
Spatio-temporal pattern and driving forces of urbanization in China's border areas
SONG Zhouying
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宋周莺(1983-), 女, 浙江缙云人, 博士, 副研究员, 硕士生导师, 主要从事经济地理与区域发展相关研究。E-mail:

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宋周莺, 祝巧玲. 中国边境地区的城镇化格局及其驱动力. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(8): 1603-1616 doi:10.11821/dlxb202008004
SONG Zhouying, ZHU Qiaoling.
1 引言
总体来看,中国城镇化的研究多集中于全国层面或中东部地区,对于边境地区的研究相对较少。中国边境地区远离区域经济中心,城镇化进程相对滞后;而且由于边境地区特殊的地理区位和地缘环境,其城镇化发展的驱动机制必然与其他地区存在差异。同时,随着县域和中小城市在国民经济发展战略中的重要性提升,县域城镇化发展日益成为城镇化研究的重要领域[8, 10]。在此背景下,本文以中国边境地区的134个县级单元为研究对象,采用地理探测器等分析方法,研究2000—2015年中国边境地区的城镇化发展格局;并力图构建边境地区城镇化发展的驱动力框架,深入探析其发展驱动力,以期丰富城镇化、边境地区相关研究。
2 研究框架
2.1 边境地区城镇化发展的独特性
2.2 城镇化驱动力体系构建
Tab. 1
Tab. 1
指标 | 单位 | 指标解释 | 数据来源 | 权重 | |
自然力 | 年均降水 | mm | 衡量气候条件宜居程度,各县级单元各年的平均降水量 | 中国气象数据网 | 0.25 |
年均气温 | ℃ | 衡量气候条件宜居程度,各县级单元各年的平均气温 | 中国气象数据网 | 0.25 | |
平均海拔 | km | 衡量边境地区的地形条件,各县级单元的平均海拔 | 地理空间数据云 | 0.25 | |
耕地面积 | hm2 | 衡量边境地区的耕地资源规模 | 中国经济与社会发展统计数据库 | 0.25 | |
行政力 | 地方财政支出 | 万元 | 衡量地方政府的行政能力和调控能力 | 县域统计年鉴 | 0.30 |
全社会固定资产投资 | 万元 | 衡量地方政府的经济能力 | 县域统计年鉴 | 0.30 | |
政策优惠指数 | / | 衡量国家政策扶持力度(根据下述5项政策条件进行0~5的赋值,每一项对应1分) 1 西部大开发、东北振兴 2 沿边综合配套改革试验区、现代农业综合配套改革试验区 3 边境经济合作区、综合保税区或兴边富民试点 4 重点开发开放试验区 5 跨境经济合作区 | 商务部、发改委网站 | 0.40 | |
市场力 | 社会消费品零售总额 | 万元 | 衡量边境地区所占有的国内市场的规模 | 县域统计年鉴 | 0.40 |
双边贸易额 | 万美元 | 衡量边境地区的贸易发展水平 | 国际贸易中心数据库 | 0.20 | |
双边经济融合水平 | / | 衡量双边贸易环境(对融合水平进行0~3的赋值) 0 两国未加入任何贸易协议 1 两国都加入了经济组织或协议,如WTO、CAFTA、BRI等 2 两国进入双边贸易协商阶段 3 两国签署了自由贸易协定 | 商务部、发改委网站 | 0.20 | |
市场机会 | / | 衡量边境地区毗邻国家的市场规模、市场预期等(以邻国人均GDP/边境地区人均GDP表示) | 县域统计年鉴,世界银行数据库 | 0.20 | |
产业力 | 规模以上工业总产值 | 万元 | 衡量工业化的水平 | 县域统计年鉴 | 0.40 |
旅游收入 | 百万美元 | 衡量旅游业发展水平 | 中国统计年鉴 | 0.30 | |
地区生产总值 | 亿元 | 衡量产业发展的总体情况 | 县域统计年鉴 | 0.30 | |
交通力 | 运输线密度 | km/km2 | 衡量连接国内的交通通达水平(运输线长度与行政区域面积的比值,包括公路和铁路线路) | 中国统计年鉴 | 0.40 |
交通地位 | / | 判断县域是否是对外开放中重要的交通节点 | 商务部、发改委网站 | 0.30 | |
航空建设水平 | / | 衡量航空发展水平(对机场建设态势进行0~3的赋值) 0 无3C或以上等级机场 1 有3C等级机场 2 有4C等级机场 3 有4D等级机场 | 通航资源网 | 0.30 | |
社会力 | 少数民族人口比重 | / | 衡量与邻近国家社会文化融合 | 人口普查 | 0.40 |
教育水平 | 人 | 衡量每万人中小学生及普通中学在校生数 | 县域统计年鉴 | 0.30 | |
医疗水平 | 张 | 每万人所有的医疗机构床位数 | 县域统计年鉴 | 0.30 |
3 研究方法与数据
3.1 研究方法
(1)CV系数。本文运用CV系数衡量边境县域城镇化水平的空间差异,即134个边境县域城镇化水平的标准差除以平均值。(2)地理探测器。本文应用地理探测器进一步探析边境城镇化的驱动因子及其交互作用。地理探测器是探测空间分异、揭示其背后驱动力的一组统计学工具[8, 39],本文使用因子探测和交互探测。因子探测主要测度不同驱动因子对城镇化的解释程度,计算公式为:
式中,qD, H为驱动要素D对城镇化水平H的解释程度;n、σ2分别为样本量和方差;nh、σh分别为h层(h = 1, 2…L)样本量和方差。qD, H取值范围为[0, 1],数值越大表明驱动要素对城镇化水平的解释力越大,1说明驱动因素与城镇化水平完全相关。
3.2 研究区域

Fig. 1Study area
3.3 数据来源
边境地区城镇化水平以常住人口城镇化率为衡量指标,以第五次人口普查数据、第六次人口普查数据为基础,再根据《中国县域统计年鉴》进行补充;个别年份某些边境县域没有人口数据的,运用联合国人口测算法推算。降水、气温、海拔、耕地面积等自然环境与资源数据来源于中国气象数据网、地理空间数据云和经济与社会发展统计数据库;政策优惠数据主要来源于商务部、发改委等官方网站,以及国务院发布的《国务院关于支持沿边重点地区开发开放若干政策措施的意见》中的沿边重点地区名录。毗邻国家的GDP、贸易协议等数据来自于世界银行数据库、国际贸易中心数据库等官方网站。4 中国边境地区城镇化发展格局
4.1 发展态势

Fig. 2Changes in average urbanization rate in China by region, 2000-2015
4.2 时空格局

Fig. 3Spatial characteristics of urbanization in border areas of Chinain 2000 and 2015
4.3 发展模式

Fig. 4Growth rate of urbanization rate in border areas of China from 2000 to 2015

Fig. 5Spatial characteristics of development types for urbanization in border areas of China
5 中国边境地区城镇化发展的驱动力分析
5.1 总体驱动力分析
因子探测结果显示(表2),交通力和产业力对边境城镇化的贡献最大,其次是社会力、自然力和行政力,市场力作用相对较小。① 交通力是边境地区城镇化的主要驱动因素。主要由于地理位置边缘性,边境地区交通条件仍普遍较薄弱,较小的交通条件改善就能获得较大的经济和社会效益;例如博乐、凭祥等边境县通过改善交通运输条件,吸引人流、物流,聚集商贸活动,极大带动了城市发展。② 产业力是边境地区城镇化发展的主要因素。具体来看,丹东、东港、鸡东、密山等东北边境县域的产业发展水平较高,带动城镇化水平提升;洛扎、错那、康马等西藏边境县域的产业规模小、发展严重滞后,制约了城镇化的发展。③ 社会力和自然力分别从社会服务和自然环境两个方面塑造宜居环境,吸引人口向城市集聚,但对于边境地区城镇化作用相对较小。地方和国家的政策支撑能给边境地区带来一定的发展优势,但由于近年来中国对边境地区的优惠政策相对弱化,在较大的地域范围上行政力对边境地区城镇化的作用很有限。另外,市场力对边境城镇化作用有限,这与边境地区产业规模有限、交通条件落后有关,缺乏充足的贸易商品供给,也没有足够的腹地支撑,边境地区的市场潜力未能发挥出来。Tab. 2
Tab. 2
自然力 | 行政力 | 市场力 | 产业力 | 交通力 | 社会力 | |
全部边境地区 | 0.103*** | 0.096*** | 0.058*** | 0.204*** | 0.224*** | 0.166*** |
(0.000) | (0.000) | (0.000) | (0.000) | (0.000) | (0.000) | |
东北边境 | 0.248*** | 0.073*** | 0.018* | 0.014 | 0.133*** | 0.069*** |
(0.000) | (0.000) | (0.068) | (0.135) | (0.000) | (0.000) | |
北部边境 | 0.092*** | 0.132*** | 0.199*** | 0.039** | 0.190*** | 0.151*** |
(0.000) | (0.000) | (0.000) | (0.017) | (0.000) | (0.000) | |
西北边境 | 0.063*** | 0.099*** | 0.048*** | 0.232*** | 0.228*** | 0.016* |
(0.000) | (0.000) | (0.000) | (0.000) | (0.000) | (0.084) | |
西藏边境 | 0.114*** | 0.036** | 0.052*** | 0.017 | 0.040 | 0.072*** |
(0.000) | (0.042) | (0.007) | (0.324) | (0.256) | (0.000) | |
西南边境 | 0.037*** | 0.173*** | 0.198*** | 0.064*** | 0.138*** | 0.108*** |
(0.000) | (0.000) | (0.000) | (0.000) | (0.000) | (0.000) |

Fig. 6Interactive detection results of driving forces for urbanization in border areas of China
5.2 分区域驱动力分析
交互探测分析结果显示(图7):① 东北边境的驱动力交互作用对城镇化率的解释力为非线性加强。其中,自然力—市场力、自然力—行政力、产业力—交通力、行政力—市场力、行政力—产业力交互后的解释力增长明显。良好的自然条件有利于市场力与行政力的发挥。东北边境的工业发展基础较好,交通建设与产业发展相适应,能有效促进城市发展;另外,东北边境的政策和财政支出与市场扩张、产业发展相适应,能有效推动城镇化进程。② 北部边境的驱动力交互作用对城镇化率的解释力大部分为非线性加强效果。其中,产业力—交通力交互后的解释力增长明显,因为北部边境有一定工业基础,地方原料加工及其相应的后续产品能在交通支撑下流通,从而一起推进城市发展。③ 西北边境地区的市场力—交通力交互后的解释力增长明显,其次是行政力—市场力。因为西北边境的霍尔果斯、阿拉山口等口岸是新亚欧大陆桥、中国—中亚—西亚国际经济走廊的重要节点,直接连接中亚及欧洲市场,较大的市场规模和便利的交通条件之间相互促进,共同提升地方城镇化水平。另外,边境经济合作区、综合保税区、跨境经济合作区等政策有利于扩大市场规模、提高地区的市场力,进一步推动城镇化进程。④ 西藏边境的驱动力交互作用后解释力度得到明显加强。其中,自然力—市场力交互后解释力大幅增长,行政力—市场力增长幅度次之,说明恶劣的自然环境与资源条件对西藏边境地区的市场范围扩张起到了较强的负向影响,行政力对城镇化的直接驱动作用虽然较低,但其通过扩大市场潜力,间接推动了城镇化进程。⑤ 西南边境的驱动力交互作用加强效果略低于其他地区,自然力—社会力、自然力—产业力、自然力—行政力交互后的解释力增幅较大。自然力对西南边境城镇化的解释力虽较弱,但却是边境人口分布与流动、政策实施效果的基本影响因素,其与社会力和行政力一起的解释力更强。

Fig. 7Interactive detection results of driving forces for urbanization in border areas of China
6 结论与讨论
6.1 结论
本文深入解析2000—2015年中国边境地区的城镇化格局及其驱动机制,研究发现:① 2000—2015年中国边境地区城镇化水平长期低于全国平均水平且差距不断拉大。可见边境地区面临着城镇化发展滞后、动力不足的困境,部分边境县域甚至面临人口流失问题。② 同期,边境地区的城镇化空间差异有较明显缩小,CV值从0.713下降到0.520。从具体区域看,西北、西南边境的城镇化水平偏低、城镇化增速较快;西藏边境的城镇化水平最低、增长速度相对平缓;东北、北部边境地区的城镇化水平稍高、但城镇化速度缓慢甚至停滞。③ 交通力和产业力对边境地区城镇化贡献最大,市场力作用较小,各种驱动力之间存在明显的相互加强作用。④ 西北、西南边境分别形成了以产业力和交通力、市场力和行政力为主要驱动力的城镇化发展机制;西藏边境的自然、社会、经济条件薄弱,尚未形成具有较强贡献作用的城镇化驱动力;东北、北部边境的交通力对城镇化贡献较大,与市场、产业的交互增强效果明显。6.2 讨论
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The development of the new-type urbanization in the future has aroused great attention from the government and the public. Initially, this research predicts the urbanization and population dynamics on both national and provincial levels from 2015 to 2030. On this basis, this study examines the spatial variation of urbanization given the national urbanization rate of 70.12%. Furthermore, it estimates the national and provincial demands of investment in the new urbanization. The main conclusions can be drawn as follows: (1) The population and urbanization rate will reach 1.445 billion and 70.12% respectively from 2015 to 2030. (2) The demographic dividend will be vanished when population pressure reaches its maximum. The re-production population will reach 70.16 million and a suburban population of 316.7 million will be urbanized, leaving an urban population of 386 million. (3) Although the urbanization rate of each province will increase during 2015-2030, the difference of urbanization rate and urbanization quality between provinces is substantial. In some provinces, urbanization quality and eco-social development are uncoordinated. (4) A total of 4,105,380 billion yuan is needed for the sake of new urbanization and the investment demand in each province varies largely: Guangdong province needs the most funding, which is 148.09 times as much as that of Tibet, which needs the least funding. In the final part, policy suggestions regarding the investment of the new urbanization are put forward.
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New urbanization is one of China's key national policies. Scientific evaluation focusing upon the human being is the necessary basis of understanding China's recent urbanization and then developing the right policies. There are currently two main evaluation methods of urbanization: the proportion of urban population in a given country or region, and the development of cities and towns in a given region, which are based on the urban-rural dual system. These two methods have deeply reflected the economic and spatial changes than the social restructuring in the course of urbanization, which means the human being as the core of urbanization, particularly those living in the countryside, has not been paid enough attention. Based on the interaction between people's daily activities and urban environment, this paper established a new evaluation system of the population's urbanization quality with 7 modern life indexes, and analyzed the urbanization quality of the urban, rural and the total population at the two levels of the state and 31 provinces. The main findings are: (1) As a social restructuring process, urbanization has not only taken place in the cities and towns, although the urbanization speed in the urban areas is more faster than that in the rural areas. The urbanization quality of both urban and rural population has improved at state and provincial levels since 1995. (2) Two different urbanization spatial patterns of the urban and rural population have formed during the past two decades. The urban population has changed from a low level balance before 1995 to the rise of some provinces in 2000, to the dual structure of East and West in 2005, to the trichotomy of Eastern-Central-Western China after 2010, which is evolving to a higher balanced situation; While the urbanization of rural population has changed from a low level balance before 1995 to the two gradient patterns of Coastal East and Inland Middle and West in recently years. (3) The urbanization quality indexes of rural population in Beijing, Shanghai and Zhejiang Province have exceeded those of urban population in some inland lower urbanized provinces such as Jiangxi, Guizhou, Qinghai and Tibet, which indicates that the urbanization of rural population in the coastal areas is well developed compared with some inland urban areas. So this paper suggests that the evaluation ways and standard of urbanization should be changed, the institutional system of dual urban-rural system should be modified, in order to meet the demand of China's objective need of urbanization.
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The spatial and temporal characteristics and the formation mechanism of the county urbanization in China since 1990 were analyzed systematically, using the methods including regional differences, transect and geography detectors. Results show that the temporal and spatial differences of the county urbanization were significant. The "herringbone" shape region pattern of high county urbanization was gradually highlighted, which were made by the counties along the north border and in eastern coastal areas. The county urbanization process of some regions were accelerated and enhanced, including Wuhan metropolitan region, Chengdu-Chongqing region and Guanzhong-Tianshui region. The low county urbanization level was maintained in Southwest China and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau regions. The differences of urbanization and the change rate of county urbanization were converged in China after 2000, but the rate has slowed down since 2000. The county urbanization trend of transects were significantly different, including Lianyungang-Lanzhou railway and Lanzhou-Urumqi railway transects, the Yangtze River transect, the border of north China transect, 106 National Road transect, and the eastern coastal transect. There are many factors affecting county urbanization, mainly including economic development stage, the level of secondary and tertiary industries, rural net income per capita, population density, leading position of grain production, demographic statistics and special arrangements for counties. The high county urbanization in northern border regions was a typical type of statistical unrealistically high urbanization. In the future county urbanization development should follow the geographical differences, highlight its leading function, and adopt multiple urbanization development models such as promoting urbanization intensively in key urban economic development areas, separating urbanization in cropland and grain producing areas, migrating urbanization in ecological and water resource protection areas, suburban areas and urban-based urbanization and other leading county urbanization patterns.
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The comprehensive level of new urbanization in 285 prefecture level cities of 2003-2012 was measured, and the spatial pattern of its evolution was analyzed. Based on reverse distance square weight matrix, this article tested the spatial correlation, established the spatial econometric model to analyze its influencing factors. The conclusions were as follows:in general, the spatial pattern of new urbanization showed a decreasing trend from east to west, continuously expanded to the inland area, and the level of big cities obviously was higher than the small and medium-sized cities; new urbanization level of cities had obvious spatial autocorrelation. Labor, investment, economic development, government capacity, infrastructure and industrial structure all played positive roles in promoting new urbanization. Economic development, labor and infrastructure had a positive and significant spatial spillover effect, the others showed a negative spillover. SDM model revealed that the local explanatory variables and surrounding areas variables affected new urbanization. Based on this, this article put forward some specific policy recommendations for new urbanization in China to provide a theoretical basis.
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201812005URL [本文引用: 2]

In the unprecedented urbanization process in China, urbanized land has expanded quickly at the same pace or even faster than the growth of the urban population. Employing both the ordinary least square and geographical weighted regression, we analyzed the spatial patterns and factors influencing land urbanization at the county level in 2000 and 2015. This analysis was assisted by land-use data for China acquired from the resource and environment data cloud platform. The research reveals the following points: (1) The annual growth rate of land urbanization experienced 2.77 percentages on average from 2000 to 2015. About 40% of the counties witnessed an annual increase of 3% or above. Land urbanization was manifested in a pattern of diffusion, which differed from the continued spatial polarization of demographic urbanization in China. (2) Geographically, the north-south differentiation of land urbanization was clearer than the east-west differentiation. And the high-value regions tended to be located to the southeast of "Hu Line". Counties surrounding those metropolitan areas were detected as hotspots of land urbanization. In general, there was a convergent trend of land urbanization among regions in China. (3) The factors of population growth, economic development, industrial structure, city/county features, and geographical location have played significant roles in the spatial disparities of land urbanization at the county level. Besides, the spatio-temporal dependence of their influences were also explored. This study on land urbanization and its influencing factors at the county level advances our theoretical and practical understandings of the new-type urbanization, urban and rural integration, and rural revitalization strategies in contemporary China.
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201810004URL [本文引用: 2]

Urbanization is an inevitable trend of modernization and the fundamental transition in socioeconomic structure, human production and life style. China is undergoing a rapid and unprecedented urbanization process, and has achieved the short-term goals that European and American countries attained in the past decades or even centuries ago. This kind of rapid expansion has inevitably led to a serious imbalance between urban land expansion and urban population growth. We used the demographic-landscape urbanization coupling relationship index (ratio of the annual average growth rate of demographic permanent population and urban development land) to explore the spatio-temporal characteristics of demographic-landscape urbanization coupling situation, and further explain its driving forces during the past decade in China. All analyses, based on the demographic statistics and landscape dataset of 636 cities in China, aimed to identify and diagnose six coupling types. Furthermore, we made the macro pattern of urbanization development level more visible with the help of Kernel Density spatial analysis tool. Results show that: (1) Over the past decade, the average annual growth rate of urban development land in China was 1.65 times that of the urban population, and demographic-landscape urbanization coupling situation was poorly coordinated. (2) We found that there is a spatial dependency between demographic urbanization and landscape urbanization. Moreover, the spatial agglomeration center of high-density urban population showed a gradual westward moving trend. Meanwhile, urbanization development mode shifted from "land lag" to "population lag". (3) Generally, the area of per capita urban development land has exceeded the standard threshold; and 41.96% of the cities currently have a development land area per capita more than five times of the ideal value. (4) The proportion of three coordination types was 73.25%, which is much higher than that of three incoordination types (26.75%). Among them, "Both Growth and Uncoordinated Type" took the largest proportion of 43.27%, which reflects the uncoordinated relationship between demographic urbanization and landscape urbanization. This situation will continue or even is intensified in the years to come. Additionally, the cities located at the edge of urban agglomeration seemed to be more uncoordinated than cities at the center. This is probably because that the cities at the edge of urban agglomeration, which had a small population and low property price, relied more on the "land finance" to earn their main source of urban economic income. (5) Economic development level, population size, governmental decision-making behaviors, geographical location and regional disparity were all driving factors of demographic-landscape urbanization. In addition, there are few obvious differences in the mechanism and effect of these factors. To sum up, urban population and land use management in the new era should get more attention according to the new trend in system diagnosis and comprehensive analysis, thus to provide a scientific basis in development decision for new urbanization and urban-rural integration strategy as well as the rural revitalization strategy.
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DOI:10.13284/j.cnki.rddl.002925URL [本文引用: 1]

Based on the fourth, fifth and sixth population census data of China, econometrics method and the case of Guangxi on county scale, this paper analyzes the spatiotemporal evolution and driving forces of urbanization and migration. The results are as follows: 1) The county urbanization rate of border province has witnessed rapid growth and its gap with country’s average level becomes narrowed, but the rates in most of the counties are still below the national mean. The spatial distribution among counties shows a trend of imbalanced development of urbanization. The distribution of center municipal districts, which have higher urbanization level and play diffusion role, is dispersal. Those areas opening to the outside world earlier, such as the Beibu Gulf region, and the east and southeast of Guangxi adjacent to Guangdong, a developed province, have higher urbanization level than the west and north of Guangxi. 2) The population migration at county level in border province shows a strong trend of spatial autocorrelation, and the degree of spatial autocorrelation agglomeration increased from 2000 to 2010, but the spatial pattern remained stable during the study period. Migration flow and urbanization pattern are basically consistent and their high value regions are both concentrated in the southeastern Guangxi and the Beibu Gulf area. 3) There are three kinds of boundaries which influence the migration in Guangxi, i.e., national boundary, coast line and provincial border. The latter two types of boundaries play a significant role in “attracting” immigration and the development of urbanization and agglomeration along with them, while the national boundary is still having some shield or barrier effects on people movement. 4) From the perspective of immigration destination choosing, as for the spatial pattern of migration, service industries are becoming the main forces absorbing population to move-in. Free trade arrangements, business service, and passages or ports construction along the borders and “One Belt One Road Initiatives” are the main driving forces reshaping border geography in Southwest of China.
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DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.12.011URL [本文引用: 1]

Urbanization is closely related to transportation infrastructure development. On the basis of depth analysis of the internal transmission mechanism, using the data of social economy and actual road network in Yunnan Province from 2000 to 2014, by means of ArcGIS spatial analysis, transportation superiority model and coupling coordination model, the coupling coordination degree between county urbanization and transportation superiority in Yunnan Province was measured from time and space dimensions, and the changing situation and the characteristics of spatio-temporal cooperative evolution were analyzed. The results show that: 1) There are both positive and negative feedback relationship between urbanization and transportation infrastructure, both of them promote each other, but also restrict each other; The lag of infrastructure construction, the dualistic structure system of urban and rural areas and the sprawl of urban space are the main factors that lead to the spatial difference of coupling and coordination. 2) The overall level of urbanization in Yunnan Province is generally low from 2000 to 2014, although the region has been improved to varying degrees, about 90% counties are in the initial stage of urbanization. County urbanization pattern is basically stable, and the high value of urbanization is still dotted in some counties in Kunming, Dali, Xishuangbanna, Dehong, Red River and other cities, and the rest of the counties are at a lower level of urbanization. 3) The overall level of transportation superiority in Yunnan Province is increasing year by year, and the spatial heterogeneity is significant. From the “Yunling mountains-Yuanjiang Valley” as the boundary, transportation superiority of Eastern Yunnan Plateau is significantly higher than that of the Hengduan Mountains in western area, and the most obvious characteristic of gradient is in the Yuanjiang valley; The transportation superiority in Central Yunnan Province is generally higher than that in the periphery region, and both the high and the low value areas show strong spatial agglomeration. 4) During the study period, although the level of coupling coordination between county urbanization and transportation superiority in Yunnan Province has been greatly improved, the overall coordination degree is low, and the spatial differentiation phenomenon is still prominent. The coordination degree of the middle and eastern counties in Yunnan is higher than that in the northwest plateau, and the spatial coupling coordination degree shows a decreasing gradient trend from east to west; Among them, The high values of the coupling coordination degree are mainly distributed in the central Yunnan Urban Agglomeration and the sporadic counties (cities and districts) in the northeast of Yunnan Province, and the coupling coordination degree of the low value areas are concentrated in the northwest of Yunnan plateau mountain and Diqing Tibetan etc; The spatial distribution characteristics of the middle and high value counties (cities, districts) in the coupling coordination degree are basically identical with the layout of the highway skeleton network in Yunnan Province.
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DOI:10.1080/13658810802443457URL [本文引用: 1]
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