Emergy analysis of ecosystem services supply and flow in Beijing ecological conservation area

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1 引言
2 研究区概况
为了实现北京市功能定位,《北京城市总体规划(2004-2020)》将首都分为4个区域:首都功能核心区、城市功能拓展区、城市发展新区和生态涵养发展区。其中,生态涵养发展区范围包括门头沟区、怀柔区、平谷区、密云区和延庆区,面积达8746.6 km2,占全市面积的53.3%(根据2012北京市土地变更调查数据统计)。2012年,该区域人口数占全市的12.6%,其中城镇人口为主体,占区域总人口的61%,生产总值为7146741万元,农林牧渔业总产值134亿元。该区域大部分处于山区或者浅山区,其面积占北京市生态涵养区面积的80%以上,土地利用类型兼具有林地、耕地、水域等多种类型。作为北京市“绿色屏障”,该区域承担水源涵养和生态屏障的重要作用,区域内的密云水库作为北京市唯一饮用水源,为城市提供饮用水供给服务。作为城市化周边区域,北京生态涵养发展区为城市发展提供多种生态系统服务,例如植被恢复、水源涵养和保护、水土流失治理、风沙防治、优质景观等。然而,随着近年来北京市建成区迅速扩张,城乡用地矛盾逐渐突出,给生态涵养区的生态系统服务供给造成很大的压力[18]。因此,本文将北京市生态涵养发展区作为研究案例区(图1),评估该区生态系统服务及其与城市扩张的关系,可为生态涵养区土地利用规划和生态系统服务管理提供科学依据。
-->Fig. 1The geographical location of the study area
3 数据与方法
3.1 数据来源与处理
3.2 能值核算

-->Fig. 2Emergy diagram of ecological-economic system
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Ecosystem services classification of urban ecological conservation area in Beijing
生态系统类型 | 生态系统服务 | ||
供给服务 | 支持服务 | 调节服务 | |
森林生态系统 | 木材采伐 | 土壤形成 | 固碳释氧 |
有机物生产 | |||
水源涵养 | |||
农田生态系统 | 粮食供给 | 营养元素循环 | |
土壤形成 | |||
水域生态系统 | 水产品供给 | 气候调节 | |
水源供给 | 洪水调蓄 |
3.3 能值影响矩阵
本文运用能值影响矩阵方法识别每个子系统组分在整个系统中的“角色”。能值影响矩阵是Vester和Hesler在一个被广泛应用的生物物理学模型——敏感度模型(sensitivity model, SM)中提出的(表2)。矩阵中的每个组分占据了一行和一列,矩阵中单独的一行代表能量从组分X流向其他组分,单独的一列代表能量从其他组分流向组分X[22]。每一行的能流加和(主动加和AS)代表一个组分在系统的主动程度,即该组分对其他组分的影响程度。每一列的能流加和(被动加和PS)代表该组分的被动程度,即其他组分对该组分的影响程度。将“主动加和(AS)”与“被动加和(PS)”直接相加得到的总加和(TS)来衡量组分在系统的重要程度,TS越高,说明该组分对于系统越重要。通过主动加和(AS)与被动加和(PS)的比值Q来确定各组分在整个系统中的“角色”,如果比值Q大于1,说明该组分对其他组分的影响大于其他组分对该组分的影响,该组分“角色”就是“主动”,相反,如果Q小于1,该组分“角色”就是“被动”。Tab. 2
Tab. 2Impact matrix showing interaction between components and indices that measure systemic components
能量方向 | 组分1 组分2 组分3 组分4··· | 主动加和(AS) |
组分1 | ||
组分2 | ||
组分3 | ||
组分4 ··· | ||
被动加和(PS) | ||
总和(AS+PS) | ||
比值Q(AS/PS) |
4 结果分析
4.1 各子系统生态系统服务能值
以2012年为例,从生态系统类型上看,北京市森林生态系统服务对涵养区生态系统服务贡献最大,总能值为3.51×1020 sej,占到生态系统服务总能值的79.7%,其次为农田生态系统服务和水域生态系统服务,能值分别为8.66×1019 sej和2.48×1018 sej,占生态系统服务总能值的19.7%和0.6%(图3)。森林生态系统服务能值较大一方面是由于生态涵养区山区面积较大,占总面积的89%,森林蓄积量较大;另一方面,与农田生态系统相比,森林生态系统可以提供生态系统服务种类较为丰富。
-->Fig. 3Ecosystem services emergy of different subsystems of urban ecological conservation area in Beijing in 2012
2012年北京市森林生态系统提供的各项服务能值如图4所示。其中,所占比例最大的是有机物生产和水源涵养服务,能值为1.42×1020 sej和1.25×1020 sej,分别占森林生态系统服务总能值的40.4%和35.8%,其次为固碳释氧服务,能值为7.10×1019 sej,占森林生态系统服务总能值的20.2%。相对于水源涵养和有机物生产服务,土壤形成和木材采伐的能值较低,仅占森林生态系统能值总输出的2.3%和1.3%。木材采伐服务较低是因为北京市为了发挥涵养区生态保护和水源涵养功能,严格控制森林砍伐量,因而每年的木材砍伐输出量保持在较低的水平。但同时也应该关注到森林生态系统土壤形成能值较低,反映了生态涵养区森林生态系统水土流失的现象亟需得到治理。

-->Fig. 4Ecosystem services emergy of forest ecosystem of urban ecological conservation area in Beijing in 2012
对于农田生态系统(图5),从生态系统服务能值组成来看,粮食供给服务是农田生态系统的主要能值输出,能值大小为6.07×1019 sej,占农田生态系统服务能值的70.0%。在水域提供的生态系统服务中(图6),能值从高到底依次为水源供给(8.70×1017 sej)、水产品供给(7.09×1017 sej)、洪水调蓄(6.97×1017 sej)和气候调节(2.00×1017 sej),分别占水域生态系统能值的35.1%、28.6%、28.2%、8.1%。水源供给能值占比较高表明为城市提供用水是生态涵养区水域生态系统提供的主要服务,保护好该区域的水源环境对城市水安全至关重要。

-->Fig. 5Ecosystem services emergy of cropland ecosystem of urban ecological conservation area in Beijing in 2012

-->Fig. 6Ecosystem services emergy of aquatic ecosystem of urban ecological conservation area in Beijing in 2012
4.2 系统内生态组分相互作用及系统角色
-->Fig. 7Systemic role of ecosystem in ecological conservation area
从组分间互相作用上看,受森林生态系统组分影响较大的是水域生态系统和城市系统。森林生态系统一方面通过水源涵养以土壤水的形式补充地下水(能值为1.25×1020 sej),另一方面通过森林土壤养分流失进入到水域的上游(能值为5.54×1015 sej)。森林生态组分对城市系统的影响表现为木材供给,这一过程有3.16×1019 sej的能值流入城市系统。此外,森林生态系统内部组分之间也存在能量的交互利用,有2.48×1017 sej的能值通过凋落物等形式转换为森林土壤营养支持森林的生长。而对于森林生态系统本身来讲,其被动接受主要来源于城市的劳动力和货币的投入,2012年城市系统向森林生态系统的总能值投入为6.25×1011 sej。从组分的活跃程度来看,森林生物量、土壤水和土壤营养主动累加均大于被动累加,Q>1,因此在系统中处于活跃状态。活跃程度表现为土壤水>生物量>土壤营养。
对于农田生态系统来说,农田生物量具有较高的主动累加和被动累加,农田生物量能值大小一方面受投入劳动力和肥料的影响,另一方面受到水源供给、营养元素循环等影响。同时,农田生物量的多少也决定了其向城市系统提供粮食供给服务能力的大小。相对于生物量,农田土壤营养具有较低的主动累加、较高的被动累加,主要由于农田土壤营养除了受到自然系统的影响外,更多取决于人类向农田施加肥料的多少。农田生态系统主动影响的组分为城市,2012年农田以粮食供给的形式向城市提供了6.07×1019 sej的能值。农田生态系统则主要受地下水、城市的影响,城市以施用肥料和劳动力等形式投入农田(能值为1.3×1019 sej),水域生态系统主要供给作物生长的水分能(能值为2.15×1020 sej)。农田生态系统总体而言容易受其他组分影响,而影响其他组分的能力较弱,其被动累加大于主动累加。从组分看,农田土壤营养和土壤水Q值均小于1,处于被动地位,而生物量由于大量的供给城市,其主动累加大于被动累加,表现为较为活跃的状态。
水域生态系统在整个区域起到重要作用,其流向城市系统的能值大于农田生态系统。同时,水域生态系统受到森林和农田土壤水的补给,其被动接受能值为1.25×1020 sej。水域生态系统各组分的主动累加均大于被动累加,在整个系统中处于活跃状态。
4.3 涵养区生态系统服务的动态变化

-->Fig. 8Ecosystem services emergy in different years of urban ecological conservation area in Beijing
表3总结了不同生态系统类型的生态系统服务在2004年、2008年、2012年的主动累加(active sum, AS),被动累加(passive sum, PS)、总累加(total sum, TS)和主动累加与被动累加的比值(Q)。在不同的年份由于系统内部互相影响的作用不同,其值也出现波动。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3Importance of different ecological components in the system in 2004, 2008 and 2012
主动累加AS | 被动累加PS | 总累加TS | 主动累加/被动累加Q | ||||||||||||
2004 | 2008 | 2012 | 2004 | 2008 | 2012 | 2004 | 2008 | 2012 | 2004 | 2008 | 2012 | ||||
森林生态系统 | 1.4E+20 | 1.7E+20 | 3.0E+20 | 8.7E+19 | 1.3E+20 | 2.2E+20 | 2.3E+20 | 3.1E+20 | 5.1E+20 | 1.61 | 1.32 | 1.33 | |||
土壤水 | 3.3E+19 | 5.7E+19 | 1.3E+20 | 9.5E+18 | 3.3E+19 | 5.4E+19 | 4.2E+19 | 9.0E+19 | 1.8E+20 | 3.41 | 1.73 | 4.34 | |||
土壤营养 | 6.8E+19 | 8.2E+19 | 1.4E+20 | 9.8E+18 | 1.4E+19 | 2.5E+19 | 7.8E+19 | 9.7E+19 | 1.7E+20 | 6.96 | 5.84 | 5.72 | |||
生物量 | 4.1E+19 | 3.5E+19 | 2.5E+19 | 6.8E+19 | 8.4E+19 | 1.4E+20 | 1.1E+20 | 1.2E+20 | 1.7E+20 | 0.59 | 0.41 | 0.18 | |||
农田生态系统 | 7.8E+20 | 5.0E+20 | 1.5E+20 | 2.3E+20 | 2.0E+20 | 2.9E+20 | 1.0E+21 | 7.0E+20 | 4.4E+20 | 3.45 | 2.47 | 0.52 | |||
土壤水 | 7.9E+19 | 6.6E+19 | 1.1E+19 | 8.5E+19 | 9.2E+19 | 2.2E+20 | 1.6E+20 | 1.6E+20 | 2.3E+20 | 0.93 | 0.72 | 0.05 | |||
土壤营养 | 7.8E+19 | 4.9E+19 | 1.9E+19 | 5.1E+19 | 3.6E+19 | 1.3E+19 | 1.3E+20 | 8.5E+19 | 3.2E+19 | 1.51 | 1.36 | 1.47 | |||
生物量 | 6.2E+20 | 3.9E+20 | 1.2E+20 | 9.1E+19 | 7.6E+19 | 6.1E+19 | 7.1E+20 | 4.6E+20 | 1.8E+20 | 6.90 | 5.11 | 2.00 | |||
水域生态系统 | 6.5E+19 | 1.5E+20 | 2.9E+20 | 2.3E+19 | 1.1E+20 | 2.3E+20 | 8.8E+19 | 2.6E+20 | 5.2E+20 | 2.85 | 1.36 | 1.27 | |||
上游 | 5.2E+19 | 8.3E+19 | 2.2E+20 | 1.4E+19 | 7.4E+19 | 1.9E+20 | 6.5E+19 | 1.6E+20 | 4.0E+20 | 3.79 | 1.12 | 1.16 | |||
下游 | 1.4E+19 | 6.5E+19 | 7.6E+19 | 9.3E+18 | 3.5E+19 | 4.3E+19 | 2.3E+19 | 1.0E+20 | 1.2E+20 | 1.47 | 1.85 | 1.78 | |||
地下水 | 8.5E+15 | 1.0E+16 | 3.3E+16 | 6.6E+16 | 4.8E+16 | 4.9E+17 | 7.4E+16 | 5.8E+16 | 5.2E+17 | 0.13 | 0.22 | 0.07 | |||
城市系统 | 6.5E+21 | 9.9E+21 | 2.3E+22 | 2.4E+21 | 9.7E+21 | 2.4E+22 | 8.9E+21 | 2.0E+22 | 4.7E+22 | 2.71 | 1.03 | 0.95 |
5 讨论与结论
5.1 讨论
5.1.1 城市对生态系统的依赖 一个城市或城市群健康持续发展,离不开城市内部和周边生态系统提供多种多样的服务(表4)。Folke等运用生态足迹法估计,为欧洲波罗的海地区29个大城市提供资源消耗和废弃物同化的森林、农业、海洋和湿地生态系统的总面积,至少应是这29个大城市本身面积的565到1130倍[23]。Xie等引入生态足迹距离概念对北京市食物生态足迹的向外扩展进行测算,结果显示2008-2012年期间,北京市食物生态足迹距离从567 km增长到677 km,城市对外部生态资源的依赖范围和距离持续扩大,依赖程度也持续上升[24]。本文也证实了城市系统对周边地区生态系统服务的依赖。从能值影响矩阵的累加分析结果看,城市系统的被动累加值最大,分别是森林生态系统的110倍、农田生态系统的84倍、水域生态系统的106倍,这说明城市系统最容易受到其他组分的影响,是生态系统服务的主要消费者和汇。相比于其他方法,基于能值的核算可以把不同类型的生态系统服务在能值尺度上统一起来进行综合分析,能值影响矩阵在揭示城市对生态系统依赖程度的同时,还可以分析系统内各组分的相互作用及角色。Tab. 4
Tab. 4Comparison with relevant research results
年份 | 研究区域 | 研究方法 | 研究结果 | 数据来源 |
1997年 | 波罗的海地区29个大城市 | 生态足迹法 | 为欧洲波罗的海地区29个大城市提供资源消耗和废弃物同化的森林、农业、海洋和湿地生态系统的总面积,至少应是这29个大城市本身面积的565到1130倍 | [23] |
2008-2012年 | 北京市 | 生态足迹距离法 | 北京市食物消耗生态足迹从567 km增长到677 km,平均每年增长25 km | [24] |
2012年 | 北京市 | 能值核算和能值影响矩阵法 | 城市系统的被动累加值最大,是森林生态系统的110倍、农田生态系统的84倍、水域生态系统的106倍 | 本文 |
5.1.2 城市化对生态系统服务的影响 城市化常常伴随着剧烈的土地利用变化,使原本的自然生态系统过程转变为以人类为中心的自然—社会经济系统过程,改变了系统内物质循环和能量流动,从而导致了生态系统功能和服务的变化,并影响各子系统在整个系统中的重要程度。具体到北京市生态涵养区,一方面,城市扩张侵占大量生态用地,直接导致森林生态系统有机物生产、固碳释氧服务和农田生态系统粮食供给服务能值产出的减少。另一方面,城市蔓延加剧了生态系统的破碎化,影响了生态系统自身的物质循环,加之气候变化的作用,使得森林和农田生态系统土壤形成服务、农田生态系统营养元素循环服务能值输出也有所减少。生态系统服务的变化进一步影响了各子系统间的能值流动。其中,森林生态系统和水域生态系统的总累加增加,在整个系统中的重要程度在增加,农田生态系统的总累加呈减少趋势,在整个系统中的重要程度降低。在未来的城市化进程中,森林和水域生态系统应成为重点保育的对象。
5.1.3 生态涵养区管理政策建议 在行政区管理方面(图9),门头沟区林地面积占比最大,达到70%,其主导的生态系统服务也与森林生态系统密切相关,能值排在前两位的土壤形成和有机物生产服务分别占该区域生态系统服务能值总量的25%和22.5%。该区域今后发展要着重注意森林的抚育和保护,充分发挥涵养区生态屏障的作用。平谷区有三分之一以上的土地属于京津唐城郊农业生态区,其土壤质量较高,因而粮食供给服务能值占该区域生态系统服务总能值比重最大,为25.6%。然而该地区土壤形成与保持服务能值仅占15%,远小于门头沟区,因此,该区域今后一方面要发挥其在农业上的优势,推行绿色农业生态农业,另一方面也要采取山坡防护工程和山沟治理工程等措施来防治水土流失。延庆区主导的生态系统服务为粮食供给和涵养水源,占总能值的20.2%和16.7%。然而,作为主要的水源涵养地,该区域水土流失近年来比较严重,在今后的发展中应该禁止乱砍滥伐,重点保护白河堡自然保护区的林、灌、草组成的水源涵养林及饮用水源。密云区提供的主要生态系统服务为水源供给和洪水调蓄,能值分别占该区域的20%和14.2%。由于该区域对于首都水源供给的重要作用,在未来的土地利用规划中,应严格保证水域面积,尽量防止周边地区的农业面源污染、工业点源污染,提高水源供给的质量。与其他区域相比,怀柔区的生态系统服务分布上比较均匀,水源涵养、森林有机物生产、土壤形成服务排列前三,分别占该区域总能值的20%、17.5%、16.3%。在今后的土地利用规划上,可以开发该区域生态用地的多功能性,尤其是依托当地的旅游资源,发展生态旅游。

-->Fig. 9Dominative ecosystem services in each county of Beijing
5.2 结论
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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[1] | . Peri-urban areas around urban agglomerations in Europe and elsewhere have been subject to agricultural and land use research for the past three decades. The manner in which farming responds to urban pressures, socio-economic changes and development opportunities has been the main focus of examination, with urban demand for rural goods and services representing a driving factor to adapt farming activities in a multifunctional way. Working within the peri-urban framework, this review pays particular attention to the relevance of multifunctional agriculture. Academic discourses and empirical insights related to farm structure and practices beyond conventional agriculture are analysed. Diversification, recreational and environmental farming, landscape management and specialisation, as well as direct marketing are all taken into consideration and discussed within the context of landscape functions. The provision of rural goods and services is contrasted with societal demands on peri-urban agriculture. This review finds that multifunctional agriculture has been commonly recognised in peri-urban areas a phenomenon that includes a large variety of activities and diversification approaches within the context of environmental, social and economic functions of agriculture. In response to the post-productive, consumption-oriented requirements of the urban society, peri-urban farmers have intensified their uptake of multifunctional activities. Nevertheless, not all multifunctional opportunities are being fully developed when one considers the large and growing urban demand for goods and services provided by agriculture carried out near the city. This paper discusses policy and planning approaches to support multifunctional agriculture in peri-urban areas. |
[2] | . Urban planners are increasingly interested in agriculture around cities and have to decide whether to maintain or not areas of agricultural land use within and close to growing cities. There is therefore a need for researchers to design tools to guide public decision-making on land use. Various approaches, originating from different disciplines, may be adopted in this respect. We designed an interdisciplinary research program in order to test two related concepts: the "sustainability" and the "multi-functionality" of agriculture. We show that these concepts provide a useful framework for obtaining appropriate knowledge about urban agriculture, which urban planners could apply in real situations. In close collaboration with urban planners, we applied an interdisciplinary research methodology, based on common farm surveys and territorial approaches, to the Antananarivo area (Madagascar). The main functions analyzed were the food production and environmental roles of urban agriculture. Two aspects of sustainability were assessed: the farm sustainability and the territorial sustainability, with expert scores. This approach identified a wide diversity of farming systems that performed differently, depending on their intra- or suburban location. The food supply function appeared to be important not only for fresh produce but also for rice consumption. The function of protection against flooding is now important and this importance will increase with climate change. A diagnosis of sustainability was made and discussed with urban planners: several farming systems and zones were identified in which agriculture was considered important as a means of maintaining or developing the food supply, employment and incomes, and even landscape or environmental quality. We also identified other areas in which poor production conditions and/or the negative effects of urbanization on agriculture jeopardized its sustainability. This methodology appeared to be useful for determining the most appropriate role of urban agriculture in the land-use planning of this city. Our study raises new questions on the subject and should lead to more focused research programmes. We discuss several points of interest and the limitations and possible extension of this method. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. |
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[4] | . Assessment of the environmental impact of urban sprawl being understood here as the conversion of non-urban to urban land is still a subject for debate. Another shortcoming of the current discourse on urban sprawl is that it largely fails to reflect the interconnection of environmental and socio-economic aspects. In presenting a case study on the German city of Leipzig and applying the conceptual framework of driving forces, pressure, state, impact, and response (DPSIR-concept), this paper strives to assess the impact of urban sprawl on water balance and explores the repercussions of this impact upon the causation of and policies on urban sprawl. The study establishes that urban sprawl and related surface sealing have considerable impact on water fluxes and the urban water balance that may become imminent in the longer run. However, the study also shows that societal reactions on urban sprawl, first of all the attempts of both authorities and public initiatives to contain sprawl, are hardly motivated or influenced by concerns about environmental problems in a particular place (affected by urban sprawl). These attempts are mainly carried out on a national and regional level and reflect a general orientation in environmental politics rather than the desire to respond to individual urban developments. The study thus shows that the environmental impact of sprawl elicits only indirect repercussions in society. |
[5] | . Sustainable flood management is moving up the policy agenda due to drivers such as climate change, the EU Water Framework Directive and the forthcoming EU floods Directive. At the same time, reform of the Common Agricultural Policy is under way. While there are currently few institutional links between flood risk management and agriculture, there is great potential for agriculture to become part of the solution to flood risk management rather than being part of the problem. A policy delphi study is carried out with an expert panel to investigate potential links, opportunities and barriers to integration in these two areas. The findings reveal that first, government policy needs to be “flood proofed” so that perverse incentives that could lead to increased flooding are avoided. Second, that the provision of accessible and effective advice and education for farmers and farm advisers on flood management is crucial and finally that future agricultural policy needs to offer connectivity both in terms of a comprehensive package of measures to address flood risk and in terms of addressing flood risk at both catchment-wide and single farm scales. |
[6] | . Human activities have profoundly changed the land on which we live. In particular, land use and land management change affect the hydrology that determines flood hazard, water resources (for human and environmental needs) and the transport and dilution of pollutants. It is increasingly recognised that the management of land and water are inextricably linked (e.g. Defra, 2004). “Historical context, state of the science and current management issues” section of this paper addresses the science underlying those linkages, for both rural and urban areas. In “Historical context, state of the science and current management issues” section we discuss future drivers for change and their management implications. Detailed analyses are available for flood risk, from the Foresight Future Flooding project (Evans et al., 2004a,b) and other recent studies, and so we use flooding as an exemplar, with a more limited treatment of water resource and water quality aspects. Finally in “Science needs and developments” section we discuss science needs and likely progress. This paper does not address the important topic of water demand except for some reference to the Environment Agency's Water Resources Strategy for England and Wales (Environment Agency, 2009). |
[7] | . The climate sensitivity to specification of agricultural and urban land cover was investigated using the climate version of the Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5) for 1990 over northeastern United States. The simulations were for 5 yr at a spatial resolution of 36 km. Urbanization resulted in near-surface temperature increases of more than 1 K over the urban sites during both winter and summer. The increase in summer temperature due to urbanization was more widespread than that due to the effect of agricultural land use. The conversion of forest to agricultural land resulted in a decrease in temperature of more than 0.5 K during winter and an increase of more than 1 K during summer over the sites of perturbation. The reduced temperature during winter is related to snow cover. Agricultural lands are covered by snow while the trees in non-agricultural areas protrude through the snow, reducing the albedo of the surface. The warming during summer reflects reduced evaporation. Urbanization also reduces the diurnal temperature range (DTR) by about 0.4 K. |
[8] | . One of the main options for greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation identified by the IPCC is the sequestration of carbon in soils. Since the breaking of agricultural land in most regions, the carbon stocks have been depleted to such an extent, that they now represent a potential sink for CO 2 removal from the atmosphere. Improved management will however, be required to increase the inputs of organic matter in the top soil and/or decrease decomposition rates. In this paper we use data from selected regions to explore the global potential for carbon sequestration in arable soils. While realising that C sequestration is not limited to the selected regions, we have, however, focussed our review on two regions: (i) Canadian Prairies and (ii) The Tropics. In temperate regions, management changes for an increase in C involve increase in cropping frequency (reducing bare fallow), increasing use of forages in crop rotations, reducing tillage intensity and frequency, better crop residue management, and adopting agroforestry. In the tropics, agroforestry remains the primary method by which sequestration rates may be significantly increased. Increases in soil C may be achieved through improved fertility of cropland/pasture; on extensive systems with shifting cultivation cropped fallows and cover crops may be beneficial, and adopting agro forestry or foresting marginal cropland is also an alternative. In addition, in the tropics it is imperative to reduce the clearing of forests for conversion to cropland. Some regional analyses of soil C sequestration and sequestration potential have been performed, mainly for temperate industrialized North America where the majority of research pertaining to C sequestration has been carried out. More research is needed, especially for the Tropics, to more accurately capture the impact of region-specific interactions between climate, soil, and management of resources on C sequestration, which are lost in global level assessments. By itself, C sequestration in agricultural soils can make only modest contributions (3鈥6% of fossil fuel contributions) to mitigation of overall greenhouse gas emissions. However, effective mitigation policies will not be based on any single agic bullet solutions, but rather on many modest reductions which are economically efficient and which confer additional benefits to society. In this context, soil C sequestration is a significant mitigation option. |
[9] | . We set the scene for this special issue by tracing some of the origins and history of the concept of urban-rural relationships. We then look at the more recent evolution of the concept in both the academic and policy literature. |
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[11] | . Rapid growth at the rural–urban fringe has resulted in increased commercial development along arterial roads connecting cities and the countryside. These developments, often termed “commercial strips” or “linear commercial complexes”, are characterized by a mix of many different types of businesses that often lack any separation from the road, spatial definition, or natural features such as trees. The result is too often an open, barren, confusing setting with little aesthetic appeal. Could a change in the design of the commercial setting or the addition of natural features improve the visual quality of the roadway at the rural–urban fringe? This study examines the extent to which local citizens prefer various development patterns for a roadway corridor at the fringe of a medium-sized community. Participants responded to a photo-questionnaire that included images of alternative design treatments for the roadside and written items dealing with visual quality. The results revealed moderate preference for the existing condition that showed a typical Midwestern US agricultural setting. The addition of various types of commercial development to the settings caused preference ratings to plummet. However, the addition of trees to the commercial development scenes increased preference ratings substantially. In fact, this low cost alteration in the design not only caused preference ratings to rebound, but actually exceed the ratings for the existing condition. Ratings were higher still for scenes in which trees were added to the existing condition. The findings suggest that nature plays an important role in the aesthetics of developed settings at the rural–urban fringe, and that trees in particular can be used to improve visual quality. This study has implications for the design of roadways and commercial developments at the fringe. |
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[13] | . Increasingly rural areas find themselves in an ambivalent urban context, tending both to build and to preserve the rural landscape. The question is how rural areas could overcome this ambivalence by establishing better relationships between urban and rural areas. In this paper, we aim to reflect on the role of rural–urban relationships. First, we will discuss the divergent perceptions on urban pressure in rural areas. Second, we will analyse the (f)actors for RGS development to enhance the rural landscape. Finally, we will elaborate a territorial approach based on different rural–urban relationships and establish an integrated supply of rural goods and services. The empirical content of this paper has been based on the results of the European project ‘Building new relationships in rural areas under urban pressure’ (RURBAN) conducted in five EU countries. |
[14] | . Peri-urban areas are often characterized by valuable natural environments that provide essential life-support functions and ecosystem services for urban residents. Global environmental change has raised concerns over how urbanization and land use and land cover change affect ecosystem services. This study applied systems ecology theory and ecological energetic analysis to value the worth of natural environment and ecosystem services to a socioeconomic system. We begin with a general discussion of peri-urban areas and their ecosystem services. An emergy approach is applied to establish a framework for evaluating the ecosystem services by identifying systemic roles of each system components. The two-part framework includes: (1) an emergy evaluation of energetic flows of ecosystem services; and (2) an impact matrix to analyze systemic roles of services in the analyzed system. On the basis of the proposed valuation framework and land cover types in the greater Taipei area, this study analyzed ten ecosystems to determine how they interact, via energy flows, to contribute services to human society. By converting all stocks and flows into common emergy units, an impact matrix is constructed to analyze the systemic role of ecosystem components by classifying their status of being active, reactive, critical or indifferent. The analytical results indicate that the soil component of forest ecosystems, upstream rivers and agricultural productivity play critical role of ecosystem services in the study region. The effect of land cover change during 1971 2006 in the study region on ecosystem services is also analyzed. Finally, the implications of biophysical valuation of ecosystem service for spatial planning as related to adapting to global environmental change are discussed. |
[15] | . 根据山区景观所具有的3层次功能和指标体系选取的原则,从美学、社会、生态3个方面,初步构建了4个层次的评价指标体系。在此基础上建立综合评判模型,应用于北京市怀柔区9个乡镇,得到如下结果:景观功能评价综合指数处在"较好"标准的有宝山镇和怀北镇;在"一般"标准的有喇叭沟门乡、雁栖镇、九渡河镇、长哨营乡;处在"较差"标准的有渤海镇、玻璃庙镇、汤河口镇。评价结果基本与实际相符,说明建立的评价指标体系与模型是可行的。 . 根据山区景观所具有的3层次功能和指标体系选取的原则,从美学、社会、生态3个方面,初步构建了4个层次的评价指标体系。在此基础上建立综合评判模型,应用于北京市怀柔区9个乡镇,得到如下结果:景观功能评价综合指数处在"较好"标准的有宝山镇和怀北镇;在"一般"标准的有喇叭沟门乡、雁栖镇、九渡河镇、长哨营乡;处在"较差"标准的有渤海镇、玻璃庙镇、汤河口镇。评价结果基本与实际相符,说明建立的评价指标体系与模型是可行的。 |
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[17] | . 本文对北京市生态涵养区实施生态补偿的必要性进行论证,在调查制约生态涵养区发展现实困境的基础上,分析生态补偿实行现状与存在问题,阐明生态补偿的内涵与原则,对北京市生态涵养区生态补偿机制的实施途径进行深入系统的研究,探讨完善生态补偿机制的政策措施。 . 本文对北京市生态涵养区实施生态补偿的必要性进行论证,在调查制约生态涵养区发展现实困境的基础上,分析生态补偿实行现状与存在问题,阐明生态补偿的内涵与原则,对北京市生态涵养区生态补偿机制的实施途径进行深入系统的研究,探讨完善生态补偿机制的政策措施。 |
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[19] | . 运用能值分析理论与方法对祁连山北坡东段的哈溪林区森林生态系统能值流以及生态服务功能价值进行了估算。结果表明:研究区森林生态系统输入能流高于输出能流,处于能量积累的过程中,低质能量通过能量流动向高质能量转化,生态系统处于较为安全的生长环境中;生态服务功能能值货币价值估算结果为有机质生产、涵养水源、土壤保持、CO2固定、净化空气5项生态系统服务功能总能值为9.35×1021sej,总能值货币价值为7.77×108US$,涵养水源和土壤保持两项功能的能值货币价值明显高于其他服务功能,各项服务功能总价值大小顺序依次为:涵养水源〉土壤保持〉净化空气〉有机质生产〉CO2固定;涵养水源是哈溪林区森林生态系统最重要的生态服务功能,其能值货币价值占总能值货币价值的69.6%,各植被类型中灌木林提供的能值货币价值最大,而单位面积提供的能值货币价值最高的是乔木林。 . 运用能值分析理论与方法对祁连山北坡东段的哈溪林区森林生态系统能值流以及生态服务功能价值进行了估算。结果表明:研究区森林生态系统输入能流高于输出能流,处于能量积累的过程中,低质能量通过能量流动向高质能量转化,生态系统处于较为安全的生长环境中;生态服务功能能值货币价值估算结果为有机质生产、涵养水源、土壤保持、CO2固定、净化空气5项生态系统服务功能总能值为9.35×1021sej,总能值货币价值为7.77×108US$,涵养水源和土壤保持两项功能的能值货币价值明显高于其他服务功能,各项服务功能总价值大小顺序依次为:涵养水源〉土壤保持〉净化空气〉有机质生产〉CO2固定;涵养水源是哈溪林区森林生态系统最重要的生态服务功能,其能值货币价值占总能值货币价值的69.6%,各植被类型中灌木林提供的能值货币价值最大,而单位面积提供的能值货币价值最高的是乔木林。 |
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[22] | . In this paper, Professor Vester introduces the readers of Systems Practice to his biocybernetic approach to systems planning, an approach that he has shown to be fruitful both in concrete applications and in many best-selling didactic publications, including children's books and games. Based on this approach he proposes a “cybernetic senstivity model,” a conceptual framework for ecologically sound systems design based on a biocybernetic redefinition of conventional techniques of systems modeling and simulation. The author explains the basic structure of the model and presents eight pertinent biocybernetic principles of good-systems practice. (Editor). |
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[24] | . A biologically productive area was used in the ecological footprint method to measure the demand and impact of human activities on the natural capital, and further, to judge whether the impact is within the scope of the regional bio-capacity. In this presentation, an indicator “ecological footprint distance (Def)” is proposed. The results indicated that the proposed indicator Def could identify the outward extension of a city’s ecological footprint with the city’s rapid expansion. From 2008 to 2012, the proportion of imported bio-capacity increased approximately from 48% to 64%, which implied that the ecological impact of Beijing had expanded year by year. The Def of Beijing increased from 567 km in 2008 to 677 km in 2012, with an average annual increase of about 25 km. From the perspective of seasonal change, Beijing’s ecological footprint distance in winter and spring was much higher than in summer and fall. The main features of provincial-spatial distribution of Beijing’s Def were as follows: grain and oil and meat and eggs were mainly supplied by Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei and Inner Mongolia; yet vegetable and fruit were mainly supplied by Hainan, Guangdong, Hebei and Shandong. Measures should be taken to decentralize the sources of imported bio-capacity, so as to ensure a sustainable development in Metropolitan cities. |