 0.275 | 0.227 | 0.252 | 0.302 | |
UR | -0.004 | 0.459 | 0.136 | 0.076 | 0.097 | 0.165 | 0.004 | 0.352 | 0.157 | 0.110 | 0.144 | 0.197 | |
IAP | -0.165 | 0.918 | 0.202 | 0.014 | 0.161 | 0.395 | -0.119 | 0.544 | 0.182 | 0.028 | 0.161 | 0.301 | |
模型 诊断 | 带宽 | 校正R2 | AICc | 带宽 | 校正R2 | AICc | |||||||
99877.656 | 0.948 | -527.574 | 105540.116 | 0.900 | -454.605 |
3.2.2 驱动因素及其空间异质性分析 OLS模型估计结果表明,2012—2016年对京津冀地区县域环境胁迫具有显著正向驱动的因素为:人口规模、经济发展水平、环境处理技术水平、农业生产投入强度和城镇化水平。在2012年,人口规模每提高1%,将引起环境胁迫指数增加0.8183%;经济发展水平每提高1%,将引起环境胁迫指数增加0.7390%;通过单位GDP排污强度指数表征的环境处理技术水平每提高1%,将引起环境胁迫指数增加0.3260%;农业生产投入强度每提高1%,将引起环境胁迫指数增加0.2802%;城镇化水平每提高1%,将引起环境胁迫指数增加0.2135%。从其变化来看,人口规模、经济发展水平驱动强度下降明显,2016年人口规模、经济发展水平因素的弹性系数分别降低了22.51%和15.83%;环境处理技术水平的驱动强度则保持在0.3%左右,反映出环境处理技术提升有助于县域清洁生产生活方式形成,从而实现污染排放强度降低,并达到缓解环境胁迫程度的效果。在2016年,工业化水平回归系数也通过5%显著性检验,表明工业在产业结构中的比重提升对县域环境胁迫的拉动开始显现,工业比重每提高1%,将引起环境胁迫指数增加0.0763%;2016年城镇化水平的作用增大,已超过农业生产投入强度的驱动作用。此外,国土开发强度呈显著负向驱动作用,国土开发强度每提高1%,将会使环境胁迫指数降低0.13%~0.17%。如表4所示,GWR模型估算的回归系数平均值反映因素的边际贡献度[40],各驱动因素呈现的驱动效应与OLS模型估计结果基本一致。进一步生成GWR模型回归系数的空间分布图(图5),各驱动因素的空间异质性呈现以下特征:

Fig. 5Spatial distribution of regression coefficients in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
(3)工业化水平因素在2016年通过了显著性检验,其对县域环境胁迫程度的作用方向具有空间分异。在东部唐山、秦皇岛一带呈显著正向驱动,而在张家口和邯郸东南部呈显著负向驱动,即第二产业比重增加有利于环境胁迫程度缓解。结合县域工业部门分析发现,可瞄准对县域环境胁迫呈强驱动(皮尔逊相关系数r>0.5且显著性p < 0.05)的重污染工业企业进行技术改造和升级,具体包括非金属矿物制品业、黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业、石油加工炼焦业、电力热力生产和供应业、煤炭开采和洗选业、化学原料和化学制品业、金属制品业、医药制造业等行业类型。
4 结论与讨论
(1)京津冀地区面临的环境胁迫态势显著缓解,2012年以来县域ESI平均降幅达到54.68%,县域环境胁迫程度由中心城区向外围呈现梯度递减。到2016年环境胁迫高等级县域已经消除,较高等级县域也从10个降至6个。其中,北京、唐山、天津、石家庄、邯郸的中心城区以及滨海新区显著下降,北京县域ESI降幅为63.35%,高于天津(57.75%)和河北(53.07%)县域降幅。(2)京津冀地区县域环境胁迫的空间溢出效应趋强,2012—2016年县域ESI的Moran's I值由的0.2014增大到0.2325,并在津唐地区呈现显著的空间锁定和路径依赖。环境胁迫热点区和次热区ESI分别降低56.19%和44.93%,表明尽管环境胁迫的集聚态势未变,但通过区域性协同减排和环境治理,仍可实现环境胁迫程度整体缓解。
参考文献 原文顺序
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DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2017.11.009URLPMID:29455744 [本文引用: 1]

This study investigates the presence of environmental inequality in Germany and analyses its spatial pattern on a very fine grained level. Using the 2011 German census and pollution measures of the E-PRTR, the study relies on nearly 100,000 one squared km census cells over Germany. SLX and community-fixed SLX models incorporate spatial spillover-effects into the analysis to account for the spatial distribution of socio-demographic characteristics. Results reveal that the share of minorities within a census cell indeed positively correlates with the exposure to industrial pollution. Furthermore, spatial spillover effects are highly relevant: the characteristics of the neighbouring spatial units matter in predicting the amount of pollution. Especially within urban areas, clusters of high minority neighbourhoods are affected by high levels of environmental pollution. This highlights the importance of spatial clustering processes in environmental inequality research.
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Based on pollutant emissions and social-economic data during 2011 and 2015, we selec-ted the total emission index of four pollutants, including the industrial source, agricultural source, and urban living source. The comprehensive index of environmental pollution and sub-source pollution index were built to reflect the pollution of Jilin Province at county scale. Furthermore, the Moran's I, spatial-temporal transition analysis, and standard deviation ellipse analysis were used to quantitatively examine the spatial-temporal evolutionary characteristics of environmental pollution in Jilin Province. A spatial econometric model was built to analyze the influencing factors of environmental pollution. The results showed that environmental pollution in Jilin Province presented spatial agglomeration characteristics, which was mainly concentrating in central areas such as Changchun and Jilin cities. There were obvious regional differences in the spatial distribution of environmental pollution from different sources. There were spatial correlation of the total environmental pollution and agricultural source pollution separately at county scale in Jilin Province. The correlation structure stability of the spatial distribution of environmental pollution was high, which had path locking characteristic. The spatial distribution of environmental pollution showed a northwest-southeast distribution pattern and a spread from the center to the surroundings. The barycenter of environmental pollution moved in the area between 43.65-43.66 degrees N and 125.83-125.84 degrees E. The level of regional economic development, urbanization level and agricultural production were main driving factors for county-scale environmental pollution and industrial source pollution. The adjustment and optimization of industrial structure had improved the overall environmental pollution and industrial source pollution situation. Overuse of chemical fertilizers significantly increased agricultural source pollution. The level of economic development and urbanization were the main drivers of urban living source pollution. The overall environmental pollution and agricultural source pollution had spatial diffusion effects, and their pollution status was closely related to the overall environmental pollution and agricultural source pollution status in adjacent areas, respectively.
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2 and various sources, the spatial differentiation and agglomeration effects of pollutant discharge are measured quantitatively in 339 cities at prefecture level or above in China. Meanwhile, the socio-economic drivers of environmental pollution are estimated through the econometric model, and some suggestions are put forward to reduce and control pollutant discharge. The results show that: (1) The regional differences of the structure of pollutant source are of great significance in China. Specifically, the types of water pollutant sources are mainly included in the region dominated by agricultural source, the region dominated by urban domestic source, and in the region jointly dominated by agricultural and urban domestic source, with the proportions of these regions being 35.40%, 33.92% and 25.66%, respectively. Among them, the discharge intensity of water pollutant is the highest in the region dominated by agricultural source, which are mainly located in North and Northeast China. Meanwhile, the types of air pollutant sources in China are mostly involved in the region absolutely dominated by industrial source, which accounts for 74.63% and is distributed in the vast area of China in addition to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. (2) Single and bivariate LISA cluster maps of total discharge and various sources indicate that the agricultural source makes contribution to the spatial agglomeration of high intensity discharge of water pollutants, while the industrial source leads to the concentrated discharge of air pollutants. Especially, in the Bohai Rim region and its economic hinterland, the structure of pollutant sources strengthens the agglomeration effects of pollutant discharge intensity. (3) By means of OLS estimation for nationwide regression model, it is demonstrated that population size, urbanization rate and economic growth are the main driving factors of environmental pollution, and population size is the key factor in China. Moreover, in terms of regression models of regional types, the economic development level makes different contributions to pollutant discharge in various regions, which shows a positive effect on the air pollutant discharge in the region dominated by industrial source, while shows a negative effect on the water pollutant discharge in the region dominated by urban domestic source. In addition, the degree of industrialization has positive influence on the air pollutant discharge in the region absolutely dominated by industrial source.]]>
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201801015URL [本文引用: 1]

2.5 concentration in 202 counties of Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration using spatial analysis and visualization. Then we quantified the effect degree of different natural and human factors and the spatial spillover effect of these factors using Spatial Durbin Model (SDM). The results are as follows: (1) The PM2.5 concentration was on the rise as a whole from 2000-2014, and it was high in autumn and winter, while low in spring and summer. Seen from spatial distribution, the PM2.5 concentration was high in the southeast, while low in the northwest of the study area, and the concentration in urban built-up area was 10-20 μg/m3 higher than that of its surrounding suburban and rural areas. (2) The counties, whose PM2.5 concentration was below 35 μg/m3, only accounted for 13.9% in 2014. There were significant spatial agglomeration and diffusivity of PM2.5, and the mean distance interacting among the cities was 200 km. The PM2.5 of a city increased by more than 0.5% for every 1% increase in the average PM2.5 of neighboring cities. (3) Socio-economic factors have positive impact on PM2.5, and most of natural factors have negative impact. (4) Among the influencing factors, contributions to local atmospheric pollution with direct effect are: mean wind speed > annual mean temperature > population density > relief amplitude > the secondary industry share of GDP > energy consumption > vegetation coverage; however, per capita GDP, annual precipitation, and relative humidity have no significant effect on local pollution. (5) Contributions to neighborhood atmospheric pollution with spatial spillover effect are: vegetation coverage > relief amplitude > population density. The findings suggest that we should adopt the adaptation strategies for natural factors and control strategies for human factors. A coordinated and strengthened cooperation between local governments should be established for air pollution control, and environmental planning and legislation should be strengthened in a new round of urban agglomeration planning in China.]]>
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2, the study has become one of hotspots in the developing model of Chinese cities in order to slow down CO2 emissions. Using the STIRPAT model, this paper analyzed the impact of population, affluence, urbanization and technology on the total CO2 emissions, and the results showed that 1% change of population, per capita GDP, urbanization and technology would cause a corresponding occurrence of 0.618%, (0.178+0.009lnA)%, 0.816% and 0.264% change in the total CO2 emissions. Based on this study, taking Shanghai as an example, it set 10 developing scenarios and analyzed the best model of reducing CO2 emissions. Results show that under the scenario of economy, population in mid-speed, low urbanization and high technology, it would be best for Shanghai to reduce CO2 emissions, and the emissions of CO2 in 2010, 2015, 2020 would be 17053.57, 19286.64, 20885.69 ten thousands tons, respectively.]]>
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DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2011.08.056URL [本文引用: 1]

With the intensification of global warming and continued growth in energy consumption, China is facing increasing pressure to cut its CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions down. This paper discusses the driving forces influencing China's CO2 emissions based on Path-STIRPAT model-a method combining Path analysis with STIRPAT (stochastic impacts by regression on population, affluence and technology) model. The analysis shows that GDP per capita (A), industrial structure (IS), population (P), urbanization level (R) and technology level (T) are the main factors influencing China's CO2 emissions, which exert an influence interactively and collaboratively. The sequence of the size of factors' direct influence on China's CO2 emission is A>T>P>R>IS, while that of factors' total influence is A>R>P>T>IS. One percent increase in A, IS, P, R and T leads to 0.44, 1.58, 1.31, 1.12 and -1.09 percentage change in CO2 emission totally, where their direct contribution is 0.45, 0.07, 0.63, 0.08, 0.92, respectively. Improving T is the most important way for CO2 reduction in China. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
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Features of the environmental Kuznets curve(EKC) potentially existing between the outputs of some main pollutants,i.e. COD and ammonia nitrogen,from agriculture in 2000-2009 and the economic development level in the same period in China are studied,and stage of the agricultural pollution and its ongoing tendedcy analyzed.Results show that the relationship between the outputs of COD and ammonia nitrogen from agriculture and the per capita agricultural GDP in 2000-2009 in China fits the features of EKC,suggesting that when the per capita agricultural GDP reaches ¥7037.04,the output of COD from agriculture arrives at an inflection point,where it is 14871400 tons;and when the per capita agricultural GDP reaches to ¥6513.03,the output of ammonia nitrogen from agriculture comes to an inflection point,where it is 1937200 tons.So if after 2009 the per capita agricultural GDP continues to grow at a rate of 5.76%,which was the lowest per capita agricultural GDP growth rate in 2000-2009,the output of ammonia nitrogen from agriculture will reach to an reflection point in the year of 2014 and the output of COD will in the year of 2016.Meanwhile,becase sharp differences exist between regions in output of the main pollutants from agriculture,in dustrial structure,demographic characteristics,and agricultural production,no obvious relationships that fie the EKC feature are found between the output of the main pollutants,i.e.COD and ammonia nitrogen,from agriculture and the per capita agricultural GDP in Liaoning,Jiangsu,Henan,Hubei,Guangdong,and Sichuan provinces.
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Based on the spatial properties of the database and the final retained Jiangning District Residential land transfer data from 2004 to 2011, spatial expansion method and geographically weighted regression (GWR) model are applied to simulate the spatial heterogeneity of residential land market in urban district. The influencing factors of residential land price were also tested and analyzed. The results show the following aspects.1)Spatial expansion method and geographically weighted regression (GWR) model can be well applied to simulate spatial heterogeneity of land market in target area. The model could respectively explain 63% of the price changes of residential land and 61% of the price changes of residential land. The interpreting abilities improve significantly than that based on global regression model (47%). Both explanations capacity increased by 16%, 14% and spatial expansion method is slightly better than geographically weighted regression (GWR) model. 2) Spatial expansion method can effectively characterize the spatial structure of the overall trend, which is reflected from the explanatory variables and their interaction term effects on residential land. Geographically weighted regression (GWR) model has advantages in terms of the local parameter estimation. It can make the mode of action of each variable premium visualization by means of GIS. This is a strong rebuttal of the traditional assumptions that hedonic price model has coefficient stability. Overall, the spatial expansion model fits relatively better results. Compared with spatial expansion method, geographically weighted regression (GWR) model can more effectively depict spatial non-stationarity of the influencing factors. In the geographically weighted regression(GWR) model, the order of the average marginal contribution on the land premium from high to low is the distance from water, subway, college and CBD, facility, hospital. Additionally, two variables, the distance from facility and hospital, have the directional difference. 3) The distance from subway, water, university and CBD all have positive effect on marginal residential land price in the entire sample area. They are the key driving factors of residential land price.Each of the affecting patterns has a unique land premium space mode of action. Therefore it can provide scientific basis for segmentation of residential land market in target area. Marginal price effect of waters in residential areas of rapid urbanization is generally greater than industrial areas surrounding. The construction of the subway greatly contributed to construction land expansion of Crisscross and upgrading of residential land price. The construction of University City is also an important strategy for urban development in Urban District, The higher the density of University City, the more significant Its role in promoting residential land price. The marginal price effect of entral business dstrict (CBD) on residential land is progressively decreasing trend from the periphery inward City, but it still has upgrading effect on the surrounding residential land price.
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